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April 02, 1964 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-02

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Readers Want Interpretation

Readers of American newspapers
are looking for interpretive analy-
sis of news events on the nation-
al and international level, Donald
Carter, managing editor of The
National Observer, said yesterday
in a department of journalism
Carter, speaking on "New Trends
in Journalism," noted several re-
cent development which account
for the demand for interpretation
and analysis in national and inter-
-national news.
"There is a scattered number of
large newspapers offering cover-
age of national and international
news. This trend opens the door
to smaller newspapers which de-
vote most of their energies to lo-
cal coverage.
"Both of these types, the smaller
local newspaper and the larger
national and international paper,
are feasibly and economically pos-
sible," Carter said.
He noted another change in the
function of newspapers. "Radio
and television nowadays offer spot
coverage of news events and it
is no longer possible for a news-
paper to offer a comparable cov-
erage of events.
"At times we look down on tele-
vision and then we run into a big
story like that in Dallas last No-
vember. No newspaper could have
gotten the news to the public
faster than television in those four
days," Carter said.
Reassess Roles
He pointed out that these de-
velopments make it necessary for
newspapers to reassess their roles.
The Observer is a weekly news-

claimed is the "paper of the fu-
ture," spend aproximately an hour
and 36 minutes reading it each
week. He noted that the average
reader of a daily newspaper spends
only 30 minutes with his paler.
Educational Level
Carter also noted the rising ed-
ucational level of the reading pub-
lic. "Of the Observer's 235,000
readers, about 60 per cent have
undergraduate degrees and 20 per
cent have earned graduate de-
grees," he said.
The Observer is published byj
Dow Jones and Co. which also
publishes the Wall Street Journal.
It was started in Feoruary of
Carter said that since that time
he has learned several sure,=ising
facts about the likes and dislikes
of the reading public.
Few Major Stories
"There are not as many major
news stories as we would at first
think. If you put all the bulletins
and odds and ends of news events
together, by the end of the week
you come up with five or six major
Carter also pointed out that
readers like to know who writes
the articles they are reading. "We
had many, letters come into the
Observer asking who wrote vari-
cus articles. Therefore we made it
policy to identify most writers
through by-lines set above the
headlines of stories."
Carter also said that "mix"
is good in a paper, explaining that
readers are interested in several
different kinds of news features
and articles.

paper which offers the reading
public interpretation and analysis
of national and international news
"People are no longer interested
in the dull, drab newspaper which
offers only the who, what, when,
where and why of the news," Car-
ter said.
Want Perspective
"They want the events put into
perspective with related events.
"Often times the modern daily
newspaper is too bulky for readers
to go through carefully. After all,
how much time will a reader
spend with a newspaper each
day?" Carter asked.
Carter said that readers of the

Store Asks
Student Aid
In Growth
The Ann Arbor Cooperative
Bookstore is presently attempting
to obtain wide student support in
order to make its operations suc-
cessful, Sol Jacobson, Grad, a
member of the Friends of the Ann
Arbor Cooperative Bookstore, said
Jacobson says that the immed-
iate aims of the Friends commit-
tee are to increase student mem-
bership in the cooperative, to so-
licit credit from faculty members
and interested groups, and to con-
vince publishers that the coopera-
tive is a financially stable organ-
ization with which to do business.
The store managers are at-
tempting to expand the activities
of the now independent Ann Ar-
bor Cooperative Bookstore after a
series of changes in ownership and
financial backing. Last November
the USNSA withdrew the financial
support from the store.
Chicago Owners
Earlier this year the Chicago
owners and managers closed
down, forcing the Ann Arbor
branch of the Continental Student
Cooperative Union to become in-
dependent. The Friends of the
Ann Arbor Cooperative Bookstore
was then formed to save it.
Setting a quota of 500 new stu-
dent members, the new store man-
agement is asking student organi-
zations to help by selling mem-
berships and by acting as advisors,
Jacobson said. Membership costs1
$5 for life and is $1 annually.
The advantages of the co-op, as
Jacobson sees them, are that stu-
dents may obtain textbooks at
eight to ten per cent below the
price in local bookstores, may ob-
tain paperbacks and other bookst
at a greater saving and will have
the opportunity to examine many
kinds of books in a givexi field thatI
will be on display.
Greater Patronage
In order to achieve this goal,
the cooperative, which formerly
served mainly as an orderingc
house, needs greater student pat-;
ronage and support from facultye
members both in the placing ofc
orders with the store and as ad-c
visors on what books are impor-f
tant in each field.
The bookstore has received
strong endorsement- from Studentr
Government Council and Graduate
Student Council. This, together
with student interest and facultyc
support, as indicated by an in-]
crease in membership and faculty]
assistance, should put the book-i
store on the road to a strong
financial basis, Jacobson believes.
The store did not lose moneyi
this year.
"If the students support thet
store with their patronage andf
membership, there will be severali
gains," Jacobson says. "They will
not only save money on what they
buy in the store, but the competi-
tion may influence the local book-c
stores to avoid excessively highe

Congressmen Dine with YR's

Cam pus

Glenn Culler of the Bunker-
Ramo Corporation will give a
lecture sponsored by the Institute
of Science and Technology on
"On-Line Computing as a Tool
for Research" at 4 p.m. today
in the A. E. White Aud. of the
Cooley Laboratory on North Cam-
Ship Design..
C. K. Chu of Columbia Univer-
sity will speak on "Hydromag-
netic Shocks and Ionizing Shocks"
at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 1042 East
Engineering Bldg.
Soviet Psychology.. .
Prof. Gregory. Razran ofQueens
College of the City University of
New York will present a lecture
on the "Psychology of the Soviet
Man" at 4:10 p.m. today in the
Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI.
Plays Premiere...
Marc Alan Zagoren's "Shana-
kind" and Murray Schisgal's "The
Tiger" will open the first of their
three performances at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn
ACS Lecture...
Prof. Jerrold Meinwald of Cor-
nell University will give an Ameri-
can Chemical Society Lecture at x8
p.m. today in Rm. 1300 of the
e Chemistry Bldg.
e Russian"Tour...
Stanton E. Samenow, Grad, and
David A. Walker will present a
m slide lecture, sponsored by the
t Russian Circle, entitled "From
- Kiev to Kazakstan-The USSR
e and the U.S." at 8 p.m. today in
Rm. 2518 of the Frieze Bldg.

THREE UNITED STATES CONGRESSMEN dined with Young Republicans yesterday afternoon.
Pictured from L.to r. are Bereg Gregian, University YR chairman; Rep. Thomas Curtiss (R-Mo) ;
Rep. George Meader (R-Mich); Dale Warner, state YR chairman and Rep. Charles Mathias (R-
Md). The Congressmen are members of the Paul Revere Panel, a Republican speaking group.
Programs Offer Aid d a Flexibility

National Observer,

which he

(Continued from Page 1)
done, and the University loses
money in administrative costs,"
Dean Wegman noted.
Furthermore, regular depart-
mental teaching funds would not
have been available for Dr. Went-

This compares with approxi-
mately $1.2 million spent by the
school on sponsored research in
that year, well over half of which
came from the NIH and one-sixth
of which came from other federal
sources, Dean Wegman said. The
same year saw over $1.8 million
granted to the school from federal

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, andi by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-I
day and Sunday. -
Day Calendar
Mental Health Research Seminar-t
Kurt W. Back, Dept. of Sociology and
Anthropology, Duke Univ. "Physiologi-
cal Personality and Interpersonal Sys-
tems: Experiments with Plasma Free
Patty Acids": Main Conference Room,
Mental Health Research Inst., 2:15.p.m.
School of Public Health Assembly--
Branko Kesiv, Dir., Andrija StamparE
School of Public Health, Univ. of Za-
greb, Yugoslavia, "Health Services in
Yugoslavia": School of Public Health
And., 4 p.m.
Cinema Guild-"My Little Chickadee"
with W. C. Fields aid Mae West. Archi-
Dept. of Speech, University Players-
tecture Aud., 7:00 -p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Shanakind by Marc Alan Zagorin, and
The Tiger by Murray Schisgal: Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, 8 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-John,
Payne, organist: Hill Aud. 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
The Office of Student Affairs an-
nounces the following hours for wom-
en: 1:30, April 3; 1:30, April 24; 2:30,
April 25.'
Summer Session Announcement: The
1964 Summer Session Announcement
can be picked up at 3510 Admin. Bldg.,
third floor.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 17. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than April 3.
Admission Test for Grad Study in
Business: Candidates taking the Admis-
sion 'Test for the Grad Study in Busi-
ness on April 4 are requested to report
to Room 130 Business Admin. Bldg. at
8:45 Sat. morning."
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Meeting, Fri.,
April 3, 5 p.m., Room 435 Mason Hall.
Election of officers and new members.
Preliminary exams forthe doctorate in
linguistics will be given Fri. and Sat.,
April 3 and 4, from 9:00 - 12:00 in room
1406 Mason Hall.
Lang. reading exams for the M.A. in
Linguistics will be given Fri. and Sat.,
April 3 and 4. Check with the De-

partmenttal secretary for detailed in-
formation regarding time and place.
Student Government Approval of the
following student-sponsored activities
becomes effective 24 hours after the
publication of this notice. All publicity
for these events must be withheld un-
til the approval has become effective.
. Men's Glee Club, Spring Concert, Ap-
ril 18, 8:30 p.m., HIl Aud.
Voice Political Party, films, April 20,
7:30 p.m., Multipurpose Room, UGLI.
OFFSET, Pen Sale, April 6-18, Central
Barrister Society, Crease Ball, April 11
9:00-1, Lawyers Club.
Distribution of Diplomas: If gradua-
tion exercises are held in the Sta-
dium,, diplomas for all graduates ex-
cept those of the School of Dentistry,
the Medical School, Flint College and
Dearborn Campus will be distributed
from designated stations under the east
stand of the Stadium, Immediately
after the exercises. The diploma distri-
bution stations are on the level above
the tunnel entrance.
If the weather is rainy and the exer-
cises must be held indoors, all diplomas
except those of the School of Dentistry,.
the Medical School, Flint College and
Dearborn Campus will be distributed
from the windows of the Cashier's
Office and the Office of Registration
and Records in the lobby of the Ad-
ministration Bldg. Following the cere-
mony, diplomas may be called for until
1 p.m.
212 SAB--
Hamilton Stores, Yellowstone Park,
Wyo. - Mr. Peterson will interview men
for jobs in Yellowstone Park. You must
be 19 or over and want experience in re-
tail sales- and marketing. Six men are
needed. Come to Summer Placement for
interviews. Open 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.-
Many & various openings including As-
soc. Chemist, Sr. Biochemist; also vari-
ous other types of chemists; Med.
Tech., Microbiologists, Pharmacologist,
Plant Pathologist, Plant Physiologist,
IE CE, Systems Engnr., Cost Acc't.,
Sales Rep., Budget Analyst, Internal
Auditor, Financial Analyst, Acc't. (man
or woman). 4
Management Consultants in Detroit-
Seeking woman for combination Re-
searcher, Librarian & Admin. Ass't.
for staff comprised of 29 or 30 men.
Will maintain subj. files on various
fields, compile bibliography of publi-
cations & periodicals in a given field,
organize training materials, help with
research for speech prep., etc. Degree
Gen. Liberal Arts with writing ability.
Must be able to type 40-5$ wpm &
have aptitude for figures. Recent grad.
. Dudge Truck Plant, Detroit, Mich.-
Seeking Industrial Editor to put out

plant newspaper, management News-
letter, & misc. writing assignments.
Administer plant suggestion plan. BA
Journ. or Liberal Arts. At least 5 yrs.
exper. in publications writing, Age: 30's-
40-42. Prefer Mich. resident.
Ferndale Lab. & Surgical Co., Inc.,
Ferndale, Mich.-Sales (part-time &
summer). Sales to hospitals doctors &
drug stores. Summer trng. prog. for
Jrs. & Srs. in Bus. Ad. or Liberal Arts
who are interested in career in sales.
Learn business first & become ac-
quainted with the products. Work in
operations during vacations & sum-
mers; then work into territorial sales.
Continental Aviation & Engrg. Corp.,
Detroit, Mich.-Immed. openings for gas
turbine engnrs. in the Research &
Advanced Dev. depts. which conduct
programs in applied research. All po-
sitions require exper.
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Hunts-
ville,. Ala. - Openings include: Res.
Specialist'(control), Res. Engnrs. (guid-
ance), Electrical & Electro Mech. En-
gnrs., Res. Engnr. & Scientific Com-
puter Programmers.
Libby, McNeil & Libby, Chicago, Ill.
-Sr. Machine Designer for location at
Dunkley Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. (Libby
subsidiary). BSME, age 28-40. Previous
exper. in the design of packaging or
food processing machinery. Heat trans-
fer exper. also helpful.
Kingsborough Community College,
Brooklyn, N.Y.-Secretary to the Pres.
This is a new college opening in Sept.
College bkgd. Experience-shorthand
typing, etc.
Doeher Jarvis, Toledo, Ohio-Employ-
ment Manager for Grand Rapids plant.
Will learn Labor Rels. field & other
aspects of Indust.Rels. BA orBBA,
personnel or Indust. tng., psych., etc.
0 up to 3 or 4 yrs. exper. in related
field. Age: 20's or 30s. Co. is a Div. ofE
National Lead Co.
Household Finance Corp., Southfield,
Mich.-Secretary to one of 6 supvs. In-
volves correspondence, hotel reserva-
tions & variety of duties. Ability to
work on own when supv. away. Exper.
not necessary if person has mastery
of shorthand, typing, filing & office
procedures. Age: 20's.
John Wood Co., Chicago, Ill.-Open-
ing for Chemical, Mech., or Electrical
Engnr. from a recent or upcoming
graduating class, who has completed
military oblig. or has draft exempt
classification. Position is that of Ass't.
ProductdEngnr.'assisting in product
design, dev., & testing.
* ' * a
Forafurther information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedules posted at 128-H
West Engrg. for appointments with the
Grand Trunk Western Railroad, De-
troit & Battle Creek, Mich.-BS: CE
& ME. Design.
Holforty, Widrig, O'Neill Assoc., Inc.,
Birmingham, Mach.-BS-MS: CE. May
& Aug. grads. Men & Women. Summer
Employment: Jr., Sr. & Grad or oth-
ers with substantial drafting exper.
Structural Design.
Rockwell-Standard Corp., All loca-
tions-BS: ChE, I E& ME. May & Aug.
grads. Design & Sales.
The following part-time jobs are avail-
able. Application for these fobs can be
made in the Part-Time Employment Of-
fice, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., dur-
ing the following hours: Mon. thri
Fri,. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Dave Lowman,
Part-Time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Extension 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
-Secretaries and stenographers are
needed to fill several full-time po-
sitions (some are indefinite per-
iod; a few very short term). Good
clerical skills required.
-Need MBA candidate (with Senior
status currently) to work during
his free time (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for
the remainder of this semester and

Other Aid
But while the NIH policy on iand non-federal sources.
. . Broadens Research
teaching is , mainly a hindrance,' radn4esac
another ofsits programs offers the According to Dean Wegman,
University some much-needed fi- "The flexibility offered by this
nancial aid and valuable flexibil- 'grant, the ability'to provide need-
ity. ed basic services used by more
Dean Wegman pointed out that than one project and the avail-
with a large number of research ability of funds close at hand to
grants, a university always has stimulate research among units
certain general needs, such as with relatively less experience in
statisticians, animal facilities and investigating techniques, have
equipment maintenance, which served to broaden the school's re-
cannot easily be charged to any search effort and will unquestion-:
one grant or even split up exactly ably have salutary effects."
among several grants. And in general, despite all dif-
To help defray these costs, a ficulties, he As "appreciative of the
"General Research Support" grant excellent general administration of
now offers each school an extra research support by the NIH."
sum figured on a general formula: The changed teaching policy
a flat $25,000, plus ten per cent restrictions which the NIH ini-
of "all its research expenditures tiated last year were basically, a
from non-federal sources, plus side result of a series of hearings
five per cent of expenditures com- conducted by a House subcommit-
ing from Washington. tee of the Committee on Govern-
Part-Time Research ment Operations, investigating the
In addition to general support- administration of grants by the
ing costs, the grant also helps the NIH.
school finance exploratory or part- Criticizes Independence
time research efforts. These funds Headed by Rep. L. H. Foun-
are also especially useful in help- tain (D-NC), the hearings were
ing a relatively inexperienced re- spurred by criticisms of the policy
searcher get started. of researcher independence which
Last year the public health the NIH follows.
school received an outright sum This policy allows the grant re-
of $130,000 from the General Re- cipient to change his experimental
search Grant for both of these design after his request for funds
purposes. has been approved.

Such changes are often mad
when a different approach to
problem later appears to be mor
Funds for Traveling
Another controversial freedon
given the researcher was the righ
to use part of the funds for for
eign travel. "There may be quit
legitimate purposes in travelling
as when the researcher is con
cinved that he can"do his 'wor
better by being near other me:
doing work in the same field or b'
having access to significant ma,
terial in the area," Dean Wegmai
But the subcommittee, discover.
ing occasional abuses of these free.
doms-primarily by commercia
firms working under NIH grant
-assumed that similar abuse
might well exist in the nation'
Dean Wegman feels that sucl
abuses almost never exist- among
professors. "The academic re*
searcher accepts the fact that th
grants are based on his integrit:


Christian Science Organization, Tes-
timony meeting, April 2, 7:30 p.m:,
Room 528D, SAB.
Graduate Student Council, Meeting,
April 2, 7:30 p.m., West Conference
Room, 4th Floor Rackham Bldg.
** *
Physical Therapy Club, Election of of-
ficers, April 2, 7:30 p.m., 3rd Floor
Conference Room, University Hospital.
Young Democratic Club, Executive
Board meeting April 2, 7 p.m., Room
3511, SAB. Everyone welcome.


and scientific





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