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April 14, 1964 - Image 1

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIV, No. 149



- -Associated Press
WLADYSLAW GOMULKA, Communist party chief of Poland,
spoke at a dinner given in the Kremlin in his honour and in
honour of Polish Premier Josef Cyrankiewicz. Both men arrived
in Moscow for what was officially described as a "friendship"
Khrushchev Lshes Chine
At Celebraion for Gomulka
MOSCOW -P)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev said yesterday
the world Communist movement "is now living through definite
He blamed the "splitting activities of the Communist party
of China."
Khrushchev spoke at a dinner given in the Kremlin for Com-
munist Party ;Chief Wladyslaw Gomulka and Premier Josef Cyran-
kiewicz of Poland. They arrived yesterday by plane from Warsaw
for what was officially described as a friendship visit. Welcoming
the Poles at Moscow airport, Khrushchev made a brief speech, but
*made no mention of the Chi-

Report U.S.
InViet Nam
MANILA (P) - Southeast Asia
Treaty Organization ministers met
today in their second closed ses-
sion to assegs the guerrilla war
in South iVet Nam and other Coin-
,munist-threats to the treaty area.
Thailand and The Philippines
were expected to urge that SEATO
take a more active part in de-
terring Communist aggression and
An informed source said Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk vowed
that the United States would re-
main in South Viet'Nam until the
war against the Communist Viet
Cong is won.
'Beautiful Debate'
Rusk engaged in what was de-
scribed as a "beautiful debate"
with Foreign Minister Maurice
Couve de Murville over South Viet
Nam in yesterday's closed session.
Coudve de Murville was quoted
as replying that France, which ad-
vocates neutrality for Viet Nam,
would be happy with a Western
tmilitary victory in South Viet Nam,
but added:
"If you cannot win you will
have to consider a political solu-
Britain Joins In
The source said the two men
presented- their sides on the Viet
Nam war effectively and soberly.
Britain's Lord Alfred Carring-
ton joined in the discussion by
saying neutralization of Viet Nam
would be a wonderful thing but not
feasible with armed aggression go-
ing on, the informant said.
New Zealand Prime Minister
Keith Holyoake said his govern-
ment opposed neutralization.
Neutralize S.E. Asia
After recognizing Red China, the
government of President Charles
de Gaulle of France proposed that

UN Troops Hat Cyprus Battle
NICOSIA - United Nations
troops headed off an all-out bat- mander of the 'force. Thant had minority is endangered by the
tle yesterday between Greek and been under pressure from the Greek majority.
Turkish Cypriots at Kyrenia Pass. British to do so. Commenting on the United
But fury was mounting on both Amid the report of automatic States stand on Cyprus, Inonu
sides and in Turkey, Premier Ismet weapons in Cyprus, Canadian and said:
Inonu said Greek-Turk relations British troops of the UN peace "As far as we \know, the U.S.
were heading "in a dark direc- force moved in and at least ef- is closely interested in this situa-
tion." fected a stalemate as night fell tion and it is normal that the
Greek Cypriots threatened a and shooting eased off. U.S. would not like to take a one-
major attack duriig the day on Future Prospects sided position between two mem-
Turkish Cypriots holding positions In Ankara, Premier Inonu ex- bers of NATO. It is also a justi-
on a hill overlooking a Greek ce- pressed gloom about the future fied action for America to be
ment factory in the shadow of concerned with Turkish - Greek
the Kyrenia Mountains. of prospects of relations between relations."
Meanwhile, Secretary - General Greece and Turkey, both members Thant's memorandum declared
U Thant said yesterday United of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- UN troops shall not take the ini-
Nations troops in Cyprus are un- ganization. tiative in use of armed force,
der orders to use their arms only "We do not know the truth but which is permissible only in self-
in self-defense - and even then the attitude of the Greek govern- defense. The expression "self-de-
must apply "minimum force." ment leaves the impression that fense" includes defense of UN
Peace and Order it encourages and approves the posts, premises and vehicles under
In a memorandum to interested behavior of those in Cyprus who armed attack and support of other
governments, Thant outlined in a act as irresponsible provocators,'- UN personnel under armed attack.
general way the principles undert he said. "In this case, it is natural Action Likely
which the force operates to main- that the situation might take a UN troops cannot take action
tain peace and order in Cyprus. more alarming turn." likely to bring them into conflict
He declined to make public spe- Greek Majority with other- Greek or Turkish Cyp-
cific directives from him to Lt. Turkey has vowed to send more riots except under these circuni-
Gen. Prem Singh Gyani, comr, troops to Cyprus if the Turkish stances:

1U Senate Seeks Orgarnzatio
Of Dis ssion on Restructurin

Suport Seen
LANSING W)) - Gov. George
W. Romney said yesterday "sever-
al" Democratic legislators have
told him they support his plan
for congressional redistricting.
The governor,. told newsmen,
however, he does not know the
full extent of legislative support
for his plan in either party, or
whether there would be enough
votes to pass it, although he is
sure a majority of Republicans
would back it.
One of the purposes of a meet-
ing with Republican legislative
leaders later yesterday, Romney
said, was "to ascertain attitudes
on both congressional and legis-
lative redistricting."
'One Man, One Vote'
The governor, in announcing
his "one man, one vote" plan
last week, set Tuesday as the dead-
line for determining whether there
can be bipartisan support for any
plan, in order that it can be
passed by April 28.
Romney and Republican leg-
islative leaders have said they
want Democrats to give enough
support to a plan to give it the
two-thirdsvote needed for im-
mediate effect.
Romney, and the top leaders
will talk over legislative reap-
portionment against the back-
ground, of the flurry of opinionst
issued Friday by the Michigan
Supreme Court, which added up
to a continued postponement of
a decision.
Five Alternatives
In view of the situation, Rom-
ney said, approximately five al-
ternatives are under' discussion,
among them revival of a house
resolution to hold lawmakers in
office, or to allow the legislature
to redistrict itself by law.
The governor told newsmen to-
day that moving the Aug. 4 pri-
mary back to September "mould
appear to be a necessity," and
added that his personal preference
would be for a September primary
Voice Reve as
New program
Of Speakers
In order to publicize a'summer
project for fighting poverty, Voice
political party and cooperating
campus groups have designated
April20kto 27 as "End to Pov-
erty Week."
According to a Voice publicity
release, the project is designed
to supplement President Lyndon
B. Johnson's "War on Poverty"

nese. Last night; however, Khrush-
chev declared:
"We do not doubt that the line
of the Chinese splitters will be
rejected by the Marxist-Leninist
parties and the world Communist
movement will rally even closer
around the banner of Marxism-
Leninism in the struggle for the
great cause of the working class,
for the victory of Communism."
Even though Gomulka was here,
prospects seemed to be fading for
an international Communist con-
ference on the Red Chinese ques-
tion during celebration of Khrush-
chev's 70th birthday here Friday.
There was a prospect Gomulka
might be leaving before the birth-
day parties.
Rumors circulated in Moscow
early this month that a number
of East European Communist lead-
ers would be coming to Moscow
for Khrushchev's birthday and
that the occasion would be used
for talks on how to deal with the
independent - minded Communist
But after Gomulka arrived, a
Soviet foreign ministry official was
asked about fresh reports that the
Polish delegation would be leaving
"It is not excluded," the official
said. "They have a very short
There has been growing evidence
that a number of Communist lead-
ers outside the Soviet Union are
reluctant about a showdown with
the Chinese.
Western diplomats here feel the
idea of a gathering for Khrush-
chev's birthday may have been
quietly dropped.

Judge Upholds Inategration
Of Jackson, Transportation
JACKSON, Miss. (P)-A federal judge ruled yesterday Jackson
can't arrest Negroes who integrate transportation facilities.
United. States District Judge Sidney Mize=issued a sweeping order
enjoining police from arresting Negroes who defy laws requiring seg-
regation of public buses, rail and air transportation facilities. Mize
had the case in his court since s
1961 when the first wave of "free-
dom riders" poured into Missis-
sippi to test segregation practices.L abF unds
Teshort ruling made no men-
tion of the state's breach of peaceZ Bl
law which was the vehicle used
by police to arrest Negroes who
refused to leave transportation By ROBERT JOHNSTON
terminals. The House Committee on Ap-
Mize said he retained jurisdic- propriations Friday approved a
tion in the case to see that the $2.5 million appropriation for the
order was carried out, construction of the Midwest Water
Attorney Tom Watkins, a spe- Pollution Control Laboratory on
cial counsel for the city in civil North Campus.
rights cases, said he felt the order President Lyndon B. Johnson
would not prevent the city from had not included funds for the
taking action in the event of an- laboratory in his original budget
other surge of freedom riders, requests to Congress in spite of
"This (freedom riders) was an the fact that funds have already
organized thing to stir up trouble. been made available for planning.
It is an entirely different situa- These plans call for construction
tion from normal use of facilities to begin this year.
by Negroes," Watkins said. The water pollution lab is to
The Jackson attorney said Mize be owned and operated by the
had been ordered by the Fifth Public Health Service of the fed-
United States Circuit Court of eral government, but its facilities
Appeals to hand down the decision e g bt t U
on behalf of the Negroes. will be made available to Univer-
The ruling also ordered an end sity faculty and students for re-
to maintenance of separate fa- search and teaching purposes.
cilities for Negroes by Jackson The University has donated the
Municipal A i r p o r t Authority, North Campus site of the lab to
Jackson City Bus Lines, Contin- the government. The laboratory is
ental Trailways and Southern to serve the Midwest area and will
Greyhound Bus Lines and the also be open to the students and
Illinois Central Railroad. faculty of the Big Ten. universities
The judge's order forbids city and the University of Chicago. Ar-
officials from using state laws, rangy gements for this use are being.
city ordinances or established made by the Committee on In-
policies and customs to "arrest, stitutional Cooperation.
harass, intimidate, threaten or After some dispute over the lo-
coerce plaintiffs or members of cation of the Midwest water pol-
their class in connection with fed- lution lab, CIC agreed several
eral-protected rights to use in- years ago to support whatever
trastate and interstate transpor- choice the Public Health Service
tation facilities without discrim- made, and the Ann Arbor site was
inaion... ." then agreed upon.

the West consider the neutraliz-
ing of all southeast Asia, partic.p
ularly Viet Nam.
The proposal has met with con-
siderable opposition in SEATO, the
mutual defense organization es-
tablished 10 years ago to halt the
spread of Communism in South-
east Asia. Besides the U.S., Britain,
France and New Zealand, other
members are Thailand, Australia,
The Philippines and Pakistan.

Romney Eyes Postponingff
Of August Primary in State
By The Associated Press
Since both congressional and legislative apportionment are tied
up in the courts, it is likely that the scheduled Aug. 4 primary will
have to be shoved back to September, Gov. George W. Romney said
at a news conference yesterday.
"It certainly appears necessary to delay the primary unless we
can have some very clear cut guidelines from the United States Su-
preme Court so there will be not ,

delay in carrying out apportion-
ment," Romney said.
The question of how the state
House and Senate boundaries
should be redrawn is currently
in the state supreme court. The
justices have decided they must
have a controlling opinion from
the United States Supreme Court
before deciding which of the ap-
portionment plans under consid-
eration should be adopted.
Congressional apportionment is
currently a subject of legislative
consideration. Three United States
judges ruled last month the re-
districting law passed in 1963 was
unconstitutional and told the law-
makers to pass a new, acceptable
act within weeks or the 19 con-
gressional seats will be filled in
an at-large election this fall.

Day Notes Critical Transition Period

The civil rights movement is
going' through a "critical time,"
according to Noel Day, noted for
his work with civil rights and mass
justice movements. .
"The movement has grown in
three years from infancy to late
adolscence. It is still frail in struc-
ture," he added.
"The qualities with which the
movement started-anger, enthu-
siasm and regard for humanity-
are no longer enough to keep it

He said the movement could be
stopped both externally and in-
ternally. There is a chance that
business and schools will adapt to
the demands of the movement so
quickly that "the bottom will drop
right out of it," achieving not
revolution but only reform.
Overstress Goals
Internally, Days says, the move-
ment could stop because of too
much concentration on -goals and
not enough on the more practical

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