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April 02, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-02

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pb Mir1higant &ig
Seventy-Third Year
ma Me F'm STUDENT PUiUCATOhm BLDG., Aww ARaoR, MTCH., PHogE wo 2-3241
1 Prevail
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al' rep'ints.

"Man, That Guy Is Weird"
W(*r~t coorkles
10 R5
pt ' A W

Call for Pragmatism
Wains Cool Reception

PRIL 2, 1964


Double Standard Demands
Legalized Abortion

IETY'S OBVIOUS double standard
here morals, are concerned sorely
ssitates a more lenient approach to
concept of legalized abortion. The
e society which sees nothing wrong
ten-year-old "femmes fatale" decked
in "pre-teen bras" and heavy eye
ow-and which looks the other way
i these young girls grow up in the
t of movies and advertisements de-
ed to emphasize the sexual aspect of
over all else-still will not condone
e girls' wish to avoid teen-age moth-
of1'when such a fate threatens as the
ltable outcome of such preoccupation
cording to the most recent estimates,
Zillion abortions are performed in this
.try every year, or approximately one
every four births. And because these
of necessity, only estimates, abortion
being illegal except when the moth-
life' is threatened, even this estimate
be low. Add to this the calculation
one woman dies somewhere in the
from an illegal abortion every hour,
becomes obvious that the problem
one that can be dispensed with
y. (Special attention must be paid to
word "illegal"; doctors emphasize
there is minimal danger to the moth-
'hen an abortion is performed in a
ital and before the sixth week of
MH THE LAWS the way they are now,
however, it is an extremely lucky girl
undergoes a necessarily illegal abor-
and lives to tell about it. As authori-
continue to crack down on what "pro-
onal" abortionists remain -- well-
ied physicians who have found abor-
; a profitable sideline-the pregnant
who does not wish to have a baby is.
;elled to seek out some amateur, who
or may not have a smattering of
gledge of what he is doing and who,
ny rate, is rarely prepared to offer
hing remotely approaching sterile
ting conditions. One recent article
scribed a trip to such an amateur
ionist as "like playing Russian Rou-
" which is still putting it rather
le may argue ad infinitum whether
ot abortion of any sort, with or with-
legal sanction, should be decried as
rder." For my' part, I fail to see how
destruction of a human embryo
ugh abortion can be called "murder"

any more than one might consider him-
self as deliberately killing a bird each
time he ate an egg. Those who persist in
the wrongheaded policy of referring to
abortion in such terms, however, would
do well to consider it a form of "mercy
killing." This is especially true in cases
where it is realized the baby would be
born deformed (as in the case of the 1962
thalidomide tragedy); but it would also
be true whenever the mother would other-
wise have neglected the unwanted baby
or killed it outright. More than one such
mother has simply left her baby in a
garbage pail and let starvation take its
TILL, the entire question of whether
murder is involved is irrelevant when
one realizes that in our modern-day soci-
ety abortion is inevitable anyway. As long.
as society continues to emphasize sex in
the way it does, there will be girls in need
of abortions; and as long as there is a
legal barrier between such girls and pro-
fessional care, there will be unnecessary
carnage. If killing an embryo is "murder,"
what higher class of crime is the death
of a young girl at the hands of the ama-
teur abortionist?
The American Law Institute has recom-
mended legislation which would'allow an
abortion to be performed legally and by
a competent surgeon when the doctor con-
siders childbirth to be dangerous for the
mother or when it is possible that the
child might be born with severe defects.
However, such a law should be broad
enough to include such unfortunate cases
as the 14-year-old Chicago girl who was
impregnated by her own uncle, "a drunk-
en bum who ... left the country," accord-
ing to the doctor the girl approached in
hope of gettingan abortion. This doctor
reported that, when he found his hands
tied and could do nothing to help her,
"she went to some quack who charged her
$600 and so mishandled the surgery she
bled to death." He added that the girl had
been "condemned by laws that are stupid
and inhumane," a statement with which
I must concur.
THE FACT remains that as long as our
society continues to condone the dou-
ble standard regarding sexual behavior
to the great extent that it does today, it
will have to accept some responsibility for
taking care of the girls led astray by its
indifference. For those girls who prefer to
go through with having the baby and then
putting it up for adoption, this choice
should always be preferable; and more
power to-those that make such a decision.
But those girls who would rather undergo
an abortion should be given the privilege
to so decide for themselves without having
to fear that they will not survive the oper-
ported several of the SGRU candidates
and actively opposed SURGe, saying at
one time, "Do not vote for the SURGe
FILIP, being in charge of the Newsletter,
was in an excellent position to have
these statements corrected. As a member
of SURGe he must have known that they
are false. He seems, however, to have been
more interested in getting the SURGe
point of view across to the readers of the
Newsletter than in reporting objectively
what happened in the campaign.
Another feature in this month's News-

letter is a profile of each of the recently
elected SGC members. The profiles were
classified as news stories by the News-
letter's editor, Bob Bodkin, and therefore
should have been written without any
In this light, it is interesting to note
that the profile of Filip, written by Jim
MacRitchie, a close personal friend of his,
should contain a statement like "Don Filip
has many qualifications which make him
one of -the most informed members of the
Council." While this statement may or
may not be true, it is obvious editorial
material and has no place in a news story.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a four-part series dealing
with Sen. J. William Fubright's re-
cent foreign policy speech. This ar-
ticle deals with Fuibright's theory of
foreign policy. Succeeding articles
will deal with Fubright's Latin
American policy ideas, his views on
Communist China and Southeast
Asia, and criticism which has been
made of his remarks.)
foreign policy. This is the es-
sence of what Sen. J. William
Fullbright, chairman of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
told his fellow senators and fellow
Americans last week in one of the
most significant speeches to come
out of the Senate in the ,20th
But he received a cold and cri-
tical reception from 90 per cent
of his fellow public servants.
What is it Fulbright suggested
which aroused some of his peers
to call him a heretic?
Basically it is a re-evaluation of
our current slip-shod ways of con-
ducting foreign relations. This is
a gross understatement, for what
Fulbright dares to suggest is than
American policy makers should
disregard "excessive moralism" in
deciding from which plane of op-
erations the United States is to
work in dealing with countries of
dubious political nature. What
Fulbright suggests proves him not
to be completely stymied by the
many complicated problems which
arise in modern-day world events.
BY NOW, most people realize
Fulbright's motif in his long
speech. "There has always-and
inevitably-been some divergence
between the realities of foreign
policy and ourideas about it. This
divergence has in certain respects
been growing rather than narrow-
ing and we are handicapped, ac-
cordingly, by policies based on old
myths rather than current reali-
ties," Fulbright states.
Of course, Fulbright goes on to
say that such a divergence be-
tween myth and reality is dan-
gerous. He suggests two possible
reasons for this state of affairs:
"The first is the radical change
in relations between and within
the Communist and the free
worlds and the second is the ten-
dency of too many of us to con-
fuse means with ends and, ac-
cordingly, to adhere to prevailing
practices with a fervor befitting
immutable principles."
* .* *
objective view of this bipolar
world and states:
"It seems reasonable, therefore,
to suggest that the character of
the cold war has, for the present
at least, been profoundly altered:
by the drawing back of the Soviet
Union from extremely aggressive
policies; by the implicit repudia-
tion by both sides of a policy of
'total victory'; byrthe establish-
ment of an American strategic
superiority which the Soviet Un-
ion appears to have tacitly accept-
ed because it has been accompan-
ied by assurances that it will be

exercised by the United States
with responsibility and restraint."
FULBRIGHT shatters what he
calls our nation's Master Myth-
"that the Communist bloc is a
monolith composed of govern-
ments which are not really gov-
ernments at all but organized con-
spiracies, divided among -them-
selves perhaps in certain matters
of tactics, but all equally resolute
and implacable in their deter-
mination to destroy' the free
Of course Fulbight believes
"that . the Communist world is
indeed hostile to the free world,"
and he takes too much time ex-
plaining to his peers that Poland
and Yugoslavia are not synono-
mous with places like Russia and
"The myth Is that every Cote
munist state is an unmitigated
evil and a relentless enemy of the
free world; the reality is that some
Communist regimes pose a threat
to the free world while others pose
little or none, and that if we will
recognize these distinctions,° we
ourselves will be able to influence
events in the Communist bloc in
a way favorable to the security of
the free world."
FULBRIGHT further suggests
that by recognizing the realities
of the Communist world today, the
United States could in some un-
known manner shape. the "course
of events within a divided Com-
munist world."
He therefore suggests, again
pragmatically, that the United
States take advantage of all the
trade opportunities available with
certain nations of the Communist
bloc. ". . . The potential value of
trade-a moderate volume of trade
in nonstrategic items-is an in-,
'strument for reducing world ten-
sions and strengthening the foun-
dations of peace." Besides,we can
make money while we're at it.
THESE, THEN, are Fulbright'
view of the world today. His theory
for coping with this world has been
considered to be similar to the
foreign policy of French President
Charles de Gaulle, designed to aid
France to the Uppermost eonom-
However, Fulbright isn't so crass.
He by no means suggests any sort
of Gaullist cure-all for U. for-
eign relations.. He is advocating
an earnest policy of offering the
various nations of the world the
respect of the United States.
WHETHER OR NOT our high-
level foreign policy makers cast
off the scales which blind them
from reality cannot fully be fore-
told. However there is hope. Ful-
bright may have supplied the long
awaited impetus needed to mae
realistic changes in U.S. foreign
policy. Political science professors
and buffs have all along thought
what Fulbright brought out into
the open.
However, as Fulbright himself
points out, he is following the
Burkian model of a peoples rep-
resentative. That is, Fulbright re-
fuses to be a messenger boy for his
constituency. Instead he desires
to offer some ideas of his own,
which he, as a well-placed ob-
server, is qualified to do.

Civil Rights in Maryland


IE UNIVERSITY'S telephone switch-
board is truly unique. This may well be
only major institution in the country
ich you can call and find nobody home.
SGC and N(
ber Carl Cohen recently took a swipe
he SGC Newsletter, saying that it can
. be called a successful way to pro-
constituent interest in SGC.
ucii an attack on the Newsletter is
ipletely warranted. The current issue
quite biased and in some instances
tually incorrect.
he lead story was written by of all
ple, Don Filip, who is the chairman of
SGC Newsletter and the SGC member
ponsible for its content. The story is
ed in favor of SURGe political party
biased against SGRU political party.
STORY SAYS that SGRU was "orig-
nally an anarchist coalition," but does
mention the fact that, although the
:inal structure of SGRU might have
bled in some ways his description, it
drastically before the recent SGC
campaign was underway.
ry goes on to say that during the
n "SGRU pushed for abolition of
ate veto" of SGC action, a state-
at is completely false and without
tual basis.
rticle also states that "Voice cham-
the cause of moderation between
and SGRU." This is also false.

Daily Correspondent
LMINGTON, Del. -As the
civil rights "debate" droned.
on in the nation's capital last
month, a similar struggle ended
in a state capital just 30 miles to
the east.
In the same Annapolis building
which was America's first peace-
time capitol, Maryland legislators
passed a public accommodations
bill to cover the whole state. A
similar bill last year exempted 12
of 23 counties under the state's
deep-set tradition of local option
on legislation.
Most of those exemptions went
to the Eastern Shore, the part of
the state east of the Chesapeake
Bay, where racial equality goes
hard against the grain of history.
* * *
er than you'll find anywhere else
in the Northeast, and with the
news media headquarters in near-
by Washington and New York, the
Shore has become a showcase of
the Negro civil rights movement.
In this well-watched arena, the
strategy of nonviolence is on trial.
Most of the Shore towns except
Cambridge have forged local pub-
lic accommodations pacts and
taken halting steps toward in-
tegration. But while Cambridge
has been a continuing scene of
strife, the climax prior to the
statewide bill came in the sleepy
college town# of Princess Anne,
wheregthe state's last lynching oc-
curred in 1933.
Princess Anne had its biriacial
committee and everything was in-
tegrated except Muir's Restaurant
and another eatery which closed
down during the turmoil. Students
at Maryland State College thought
one all-white restaurant was one
too many.
Maryland State was built on the
site of slave pens on the outskirts
of town and was an all-Negro col-
lege until recently. It is now slight-
ly integrated, and is officially a
branch of the University of Mary-
land. With a student body of 600,
the college means Negroes out-
number whites nearly 2 to 1 in
the area.
WHEN negotiations to "crack"
Muir's failed, Negro students of
both sexes took to the streets
several times. Then, rather sud-
denly, a midweek' demonstration
became one of the ugliest events
in the civil rights movement in
the Northeast.
The white townspeople weren't
involved; it was a pitched battle
between students and state police-
men, says Ralp Moyed, who runs
the state desk of the Wilmington
(Del.) Morning News and covers
racial troubles for the News and
its sister paper, the Evening
When the officers got tired of
the shouting, crowds and traffic
obstructions, they called out two
German shepherd dogs. This act,
Moyed said, turned an orderly
protest into a violent saga. After
it was all over, several students
had been bitten and two were in

two firehoses. But the students
used weapons that maim and kill.
It was a major blemish on the
record of nonviolence in civil
rights efforts. What went wrong?
One force which could have con-
tributed to either sanity or violence
was the unanimity of the student
movement, which is called SAFE
(Student Appeal for Equality
About two-thirds of the student
body was in the riot and reporters'
on-campus interviews indicated
support for the protests was near
100 per cent.
Moyed says the bond between
students and faculty at Maryland
State is unusual. The teachers'
support was clear when they rais-
ed the bail money and arranged
to get the 27 students who were
arrested in the riot out of jail.
The position of college President
John T. Williams was most dif-
ficult, for the college depends on
Annapolis for virtually all its
money. Yet he would not condemn
the demonstrations, even the last
one. He merely called for preser-
Of Corn
At the Cinema Guild
C. FIELDS and Mae West-
Mother Nature herself could
not have selected a more natural
Those who have an aversion to
humor heavily laden with-in-
deed, consisting entirely of-corn
are advised to avoid the Cinema
Guild tonight and tomorrow. But
those who like it are invited to
have themselves a veritable feast,
for in "My Little Chickadee" the
corn grows wild.
Fields and West are not really
acting roles in this movie, for they
authored the script and, there-
fore, are simply playing them-
selves. But, what more could one
NITPICKERS will debate as to
who steals the show-the pom-
pons, blustering, cynical Fields, or
the insolent, sultry Mae West-
but I hold them equally culpable.
I must confess that this was my
first brush with. Mae West-and
what a delightfully ticklish brush
it was. My prose is not adequate
to convey the vast new worlds of
meaning she lends to the words
"Is it?" when replying to "Nice
day, isn't it?' That tone of voice
and that look defy description
and/or imitation. Youngsters like
myself - age twenty-one - who
have not yet experienced the de-
lights of Miss West (cinematic de-
lights, that is) are advised to form
a line in the Architecture Building
at once.
S* .,
W. C. FIELDS, of course, is sim-
ply an animated pickle. Never has
a more sour individual walked
upon this earth. I wonder if he
ever met Will Rogers? Surely this
is the one man capable of making

vation of the "academic climate"
during the strife and urged stu-
dents not to cut classes.
THIS UNITY could have foster-
ed nonviolence but, Moyed said,
"The students were naive and un-
skilled. They just suddenly march-
ed into- town. The idea was spread.
by the campus grapevine. There
was no plan, no order . . . A lot
can happen to 400 people in a
half -mile."
Besidesthis, he said, "the stu-
dents didn't understand the non-
violent techniques and weren't
committed to them. Yet- nonvio-
lence is necessary under those
circumstances. At this point in
their struggle, if the Negroes care
about white sentiment they must
stick to nonviolence."
Then comedian Dick Gregory
arrived in Princess Anne. Moyed
said, "Gregory put the demon-
strations on the right track. If
they had gone on at the same
plane there would have been more
violence. Somebody had to say,
In this case, the "right track"
was a temporary halt to protests,
plus a trip to Annapolis to see
Gov. J. Millard Tawes, who hails
from the county where the college
is located. The governor agreed to
push to get that county included
in the state civil rights bill at a
special session of the legislature
and, before it was over, the whole
state was in, even Cambridge.
THE BILL is only the first
chapter. Eastern Shore Negroes
will have to go through a long
progression toward equality in
areas which can't be legislated
quite so neatly.
The tactics 'for the upcoming
struggle are being discussed right
now. John Wilson, leader of SAFE,
has bolted that group because he
thinks it's playing it too safe. He
and Mrs. Gloria H. Richardson,
the Cambridge Negro leader, met
recently in Chester, Pa., with Mal-
colm X (pardon-Brother Mal-
colm) and other Negro leaders.
Mrs. Richardson says she supports
many of the brother's ideas. Her
stand, and his inclusion at the
summit meeting can only add
prestige to his black nationalism
and preoccupation with blood-
A good measure of whether
Negro militancy will be kept under
control will be this spring. The
warm weather, the same youthful
response which foments panty
raids, plus the frustrations of the
Negro on the Eastern Shore, may
lead to possible sit-ins and other
demonstrations when an enforce-
ment of statewide law-not to
mention a possible federal law-
is just around the corner.
* *.*
how long Negroes will remain con-
vinced that nonviolent methods
are working. The word in the civil
rights movement is that only Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. is com-
mitted to nonviolence as a philos-
ophy. For the rest, it's merely a
tactic which will be cast off if

1loomington Students
Still Face Threat

To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH the April 1 article
dealing with three Blooming-
ton students correctly stated that
the indictments against them for
conspiracy to overthrow the gov-
ernment were quashed, it failed to
mention that County Prosecutor
Hoadley is appealing this deci-
sionand that he state attorney
general has announced that he will
permit the appeal. The case will
have to be argued before a higher
court, probably the Indiana State
Supreme Court.
If Hoadley wins his appeal-and
this possibility is by far not out
of the question-the three de-
fendants may once again face
charges of sedition. The appeal,
in re-opening the "sedition" case
against the three Indiana Uni-
versity students, constitutes a
cruel but "legal" constinuation' of
the witch-hunt directed against
civil liberties. The Ad-Hoc Com-
mittee to Defend the Indiana Uni-
versity.,Students will continue to
publicize the case and collect
money to meet legal and court ex-
penses of the three defendants,
who have now been forced to live
with the threat of imprisonment
for a year because they are so-
-Howard Salita, '64
An Idea for SGC
To the Editor:
N VIEW of the attacks made on
Student Government Council in
+ha r--n Plins n mid lime

judge for itself whether the ma-
chinery of SGC needs improving
or not. To make this proposal
effective, the "box score" would
have to become a regular feature
of The Daily.
From its recent stand in the
SGC election, The Daily has in-
dicated a desire to improve co-
munications between SOC and
students themselves; the box score
approach is one way to bring
student government closer to its
-Ronald Gottschalk, "65
Delegate to the
USNSA Congress
End Justifies Means
To the Editor:
THE Interquadrangle Council
representatives from East Quad
Council and I are having some-
what analogous problems with our
respective student organizations;
the IQC and the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council. In each case we
have decided to work around our
organizations instead of using so-
called "proper" channels. Appar-
ently the EQC representatives have
tried to work within IQC but
have been wrongly rebuffed. In
my case I have found hypocriti-
cal, officers-most agree that the
IQC has problems but seem un-
willing to initiate any solution.
I feel that maneuvers outside
an organization serve to intensify
problems so that they may be
corrected. While th ecriticism is

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