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April 17, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-17

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Partly cloudy with
a chance of showers later

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom



College Research
Has Growing Pains
Research at the nation's colleges and universities is enlarg-
ing at a rapid pace despite the problems that have been en-
countered and the objections raised against it, Victor J. Danilov,
editor of Industrial Research Magazine, 'says in an article,
"Trends in University Research."
Danilov points out that university research dollar volume
has increased 40 times since 1940, that the dependence on federal
funds is increasing and that government-sponsored research
now provides about "a quarter of higher education's total op-
erating budget and more than two-thirds of the research vol-
ume." Further, he said, 40 per cent of the federal academic re-
search money goes to 10 universities and 90 per cent to 100
In a table accompanying the article, figures are given for
the research effort in 121 institutions for which information
was available. The University expects a total of $40 million to
be spent for research this year, an increase from last year of
seven per cent. For the 121 institutions listed the average dollar
volume of research is $11 million with an average increase over
last year of 16.5 per cent.
Research Sources
The University also has 1600 research projects and 2100
people engaged in research compared to averages of 547 pro-
jects and 539 researchers for the 121 institutions. Breaking down
the sources of the University's $40 million research figure, seven
per cent is attributed to University funds, 80 per cent to federal
funds, five per cent to industry contracts, five per cent to
foundation grants, and three per cent to alumni gifts.
The University ranked seventh among recipients of depart-
ment of defense contracts with $11 million from this source. The
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity were far ahead of all other institutions in this respect
with figures of $70 million and $65 million.
The magazine's suryey also gives the breakdown of the dis-
triubtion of research funds. At the University $10 million. goes
to the physical sciences, $10 million to the life sciences, $14
million to engineering, $4.4 million to the social sciences. $1
million to miscellaneous areas and $3.2 million for new instru-
Also noted in the April issue of Industrial Research is a
breakdown of the doctorate producing universities. The Univer-
sity ranked seventh in 1960-61 with 638 degrees compared to
first place Columbia University's 1,129. In 1902-61 totals, Colum-
bia is again first with 12,539 degrees and the University ninth
with 5,566.
Another article in the magazine, "The Campus and Indus-
try," Prof. H. W. Farris of the engineering college, associate
director of the Institute for Science and Technology, discussed
the new relationships developing between university research
and, industry.
Break Tradition

Mao Assures Russians,
Differences Temporary
MOSCOW OP)-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev got a 70th
birthday greeting yesterday from China's Mao Tze-Tung that ex-
pressed a conviction their differences are only temporary.
Calling the United States the leader of the "imperialists" the
Chinese message said: "In the event of a major world crisis, the
two parties, our two countries, and our two peoples will undoubtedly
stand together against our common enemy. Although at present
there are differences between usQ

President Calls Violen
Rights Demonstration
'Useless and Harmful


Regents Set'
Post on IST
For Wilson
Prof. James Wilson of the geol-'
ogy department will permanently
be given the reins of the Institute
of Science and Technology when
the Regents convene their month-
ly meeting at 2 p.m. today in the
Administration Bldg.
Prof. Wilson, who has served as
acting director of IST for almost
three years, heads the list of ap-
pointment recommendations being
submitted by Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns.
Also slated for Regental con-
firmation is Associate Dean Bur-
ton Thuma of the literary college
as head of residential college plan-
Surprise Acceptance
Prof. Wilson's appointment comes
as a surprise to observers who have
seeen him repeatedly turn down
this opportunity in the past.
He was not available for comn-
Dean Thuma, on the other hand,
was termed a "logical choice" by
one official in view of his past
public statements supporting the
residential college even when the
literary college faculty appeared
uncertain of its merits.
Fulfills Recommendation
He will also fulfill a faculty
recommendation that the residen-
tial unit be directed by an asso-
ciate dean of the literary college.
The Regents will also receive a
report from Director of Univer-
sity Relations Michael Radock cit-
ing enthusiastic response to the
University's "Operation Michigan"
Innovated by Radock two years
ago, the program is aimed at ac-
quainting Michigan residents with
the operation of the University.
Last night the Regents held
their annual banquet with Stu-
dent Government Council.

on a number of questions of prin-
ciple concerning Marxism-tenin-
ism and there is a lack of unity,
we are deeply convinced that all
this is only temporary," the
Chinese message declared.
Joint Message
This view did not seem shared
by the central committee of the
Communist party, the Soviet Cab-
inet and the Parliament. Their
joint message hailed Khrushchev
for his leadership in the "irrecon-
cilable struggle against revision-
ism, dogmatism, sectarianism and
neo-Trotskyism"-the crimes of
which he has accused the Chinese.
The Chinese message further ex-
pressed firm belief that the Soviet
Union and China "will in the long
run closely unite in the struggle to
oppose imperialism and reaction
. to safeguard the unity of the
Socialist camp and the interna-
tional Communist movement, to
support the revolutionary move-
ment of the oppressed peoples and
nations of the world to defend
world peace."
Only Wednesday at a Polish re-
ception Khrushchev accused Mao
of pushing a philosophy of active
revolt that would bring war.
Khrushchev said therChinese
people want rice, not war. He de-
clared Peking's policies "have
created serious difficulties for the
world Communist movement and
placed it on the verge of a split."
Named Hero
Khrushchev was also named
hero of the Soviet Union.
The three ruling bodies of Soviet
life listed Russian patriotic devel-
opment first in the list of tasks
ahead of Khrushchev-a priority
little seen here since the war.
Eyes Abolition
For Annapolis
Hyman G. Rickover has suggested
to a House Appropriations subcom-
mittee that if the United States
Naval Academy at Annapolis "can-
not reform itself" Congress might
consider abolishing it.
"I think if you are going to con-
tinue supporting the Naval Acad-
emy," Rickover said last month,
"you should insure that it per-
forms its proper function of edu-
cating naval officers for the Navy
of today and tomorrow, not the
Rickover, the Navy's chief for
nuclear propulsion, said experi-
ence has shown that many acade-
my graduates do not have a firm
understanding of the fundamen-
tals of science and engineering.
"It appears they have memoriz-
ed formulas and have learned to
work standard problems; but nev-
er having comprehended the fun-
damental principles involved, they
take away little of enduring val-
ue," he testified. "The appearance
of education is there, but not the

President Creates Group
To Name Gifted Students
WASHINGTON (1P) - President Lyndon B. Johnson announced
yesterday that he will create a group to name Presidential scholars so
the nation can honor "the brain power of its young people. .."
The President named Milton Eisenhower, president of Johns Hop-
kins University, to head a committee which will choose up to 121
outstanding scholars to receive specjal medallions at a White House
ceremony in May. Also named tot '

"The break from the ivory-tower tradition comes hard,"
Prof. Farris said, but new industrial development programs have
resulted from a recognition that these relationships are- a
"proper concern in today's science-based world of industrial
He added, "Excellent university-industry relationships have
flourished where there has been good communication, with a
mutual understanding of problems and language.
He added, "Much of the communication problem arises from
the unwillingness of university personnel to undertake to solve
problems that are logically within their province.
"They cling to the ivory-tower concept, looking down on
industrial problems as those solely of the production ilne.
"Today, the problems are more complex and carry the ele-
ment of inquiry which should be the very business of research at
a university. A match should be possible under these conditions."

Sa yre Gets
MEDFORD, Mass (P)-Trustees
of Tufts University agreed yester-
day to grant a hearing to Prof.
Woodrow Wilson Sayre, who has
been refused a permanent appoint-
ment to the faculty.
Tufts students have demonstrat-
ed in favor of retention of Prof.
Sayre, who holds the rank of as-
sistant professor of philosophy. He
is a former faculty member of
Pomona College at Claremont,
A statement issued by the Tufts
trustees after their meeting yes-
terday said they voted '"to grant
Sayre the opportunity he had re-
quested to appear before a meeting
of the trustees' educational policy
The statement said a date for
the meeting will be set in the
near future. The educational pol-
icy committee will report to the
full board of trustees.
Prof. Sayre, on the Tufts fac-
ulty since 1957, appealed his dis-
missal notice to the advisory com-
mittee on faculty personnel, as-
serting that both Tufts' rules and
those of the American Association
of University Professors gave him
tenure after six years.
The advisory committee answer-
ed that the Tufts rules adopted
the AAUP's 1940 recommendation
of tenure after six years only as
"a guiding principle" but that
Tufts never adopted the specific
The Tufts Weekly, a student
newspaper, said Prof. Sayre was
told he would be dropped because
he had failed to publish scholarly
research. There was no dissatis-
faction with his work in the class-
room, the newspaper said.
Sayre is a grandson of the late
President Woodrow Wilson, him-
self a college professor at Prince-
ton University.

the committee were musician
Leonard Bernstein and author
Katherine Anne Porter.
"The title will be given to out-
standing scholars graduating from
our secondary schools, public and
private, throughout the nation,"
Johnson told his news conference.
"These awards are to recognize
the most preciousresources of the
United States-the brain power of
its young people, to encourage the
pursuit of intellectual attainments
among all our youth."
Creative Arts
The President said he hopes a
similar system can be created to
honor "the most gifted young
people in the creative arts."
Johnson said two Presidential
scholars-a boy and a girl-will be
named from each state, Puerto
Rico, the District of Columbia and
the American territories. Up to 15
wid be chosen at large.
The President said the commis-
sion selected to name the scholars
"will operate with complete inde-
Selection, Financing
He did not announce the me-
chanics ofnselection, nor did he
say how the program will be fi-
Other members of the selection
committee are: Dr. Albert W.
Dent, president of Dillard Univer-
sity of New Orleans;' the Rev.
Michael P. Walsh, president of
Boston College; Dr. William Hag-
erty, president of Drexel Institute
of Technology in Philadelphia,
and Melvin W. Barnes, superin-
tendent of schools in Portland,.
Romney Boosts
Private Schools
OWOSSO OP) - Michigan re-
quires more private colleges in or-
der to fill its educational needs,
Gov. George W. Romney said yes-
terday in dedicating Owosso Col-
lege's new student activities build-
Romney said only 18 per cent of
the state's college students attend
private institutions. He said he
hoped his blue ribbon state edu-
cation committee would make rec-
ommendations in this field.
The governor spoke to an audi-
ence of 2000 in the new building,
built without resort to state funds.
Owosso College, a co-educational
liberal arts school since 1958, has
about 200 students.


To Organize
Canal Study
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson announced an
agreement yesterday to study the
feasibility of a ney sea-level, At-
lantic-Pacific canal in Colombia.
He said he hopes similar studies'
can be arranged in other coun-
tries but did not specify them.'
Johnson said Secretary of De-
tense Robert S. McNamara is
sending a 10-man team to Colom-
bia today to begin work immed-
iately in cooperation with Colom-
bian authorities on prospects for
a canal th~ere.
Colombia, a neighbor of' Pan-
ama, has been mentioned as a
possible location for a new sea-
level canal whose operation would
be so efficient as to make the
present Panama Canal obsolete.
The construction of a second
canal has been viewed by Wash-
ington officials as a potential
long term solution to the contin-
ued difficulties with Panama over
the present canal..
Johnson did not say when a new
cana) might be built if a site .is
agreed on.
There has been talk that a sea-
level canal might be built with
the help of atomic explosives for
excavation which would cut down
on the cost substantially. How-
ever there is a question as to
whether nuclear explosives could
be used without amending the
nuclear test ban treaty.

By Congress:,:.
Six Negro Leaders
Deplore Stall-In Plan
At N.Y. World's Fair
WASHINGTON () - President
Lyndon B. Johnson told civil rights
demonstrators yesterday t h e y
"really do the civil rights cause
no good" when they use violence,
take the law into their own hands
and threaten peoples' health and
At the same time, Johnson told
his news conference "we are going
to pass the civil rights bill be-
cause it is morally right, and be
cause we feel that" Negroes have
been too long denied their rights. 4 r
The President, thus threw 'h*i
weight behind a warning issued by
Democrat and Republican man-
agers of the bill in the 'Senate
that their efforts are being hamp-
ered by unruly demonstrations that
cause hardship or inconvenience t
Debate Continues
While Johnson spoke, the Sen-
ate's civil rights debate rolled
'through its 32ndday with South-
ern foes continuing to denounce
the bill.
Atty. Gen. Robert '. Kennedy
told the American Society of News-
paper Editors that he agrees that,
violent demonstrations hurt the
civil rights cause. But he sai4
the bill will pass.
At the same editors' mee =i_,
leaders of six major Negro civ
rights oifgifD~ns 'denounced' a
"stall-in" proposed by a Brook
lyn group on freeways leading to
the New York World's Fair.
Denounce Plan
The Negro leaders said such a
revolutionary plan 'would be
neither orderly or non-violent. It
would not only harass the general
public, but would threaten possi-
ble indiscriminate harm to any of
thousands of people in the vicini-
ty of the fair."
The President made his stand by
saying it is important that the civ-
il rights bill be passed at the
earliest possible date and adding.
"I think passage of that biU
will be helpful in this general
situation." He wound up by saying
"we do not think that the viola-
tion of one right or the denial of
one right, should permit the viola-
tion of another right.
Counsel Moderation
"I would counsel moderation to
all groups, and understanding of
their fellow man and trying to
appreciate his position," Johnson
His relatively long reply ended
with a plea that Congress will act
promptly to bring protests', peti-
tions and disturbances "from Ahe
streets and the alleys into .the
courts where they belong." k
"In order tohdo.that,"'he said,
"we need a good civil rights bill,
and the bill now pending in the
Senate Is a good bill."ot
Amendment Vote
In the Senate. Sen. Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga), leader of the sen-
ators fighting the bill, told news-
men it is highly improbable that
any votes will be taken on amend-
ments next week as Senate leaders
of both parties had hoped.
Sen. George A. Smathers (D-
Fla) disclosed meanwhile that he
has called on FBI Director J. Ed-
gar Hoover for a report on wheth-
er any of the Negro integrationist
movements are Communist-dom-=
inated or Communist-infiltrated.
MSU Trustees

Waive Hannah
Retiring Age
igan State University Board of
Trustees yesterday unanimously
adopted a resolution stating, in ef-

, - i

Teacer-Course Evaluation
Scheduled for Next Monday
New and better questionnaires which give literary college students
an opportunity to evaluate their teachers and courses will be dis-
tributed next week.
An experiment last semester indicates these new forms- are a
success, Prof. Louis I. Briggs of the geology department, who chairs
the Committee on College Teaching, reports. The compromise be-
tween the too generalized essay"
type and the too limited objec- 'HE CLO NS
tive type--extremes which have
both been employed in the past.
Clear, meaningful questions will
stimulate clear, meaningful opin- /
ions with only a minimum amount
of time and effort.t
Their distribution next week By GAIL BLUMBERG
comes at an opportune time: It is
late enough in the semester to "Fo orb like the sun; it shines
give honest opinions, yet early orbiery the. sn ithne
enough to take a few, extra mm-
utes to go "above and beyond the Nowhere does it shine with suchj
call of duty." brilliance as in the hands of
The new questionnaires will Shakespeare; be it in the clown,
assist the literary college in im- Saepae ei ntecon
proving its educational methods servant,, rustic, or drunk; in Fal-
and objectives. staff, Bottom, or Sir Toby Belch.
They may be used by conscien- IShakespeare's comic roles were
tious teachers for self-appraisal demanding ones. They were writ-
and possible future improvement. ten for a versatile performer, Will
."The forms are used by some Kemps, and call for an actor'
individual instructors to help im- schooled in mime, song, dance and
prove their teaching," music.
Some departments use the ques- Added now to these formidable
tionnaires to help them evaluate talents must be the ability to lead
their faculties for individual pro- a sophisticated 20th century audi-
motions. ence to the humor in the antic
Teachers in turn may use them fool, to acceptance of a jestor in
to evalutte the progress that their motley cap and bells, bauble in
teaching fellows may or may not hand.
be making. Comic Character
.-In such a role, we find Hiram!

an, Characterizes Foolery of the Bard
- - - - -- - - -

Dean Reports
Dean Stephen S. Attwood of the
engineering college said yesterday
he will retire, probably in June,
1965; he is presently 66 years old.
Conforming to standard proced-
ure, the engineering faculty will
elect members to a committee
which will seek a new dean. This
committee will work with Vice-,
President for Academic Affairs

the most famous clown in all
Shakespeare, Yorick.
Actually, Shakespeare's clowns
fall into categories, he explained.
"There are straight clowns and
comic servants, the kind that give
the wrong messages to the wrong
people and thereby precipitate the
"The easiest category to play is
that in which the roles are based
on eternal truths; Bottom, the
gravediggers from 'Hamlet,' the
Hangman in 'Measure for Meas-
"It is a hard job for an actor
to depict the Shakespearean clown
before today's audiences. His jokes
are topical and limited, relying
heavily on play of words - we
don't relish the sound of wit as
much," Sherman added in an
Clown Character
The problem is in relating to
4-1,- - 4- L~,,,- -4f n nlntcr. T,., sr

the big ones. A response on every
line can't be expected; so pick out
the salient characteristics you are
most comfortable with. In Bot-
tom, to me, it would be his eager-
ness. He jumps cues, in his enthu-
siasm to play all of the roles.
Happy Parts
The comic parts are happy ones;
if an -actor isn't happy in his job,
he can't do them. Often the bro-
duction will be against you with
distracting lights, costumes, and
scenery. Well, just detach yourself.
In desperation you have to say
your lines loud and clear and for-
get subtleties, and if someone
laughs (here he paused to wipe his
glasses), then that's about all the
reward you can want.
"It's a hard job to make an
actor look stupid enough to look
these parts. The thinking process
has to -be slowed down. There is
a pause in a speech-mental per-


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