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April 04, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-04

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US., Panama Resume Ties,
To Seek Settlement of Basic Differences

States and Panama agreed yester-
day to end their 11-week breach
of diplomatic relations and to dis-
cuss differences which' were cli-
maxed in bloody January rioting.
A 150-word agreement to re-
store relations severed Jan. 17 and
to seek a settlement on longstand-
ing disputes was signed at the
White House amid considerable
President Lyndon B. Johnson
then talked by phone with Pan-
ama's President Roberto Chiari.
A short time later, Johnson
designated Robert B. Anderson,
former secretary of the treasury,
as the special U.S. emissary to
seek an end to differences which
go all the way back to the 1903
treaty which gave the United
States perpetual control of the
Panama Canal zone.
Extensive Revision
Panama is expected to press for
extensive revision of the 19031'

treaty, apparently desiring a
wholly new pact. Any new treaty
or substantive changes in the
present one would require ap-
proval of the Senate.
First congressional reaction to
the agreement was favorable.
Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
often a severe critic of the ad-
ministration's f o r e i g n policies,
said Johnson showed "g r e a t
statesmanship" in bringing about
the agreement.
Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt said
there now is "substantial hope
that the Panama situation ,can
be worked out amicably. But don't
expect it to be worked out next
week." i
Talks with Panamanian officials
indicate that what Panama wants
1) Elimination of the perpetu-
ity clause of the 1903 treaty,
2) Reaffirmation of Panama's
sovereignty over the canal zone,
3) Increased benefits to Pan-

ama from the canal, upping Pan-
ama's -current annual royalties of
$1.9 million to perhaps $5 million.
Equal Pay
4) Equal job opportunities in
the canal operations for U.S. and
Panamanian citizens as well as
the same rate of pay,
5) To make Spanish as well as
English the official language of
the canal zone.
The on-again-off-again efforts
by the OAS to bring the nations
together snagged again and again
on a difference in the meaning of
"discuss" and "negotiate."
The agreement opening the way
for talks was signed by the U.S.
and Panamian ambassadors to the
Organization of American States
who had participated in weeks of
trying to set up a parley.
Discuss Anything
The United States has insisted
it would discuss anything - after
restoration of diplomatic relations
broken by Panama-but wouldn't
agree in advance to negotiate a
new treaty-one of the principal
Panamanian demands.
Just as insistently, Panama
contended the United States
should agree to negotiate a new
I The agreement met the U.S.
requirement for restored relations
but neatly skirted other semanics,
problems that had delayed agree-
ments. It said the special am-
bassadors "will begin immediately


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Views Research Issues
Federal support of basic research in the nation's univer-
sities has elevated American science to a position of world
leadership, the National Academy of Science's public policy
and science committee stated recently.
It also claimed that despite present concerns, this support
program can provide far only traditional freedom of scientific
inquiry but also accountability of public funds.
A report by the committee sets three guiding principles,
which the group believes must never be violated or negotiated:
the responsibility of the government. for the expenditure of
public funds; the independence of the universities and the
freedom of the scientist in conducting his research, reaching
his own conclusions and making them public.
'Enlightened Policies'
The report, prepared under the direction of chairman
Prof. George B. Kistiakowsky of Harvard University, attributes
the success of the federal support program "in no small
measure to enlightened policies of several federal agencies-
specifically to the current emphasis on support by research
project grants and by fixed-price research contracts.
The scientific community has consistently insisted on the
recognition of the principle of scientific freedom, and the
American political community has recognized that this freedom
is consistent with our form of society and responsible govern-
"The record shows a continuous regard for the govern-
ment's responsibility for' the money entrusted to it by the
people. And the overwhelming majority of the scientific com-
munity has throughout the record respected that responsibility,"
the committee report said.
In the Public Interest
The committee seeks policies by which accountable support
can effectively advance scientific inquiry in the public interest.
To achieve this end, it recommends that'
1) Federal agencies not presently using study or advisory
groups of scientists to evaluate research proposals should do so.
2) Membership in these groups should be on a relatively
short-tern rotating basis and drawn from wide circles of the
scientific community.
3) The ordering of proposals by such groups on the basis
of scientific merit "should be seriously considered by the federal
agency staffs and modified only in special circumstances."
Seriously Considered
4) These groups should not be involved in detailed evalua-
tion of proposed budgets, although their judgments on a
project's general reasonableness should be seriously considered.
5) Scientists should consider such advisory service to be as
significant to the advancement of science as time spent in their
own laboratories.
The committee endorses the traditional grant-contract
system of research support, but it also seeks
-The strengthening and -broadening of institutional or
general research grants related to general institutional costs
involved in research but, "now being made on too modest a
scale by the National Institutes of Health and the National
Science Foundation" and
Junior Scientists
-The granting of small sums to junior scientists on the
basis of a very general outline of research interestq and en-
dorsement by their seniors.
A third auxiliary type of support which, the committee
warned, should not be extensively used until principles and
criteria for such awards have been carefully studies by a com-
petent special task force, would be "a distinct and selective
program of support to some weaker institutions on the basis
of demonstrated will to utilize iaew funds to raise the level
of research and graduate education."
The recent trend toward government and university ad-
ministration controls and red tape should be reversed, the
See DISCUSS, Page 2

U.S. To Seek
Trade with
Slays, Poles
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Lyndon B. Johnson informed
Congress yesterday he has decided
to grant most - favored - nation
treatment to imports from Yugo-
slavia and Poland.
"I hereby determine that ex-
tending the benefits of trade
agreement concessions" to Yugo-
slav and Polish products "will be
important to the national inter-
est and will promote the inde-
pendence of these two countries
from domination or control by
international Communism," John-
son wrote.
His decision, made March 26,
was set forth in a memorandum
to Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
who in turn officially notified
The notification cleared the
way for restoring to the two
countries trade concessions which
Congress ordered taken from
them in 1962 by an amendment
to the Trade Expansion. Act.
Under administration prodding,
Congress amended the act last
December to authorize the Presi-
dent to extend most-favored-na-
tion status to Poland and Yugo-
slavia if he finds this important
to the national interest. The an-
nouncement fulfilled that require-
In a statement attached to the
communication Johnson said that
both Yugoslavia and Poland "have
demonstrated that they are pre-
pared to undertake considerable
risks to maintain and increase
their independence."
Trade with the United States
is one of the important ways in
which these countries can resist
Soviet control, Johnson's state-
ment continued, saying that de-
priving them of the opportunity
for competitive trade "would be a
sure way to reverse the trend in
Eastern Europe and to increase
and influence of the Soviets."
Johnson said Yugoslavia has
demonstrated its determination to
maintain its independence from
Soviet bloc domnation.
Although Poland enjoys less in-
dependence, nevertheless, since
1956, it has "attained-a-'arge
measure of autonomy both in in-
ternal affairs and in foreign re-
lations," the statement said.
Johnson Asks
For Increased
NATO Solidity
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson, addressing
the Atlantic Alliance, called on its
15 member countries yesterday to
avoid "egotistical and aggressive'
nationalism" and seek "closer.
Declaring that the Communist
danger which inspired the crea-
tion of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization has receded, John-
son said the "Atlantic agenda"
remains challenging.
Many of Johnson's key state-
ments seemed aimed at the inde-
pendent position of French Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle, whose
coolness toward NATO has been
The Chief Executive quoted a,
Frenchman, Robert Schuman, in
saying that the salvation and wel-
fare of nations "can no longer be
based upon an egotistical and ag-
gressive nationalism but must
rest upon the progressive appli-
cation of human solidarity."
In another indirect reference to
de Gaulle, the President said "we'
find no contradiction between na-

tional self-respect and interde-
pendent mutual reliance."
The President also spoke briefly
of the current status of the Cold,
War, saying, "We must be alive to,
the new spirit of diversity now
abroad in Eastern Europe.
"Our guard is up," he said, "but
our hand is out."

Flint Group Backs Stout'

Prediction on,
Sues T'o Halt Funtdsi
For Religious Unit
Charging a violation of the separation of church and state, a
Dearborn professor has sued to prevent that city's board of education
from supporting a religious center at the Henry Ford Community
Wayne County Circuit Judge Edward S. Piggins yesterday post-
poned hearings on the suit, brought by Prof. Donald A. Calkins of
the community college, until April 17.
,The religious center was created two years ago to serve both the
Dearborn Campus and the community college. The University helped


form a board of director composed'
of some of the leading citizens of
Dearborn, out of which was cre-
ated the religious center.
For two years after that a
member of the University Office
of Religious Affairs spent two
days a week in Dearborn as acting
coordinator of religious affairs.
Recently the center's board of
directors decided the center need-
ed a full-time coordinator. This
required $17,000. The University
,and Henry Ford Community Col-
1Lge agreed to spit the cost.
When the Board of Education
allocated the $8600, Prof. Calkins
brought suit.
'Favors No Faith'
"The lawsuit probably won't
get very far because what was
done favors no religious faith,"
DeWitt C. Baldwin, coordinator of
religious affairs and chairman of
the board of religious counselors
at the University, surmised.
"If, however, the lawsuit should
be ruled in favor of Prof. Calkins,
then we at the University will
probably carry it to a higher
court," Baldwn .said.
"The lawsuit was started for
a reason other than unconstitu-
tionality Some of the. professors
at the community college felt that
money shouldn't have been allo-
cated to the religious center mere-
ly as a matter of 'Jealousy as to
where the money went.
"The suit rests on a misinter-
pretation of the concept of sep-
ara ticn of church'and state. What
separation means is that neither
the federal government nor a
state has the right to select one"
faith as the state faith," Baldwin
He pointed out that the func-
tion of the Office of Religious Af-
fairs is not to promote any speci-
fic religior or the concept of re-
ligion in general. It. is instead a
coordinatingnagency for all the
religions on campus and their ac-
tivities and a counseling agency
for those with religious problems.
It also recommends speakers
on request and sponsors an edu-
cational program to stimulate
thought on religious topics. It does
not hold any religious worship
service, and the utilization of its
services is strictly voluntary.
The religious center in Dear-
born provides the same services,
Baldwin said.

'U' Growt.

Hurl' Charges
In City Race,
A burst of last-minute election
in-fighting has developed in the
First Ward of Ann Arbor.'
The Republican challenger,
Fred Tower, has issued a cam-
paign brochure entitled "Five
Reasons Why You Should Vote
for Fred Tower" in which he at-
tacks Democratic incumbent
Eunice L. Burns.
Mrs. Burns has replied that
Tower's claims. in the brochure
are either "dead issues" or that
they have been grossly misrepre-
Principle areas of disagreement
center around two of Tower's
charges, the first of these is the
matter of urbanTrenewal'"and.'the
second, fair housing.
Mrs. Burns told The Daily that
she believes urban renewal, which
Tower charges she favors despite
the fact that it allegedly leads
to loss of jobs and homes, is
"dead and irrelevant to this elec-
Tower's second charge was that
while Mrs. Burns had voted "No"
on the Fair Housing Ordinance,
he supported it "100 per cent." He
stated that this was "a matter of
City Council record," a matter in
which anyone who wished could
easily find out for himself.
In reply, Mrs. Burns confirmed
that she had voted against the
housing ordinance. "I did not feel
that an ordinance which served
only 75 per cent of Ann Arbor's
housing units was one which the
citizens of Ann Arbor would bene-
fit from. I wanted a stronger hous-
ing bill," she concluded.
Asked for his feelings on the
disturbance which his brochure
had caused, Tower stated that "I
was surprised that there' was so
much agitation. All I did was state
the facts."
Mrs. Burns said she was "both
angry and sad about it. I don't
feel that this kind of misrepresen-
tation has to happen in politics."


the necessary procedures with the
objective of reaching a just and
fair agreement."
It said the ambassadors will
have "sufficient powers to seek
the prompt elimination of the
causes of conflict between the two
countries without limitations or
preconditions of any kind." The
"without, limitations" gives Pan-
ama its chance to talk treaty and
the "without . . . preconditions"
preserves the U.S. position on this
touchy issue.
Morena later told a reporter he
would become the new Panaman-
ian ambassador to the United
States, succeeding Augusta Guil-
lermo Arango.
Group Reveals
Speaker Topics
Programs on "The Effect of the
Machine and Man" and "Poverty"
are the topics the Public Discus-
sion Committee will highlight in
its first attempt to present con-
troversial issues to the student
body next fall.
The committee's function is to
put a "comprehensive, impartial
and objective program of on-cam-
pus public discussion about im-
portant, controversial s o c i a l
issuess" before the students.
The committee's function is
that of a coordinator between ac-
tivities sponsored by student or-
ganizations and the academic de-
partments, especially when related
to the two topics it wishes to em-
phasize for the year.

The two Diag vandals will be
required to pay the University for
the cost of repair and replace-
ment of the 'M," Jack Kauffman,
'64. Joint Judiciary chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
In addition. the two-John Var-
r ano, '65 and Joseph Toussaint,
'66A&D-have bern fined a total
of $50 in normal judiciary mis-
conduct fines. The $50 comprises
$10 for being intoxicated, $15 for
i'Jegai appropiation and $25 for
destruction of private property.
Kauffman said that Joint Judic,
in its decision, was attempting to
make the process of judgment by
one's peers a successful one. "We
tried to point out that being a
member of the Univerihy body is
a privilege and to instill in them
a sense of responsibility for their
conduct as citizens," he said.
Stating that he felt the purpose
of Joint Judic was to rehabilitate
.as +rell as to penalize, Kauffman
said that Judie's decision reflect-
ed its desire to "ride the fence
between a council and a court."
A deadline for payment of re-
pair and replacement costs for
the "M" has not been set. The
miscellaneous $50 will be paid
within the semester, according to
Joint Judic policy.
Dirksen ITo iHit
In Rights .ii
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen (R-Ill) indicated yester-
day he will aim his first efforts
to revise the civil rights bill at
the fair employment practices
The senators told reporters he
has found more Republican and
Dem9cratic support for amending
this section than for changing any
other part.
Dirksen said last .Tuesday he
will' offer about a dozen amend-
ments to improve, not "emascu-
late or water down," the section
aimed at discouraging racial dis-
crimination in employment.
Proponents of the bill continued
their point-by-point argument in
the Senate as leaders sought to
cope with absenteeism.
An unofficial tally showed 37
of the 100 senators out of town,
with a consequent slowdown in
efforts to round up a quorum
of 51.
Quorum calls averaged two a
day last week. The longest delay
was Wednesday evening, when it
took an hour to assemble enough
members to continue the session.
Party Ousts Three
Old-Line Stalinists
MOSCOW () -I- The Soviet
Communist Party, has expelled
three old hard-line Stalinists -
Georgi Malenkov, V. M. Molotov
and Lazar Kaganovich.

Says Board
Of Educatioi
But Labels Daily's
Release of Prediction
'Most Unfortunate'
The Flint Higher Educatik
Committee yesterday asserted th
there is a "unanimous "feelini
among Flint Board of Educa t
members that the Universit3
Flint branch should become
four-year campus.
In doing so, the influenti
Flint citizens' group supported ti
substance of a prediction ma
Thursday by Claude Stout, pre
dent of the Flint Board of Ed
These comments came in a re
olution 'responding to and cri1
cizing The Daily's publicati
Thursday of Stout's prediction.
is most unfortunate that a Ur
versity publication anticipated t)
action of the.Board of Educatior
the committee's resolution st"
'Very Interested'
The committee went on to S
that "while the Flint Board of E
ucation has not taken formal a
tion, it is true that indivi
board members are very interest
in the possibility of having a Ur
versity Center established here
Flint. "
Guy G. Bates, chairman of t
committee, said that "I am s
a checA with the board memb
would show that there is a una
imous feeling that local cooper
tion with the University won
give the citizens of Flint great
enlarged educational opportur
ties for themselves and their ch
dren in the future, providing th
a workable plan of operation e
be evolved and approved by
parties concerned."'
Bates said that' although t
Flint Committee resolution ca
ing for joint approval would
submitted to the University Boa
of Regents at the earliest possl:
date after the Flint Board actic
he has no idea as to the date th
the request for expansion of )
University College will be acV
upon by the Regents.
"Inherent in the recommend
tions of the Higher Eduat
Comrittee is a proposal that ti
joint use of the present faciliti
of Flint Community Junior C
Igee and the University brant
would be used to utilize to deve
op a three-year 1000-student pr
gram without the inestment
funds in additional buildings a
equipment," Bates said.
Say Expansioi
Won't Hurt 't
In Leislature
Appropriations to the tniva
sity are not expected to be se
iously affected by the board's a
ticipated invitation of Universi
expansion in Flint.
Sen. Emil Lockwood {R-
Louis) of the Senate Apropri
tions Committee, said last nigl
"I don't think the actions of t
Flint Board of Education will ha
any effect on our thinking Mo
The higher education appro
riations bill must be introuced
the Senate by Tuesday night. T
Senate then has one week to co
sider it before sending it to t
House Ways and Means Comm

Last year a similar request
the University by officials
Delta College area was discou
aged by Gov. George Romney a3
members ofIthe Legislature. Th
did not favor expansion un
Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizer
Committee on Higher Educati
makes 'its report.
'Already In'
University Executive Vice-Pre
ident Marvin L. Niehuss commer

Anthropologist Discovers
Man's Oldest Fossil Form
WASHINGTON (JP)-A British anthropologist announced yester-
day discovery of a new primitive species of human nearly two million
years old that may be man's oldest known direct ancestor.
Dr. Louis S. B. Leakey and two other scientists who have studied
fossil remains of the species in East Africa have named it "homo
habilis" from the Latin meaning roughly "man having ability." Leakey
said the species was from three

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Foresees Greater Intensity in Negro Protest Action


"Negro protest will continue to grow in intensity and depth,"
Prof. Thomas F. Pettigrew of Harvard University said yesterday.
"Intense relative deprivation is the stuff from which all revolu-
tions are made," he stated, in explaining the reason for Negro
expectations rising since 1944 far more quickly than absolute gains
in civil rights attempts.
He commented that a further goad to Negro atcion was the

Prof. Pettigrew commented that as the rights movement
progresses it will attract a larger proportion of the lower class
Negro community as they see the prestige and economic advantage
that are its results.
"College students are good initiators, but if the protest movement
stays in their hands it fails. It must spread to the lower classes,"
he said.
Moreover, some very basic changes in the structure of American
annat zril hve fnnn,,,. n vas .hln a . eaions ae ossie.a

and a half to four feet tall and
may have been able to speak.
Leakey announced the discovery
at a news conference at National
Geographic Society headquarters.
He said it "may rank some day
as the most important in our
knowledge of human evolution."
He later told a National Press'
Club luncheon that homo habilis
is "unquestionably shattering to
our whole concept of man."
Leakey said "it now seems likely
that the /species of present-day
man, homo sapiens, is more likely
to have evolved in Africa from
homo hatilis than from some of


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