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April 08, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-08

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Sees Such Action
In 'Near Future'
Fraternities, Sororities Announce
Plans for Considering Proposals
Acting Editor
Regent Allan R. Sorenson of Midland set off a virtual
chain reaction last night by declaring that fraternities and
sororities should be completely independent of the University.
He further predicted that the Regents would take this action
"in the near future."
Both Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association
announced plans to examine his proposals.
"Fraternities and sororities are private, social clubs," Sor-
enson told a dinner of affiliate presidents. "The right to dis-
:. xM--##-----criminate must be guaranteed

'U' Fui














Thayer Helps Prevent Budget Cut;
Reverses 'Sure' General Fund Slash


YD's Seek
In early March, the Young
Democrats turned money over to
Charles Thomas, who in turn gave
the money to the Direct Action
Committee in order to bail their
people out of jail for the ruckus
they recently caused outside of1
city hall.
Michael Grondin, YD president,
recently disclosed the incident and
noted that the sum given was
$45, only a portion of. the $600
needed for the complete ball.'
Grondin made it clear that the
money was for purposes of bail,
not for picketing, and also that
it was not a gift from YD, but a
loan. .
"But a crisis could develop in
the near future if ,the loan. isn't
repaid," Grondin said last week.
However, yesterday be express-
ed confidence that the mattert
would be settled without issue.-
Presently, the money is still in
custody of the court.
Not Certain
No further action has beene
taken in Washington concernings
President Lyndon B. Johnson'st
invitation to speak at Commence-
ment, May 23.t
Washington sources confirmedt
ceived and stated only that the.
President has an extremely crowd-s
ed calendar.

to these groups" but "ther(
very clearly can be no forn
or trac eof discrimination or
the basis of race, religion of
national origin" at the Univer-
Need To Change
"The solution? Either the fra-
ternities must drastically change
their nature . . or these private
clubs must be made private ir
The former alternative, Soren-
son said, would be "highly un-
Sorenson has presented this Po-
sition several times before, but it
has received littie attention from
either the Regents or the affiliate
system until last night. The Re-
gents voted 7-1 against him when
he first brought it uo.
"The vote was 5-3 against me
the second time. and I nave rea-
son to believe there has been a
further shift," he revealed after
his speech. He said he would bring
the matter up again before the
end of the semester, but not this
IFC President Lawrence Loss-
ing, '65, had a "negative first
reaction." He said he would remain
noncommittal until IFC had time
to study the. idea. "I intend to
write every national fraternity to
see what the experience has been
on other campuses," he added.
"Paihel has been working to-
ward a greater integration of the
sorority system with the Univer-
sity community," Panhel President
1 Ann Wickins, '65, commented. "We
feel this is the most effective
means for us to destroy the elit-
est concept of the system. Separa-
tion from the University would ap-
pear to be the reversal of our
Mixed Reaction
Miss Wickins emphasized that
this was her own opinion. "I in-
tend to discuss this at the sor-
ority presidents meeting tomorrow
and I'm sure there will be a mix-
ed reaction."
Sorenson called "thel ong, ded-.
icated crusades to eliminate bias
clauses.., misguided, but certan-
ly not wasted." "Even if all the
clauses are eliminated which are
offensive in a state institution
from a civil liberties viewpoint, the
discrimination in fact is by no
means eliminated, considering the
subjective, arbitrary and discrim-
inatory nature of the membership
selection process."
This "fallacious goal," he add-
ed, would deny fraternities and
sororities their constitutional right
to discriminate as private clubs.
Lossing conceded that fraterni-
ties and sororities "probably have'
the right to discriminate in theo-
ry, but I would hate to see Soren-
son's plan used .as an avenue to

Special To The Daily
LANSING - Senate Appropria-
tions committee attempts to make
heavy cuts in the University's
operations budget were thwarted
yesterday by a hard-core group of
committee opposition led by Sen.
Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor).
The University was reported
Monday to be in line for ar$800,000
slash to its $44 million operations
Commenting on these rumors,
Thayer confirmed last night that

Lterar College Changes
NCFD Admissions Policy
Students who apply for NCFD (Not Candidate for a Degree)
admission to the literary college must now have the endorsement
of the graduate department or professional school in which they
eventually plan to study.
NCFD students are those who for graduate admission to the
University require courses in the literary college which can be
completed in a semester or two. The endorsement required by the
"new policy will indicate the pro-
gram which the applicant is to
elect and the grades requisite to
- consideration for grauate amis-

a decisive cut "was pretty well
set" when the committee met ye.s-
terday noon to put the final
touches on Gov. George Romney's
budget bills.
But during the course of the
afternoon, Thayer, aided by Sen.
Frederic Hilbert (R-Wayland)
and Sen. Arthur Dehmel (R-
Unionville), was able to create the
six votes necessary to leave the
governor's budget intact.
It was reported out that way-
with the University' sappropria-
tion at $44 million-to the Senate
last night.

Chairman of the Appropriations
Committee Sen. Frank Beadle (R-
St. Clair), who Sen. Thayer said
opposed the bill until the final
vote, noted, "We couldn't get the
bills out of committee with the
higher education cuts in it."
Swing Vote
He was one of the deciding
last was able to convince, sources
"swing votes" who Thayer at
One of the leaders of the bid
to slash the University budget-
and also to cut Michigan tSate
University's appropriations by
was Sen. Emil Lockwood (R-St.
Louis). He explained that he fav-
ored the cuts because the bigger
schools were getting too many in-
creases at the expense, of smaller
schools and other worthwhile
Sen. Lockwood indicated he
wanted minor adjustments in the
University's and Michigan State's
budget levies '"to use the funds
for the half 'million dollar scholar-
ship bill and the half million dol-
lar loan- base bill that thencom-
mittee added to the governor's re-
They were eventually added in-
to the bill although no slashes
were recorded.%
Minor Adjustments7
Sen. Lockwood reportedthat he
hoped for a cut to the big uni-
versities "to be a token that the
committee wants to promote small-
er schools."
Sen. Stanley Rozycki (D-
Detroit) said, "I was inclined to1
a cut for awhile. I thought some
of the smaller schools like Wayne1
State should have more." He in-
dicated, however. that he was1
satisfied with the committee's final
action on higher education.1
Sen. Lockwood predicted that
the higher education appropria-t
tions will receive greater scrutiny
by the House Ways and Meansl
committee since the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee acceptedl
the governor's r ecommendations(
with no great adjustments.

Upholds Romney Bid
For $44 Million Level
Failure To Slash Comes as 'Shock'
To Observers Who Saw $800,000 Cut
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Swapping a paring knife for a fine-tooth
comb, the Senate Appropriations Committee. yesterday proc-
essed Gov. George Romney's education budget-and left the
University portion intact at $44 million.
The figure was part of a $131.3 million packet for the 10
state-supported colleges and universities sent to the floor for
its expected passage within a few days. It was about $75,000
higher than Romney had recommended.
The appropriations committee, tidying up its financial
affairs by the required midnight deadline, also sent a $30 mil-
lion capital outlay bill to the<Q

Voting System
Motions concerning a new vot-
ing system, off-campus housing,
and all-campus election of Stu-
dent Government Council officers
will be brought before SGC this
Nancy Freitag, 364, and Sherry
Miller, '65, will present a motion
to replace the Hare system of vot-
ing by the limited vote system.
Under the new plan each student
would have one half as many votes
as there are vacancies to be filled,
plus one additional vote.
Council has recently sought to
find a less complicated system of
tabulating votes. At the same time
it has attempted to retain pro-
portional representation-a fea-
ture of the limited vote system.
Council will also consider a mo-
tion on off-campus housing which
will be presented by Barry Blue-
stone, '66, and Scott Crooks, '65.
The motion -sets up criteria to be
used by the University to judge
the suitability of housing not
owned or operated by the Univer-
sity or the sorority or fraternity
The criteria concern discrimin-
atory practices as well as health
and safety regulations.
Executive Vice-President Doug-
las Brook and Miss Miller will alsoj
introduce a motion to amend the
Council plan to allow campus at
large to elect the president and
executive vice-president of SGC.1

vvuvauc.a avavaa ivl i au ur44G YLUlill ?


Voting Age
IPlan Dying
Special To The Daily
Rep. Harry DeMaso (R-Battle
Creek) said yesterday that the
bill to lower the voting age in
Michigan from 21 to 18 appears
to have died in committee.
DeMaso said that the bill, which
would require an amendment to
the state constitution, has "had
no action taken on it in the
House and won't at this late date."
A similar bill passed the Senate,
and is now in the Committee on
Revision and Amendment of the
Constitution-the same committee.
which is considering DeMaso's
Rep. Homer Arnett (R-Kala-
mazoo), chairman of the commit-
tee, which holds the bills, said
that they had not been taken up
by the committee."
He said that he has "given the
bills deep consideration," but he
doesn't know what will happen to
Arnett indicated, however, that
he sees "little or no chance" for
the bills to pass as they read now,
but that they might be reported
out amended so that the proposed
voting age be changed to 19 or 20.

Time and Money
"Prior to this time the college
hadn't defined precisely the cri-
teria for NCFD admission," Hay-
den K. Carruth, assistant dean for
academic counseling of juniork
and seniors, said recently.
Not infrequently a student would
spend time and money taking
courses to fulfill graduate school
entrance requirements only to be
later rejected, and in many cases
to have had no chance for admis-
sion in the first place.
The policy is particularly aimed
at students who have done too
poorly in their undergraduate
majors to be accepted by a grad-
uate school. Often such students
take courses in the college with
hopes of future graduate admis-
sion, which is never granted,
Stanley R. Levy, administrative
assistant in the literary college
Must Be Strong
Another such group is comprised
of individuals with low under-
graduate grades in science and
math who are here taking special
courses to get into medical school
and who also will never make it,
Levy noted. "We must have had
20 of those cases this year," he
Thus, the new requirements will
favor admission of academically
strong applicants.
"It is not a good use of the
student's time if his enrollment
holds no future for him . here,"
Carruth said. "Possibly we have
done some students an injustice
by granting NCFD admission
without adequate guarantee of
graduate school acceptance."
"Prior to the policy change
there had been no assurance of
realistic communication between
NCFD students on campus and
the professional and graduate
schools," Carruth noted.
Requiring the applicant's direct
involvement with his prospective
department will work to the ad-
vantage of all parties concerned.
The student will know as pre-
cisely as possible his chance for
future admission, the graduate,
will have specific information re-

Stennis Calls for Halt
T Senate Rights Debate
WASHINGTON (M-)-Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss) called yesterday
for President Lyndon B. Johnson to withdraw support and Congress
to halt debate on the civil rights bill until threats of renewed street
violence subside.
He called the situation ominous, saying leaders of civil rights
organizations have indicated they will "send lawless mobs back into
the streets" if the 'bill is delayed^ -

floor. It will offer the Univer-
sity the $5.7 million recom-
mended by Romney.
To Complete Buildings
The funds will enable the com-
pletion of the music school .and
engineering college buildings. They
will also allow the construction to
begin on - the Medical Science
building unit II and dental build-
Although there were no cuts.
the bill excluded commitments to
pay for parking facilities. Thayer
said he will try to have these
reinstated in the bill when it is
on the Senate floor.
The announcement by Senate
Appropriations Committee Chair-
man Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair)
that the operations budget for the
University had not been slashed
came as a "great shock" to Lans-
ing observers.
False Alarm
On Tuesday, Sen. Stanley Thay-
er (R-Ann Arbor) had predicted
that the University and Michi-
gan state University were in for
million dollar slasnes in their
pending budgets.
However, MSU wounid up with a
ecommendation for a $39.6 million
appropriation to pay for its oper-
ations starting July 1. The to-
tal was $75,000 higher than Rom-
ney recommended.
In allocating these additions, the
committee continued its policy
begun last year of listing specific
uses for thefunds. The bulk of
the recommendations was for op-
eraiosbut $2.5 million were
recommended for 'the MSU agri-
cultural extension and $3.2 mil-
lion was granted for the agricul-
tural experiment station.
State also received a boost in
the capital outlay recommencla-
tion, as the committee hiked Rom-
ney's proposed $8.3 million con-
struction and remodeling outlay to
above $9.5 million.
WSU Saved
The increase was made to per-
tnit an additional $2 million to.
be alloted for a power plant addi-
Wayne State University, which
sources also expected to suffer
slight cuts from the committee,
was awarded a $20 million recom-
nendabion-the same as Romney's.
A late bid by Sen. Stanley
Rozycki (D-Detroit) to have this
level increased proved unsuccess-
ful, Lansing sources reported.
Outlay Boost
However, Wayne State did re-
ceive a million dollar boost in
its recommended $4 million capi-
tal outlay program. The committee
included $500,000 for land acqui-
sition in an urban renewal area,
and $500,000 to aid land purchase
for the medical campus.
The other operations recom-
mendations include: Ferris State

eksteiln Cites Chinese Upswing
Through an economic plan which emphasizes agricultural de-
velopment at the expense of industrial achievement, Red China has
weathered its great internal economic crisis and may well be on
the road to a new economic high, Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the
economics department said in a lecture yesterday.
"In 1961, after twelve years of success, the economic status of
Communist China dipped to an unprecedented low. Prominent among
the reasons for this decline was the irrationally great amount ofn
emnhasis nlaced on industrializatinn by the Chine earledes" Prnf.

or weakened in any respect.
Stennis spoke after Sen. John
0. Pastore (D-RI), a supported of
the bill, told the Senate the legis-
lation would remove "for whites
only" signs from schools, hos-
pitals and programs subsidized
by all taxpayers.
In another development Sen.
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, the
Senate epublican leader, made
public a series of amendments he
will offer to the fair employment
practices section of the bill.
He said he expects to call up
some next week-after they have
been discussed at a conference of
all Republican senators tomorrow.
They involve about 40 changes
- some technical and eight or
nine major-including curbs on
power: cf the five-man federal
civil rights commission that would
be established by the bill.
tannic a +im a a i

Tufts Drops
Teacher Sayre
By The Associated Press
MEDFORD, Mass.-Prof. Wood-
row Wilson Sayre of Tufts Uni-
versity was notified this week that
his contract will not be renewed
because he has failed to publish
scholarly research, though his
classroom work was reported to
be satisfactory.
A faculty advisory committee,
meanwhile, announced that it had
rejected by a 4-1 vote, Sayre's
claim that he had acquired six-
year tenure.
He claimed that both Tufts'
rales and those of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors gave him tenure afte six

A conference to organize an
avowedly non-political national
student government organization
has been called for April 17-19 at
Washington University in St.
The conference will attempt to
write a constitution for and plan
a later organizational meeting of
the National Student Government
Conference (NSGC), William
Featheringill, student body presi-
dent at Vanderbilt University, co-
chairman of the group, explained.
Twenty-three colleges and uni-
versities from all parts of the
country invited student govern-
ments to send delegatiors to this
conference. Featheringill said that
the response to the letter was good.
Causes Need
Featheringill explained that he
and representatives . of the spon-
soring representatives of the spon-
soring schools concluded that a
national student organization can-
not both "represent the voice of
the American student and work
for the school's mutual benefit."
Featheringill declared that the
United States National Student
Association (USNSA) had become
"too political" to serve student
governments. "Once an organiza-
tion takes stands and passes leg-
islaton, the less it can do in the
area of student government."
USNSA Worries
USNSA officials are looking at
NSGC with concern about the de-
veloping of a potential rival.
NatinnalSiunprvinov 'Bnard

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