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April 19, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-19

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Sevty-Thbd Year
*bOr 05)hiofAr ^ n " STUDENT PUubLc.rTIOws M B ., A AuRSOR, MN., PHONE NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in Tbe Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints.

ch Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
PSGC and the Art of Structuring-min Problem
by . Neil Berkson

. ,

UNDAY, APRIL 19, 1964.


The Language Requirement:
A Better Approach

quirement is not only the most useless
listribution requirement, but, for many
?eople, the most painful series of courses
hey are-forced to take at the University..
It is a rare student who plunges into
he experience of learning a language at
he University and say several semesters
ater that he has enjoyed it. Thanks to
eaching methods and the language lab-
>ratory, a language, by the time it fin-
l11y reaches the student, is fairly well
Teaching is generally directed toward
hose who have had previous experience
rith the language, usually two years of it
n high school. Beginning, students are
eft struggling, in ,the wake of a course
vhich deals with : details rather than
eneralities and goes too fast for more
Ian a brief memorization and superfi-
ial application of the rules that are cov-
red. More advanced students have little
eason to work comprehensively.
The laboratory, supposed to supple-
lent cursory study in class, only serves
o further deaden any original interest
hie student may have had. Instead of
apes which maximize the opportunity to
,quaint the student with the sound and
ontent of the spoken language, the pro-
ram consists of slow oral textbook gram-
iar exercises interspersed with tedious,
ronounciation drills. Adding insult to in-r
ury the student is often required to spend
t least two hours a week listening to a
0 minute program being repeated six
Imes at the same unrealistic speed. The
Lb, far from being a help. to the begin-
ing student, actually may retard the
earning process.

culture of the country from which it
T IS TRUE that everyone should have
knowledge of a second language if at
all possible, but the two year proficiency
required here is not the answer to that
need. Practically every high school, re-
quires at least two years of work in a for-
eign language so that students rarely
come to the University with no knowledge
of the differences that exist between two,
languages. Consequently, the language re-
quirement should not be structured to
fulfill that function but to give an actual,
speaking knowledge of a second language.
Needless to say, the elementary courses
in foreign languages at the University do
no such thing. In addition to the reasons
stated above, one factor further inhibits
acquisition of accurate knowledge of a
language: the nationality of teacher and
language seldom match, so that the stu-
dent is often incorrectly instructed in
pronunciation and even occasionally in
However, not only is the language not,
taught; neither is the culture. Literature
in elementary courses with a few excep-
tions is very bad, hopefully not exemplary
of the country from which it comes. In-
struction concerning national customs,
traditions and way of life is confined to
the shape and size of houses and what
the people wear. And again even this rudi-
mentary knowledge is> taught by people
who have sometimes never seen the coun-
try, much less been there long enough to
know it.
BUT THERE IS a happy solution to the
problem. The University could offer as
an alternate to the language requirement
a two year "foreign civilization" require-
ment taught by people native to the
countries involved. Granting that with
the University's present' facilities teach-
ing a speaking knowledge of a foreign
language is impossible, the emphasis could
be placed instead on foreign cultures.
Far more important than the language
itself is the point of view and way of
thinking of the person teaching, for it is
the "professor, not the basic grammar
which gives the flavor of the country. The
course could involve some language, and
far more description of way of life, cus-
toms and traditions than at present. Two
years of instruction would no longer be
wasted. -KAREN KENAH

to create its own problems.
Ths became evident again last week when SGC
passed a motion which, if approved by the Regents, will
allow the campus to elect Council's president and
executive vice-president beginning next spring. Here
is another in the profusion 'of ideas for "bringing the
Council closer to its constituency." It probably has little
significance one way or the other, but why not try it?
SGC REALLY hedged its bet, however, by stipulating-
that only someone with a half-term's experience on
Council could run for the presidency. This move is an
attempt to structure out possible difficulties of all-
campus officer elections.
It is certainly likely that in most cases someone ,with
experience would d~o 4 better job than a neophyte.
Picture, moreover, an actual situation where some
totally unqualified campus "hero" swept into office.
On the other hand, Council's proposal would dras-
tically limit the number of candidates for the job.
Probably never more than three members of SGC would
run for the office at any one time. A more likely prospect
would be an election with only one candidate; his
election would be a farce. At the same time, there's
nothing to guarantee that any of the Council-experienced
candidates would be particularly good.,

Furthermore, it is possible. that a non-Council
member might qualify for the job through other ac-
tivities and experiences. An outsider would probably have
been a distinct improvement over recent presidents.
THE POINT IS that whether or not candidacy is
restricted, problems will remain. They cannot be struc-
tured out of existence. Only one solution makes any
sense: the constituency must be allowed to decide who'
is and who isn't qualified. Voters should not be forced
to limit their choice to a slim number of Council
If a candidate has served on Council, he has that
asset to stress in his campaign. It is up to him to put
it across.
The constituency may make mistakes, but democracy'
has never claimed to be a perfect system.: Rather, it
insists that even mistakes are educational.h,
* * *
THE APPOINTMENT of literary college Associate Dean
Thuma to finish planning and start running th Uni-
vrsity's residential college is a good one. Dean Thuma
has expressed an active interest in the proposed college,
al along the line, and he will certainly be devoted to
its success.,
Plans for the college are far from oomplete. Neither'

the sight nor the date for its opening have been definite-
ly set. Whether the college will open in existing or new
buildings has not been decided.
OTHER, MORE COMPLICATED problems remain.
Exactly what type of faculty is the college looking for,
and will the University be willing to base promotions
for such faculty more on teaching (as opposed to re-
search) than is generally the case? What type of students
is the college seeking, and how will it integrate their
academic and social lives so that the residential scheme
will be in fact the blessing its proponents have promised?
The lack of student involvement-,in the planning
of the residential college so far has been a mistake. This
perspective can only aid Dean Thuma in his job. He
would be wise to bring students into the planning process
bgfore much more time 'has elapsed.
* * *
ELSEWHERE on the page, state Sen. Frank Beadle
takes some swipes at an editorial which appeared
last week concerning the University appropriation.
Beadle is fairly indignint at the editorial's sug-
gestion of foul play in his committee. "Never in my 14
years on the appropriations committee have party politics
been a factor in deciding where the money goes," hew,
says. Come now, senator.

xf "



Sen. Beadle Criticizes
Appropriations Editorial.

-Daily-Frank Wing
The Glee Club Scores Again

PHE STUDENT, subjected to such in-
struction for six hours every week, is
ot educated, but poisoned. It is hard,
oring, unrewarding and necessary. No
ombination could be worse.,
Needless 'to, say, were there good rea-
ens for. subjecting anyone to that kind
f torture, it would be perfectly justifi-
ble. Acquiring knowledge cannot and
hould not be all sweetness and light. But
here is nothing which justifies the exist-
ace of the requirement with the techni-
uies which are now being used.
The two mhost commonly proposed rea-
ms for the requirement are that every-
ae needs to be able to speak a second
nguage or at least know a little about
ne, and that learning a language also
ives the opportunity to learn about the

rHE TALENT that won inter-
national honor for the Michi-
gan Glee Club was proudly dis-
played in its annual spring con-
cert in Hill Aud. last evening.
Among the numbers in the pro-
gram were the three competition
numbers required for the Inter-
national Musical Eisteddfod in
Llangollen, Wales.
The first of these numbers was
"Pueri Hebraeorum," a religious
song in Iatin by Palestrina, which
requires very refined musicianship.
Another was "Dana-Dana," a
Hungarian folksong sung in the
native tongue. "The Celestial
Vision,,Part 2," by Paul Creston is
a difficult contemporary composi-
tion requiring superb intonation
and wide voice range. The Glee
Club easily m'et the problems in-
nate in these numbers.
* * *
AFTER the traditional opening
number "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
the club sang "A Mighty Fortress"
by Luther with such great control
of dynamics that the capacity
audience was held inawe.

The new accompanist, Frank
Kuntz, is an accomplished artist
in accompanying and as a soloist.
His performance of the "Scherzo
in B Minor" by Chopin displayed
great mastery of the keyboard and
fine musical intuition. His great
versatility was shown when he
played an encore of "honkey-
tonk" to the delight of the au-
ey, arranges much of the music
sung by the Glee Club. His ar-
rangement of "She's Like 4
Swallow" with solos by Leonard
Riccinto, tenor, and Norman Bro-
dy, baritone, was among the most
outstanding of the numbers pre-
sented. Brody was also featured
soloist in "Luck Be a Lady," an-
other of Duey's arrangements. The
audience reaction attested to his
fine voice and showmanship.
It was after this number that
the Glee Club diverged from
their customary quick exit and
recessed to a death dirge, "Old

Abram Brown," feet heavy, heads
concert began with A medley ded-,
icated to women, "Women; What
Are They?" a twentieth century
reprise .of a seventeenth century'
song of the same title presented
earlier. Some of the finest sing-
ing of the evening was done in
this medley.
The audience welcomed the
Friars to the stage, anticipating
the entertainment exemplified by
this octet. Although all eight'fel-
lows are new to this group, they
still held up the "Old Friar" tra-
dition. The folk song "Turtle
Dove" with Bob Chapel as solo-
ist and the antics of the group
in "Mr. Bass Man" were enjoyed
by all."
* * *
music and entertainment as once
again the University Glee Club
and Friars displayed their su-
perb versatility and musicianship.;
Steven Jones

MSU AAUP Hits Alleged
Remarks by Niehuss

To the Editor:
AN EDITORIAL, "Power, Poli-
tics and State Appropriations,"
by Mr. Kirshbaum, from your is-
sue of April 11, has been brought
to my attention.
There are so many misstate-
,ments of fact and false conclu-
sions that it possibly' does not
deserve an answer. This particular
bill, the higher education appro-
priations bill, vias not reported out
"in a frantic swarm of actions"
to meet the deadline, nor did the
legislators finally prepare the bill
at 10:30 p.m. All of our general
appropriations bills were voted
from committee before the dinner
hour on the final date, but due
to the large number of amend-
ments to the capital outlay bill, it
took our committee clerk some
time to get the reports ready to
go to the Secretary of the Sen-
ate. The higher education bill was
discussed in our committee at
least two full days, and much
more time was spent on it by in-
dividual members. There was cer-
tainly no frantic or urgent con-
sideration of such an'important
" *, *
THE STATEMENT "as a com-
promise, a rider was attached re-
minding the University not to use
the money for new branch col-
'leges-a rather last-second and
functionless move," indicates the
lack of knowledge on the part of
your writer, typical of so much of
the editorial. This same 'sort of
language was in last year's bill
for -higher education, and is a
justified limitation, so that the
Legislature may know that money
appropriated is used for the pur-
poses intended.
There was, at no time, an in-
clination, on the part of any
member, to slash for the sake of
slashing. There was an honest at-
tempt, on the part of some of us,
to justify what we were buying.
Starting from a base of the cur-
rent year's appropriation, plus
salary adjustments and enrollment
increases, requests for the Uni-
versity were reviewed, and a de-
cision made as to what new pro-
grams we were willing to buy. In
the institutions which were re-
viewed, this did result in figures
less than the governor's recom-
mendations, but in no instance
were they slashes, just honest ef-
forts to buy programs. To me, this
is a realistic approach, the proper
way to appropriate public funds,
and is how it is done in other
it is unfortunate that "power
and politics" were made the major
factors in arriving at committee
decisions. There were honest dif-
ferences of opinion in the philos-
ophy of our approach, and the side
which had the votes won, which is
the way decisions are made in the
NEVER in my 14 years on the'
appropriations committee have
party politics been a factor in de-
ciding where money r goes. Sen.
Garland Lane, a Democrat with
long service on this committee, is
one of its most respected members,
and his counsel is sought for and
recognized. The two other mem-
bers of the minorityparty are new
to the committee, but have never
been denied the right to be heard,
and must sell their case, as well
as any other member of the com-
mittee. An honest difference of
opin'ion is good for institutions
and for the state, and decisions
are made after consideration of all
sides of a question.
Some comment is made at times
that the universities don't give us'

of Michigan, or any other state
agency, than the kind of unfactual
and rabble -rousing editorializing
as that of Mr. Kirshbaum.
--Frank D. Beadle; ,Chairman
Senate Appropriations
Daily Editorial Policy
To the Editor:
I READ with interest Gary Bar-
ber's letter to The Daily April
16 criticizing 'such blatant dis
crimination against the "conser-
vative" viewpoint. Mr. Barber
pointed out quite clearly the "Lib-
eral Establishment" policy of The
Daily and requested an answer to
why this situation exists. The
response was a "tour de force" in
editorial impudence. The explana-
tion quite frankly admitted the
preponderance of liberal coluinn-
ists and excused this practice with
the rejoiner that there is "no one
of equal caliber on the more con-
servative side of the political spec-
trum" to Walter Lippmann, Robert
Hutchins and various others.
The availability of the columns
of David Lawrence and William
Buckley, 'not to mention Russell
Kirk, was passed off with the ex-
planation that these writers were
not as competent as the more
liberal columnists. The preponder-
ance of liberal political cartoonists
was also responded to in similar
ANY UNBIASED observer would
have much difficulty in stating
that Lawrence or Buckley are not
as competent political analysts
as Lippmann, or that political car-
toonists Williams and Batchelov
.are second-rate to Mauldinh
This explanation is sheer ara
rogance. Far better newspapers in
ths country than The Daily, edited
by far more competent journalists
than the students at 420 Maynard,
print the writings of Lawrence
and Buckley, as well as the pol-
tical cartoons of Williams and
Batchelov. Your judgemnts in
these matters ought to be temper
edwitha little humility and by
a little more observation of your
equally arrogant "slogan," "Seven-
ty-Three Years of Editorial Free-
May I recommend:
1) Change the masthead to read
"Editorial Freedom for Liberals
Only," or
2) Practice what you preach by
soliciting some moderate and con-
servatve columnists and cartoon-
ists, and let your readers decide
who are better political analysts.
Truth Will Prevail," provided, of
course, that diverse opinions are
widelydand Indiscriminately cir-
--Dennis Vatsis
Young Americans
for Freedom,
EDITOR'S NOTE: Considering the
number of people who are convine-
ed that their present philosophies
and beliefs are true, and consider-
ing the vast diversity of these
philosophies and beliefs, it is naive
to think that "Where opinions are
free, truth will prevail." It has not
and does not.
diven this fact, it is clearly the
duty of The Daily editorial direc-
tors, senior editors and staff to
present truth as they see it as
best they can. They have no duty
to deliberately present views they
believe to be false or illogical.
,When conflicts arise 'between
memibers of the staff, the seniors
have taken it upon themselves to see
"that all opinions are printed-thus
the signed editorial policy and the
"open forum." This does not mean
that they have assumed a duty to
print all the opinons represented'
in commercial coluins at the ex-

: i.

"Precisely, General - In This Space Age, It's Not
Enough To Be Able To Destroy Only One Planet"

EDITOR'S N4 : The following' lettersre-
inted from .the April 17 Michigan State News. In.
April 7 Daily Niehuss denied making any state-
nt at all about National Merit Scholars. The
ate News, however, did not print the denial and
ote editorials about Niehuss's alleged remarks
ter he had made the denial. It Is therefore not
ar whether the Michigan State University chap-
of the AAUP was aware a denial had been made.
the Editor:
[E DETROIT NEWS for April 5 print-
ed an article in which Marvin Niehuss,
-president of, the University of Mich-
n, is quoted as accusing Michigan
te University of "academic pitchman-
" and of watering down academic
Acting Editorial Staff,
EIL BERKSON ........................Editor
NETH WINTER.. .....Managing Editor
ARD HERSTEIN.....EditorialgDirector
GWIRTZMAN...............Personnel Director.
IAEL'SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
V KENNY...........Assistant Managng Editor
)RAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
SE LIND........Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
Acting Sports Staff
BUJLLARD ....................... Sports Editor
ROWLAND............Associate Sports Editor
Y WINER......Associate Sports Editor
FLES TOWLE ........Contributing Sports Editor
Acting Business Staff
THON R. WHITE ... Business Manager
GAMPEL ......Associate_ Business Manager
GOLDSTEIN......... . . Finance Manager
ARA JOHNSTON...........Personnel Manager
EY PAUKER ...........Advertising Manager
I SCHEMNITZ..............Systems Manager
OR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Sue Crawford,
e Feinberg, Judy Fields, Judy Grohne, Sue

values because it has succeeded in attract-
ing 195 new National Merit Scholars (al-
most as many as Harvard, MIT and Stan-
ford), to bring the total on campus to 227.
The Michigan State University chapter
of the American Association of University
Professors takes this accusation as a slur,
on the integrity of the scholars and teach-
ers responsible at our university for the
maintenance of high academic standards,
and has instructed me to address its re-
sentment in its name.
FOR A RESPONSIBLE official of the
University of Michigan to condemn
Michigan State University because it has
succeeded in bringing to our state many
of the best young students is to confess
pedagogical and social failure.
If Mr. Fritz Crisler, of the University
of Michigan, were to abide by the princi-
ples of recruitment which Mr. Niehuss
demands of Michigan 'State, Mr. Niehuss
would shortly ask for his resignation.
IT IS INDEED a strange kind of teacher
and public official who would decry the
fulfillment of the responsibility of all pub-
lic universities to assist in the growth ,of
the state which supports it by attracting
to the state the fine young minds upon
which the future growth of Michigan de-
While the University of Michigan de-
votes its time and energies to attacking its
sister universities, other state universities
have taken the educational leadership


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