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April 17, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-17

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Zhr 14trht an Daily
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Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in ado reprints.

Mississippi Primary Laws:
Fair to Republicans?

No ...

Yes .0*.

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Controversy To Spark
Weekend Conference

DFMOCRATS in the traditionally one-
party state of Mississippi are scared.
Th~e Republicans ran a candidate for
governor last year for the first time since
the Reconstruction era, and also ran 32
other candidates for state and local of-
In an attempt to kill the GOP before it
really gets off the ground, the entirely
Democratic state senate has passed bills
which would: 1) Require the Mississippi
Republican party to hold a primary elec-
tion the same day as the Democratic pri-
mary, whether or not there is a contest
for the GOP nomination.
The Republicans would have to get 10
per cent of the total vote of both primar-
ies in order to get their winning candi-
date on the ballot.
2) Require Mississippi Republicans to
hold annual county conventions attend-
ed by delegates from at least half the
precincts in each county and a state con-
vention with delegates representing at
least 30 of the state's 82 counties.
GOV. JOHNSON justifies the measures
on the. ground that "the Republican
party in this state is a closed corporation
run by (state chairman) Wirt Yerger. He
decides which candidates will run for
what office."
But so what? Theoretically, there is no
reason why anyone who wants to get his
name on the ballot should not be allowed
to do so.
Practically, it is necessary to set some
sort of limit on the number of candidates
placed on the ballot so the voter can
have at least a vague idea of who the
candidates are and so he will not be con-
fused by a great quantity of names.
PROBABLY THE ONLY just criteria for
drawing a limit is that of support. As
proof of support, a candidate should be
required to have either a petition with a"
certain number of signatures or the en-
dorsement of a party that obtained a
certain percentage of the vote in the pre-
vious election for the same office.
The "certain number" and "certain per-
centage" should be set at levels designed
to keep the number of candidates for
each office down to perhaps 10-this fig-
ure being an outside boundary before con-
fusion on the voter's part would set in.
The question of how a party determines
who it will endorse is an entirely separate
issue. Granted that one man in the pro-
verbial smoke-filled room should not de-
cide who will be the candidate for a ma-
jor party, denying any candidate for any
party the right to a place on the ballot
because he was chosen undemocratically
is not the punitive or corrective action
that should be taken. Such a measure is
a far greater hinderance to democracy
than was the selection procedure. Missis-
sippi should not pass laws that will keep
Republicans off the ballot.
Acting Editorial Director
THEFRIENDS of the Ann Arbor Co-
operative Bookstore have opened up a
great opportunity for the students of
this campus. The Friends are planning to
open a truly cooperative bookstore, a
project long awaited by students.
The store will eventually offer text
books, many non-text books not avail-
able in other Ann Arbor bookstores, stu-
dent supplies and a large student book
exchange. Presently the store is expand-
ing its supply of texts and non-texts.
The co-op will be financed entirely by
student memberships, faculty member-

ships, donations offered by organizations
and any profits made by the store. But
the primary source of income, both before
and after the operation is fully establish-
ed, will come from the students.
a membership now and support the
store in the fall.
The Friends are currently staging a
membership drive in order to get the
needed 1000 student members.

NOT SURPRISINGLY, the latest bit of
flagrant discrimination in this coun-
try comes from the state of Mississippi,
but the victims are a new lot-the Re-
The Mississippi legislature, with not a
Republican in the lot, is guarding against
any split in the ranks; "Mississippi for
the Democrats" is the new motto in the
Magnolia State. And just to make sure
some Republican doesn't sneak in while a
loyal clerk is preventing Negroes from
voting, the legislature has decided to make
it a little harder for Republicans to get
on the ballot.
According to the new Mississippi elec-
tion laws, the Republicans are required
to hold primary elections (as of now they
may nominate by convention) and must
receive at least 10 per cent of the total
(Republican and Democrat) primary vote
in order to even be listed on the ballot as
a party. The primary must be held regard-
less of whether there is any contest for
the nomination and, in some cases, the
Republican party will have to stand the
cost of the election itself. (The state al-
ways stands the Democrat expense.)
WELL, SO WHAT? If the Republicans
can't dig up 10 per cent of the vote,
they probably shouldn't be cluttering up
the ballot anyway, and each state has
the right, according to the federal Con-
stitution, to conduct elections in the way
it sees fit.
No, the dilemma of the Mississippi Re-
publicans fails to arouse alarm; they have
simply suffered a political kick in the
midriff, which any minority party must
expect from the majority in this country
What it does arouse, however, is a sense
of curiosity. For over 100 years, Republi-
cans have been held in lower esteem than
Negroes in Mississippi, and one wouldn't
have been able to find enough of them
to stage a noticeable dinner party. Now
suddenly the all-powerful incumbent
Democrats are passing laws against what
we are supposed to believe is a non-entity.
WHAT GOES ON? It can't be that Mis-
sissippi politicans expect all those
non-voting Negroes to suddenly get the
vote and cast it for the GOP, for when
it comes to voting, Negroes are surpris-
ingly unintelligent about which side their
bread is buttered on.
It can't be that the Northern pressure
for civil rights reforms will result in a
Republican vote in Mississippi, for all the
civil righters seem to be Democrats.
There is only one thing left it could
be-the people of Mississippi themselves
must be casting a covetous eye toward
the Republican ticket. Perhaps these un-
heard-from people-the lowly voters and
taxpayers-have had enough of the Dem-
ocrats' rule-or-ruin policies in Mississip-
pi. Perhaps, after 100 years of provincial
stagnation, they would like at least a
taste of progress.
And if it is, the Republicans needn't
lose heart. A 10 per cent rule, a pay-your-
own-way plan, or a primary-for-all sys-
tem will only prove to be minor annoy-
ances for Republicans on their road to
victory. If, in fact, the GOP is gaining
strength in Mississippi, the Democrats'
delaying tactics will probably not thwart
the ultimate result.
On the other hand, if the GOP is still
dead in the Magnolia State, why are the
big-game hunters in Jackson fencing
with a paper tiger in such earnest?

Smoking Stac.ks
AS IF IT WASN'T BAD enough coping
with blliows of smoke in the UGLI, the
MUG and, occasionally, the classroom,
the non-smoking student apparently is
now losing the battle over the last refuge
for clear air and clean lungs: the Gen-
eral Library. The smokers are invading,
and, what's worse, they're doing it illegal-

'mti ,.cONIT


Eisenhower Conservatism

To the Editor:
QO FAR, little attention has been
called to an event that will take
place this weekend which promises
to be one of the most interesting
and enlightening of the year. I
am referring to the fourth annual
Issues Conference, sponsored by
the University Young Democrats
at Ann Arbor.
This year, we are examining
three of the most critical problems
confronting our state and nation.
Reapportionment will realign po-
litical forces which have an im-
pact throughout the country, a
red-hot issue. very much in the
news today. The Negro Revolt has
long been misunderstood by white
Northern "liberals." Can human
dignity be restored by a federally-
enacted Civil Rights Bill? Negroes
are a considerable portion of the
poor, the uneducated, the struc-
turally unemployed. What is the
best means .to finally and forever
eliminate poverty in America?
Young Democrats are looking
for new answers. Political slogans
and mere lip service are no sub-
stitution for realization of the
facts. Americans have generally
shown an amazing tendency to ig-
nore vital problems, hoping they
will be taken care of by weak
legislation or by the natural func-
tioning, of the system. The Issues
Conference is a way of injecting
controversy and criticism into poli-
tics and our every-day lives. All
who attend can freely participate.
* * *
"Ideas and Ideals" will be US.
Senator Philip A. Hart (D-Mich).
The Conference will take place
tomorrow in the Multipurpose Rm.
of the UGLI.
At 11 a.m. August Schoole, presi-
dent of the Michigan AFL-CIO
and key figure in the drive for
equitable apportionment in the
state, will speak on "Reapportion-
ment and the Law."
At 2 p.m. will be a panel dis-
cussion, "Focuses of the Negro
Revolt." The panel will consist of
Ann Arbor Democratic Council-
woman Eunice Burns; Rev. Albert
Cleauge, chairman of the Detroit
Freedom Now Party; Jackie
Vaughn III, candidate for Detroit
City Council; and chairman of the
Ann Arbor NAACP, Prof. Albert
Wheeler of the medical school.
At 3:30 p.m. will be a debate
"How To Fight Poverty," featuring
former Daily Editor Thomas Hay-
den. Tom is also a former presi-
dent of Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) and is now a politi-
cal science instructor here at the
University. His opponent will be
Richard Durant, leader of the 14
District Republican organization.
The conference promises an in-
teresting and highly-spirited after-
noon, the, excitement of which
should remind many of that gen-
erated by Dave Strack and Co. not
many Saturdays ago.
-7Martin S. Baum, '64
Young Democrats
An Opportunity
To the Editor:
THE DAUGHTER of an Ecua-
dorean friend of mine, an 18-
year-old girl "of good family," as
they say there, would like to come
to the United States for a year
or so to improve her English. She
is interested in living with an
Ann Arbor family and helping out
with the housework and infant-
minding chores in return for her
room and board.
Perhaps one of your readers,
especially one living close to cam-
pus, would be interested in an
arrangement of this type.
* * *
I WOULD like also to bring to
your attention a standing offer of
the members of the Michigan Club
of Ecuador to provide room and

hsjust published in the Sa-
turday Evening Post a long state-
ment of his present beliefs about
the state of the union. They can
fairly be described as Goldwater
minus the howlers about the grad-
uated income tax, social security,
TVA and the like. That is to say,
General Eisenhower's position is
that of the conservative right, not
of the radical far right.
His basic thesis is that there
has been for 30 years under the
New Deal, the3Fair Deal and the
New Frontier "a steady, obvious
drift of our nation toward a cen-
tralization of power in the federal
We have "an overbearing federal
bureaucracy that seems unchecked
in both size and power." The net
result of the "easy money and in-
flationary policies" of this federal
bureaucracy is that "the dollar you
saved and earned 24 years ago is
now worth just' 45 cents."
THIS IS a strange interpreta-
tion of the history of the past 25
years, and one thing we may be
certain of is that General Eisen-
hower will never be hailed as a re-
liable historian. He was the su-
preme commander in Europe dur-
ing the Second World War, he was
the supreme commander of NATO
in the cold war and he was twice
the President of the United States.
Yet, incredible as it is, he has
interpreted what has happened
since 1940 without even mention-
ing the fact that the country has
grown by 50 million people, that
during these 25 years the country
has fought the Second World War.
the Korean War and the cold war.
How is it possible to talk about

the rise in prices which has cut
the purchasing power of the dollar
by rather more than half without
mentioning the wars and the pre-
paration for war? As a matter of
fact, half of the rise in prices oc-
curred during and immediately
after the Second WorldWar:yan-
other 15 per cent of the rise oc-
curred during the Korean War.
From 1953 to 1963, the rise in
prices has been a little over one
per cent a year. The rise was just
about the same under President
Eisenhower as it was under Presi-
dent John Kennedy.
blind to the economic conse-
quences of the wars in which he
has played such a distinguished
part, he exaggerates grossly the
part played by the civilian sector
in the growth of the federal bur-
There has not been, as General
Eisenhower says, an unchecked
growth of the federal bureaucracy.
While state and local government
employment has doubled between
1947 and 1963, non-defense em-
ployment in federal government
was the same percentage (1.9) of
the total civilian labor force in
1963 as it was in 1948. In fact,
federal civilian employment has
not grown so fast as the popula-
There are now approximately 13
United States workers per thous-
and of population. Of these, five
are employed in defense, three by
the post office, one by the Vet-
erans Administration and four by
all the rest of the federal govern-
Nor is it true that there has
been a "consolidation of power and
revenue in the federal govern-
ment." While the share of state

and local government in the na-
tional product has doubled since
1948-from 5 to 10 per cent-fed-
eral revenue as a percentage of
the national product has increased
only slightly-from 12 to 14 per
cent-and has not risendfor five
years. And if we take debt as a
measure of activity from 1947 to
1963, we see that state and local.
debt increased 382 per cent; pri-
vate debt increased 279 per cent;
federal debt increased 26 per cent.
* * *
THUS, General Eisenhower has
not painted a true picture of the
state of the union. It is not pos-
sible to paint a true picture of the
state of the union since 1940 by
ignoring the three wars, by ig-
noring the growth of the popula-
tion by as many people as live in
Great Britain, by ignoring the pre-
ponderance of federal employment
(71 per cent) in the indispensable
functions of defense, the postal
service and veterans' care, by ig-
noring the relatively greater
growth of the state and local ac-
tivity and by professing to believe
that all the troubles and dangers
of our age are due to the handful
of civilian welfare measures.
It is just this refusal to recog-
nize the facts of American life
which accounts for the condition
of the Republican Party today.
General Eisenhower meant to
speak for the moderate, prudent
and, in the correct meaning of
the word, the conservative mass of
our people. But what he says is
so greatly out of touch with the
realities-with what has happen-
ed, with what is happening, with
what the people need to have hap-
pen in the future-that it lacks all
(c),1964, The Washington Post Co.

board for the summer for any Uni-
versity student who can find his
way to Quito. Allan Miller, '65,
spent a very enjoyable summer in
Quito last year.
Those interested can reach me
through the political science de-
partment, University extension
-Prof. Martin C. Needler
Department of
Political Science
Commencement Date
To the Editor:
HAVING just completed the ar-
ticle announcing President
Johnson's acceptance to speak at
our commencement, I am trying to
adjust to the fact that suddenly
graduation is May 22 instead of
May 23. I am, of course, as an-
xious as all other students to have
our President speak for graduation,
but I also place extremely high
value upon my parents' attendence
at an event which will have such
great significance in my life and
theirs. At this point, unfortunately,
their attendence is dubious.
I realize that my problem is of
a personal nature. However, if one
stops to consider the probability
of complications which can arise
for 6000 graduates and their fam-
ilies, ranging from inflexible em-
ployment schedules to the lklihood
of impossibility in revising reserva-
tions both for transportation and
local accommodations, I feel that
this late change of graduation date
merits some reconsideration.
' -Joan M. Seitz, '64Ed
Moral Challenge
To -the Editor:
on the campus, sex and the
single girl, the feminine mystique,
the second sex, etc., is not really
about sex but about the terrifying
responsibility of freedom.
In Conrad'.s "Heart of Darkness"
Kurtz was not able to cope without
social restraints. Martha in "Who's
Afraid of Virginia Wolfe," a new
free woman without personal re-
straints, uses sex, not as an ex-
pression of love, but as a means
of working out her frustrations.
After George has tried to help her
kill all the illusions she's had about
herself, he asks at the end of the
play, "Who's afraid of Virginia
Wolfe?" and Martha answers
weakly, "I am."
Women have the power now to
turn our culture toward one simi-
lar to Huxley's "Brave New World"
or to strengthen the family pat-
tern that we already have or to
determiine some other role for the
female in our society. Some, like
Martha,hare. afraid because they
realize that they must shake off
the image of themselves as sex
creatures, an image they've helped
build by submitting to, and pro-
moting our sex-oriented society,
and that they must take on in-
tellectual and spiritual qualities
that transcend animal instincts.
reaching for the stars, the social,
emotional, spiritual and aesthetic
aspects of man's life have been
crawling in adolescent porno-
graphy, shock literature written
primarily to sell, Polyanna stories
that will not face up to real prob-
lems, isolation and the practical
arts of making money-in a sense
going back to animalism and using
science to help.
Birth control pills and artificial
insemination have divorced sex
and parenthood, once a natural
relationship. According to current
national magazines, sex is now be-
ing divorced from marriage, and
perhaps, this is the natural out-
come of the separation of sex from
parenthood. Sex is now being con-
sidered as separate from love and
a means of working out one's
frustrations, with little mention of
restraint as a human quality. It

is hard to tell what the next step
will be :destruction of the family
as we know it? A better; family
unit based on equal standards and
equal values instead, of the old
double standard? Further isola-
tion of the individual? Complete
animalism based on preoccupation
with food and the satisfaction of
primitive bodily needs?
When we consider the freedom
science has given us to determine
for ourselves things that used to
be determined by the laws of na-
ture, we must be a bit shaken. In
spite of what many are saying,
perhaps the challenge to women
today is, more than ever before, a
moral one.
-Name withheld by request
MUCH OF Western Electric's
Nike production was done at
two government surplus plants,
which under the ordinary mnethod
of doing business with the govern-
ment would have been supplied to
Western Electric without cost.
However, Western Electric, instead
of having the plants supplied free,
rented them from the government.
Western Electric included the

A Pretty Package, Minus the Glimmer

T HE CIVIC THEATRE'S "Romanoff and Juliet" is really a pretty
good show; but certainly not the best they can do.
The staging is excellent and the play is cute, enough to make a
generally enjoyable evening. But the acting isn't up to the demands
of the play. The part of the General needs to be done with real pro-
fessional dexterity in order to hold the play together, and Michael Ross
isn't quite capable.
Aside from specific problems with the acting, the general problems
of the play center around mumbling and flubbing. It is difficult to make
out many of the important lines, and a good many more suffered mis-
takes. It also seemed as though with every goof there was a correspond-
in glapse in accent. This can be disconcerting.
* * * *
JOHN RAE (Juliet's father) had a tendency to overham every
scene. Even granted that he was playing a stereotypic character that
lent to overacting; he was many times offensively too much, even to
the point of cutting out other actors.
The young lovers Kathleen Thompson and John Haber were sort
of nondescript. Miss Thompson was the arch-mumbler of the perform-
ance, while Haber was just adequate. But sweet characters are difficult
to make three-dimensional.
The best performer of the bunch is Jabbour who plays Romeo
(Romanoff's) father. He is enjoyable whenever he is on stage. He also
carries his part with a minimum of problems. Coupled with his wife,
played by Aileen Mengel, they make for the funniest bits of the eve-
ning. The Russians in their family scenes-"family" naturally includes


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