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April 19, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-19

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Albl TT 16 IA&A

- --- ~ar''aA SUNDAh~

NY, APRIL 19, 1964


CS AND LETTERS By Jeffrey Chase
Shakespeare Praised

-eorge B. Harrison, professor
eritus of English, is a man "up
his Shakespeare."
?rof. Harrison has devoted his
itful life to the study of Shake-
are and Elizabethan England.
day many people consider him
foremost living authority in
7rof. Harrison is not an extrav-
nt man, either with words or
ion. His sense of humor is dry.
answers questions quickly and
the point. His busy schedule
mits him little time for idle
Shakespeare was a genius, but
also had luck-great men al-
as have luck," Prof. Harrison
Ten years before Shakespeare
an his career people did not
w how to write plays, and ten
rs after, the great play sub-
ts were already used up."
hakespeare came along when
play technique was sufficient-
ripe and the subject matter
ting for a taker, Prof. Harris-
rof. Harrison, who has edited
complete works of Shake-
are (which University English
dents use as a text), said that
ikespeare received his formal
ication at the local grammar
col where, among other things,
studied the Latin authors. It
rom them that he gained in-
ht into the human character.
What gives his plays their feel-
of immediacy is* his skillful
nipulation of how men work,"
Modern Dress
hakespeare has leen perform-
on and off, in modern dress
ce Barry Jackson presented
amlet" this way in England in
4, Prof. Harrison said. "Be-,
et Grant Aid
Collegiate Press Service
he Ford Foundation this week
ed off an attack on discrim-
tion against students and fac-
7 in United States colleges and
versities by announcing grants
lling, more than $2 million to
"disadvantaged" students.
ord Foundation officials said
grants-most of them going
higher education institutions-
aimed at improving education
ortunities for children of
ro and other disadvantaged

cause Shakespeare's plays deal
with central problems of man, an
interpretation in light of modern
problems is valid and will gain
more than it looses as long as the
director does not 'stunt'."
Prof. Harrison remembers when
he directed a modern-dress per-
formance of "Othello" several
years ago in England, where he
was born. "I learned a lot about
the play from this," he com-
When asked whether there
really was such a person as Wil-
liam Shakespeare, whether his
works really were the efforts of
many literary men of Elizabethan
England, Prof. Harrison replied,
"I am convinced of the existence
of Shakespeare.
"Others insisted that no one
man could have known all that is
found in the writings of Shake-
-peare. But there is sufficient
documentary evidence to prove
that a Shakespeare did live and
write all that is attributed to
him," Prof. Harrison said.
'Man y -enthusiasts speculate
about the existence of a play
called "Love's Labour's Won,"
concerning this Prof. Harrison ex-
plained, "it is known that a book-

seller's list of that time showed
12 plays of Shakespeare, one of
which was 'Love's Labour's Won.'
Whether this play exists- today
under a different name or has
been lost, nobody knows for sure.
I speculate that it is a separate
play and will someday be dis-
Still Active
Although he will be 70 this July,
Prof. Harrison is still active in the
subject he likes most - Shake-
speare. In June his latest book
(co-edited with Prof. Arthur M.
Eastman of the English depart-
ment) will be published. It is a
collection of Shakespearian cri-
ticism from more than three cen-
Tomorrow at 4:10 p.m. Prof.
Harrison will give a. lecture on
"Henry V" in Rackham Aud. The
University Players, will present
"Henry V" Wednesday through
Saturday at 8 p.m. on a semi-
Elizabethan stage in Trueblood
Students Plan
To Visit; Cuba
The National Student Commit-
tee for Travel to Cuba announced
yesterday a student travel group
will visit Cuba this summer.
A month-long tour will be spon-
sored by the Federation of Uni-
versity Students in Havana. The
group plans to leave this country
about July 1.
The Cuban student group orig-
inally is inviting 500 students to
tour their country. Michael Brown
of Ann Arbor, who toured Cuba
last summer with 58 other college
students said "several hundred
applications are already in.
Travel to Cuba has been banned
by the State Department. Com-
mittee lawyers, however, feel the
ban has no legal authorization,
Brown said.

New Posts in
Decreas ing
Job openings for engineering
graduates are - becoming more
scarce, particularly in the space
and defense industries.
Announced and anticipated cut-
backs in government space and
defense contracts are causing a
reduction in the manpower needs
of many engineering firms.
As might be expected, the stu-
dents hardest hit by the decline
in job openings will be those
whose grades are just average, or
below. Top ranking students are
still in demand, even though they
may be able to select from among
only three or four job offers in-
stead of the six or seven they
probably would have received last
No Beer
"An engineering student can't
sit in the fraternity house this
year with a can of beer in his
hand and wait. for a company re-
cruiter to come and get him,"
A. A. Canfield, head campus re-
cruiter for Bendix Corp., said
summing up the job outlook for
engineering students.
Perhaps the most sought after
engineering graduates of all high
ranking students are those who
happen to be Negroes.
"Many companies are writing
us ahead of time saying they des-
perately want to talk to Negro
students. Some companies would
do almost anything to get good
Negro students," Thomas W. Har-
rington Jr., placement officer at
Massachusetts Institute of Tech.
nology, noted.
. More Negroes
Many recruiters for defense
contractors attribute increased
hiring of Negroes for engineering
and other jobs to the 1961 presi-
dential order requiring firms do-
ing business with the government
to pledge non-discriminatory hir-
ing practices.
Many students who do get job:
offers will find that starting
salaries are higher than they were
last year

4:15 p.m. - Evelyn Reynolds,
star of the Chicago Lyric Opera,
and Ellwood Derr of the music
school will give a concert in Rack-
ham Aud. The program contains
music of the Baroque and Ro-
mantic periods.
7 p.m. - The University Jazz
Band, Clarence Byrd Trio, Rich-
ard Lowenthal Quartet and Stuart
Aptekar Quintet will give a "Con-
cert in Jazz" in the Union Ball-
3:30 p.m.-Prof. Joseph T. A.'
Lee of the architecture and de-
sign school wlil talk on "The
Architectural Tradition in East
Asia" in the Architecture Aud.
4 p.m. - Leona Baumgartner,
assistant administrator for hu-
man.tresources and social develop-
ment of the Agency for Interna-
tional Development, will speak on
"Population and Public Policy"
in the Public Health School Aud,
4:10 p.m.-Prof. G. B. Harrison
of the English department will
speak on Shakespeare's "Henry
V" in Rackham Aud. This is part
of the University's observance of
Shakespeare's 400th Anniversary.
5 p.m. and 7 p.m.-The Inter-'
national Students Association will
hold their third annual smorgas-
bord in the Newman Club. The'
meal will feature 40 different
dishes from various native lands.
7:30 p.m. - Voice will present
films on poverty in America:
"Superflous People" and "Harvest
of Shame" in the Multipurpose
Rm. of the UGLI as a part of
"End to Poverty Week."1
8 p.m.-Prof. Stephen Ullman
of the University of Leeds in Eng-
land will speak on "New Bearings
in Semantics" in Aud. D.
8:30 p.m.-Prof. Hans T. David
of the music school will give an!
illustrated lecture on "Master-
pieces of Early Music Printing"
in Rackham Aud.
4 p.m.-Arnold D. Albright, ex-
ecutive vice-president of the Uni-

versity of Kentucky; will speak on
"Southern Politics and Iligher Ed-
ucation" at the political science
colloquium in the East Conference
Rm., Rackham.
7:30 p.m.-F. Thomas Chap-
man, lecturer in the political
science department, will speak on
the "Political Image of Venezuela"
in the Multipurpose Rm. of the
7:30 p.m.-Voice, will present a
program on peace, civil rights and
labor movements and their rela-
tion to the "War on Poverty," in
Rm. 3RS of the Union. Speakers
will be Irving Bluestone, adminis-
trative assistant to Walter Reuth-
er; Richard Flacks of the Peace
Research and Education Project
of Students for a Democratic So-
ciety, and Frank Joyce, national
chairman of the Northern Student
8 p.m.-Rev. Poul Borchsenlus,
a Lutheran minister dubbed "the
shooting priest" for his under-
ground activities during World
War II, will speak on "The Mys-
tery of the Jews: A Minister's
View" at Hillel.
8 p.m.-Prof. Oleg Grabar of
the history of art department and
Roger W. Heyns, vice-president
for academic affairs, will speak
on "Is the Literary College Obso-
lete?" in the West Conference Rm.
of Rackham.
9 a.m.-5 p.m.-The University
Museum of Art in Alumni Memo-
rial Hall will present an exhibi-
tion titled "Italy Through Dutch
Eyes:Dutch 17th Century Land-
scape Artists in Italy." Paintings,
prints and drawings are included
in the exhibit, which will continue
through May 24.
4 p.m.-Prof. F. H. Rigler of the
University of Toronto will speak
on "Phosphorus Fractions and
Turnover Time of Inorganic Phos-
phorus in Different Types of
Lake" in 1400 Chem. Bldg.
4 p.m.-Prof. Leon Mayhew of
the department of sociology will
speak on "Anti-discrimination:
Law as Private Law" in the Social
Work Aud. of the Frieze Bldg.
8 p.m.-Prof. Robert Lampman
of" the University of Wisconsin
will speak on "Projects and Poli-
cies for Reducing Poverty" as the
second speech in the 'Profile on
Labor" series of talks by econo-
mists and businessmen, in the
Union Ballroom.
8 p.m.-The University Players
will present Shakespeare's chron-
icle play, 'Henry V" in Trueblood
Aud. The show, celebrating the
Shakespeare Quadricentennial, will
appear on the . semi-Elizabethan
stage in Trueblood, first installed
f or the 1961 production of
"Henry IV."
8:30 p.m. - The music school
will present a composers forum in
5 and 1 P.M.
331 Thompson
" Everyone Invited
" Food from 12 countries
" Tickets are $2, sold at
the door.

Aud. A. The program will include
works by Thomas Schudel, Eliza-
beth Hendry, Donald Bohlen,
Gregory Kosteck and Russell Peck,
all students in the music school.
8:30 p.m.-The music school's
Horn Ensemble will be heard in
Hill Aud. The program will in-
clude works by Schmitt, Beethov-
en, Schubert, Kohn and David.
4 p.m.-There will be a Frugue
contest on the League Mall as the
first feature of Michigras.
4:15 p.m. - The string instru-
ment students of the music school
will perform in Lane Hall Aud.
The program will include works
by Hindemith, Beethoven and
4:15 p.m.-Prof. William Taylor
of the botany department, cur-
ator of algae in the University
Herbarium, will speak on "Plants
of the Sea Borders" in Rackham
8 p.m.-The University Players
will present Shakespeare's "Henry
V" in Trueblood Aud.
8 p.m.-The Young Republicans
will hold their spring meeting
with city and county representa-
tives as speakers in' order to or-
ganize the club for the summer
in Rm. 38 of the Union.
8 p.m.-Voice will present a folk
concert with the New Strangers,
Danny Kalb and Sam Charters
in Aud. A as a part of "End to
Poverty Week."
8:30 p.m.-"Sonata" by Prof.
Paul Cooper of the music school
will receive its first performance
at a public concert given by Prof.
Oliver Edel, cellist, and Barbara
Holmquist, pianist, both of the


t .;

music school in Rackham And.
Also on the program will be pieces
by Beethoven and Shostakovich.
1:30 p.m.-The students of the
wind instrument ,department of
the music school will be heard in
Hill Aud. The program will in-
dlude works by, Beethoven, Albi-
noni and Ewald.
3:30 p.m.-5% p.m.-The Michi-
gras Parade will proceed along
Main St., S. State St., S. Univer-
sity, Washington and 5th St.
4:10 p.m.-Prof. Helen White of
the University of Wisconsin will
speak on "The Mystical Aspects
of Life and Literature" in Aud. A.
7 p.m.-1 a.m.-The Michigras
Carnival will take place at Yost
Field House.
8 p.m.-The University Players
will perform Shakespeare's "Henry
V" in Trueblood Aud.
8:30 p.m. - Professors Eugene
Bossart and John McCollum of
the music school will perform in
Rackham Aud. The program will
include works by Handel, Stravin-
sky and Schu1ann.'
11, a.m.-5 p.m.=-Michigras will
present a Kiddie Karnival at
Ferry Field.
6:15 p.m. -- An Indian film,
"Tere Ghar Ke Samne," will be
shown in Aud. A.
7 p.m.-1 a.m.--The Michigras
Carnival will be at Yost Field
8 p.m.-The University Players
will.present Shakespeare's "Henry
V" in Trueblood Aud.
9:15 p.m. -- An Indian film;
"Tere Ghar Ke Samne" will be
shown in Aud. A.



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Wednesday, AprI


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Michigan Room-League
'64 Show Will Be Announced

". what a shadow.
play we have here!...
a minute study of
depravity and cor-
ruption almost for
their own sake--
and it grips your
attention every
step of its
decadent way."
-Judith Crist:
.,Her. Trib.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3654 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
yion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day Calendar
School of Music Recital -Evelyn
Reynolds, guest mezzo-soprano, assist-
ed by Robert Courte, viola; Ellwood
Derr, harpsichord; Albert Cohen, violin;
Gustave Rosseels, violin; Robert White,
cello: Rackham Lecture Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Vittorio Di Sica's "Two
Women" with Sophia Loren; plus short,
<'Waiting for Baby" with Robert
Benchley: Architecture Aud., 7 p.m. and
9 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Jan-
ice Plascezny, oboist: Lane Hall Aud.,
8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Seniors: College of L.S. & A. and
Schools of Business Admin., Educ., Mu-
sic, and Undergrad Public Health: Ten-
tative lists of seniors for May gradua-
tion have been posted on the bulletin
board in the first floor lobby. Admin.
Bldg. Any changes therefrom should
be requested of the Recorder at Of-
fice of Registration and Records, win-
dow Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg.
Staff Parking Notice: Lot E-11, the
north court of East Engrg. Bldg. has
been changed from a staff paid per-
mit lot to a 30 minute unloading zone.
Parking space for staff paid permit
Congregational Disciples, E&R, EUB
Student Guild, Sunday Seminar, "The
Early Church," April 19, 7-8 p.m., Guild
House, 802 Monroe.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, April
19, 2 p.m., Huron St.entrance to Rack-
ham Bldg.
* * *
International Student's Association,
Smorgasbord, April 19, 4:30 to 7 p.m.,
Newman Club, 331 Thompson St.

iaR )nT
Kciusive Engagements
Starting -April 30th
Dial 2-6264
- J

vehicles is availablein the adajacent
Church St. parking structure.
*Students: If you need to order a
transcript without grades for the pres-
ent semester, you are urged to call in
person at Room 515 Admin. Bldg. not
later than May 8, 1964.
*-Does not apply to students in
Law and College of Engrg.
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac-
counts due thb University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such accounts
will not be allowed to register in any
subsequent semester or summer session
until payment has been made."
May 22, 1964
To be held at 10 a.m. in the Stadium.
Exercises will conclude about 12 noon.
All graduates as of May 1964 are eli-
gible to participate.
Tickets: Six to each prospective grad-
uate, to be distributed from Mon.,
May 11, to 9 a.m. on Fri., May 22, at
Diploma Office, 555 Admin. Bldg. Chil-
dren not admitted unless accompanied
by adults.
Academic Costume: Cna be retned at
Moe Sport Shop, N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Arbor, and Tice's Men's Shop, 1109 S.
Univ. Ave., Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Grads: At 9:30 a.m. in
area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations.
Spectators: All should be seated by
9:55 a.m., when procession enters field.
Grad Announcements, Invitations,
etc.: Inquire at Office of Student Af-
Diplomas: Will be mailed week of
May 25.
Doctoral degree candidates who qual-
ify for the PhD degree or a similar
degree from the Graduate School and
EXERCISES will be given a hood by the
University. Hoods given during the.
ceremony are all Doctor of Philosophy
hoods. Those receiving a doctor's degree
other than the PhD may exchange the
PhD hood for the appropriate one at
the Office of the Secretary, 2564 Admin.
Bldg. on Mon., May 25, and thereafter.
Notice: All students in the School of
TB Test Dates:
Mon., April 20, Freshmen; also Up-
perclassmen, Room M7730 Medical Sci-
ence Bldg., 4-5:30 p.m.
Tues., April 21, Sophomores, .Iuniors,
Seniors, Room M4418 School if Nurs-
ing, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
TB Test Reading Dates:
Wed., April 22, Freshmen, Upper-

classmen, Room M4108 School of Nurs-
Thurs., April 23, Sophomores, Juniors,
Seniors, also Freshmen, Room M4120
School of Nursing, 4-5:30 p.m.
Events M:1lon y
Basic Firemanship Conference-Civil
Defense and Disaster Training Center,
8:30 a.m.
Planned Parenthood-World Population,
Conference-Registration, Mich. Union,
11 a.m.
Instrumentation Engrg. Program --
Philip E. Sarachik, Professor, Depart-
ment of Electrical Engineering, Colum-
bia Nniversity, "Optimal Control of
Discrete Systems with Input Con-
straints": Room 1504, E. Engrg. Bldg.,
4 p.m.
John Sundwall Memorial Lecture -
Leona Baumgartner, MD., asst. admin-
istrator for human resources and so-
cial development, AID, "Population and
Public Policy": School of Public Health
.Aud.: 4 p.m.
Shakespeare Anniversary-G. B. Har-
rison, Prof. of English, "Henry V":
Rackham Lecture Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Naval Reserve Research Company 9-3
Lecture-James A. Nichols, Assoc. Prof.
of Aeronautical Engineering, OResearch
for Higher Speed: the Hypersonic Wind
Tunnel and Arc Plasma Jet": Aircraft
Propulsion Lab., 7:30 p.m.
Linguistics Club Lecture - Stephen
Ullmann, Prof. of Romance Philology,
University pf Leeds, England, "New
Bearings in Semantics": Aud. A, Angell
Hall, 8 p.m.
School of Music Lecture-Hans Da-
vid, Prof. of Music, "Early Master-
pieces of Music Printing": Rackham
Amphitheatre, 8:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for John Wil-
lian Baum, Environmental Health;
thesis: "Catalase Inactivation by 4.9 to
7.5 Kev Fluorescent X-Rays," Mon., B151
SPH, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. H.

electrode Records from an Insect Thor-
acic Ganglion," Mon., 2111 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, '.
M. Maynard.
Doctoral Examination for Daryl Jay
Bem, Social Psychology; thesis: "An
Experimental Analysis of Beliefs and
Attitudes," oMn., 5615 Haven Hall, at
4 p.m. Co-Chairmen, H. L. Lane and
T. M. Newcomb.
Doctoral Examination for James Rob-
ert Boyle, Speech: thesis: "A Historical
gnd Descriptive Study of Noncommer-
cial Educational Frequency Modulation
Broadcasting in Indiana," Mon., 1016
Frieze Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Chairman,
Edward Stasheff.
Doctoral Examination for Arlene
Katherine Schindler, Education; thes-
is: "A Study of the Attitudes of Fifth
Grade Children toward Group and In-
dividual Work," Mon., 1408 UES, at
10 a.m. Chairman, F. C. Penix.
Dr. Halfdan Gregersen, director of
Scandinavian Seminars, will be on cam-
pus Mon., April 20 to meet with inter-
ested persons, in Room 222, SAB. Please
contact Mrs. Alber, Ext. 2077, for an
Beginning Mon., April 27, the follow-
ing schools will be at the Bureau of
Appointments to interview prospective
candidates for the 1964-1965 school year,
Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Dist. No. 8)
-Elem., Engl., Math, Sc., Ind. Arts,
Spec. Ed.
Lawrence, Mich.
Warren, Mich. (Van Dyke Publ. Schs.)
-Elem. K-S. Art: J.H.-8th gr. block,
Gen. Math, Comm. (inc./shorthand); H
.S.-Gen.. Sci., Vocal, Hist., Physics/
Electr., English.
Flint, Mich. (Temple Beth-El) - He-
brew (Sat. a.m.).
Dearborn, Mich.-Elem. Art, J.H.
Engl./Soc. St., Engl./Vocal, Elemj/HS
Instr. Music, Home Ec.; H.S.-Soc. St
Asst. Coach, EngI., Bus. Ed. (T & S).
Franklin, Ohio-Tentative
(Continued on Page 5)


directed by Bruce Fisher
vocalist-Karen Emens
from the Waterfall Club
from The Falcon Lounge

Sponsored by the
International Students
Association for Charity

Ann Arbor's Jazz Event of the Year!

GHTat 7

Union Ballroom

5Uc Admission



Doctoral Examination for
Craig Rowe, Zoology; thesis:



1 I

Dial 662-8871 for

La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia,.
20, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *


Russian Circle, Coffee, conversation,
3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
"The War Against Poverty," April 19,
7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church. 1917 Wash-

Cihera qutld
Program Information


I ,

Wednesday thru Saturday
8:00 P.M.
On the Semi-Elizabethan Stage
Trueblood Auditorium
Box Office Opens Tomorrow
$1.00, $1.50 (25c additional on Fri. & Sat.)



Dial 5-6290

Shows at
1, 3, 5,
7 and 9:05 P.M.





-Hugh Holland, Michigan Daily
Peter Selers -George C. Scott
R' : Stanley Kubrick's.
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APRIL 19, 7:00 P.M.
BEARDED SNOW by Byron Goto
Gordon Townsend
AND WEISS by Harold Crowley

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