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April 15, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-15

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Z4r+J.Ld LA

Fulbright Envisions
'Hard Year' for Aid
AID Head Bell Urges Full Grant
For Help to Underdeveloped Areas
WASHINGTON OP)-A short Senate hearing yesterday on a sec-
tion of the administration's foreign aid proposal brought from Sen.
J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) a concession that the program "is in for
another hard year."
Fulbright, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has
the key role in the Senate in pushing the measure through. His
forces had a tough time getting approval of a $3-billion program in
1963 just before year's end. The committee took up in' the morning
<+one part of the new $3.4-billion
administration request-$225 mil-
lion to continue grants for tech-
lnical cooperation and help for un-
derdeveloped nations.

Detail Pickets,
In New York
New York's two largest civil
rights organizations, the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People and the Con-
gress on Racial Equality, called
jointly yesterday for massive dem-
onstrations at City Hall and the
city's Board of Education to pro-
test racial imbalances in the city
school system, the New York Times
Also in New York, the Brooklyn
chapter of CORE was reported to
be considering an intentional wa-
ter-wasting campaign as an ul-
timatum to the city on integra-
tion demands in housing, schools'
employment and police brutality.
CORE supporters will be asked
to leave their faucets open if the
auto stall-in planned by the chap-
ter for opening day at the World's
Fair fails to produce results.
The chapter hopes to have hun-
dreds of cars run out of gasoline
on key roads to the fair, blocking

Whole Field
Only Fulbright and Sen. Frank
J. Lausche (D-Ohio) were present
when the questioning began for
David E. Bell, administrator for
the Agency for International De-
velopment, and his aides. Other
senators began arriving later and
peppered Bell with questions cov-
ering the whole field of past, pres-
and future foreign aid.
Bell urged the senators to ap-
prove the full $225 million for
grants to underdeveloped nations.
He said the money would be used
chiefly in Africa, the Far East and
the Near East and South Asia.
There is a separate and similar
$84-million program for Latin
America under the Alliance for
Progress program.
So far, Bell said, about 600
projects in 52 countries have been
approved underawhat he described
as "a tight program."
Question of Priority
His discussion of a program to
bring about 1500 Africans to Amer-
ica for training and education
during the next year brought a
protest from Sen. Wayne Morse
(D-Ore). He said taxpayers are
financing "aid to education
abroad" when this country badly
needs to expand facilities for
higher education before 1980, when
United States college enrollments
will be more than double the
present total.
Morse, a vigorous foe of the new
program, forced the hearing to a
halt as the Senate met to resume
the civil rights debate.
24-Hours a Day
Bell told the senators he and
his assistants are willing to testify
early in the morning or late at
night on whether to take up the
new aid program as a single pack-
age or in eight separate bills of-
fered by Fulbright.
Morse commented that ;here is
serious opposition in the House
to considering the program in
eight different packages. Referring
to last year's aid hassle that last-
ed until Dec. 30, when the funds
were finally approved, he added
that "We are headed into another

See Trouble
With Britain
In Rhodesia
A collision between Britain and
Southern Rhodesia was in the air
yesterday as a conservative ex-
tremist gained control of the
Southern Rhodesian government,
the New York Times reported.
Ian D. Smith, former minister
of the treasury, was named prime
minister after a right-wing revolt
in the ruling Rhodesian Front par-
ty forced Winston J. Field to re-
sign his office after 16 months
in office.
The Zimbabwe African National
Union, one of the two principle
black nationalist movements in
the country, called on the Africans
in Rhodesia . to prepare for an
"inevitable head-on collision" with
the whites.
Most Reactionary
The Union termed Smith's group
"the most reactionary element"
in the nation.
Smith, in his first public state-.
ment, denied that the governmen-
tal change has anything to do
with the efforts of Southern Rho-
desia's white minority to gain full
independence while it still retains
political control over the coun-
try's large black majority.
But other Rhodesian sources
claimed that Field's ouster by his
party's extremists had come be-
cause Field refused to set a time
limit for negotiating constitution-
ally and legally with Britain for
white independence.
The same authority believed that
the extremists in the Front party
were prepared to seize independ-
ence on their own once a date
had been agreed upon.
Smith indicated that he would
step up pressure for Southern
Rhodesia's rights.
"We are desirous to try to have
a negotiated independence, and we
will continue to strive for that.
But we can visualize circumstances
that might drive us to do some-
thing else," he said at a news
Garfield Todd, deposed as prime
minister in 1957 for being too
liberal, called the revolt against
Field an act of "political assassi-
nation," adding that "the price
this country is being asked to pay
to maintain white government is
higher than we can afford."
Field himself explained the re-
volt by saying that "Serious dis-
agreements have arisen between
my party and myself in relation to
policy, and I have been requested
to retire in order to make way
for someone else."
An hour later the governor of
the country called on Smith to
form a new government. Smith
informed the governor that he,
instead of Field, now "command-
ed a majority" of 65 seats in the
House of Assembly.


The Peace Corps will offer ad-
vance training overseas to some
700 juniors in a number of six-
to-eight week sessions this sum-
In effect, the summer trainees
will be given a head start over
other college students planning to
serve in the Corps.
Major Effort
"The senior year program rep-
resents a major effort on our part


World, News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-The United States is
going to streamline the top-heavy
administration of its military
forces in Viet Nam, American au-
thorities announced last night.
The U.S. Military Advisory As-
sistance Command (MAAG) that
has operated here since 1955 will.
be abolished soon, they said, and
its personnel will be absorbed by
a higher organization established
in 1962, the U.S. Military Assist-
ance Command of Viet Nam (MA-
PARIS - President Charles de
Gaulle met with his -military and
civilian advisers yesterday to out-
line France's space objectives and
program for the next five years.
In 1963 France spent 174 mil-
lion francs ($35 million)., on civil-
ian space projects, and this fig-
ure will go up to 231 million
francs ($46.5 million) in 1964.
S* s
el Carson,56-year-old author of
the controversial book "The Silent
Spring," died yesterday of can-
* * *
JACKSON, Miss.-Byron de la
Beckwith told an all-white jury
trying him for murder yesterday
he did not kill Negro integration
leader Medgar Evers.
The segregationist took the
stand near the climax of his sec-
ond trial; basically, his story was
the same as before.
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson yesterday pro-
claimed May 1 as "Loyalty Day"
and urged all citizens to "join in
a reaffirmation of their loyalty
to the United States."
He also proclaimed Sept. 17 as
"Citizenship Day" and designated
the following week as "Constitu-
tion Week."
DETROIT-A newly formed Ci-
tizens Committee for Fair Appor-
tionment voted unanimously Mon-
day night to oppose congressional
redistricting plans of both Re-
publican Gov. George W. Romney
and Democratic Lt. Gov. T. John
The predominantly Negro orga-
nization agreed to "oppose any
plan of apportionment which de-
creases the possibility of electing
a second Negro congressman from
Wayne (Detroit) County," then
adopted a plan of its own for sub-
mission to both political parties.

to increase the quality of Peace
Corps training programs by en-
couraging juniors to start train-
ing while they are still incollege,"
Peace Corps Director Sargent
Shriver explained in anouncing
the program.
Shriver said this would permit
prospective volunteers to plan for
eventual service abroad, perhaps
even to revise their senior year
program to prepare for work in a
particular skill or area of the
The summer program will in-
clude elements of the regular
training programs, concentrating
on determining aptitude for service
as volunteers. The senior year
trainees will receive transporta-
tion, room, board and pocket
Undergo Training
Next fall, they will return to
college for their senior year. After
graduation, they will undergo an-
other four-to-eight weeks of train-
ing before being selected for duty
Shriver said that by starting
training a year earlier the Peace
Corps will have a better oppor-
tunity to match overseas assign-
ments to the skills and aptitudes
of the individual volunteers.
Up to six separate training pro-
grams are planned this summer,
depending upon how many college
juniors are interested. Sites of the
training programs haven't been
named yet. The programs will be
designed to train the following:
-Secondary school teachers for
English-speaking Africa.
-Secondary school teachers for
French-speaking Latin America.
-Urban community develop-
ment workers for Spanish-speak-
ing Latin America.
-Rural community development
workers for Spanish-speaking Lat-
in America.
Teachers of English-as-a-for-
eign language.
-Applicants to learn difficult
languages, such as Thai, not or-
dinarily taught in American col-
Machine Sale
Sparks Conflict
LONDON {P, - A new United
States-British dispute developed
yesterday over a report that a
British steel company, was nego-
tiating to sell Cuba heavy cranes
powered by American diesel en-
The American company, which
has supplied a dozen engines in the
past to Britain's Steel. and Co.,
promptly announced that if the
Cuban deal goes through it will
cut of f its engine supplies to the
British firm.

Corps To Offer Training
In Summer Sessions

Soviet Virgin Lands Scheme Falters
By RICHARD F. NEWCOMB ported) was lying in the ports no one to drive it. The factories
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer while rail cars were transporting made new machines instead of
In insisting on the Virgin Lands vegetables. But vegetables were spare parts.
scheme in 1953, Soviet Premier Ni- rotting in the cars onthe outskirts But in Kazakhstan last fall they
kita Khrushchev severely distort- of Moscow, and 25,000 persons stopped the trains and begged
ed farm production throughout the turned out on a holiday to rescue passengers to get out and help
rest of the Soviet Union. what they could, with the harvest. Recruiting par-
Give Them Cake ties went as far as the Crimea,
Againstdthe advice of experts, The old custom of free bread in a thousand miles away, looking
and o a vast area of Siberia restaurants has been abolished, for workers. Pravda said it was
nd Kazakhstan-nearly 100 mil- and it is now a crime to feed necessary to send in 100,000 ma-
lion acres-turned to the plow, bread to animals. People were chine operators. On one state farm,
Khrushchev saw waving grain warned to save cvery possible kilo- only 17 operators could be found
stretching over hundreds of miles gram of potatoes, vegetables and for 77 combines.
of steppes, providing enough to fruit. The rains came, and the grain
feed the Soviet millions and make The Soviet Union then entered rotted. Even grain already cut lay
the USSR a powerful world trader. a new business-exporting gold by on the ground and spoiled.; no
By 1956, production had soared the tons to pay for millions of trucks to move it. It was disaster,
to 23.8 million tons -of grain. Then tons of food. Something is wrong and the weather was only part of
it began to fall. By 1958 it was with the Soviet system of agricul- it.
down to 15 million tons; by 1962 ture. Production is not grow- Waste Fertilizer
it was only 8 million. Then came ing fast enough to keep up with Khrushchev's latest panacea is
a terrible winter and the great the population. fertilizer and pesticides. He pro-
drought of 1963. Last month, Ag- The breakdown is complete, poses to spend $50 billion on this
riculture Minister Ivan Volochen- from the fields all the way back in the next seven years. The peas-
cko admitted what the world had to the factories. The peasants shirk ants still waste what little ferti-
long suspected. Huge areas of the the state farms, because they make lizer they have.
Virgin Lands are turning into a out better working their small pri- The future looks grim. Plowing
dust bowl. vate plots. Khrushchev alternate- last fall for this spring's wheat
Crisis Meeting ly woos them and threatens them, was far behind schedule, and it
"Wind and water erosion is in- promising a better life for more was another bad winter for the
flicting tremendous damage on work, or punishment for less. In young wheat in the ground.
agricunlture," he told 6000 farm the last five years, production has Canada looks forward to feed-
leaders summoned to Moscow for steadily fallen. ing the Communist world for years
the latest crisis meeting. More Machinery Idle to come. Mitchell Sharp, the trade
than 10 million acres are already As the grain rots in the field, minister, says the Communist bloc
affected in Siberia and Kazakh- the machinery to save it stands will be "permanent importers" of
stan and nearly 20 million acres idle. It is either broken or there is grain on a substantial scale.
will have to be "shallow-plowed"
this year, to keep them from
blowing away.
In the last four years Khrush- CAMPUSOPTICIANS !
chev has fired four farm czars I.
in Kazakhstan, but even that could Located at 240 Nickels Arcade
not save the Virgin Lands scheme.
Last month it was officially bur- DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED
But that is only part of the Prescription sunglasses
story. While Khrushchev concen- CATERING TO CAMPUS STYLES
trated on the Virgin Lands, more
than 8 million acres of land in NO 2-9116. 9-5:30
the Ukraine was taken out of a<Saturday9-2
grain. This was land that pro- dy9
duced four times as much grain zz °$
per acre as the Virgin Lands ever
Ridicules Cabbage '' ' .
Now this area cannot even raise
vegetables, or if it does they nev-
er get to market. Last fall at
V o 1 o g r a d (once Stalingrad),
Khrushchev ridiculed local cab-
bages, said they were so small he . ~
could put them in his pocket. Not w# .<
far away, citizens rioted. They
could not buy tomatoes, eggplant
or peppers in Odessa, though bum- 2
per crops were rotting in the Remember thatour
fields otside the ity.s'3
fds outsd te cit y. annual ARZ2BERG sal
In White Russia and the Baltic
states, Khrushchev ordered the wl
farmers to stop growing clover, al- willtake place soon.
falfa and timothy, and get busy j
on corn, peas, beans and sugar Call usand reserve your
beets. An American expert, visit- 1
ing the farmers around Leningrad, VF-piece starter setnow.
reported they had "all gone tos
pieces. Soviet farming was 100°
years behind the United States, he
There was a cigarette shortage .,JoH N B.LE IDY
in Moscow last fall. Tobacco (im-"t


o International Relations Co-ordinator
0 University Affairs Committee
* Committee on Membership?
* Sequincentenial Advisory Committee
o Reading and Discussion
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