Svewty-Third Yeur
Wh re Opilt ons STUDENT PuLCATiONS kI.G., ANiN ARBoR, Micn., PHONE NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al' reprints.
Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
Question of SelfRealization
by H. Neil Berksou
r -l
DAY, APRIL 1, 1964
Basic Research:
Hope for the Future
18th century paragon of middle class
thrift, virtue and common sense, who first
posed the question, "What good is a
baby?" The answer, of course, is that a
baby grows up. So too, in a tenuous sort
of way, does basic research.
Babies need considerable support and
understanding. Those who criticize the
federal government's aid to basic research
forget that there is no one else willing
to finance these efforts on the needed
scale and that its ultimate benefits will
accrue to the entire nation-all its peo-
ple in all their occupations.
BASIC RESEARCH has, by definition,
a more fundamental relation to human
knowledge and endeavor than has ap-
plied research. That is, it is unconcerned
with any possible applications that might
be made of its findings, now or in the
foreseeable future. Applied research, on
the other hand, begins with a basic body
of information that looks like it can be
applied, with profit (literally), to the
improvement or development of man's
gained years ago in the fields of elec-
tricity, air flight and study of the human
body. This work was often based, of
course, on much that had gone before,
but no real uses were then foreseen or
really considered.
RESEARCH DONE some years ago is
providing the basis upon which most
of the research and development of today
has grown. It is impossible to predict
what will become the important applied
research fields for the future, but it is
not hard to guess at what will happen if
no new fields develop for lack of a strong
effort in basic research now. Conversely,
a strong effort now will pay off in- the
future, both in broad scientific advances
and practical dividends-important new
products and methods of producing and
selling them.
Areas in which there is promise for
important development include studies of
the atmosphere, the earth, space, living
organisms and the very much-neglected
social, political and behavioral sciences.
Generous doses of support distributed
among these fields will sooner or later
yield generous dividends.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This will be the first in a series of
twice-weekly. columns by the new editor of The Daily.)
A FEW YEARS AGO one of the national maga-
zines (the one with a rather presumptuous ti-
tle) did a series of articles on The National Pur-
pose. Decrying the nation's lack of direction, a
number of prominent men delivered their cures,
their conceptions of what our goals ought to be.
The series was not memorable: it comes to
mind only because the University faces the same
criticism today. Many students are restless, They
believe their experience here is not all that it
should be. They know something is missing, even
if that something is indefinable beyond the words
"intellectual atmosphere," "sense of purpose,"
"communion," etc.
Nor are students the only ones disturbed with
the educational system. Critics extend nationally
to such people as Paul Goodman and the late C.
Wright Mills. Faculty and administrators here
have often registered their own complaints. In-
deed, the central purpose of the new residential
college is to create a better academic climate,
whatever that may be.
symbolizes the highest development of human
effort; all the resources of human -history are
here. Because knowledge is the basis of independ-
ence the student has every chance for self-reali-
zation. The University exists to provide an aware-
ness of the forces that surround him so he can
cope with them on his own terms.
Admittedly, most people come here with far
less in mind. A majority of students enter with
an unquestioned, cliche-ridden value system and
leave the system intact by limiting their exper-
T HE DISTURBED STUDENT is of another sort,
however. His is a questioning mind, yet in
many cases he is the so-called under-achiever.
Whether or not he produces, he has an acute sense
of social alienation. Unable to relate to the strong
anti-intellectual element on campus, he proceeds
to blame the University for his problem.
He may or may not be right. The University
assumes some responsibility for the development
of its students, but the limits of that responsibil-
ity are another question. Again ironically, here.
perhaps is an unrealized issue of paternalism.
In specific cases the University can affront the
ideal of free inquiry, as it did in 1962 when it sup-
ported the speaker bylaw. In other instances, per-
haps the residential college will be one, the Uni-
versity can move toward creating a better at-
BUT NO MATTER HOW the University is set up,
no matter how strongly it adheres to educa-
tional ideals, there is no way for it to guarantee
any degree of self-realization. The student who
comes here purposefully, to develop himself, must
understand that he is joining in the classic battle
between the individual and society. The conflict
is not between anarchy and order, but between
Truth and Myth, and the numbers are weighted
on the side of Myth.
Self-realization carries a heavy implication:
the "examined" life demands that the student
learn to act according to his own resources, his
own values, his own judgments. To borrow from
Riesman, individuality demands "inner-direction."
be a lonely one; the individual is cutting him-
self off from outside reinforcement. On the other
hand, he will find a new sense of unity within him-
self; eventually he will find a new basis for, inte-
The primary responsibility of the University
is to provide the resources; the student must learn
to use them to his own end. Moreover, he must
learn to use them despite the University's many
Yet, the University does have a secondary role.
Sunday, this column will consider some of the fac-
tors which define "intellectual atmosphere" and
some of the means by which the University might
better aid its students.
Applied research is done in just about
every field on just about every subject, TbECAUSE of the long-run' na
but in each case there is an end goal in basic research, its support mu
mind. This goal may be cheaper televi- essarily come from public monies
slion sets, better employer-employe re- mented by limited funds fromf
lations, higher automobile sales, bigger tions and private philanthropy. La
rockets or a better mousetrap. In the support amounted to $1 billion, ar
United States the total bill for this ap- controlling the purse stiings ha
plied research was about $14 billion last balking at even this figure.
year, with business, government and pri- Basic research is, of course, ex
vate organizations picking up the tab. often prohibitively so. For this
SPECIALLY IMPORTANT is the basis Russia has confined most of her
EPto applied work yielding immedia
on which applied research -rests: a gible results. Russia is working
basic body of information ready to be ap- present. Fortunately, the United S
plied to particular problems. If this an immensely rich country and c
basis is weakened by a long-run ignor to more long-range goals. It can
ing of basic research, then the success of afford basic research as part of
applied research in devising new products tional effort and therefore has the
and better ways of producing them for to move far into the forefront of s
an extremely fast-moving economy will endeavor.
suffer, and the economy will lose consid-
erable steam. FEDERAL CONGRESSMEN, stat
This underlying relation of basic to ap- lators and taxpayers must rea
plied research and the crucial importance importance of basic research. It n
of the former can best be understood by given generous support in all ar
looking at some of the fields in which just a few of the more exciting f.
work is going on. The nation's defense must not be rated on what it is e
and space exploration efforts today to accomplish immediately, but
largely began with knowledge that grew contributions it can make to the3
from basic research done many years ago. store of knowledge.
Nuclear power, be it useful or destructive, Basic research is our foundat
originated with a great mass of basic re- the future. It is being fairly we
search done years ago with no possible ported in some areas, but in ma:
application in view. receiving only the most cursory at
Public health, transportation and com- If we expect our nation's rapid
munications are all fields to which a and development to continue, t]
great deal of applied research is being cially important role of basic rese
devoted today. It goes almost without say- all fields will have to be better
ing that these great areas of development stood and more generously support
are based on a basic fund of knowledge -ROBERT JOHNS
Books, Beer and an Obligation
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"Would It Be Gentlemanly To Interfere With
A Fellow Club Member?"
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French Foreign Aid:
Continental View
To the Editor:
in psychology, I was most in-
terested in your editorial by Gail
Evans concerning counseling. I
found the students' impressions of
an academic counselor quite en-
lightening, and cannot resist of-
fering the counter-part of the
situation in the eyes of the coun-
My side of a counseling session
begins by looking over the folder
of the student's academic history.
I am then ready to meet the
protagonist in person and call out
his name in a strong, clear voice.
Getting no answer, I repeat the
process only to find that I am
getting nowhere.. I then get up,
and upon looking out into the
chaos -it becomes obvious that
even a fog horn would remain
unheard in the din of bull- ses-
sions, date making, advice giving,
and ,other activities in which the
students are engaged. I return to
my desk to read a couple of badly
written petitions, and, just as I am
about to write my reconimenda-
tions, a breathless figure arrives at
my door with the comment, "I
am late."
"Come in," I say. "What can
I do for you?"
"I think I want to register." The
student slithers into a chair, legs
stuck out, head just above the
level of the desk,, and lights a
cigarette. He turns his head in
my general direction and looks
into the air behind me with a
vacant stare.
"Have you thought about what
you would like to take?"
"Well . . (long silence)
what do you know about Esoterica
* * *
I LOOK BACK at the student's
record and find that he has to
complete several distributions as
well as some required courses in
his major subject. I tell the stu-
dent that I know no more about
Esoterica 497 than the catalog
description and suggest that it
may be wise to attack the dis-
tributions and major before jump-
ing off the deep end.
"I thought I had finished every-
thing except the language, and
I want to save that for my senior
Upon some further queries it
becomes obvious to me that the
student has not read the catalog
since his last semester in high
school, has not talked to any
other students about courses
which he might want to take, has
not even thought about his pro-
gram, and is due for a lecture in
five minutes. In desperation, I
suggest some courses only to find
Counseling: the Other Side
my efforts greatly resented. My
advisee turns white, glares at me,
sweat breaks out on his forehead,
and he whispers, "Well, O.K." I
sign the election. card, steel my-
self for the next encounter by a
puff at my cigarette, inhale deep-
ly, and with a strong clear voice
I call out . .
FORTUNATELY, this sort of
counseling session is as typical as
the one described in your editorial,
that is, relatively anomalous. It
emphasizes, however, those aspects
not mentioned in your columns,
the students own obligations to
the academic counseling session.
Give me a student who has (1)>
read the University requirements
in the catalog and checked them
against his own transcript (2)
thought about his program (3)
discussed, future' courses with fel-
low students and instructors so. as
to get the best possible informa-
tion about a variety of courses
with which no single person can
be truly .amiliarand (4) has
checked those courses which he
definitely wants in the time table
to see that they are offered with
compatible hours. Then I can
truly fulfill my function as a
counselor rather than being the
worn ^ out stamping-machine de-.
scribed in your editorial.
-Gerald H. Rothschild
Assistant Professor
& Concentration Advisor
in Psychology
Explains IQC Boycott
To the Editor:
ON MONDAY, March 9th,
Strauss House voted to have
East Quad's representatives to
Interquadrangle Council boycott
IQC, and mandated its repre-
sentatives to East Quad Council
to vote in favor of boycott when
the question appeared before EQC.
The men of Strauss looked for
dynamic leadership and construc-
tive change when John Eadie
entered office as IQC's president,
but so far there has been only a
void of power led by a person
who contradicts his own policies,
misappropriates council money
and oversteps his power.
President Eadie was recently
invited to come to Strauss to talk
over his policies. In this talk he
favored ending IQC censorship on
literature to be distributed to
house officials. He said that he
believed that house councils whose
ideas opposed those of IQC should
be allowed to distribute their
views. Yet now he is responsible
for blocking East Quad's attempts
to end censorship.
Strauss H o u s e vehemently
THERE IS LITTLE that is interesting in
the all too frequent talk of wild week-
end parties, classes carelessly slept
through, or all-nighters necessary be-
cause the student was grossly unprepared
for an exam the next day. Such discourse
displays a proud acceptance of an appal-
ling apathy. Many students do not seem
to care what happens to their minds in
these brief years of. University freedom.
~jg tcitgzrn Daily
Acting Editorial Staff
IH. NEI BERKSON ......................Editor
KENNETH WINTER............Managing Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN .............Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY...........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE..... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
Acting Sports Staff
BILL BULLARD ..... .............Sports Editor
TOM ROWLAND.............Associate Sports Editor
GARY WINER ............ ... Associate Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE........Contributing Sports Editor
Acting Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE............Business Manager
JAY GAMPEL .........Associate Business Manager
JUDY GOLDSTEIN ..........Finance Manager
BARBARA JOHNSTON............Personnel Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER...............Advertising Manager
RUTH SCHEMNITZ............,.Systems Manager
JUNIOR MANAGERS: Bonnie Cowan, Sue Crawford,
Just so long as there are clothes, com-
pany and the Beatles, they are satisfied.
The effort expended in training such
students is a contemptible waste of Uni-
versity resources. A very small percentage
of the country's population can attend
college. Even if the student has no sense
of responsibility to himself, or his future,
he has a responsibility to the part of the
population denied an education, a respon-
sibility to make education and the oppor-
tunities that accompany it available for
as many people as possible.
task of educating its students to be
successful individuals and successful citi-
zens. The student, himself, must explore
the opportunities offered by the school to
broaden his outlook and choose his ca-
reer. When students eschew mental alert-
ness for booze and classes for sleep, as is
so constantly the case,' they do not de-
serve the opportunity they are offered.
Obviously, the situation is here radical-
ly simplified. To produce so consistently
and under the kind of pressure that is
extant at the University is far from easy.
But the difficulty does not make the stu-
dent's responsibility any less acute; he
has obligations regardless.
Daily Correspondent
BILTHOVEN, Holland-To most
Americans introduction of a
newalternative to Yankeeism and
Castroism was apparently more
attractive than to the United
States. Eyed from the Continent,
French investments and foreign
aid in South America appear a
little like one of the new second
television networks now operating
experimentally in France and
Holland. Resources on it are
limited, but sometimes one en-
joys switching over if the first
program gets too tiring.
Maybe =the first program from
the United States to South Amer-
ica did get tiring. But still, it
appears to be questionable if a
Gaullist program is the most
profitable undertaking for France
at this time, considering her
economy and politics.
General de Gaulle devaluates
any possible doubts concerning
the justification of his foreign
aid program with the following
reasoning: France's economy at
present is experiencing a great
boom. Since the termination of
the Algerian war, industrial forces
have been released that promise to
make France a formidable com-
petitor on the Western market.
But with West Germany, Britain
and the United States in the race,
the West European market will
become too dense for France.
Developing countries with their
genuine need for appliances, cars
and other French products seem
to be her market of the future.
NO DOUBT de Gaulle's am-
bitions for France will ultimately
be realized by industrial expan-
sion. But several groups within the
country today find that the pres-
ent air of grandeur is somewhat
dard-in the cities, as well as in
the country. Thirty-one per cent
of the homes in cities with over
100,000 inhabitants have no toi-
lets. In the country this number
jumps to 78 per cent.
France spends no less than two
per cent of her Gross National
Product on foreign aid, of which
the greater part goes to her for-
mer colonies in Africa. This com-
pares to "only" 0.7 per cent of
the U.S. GNP which is spent on
American foreign aid. Frenchmen,
therefore, see a greater share of
their tax money go abroad than
Americans. It is no wonder that
some of them start thinking that
they themselves need long-term
credits more badly than Africans,
South Americans or Russians.
* * *
FOR DE GAULLE, who doesn't
seem to get this message, French
grandeur abroad is more impor-
tant than the physical wellbeing
of his own people. But there is
little doubt that his second tele-
vision program to South America
is overexposed.
opposes Mr. Eadie's direct mis-
appropriation of IQC money. He,
at the IQC meeting of Feb. 27th,
ordered $5.86 worth of large pizzas
to feed and- entertain his council.
IQC funds were not meant to be
spent for the personal pleasure of
the six voting IQC council mem-
bers and the four officers.
Mr. Eadie further overstepped
his power by purchasing a type-
writer with IQC money without
informing his council or asking
for an appropriation. Who does
Mr. Eadie think he is that he can
dictate how IQC funds are to be
spent without consulting council?
These are only a few of the
grievances of Strauss Council and
only a few of the " reasons why
they voted for boycott. We are
prepared to vote boycott until we
are convinced ourIQC .'president
is willing to work for the good of
-John D. Macintyre, '67E
Tom Jones' Humor
To the Editor:
enough to speak out against
"Tom Jones" in spite of its nom-
ination for 10 academy awards,
I'm going to stick my neck out
He said: "I do not feel that
'Tom Jones' is a great picture."
I say: I do not feel that "Tom
Jones" is rollicking, hilarious and
funny, as it was highly adver-
tisedto be.
Watching "Tom Jones" I got
the uneasy feeling that I can't
yet define. It wasn't so much the
movie as the audience laughing
(dutifully, I thought) at this "hi-
larious, raucous, lusty, romping
movie about people who "really
WHY DO I FAIL to feel the
humor in "Tom Jones?" Is it be-
cause it is a man's movie from
a man's era when women counted
for nothing except to thrill man
by chasing him or frustrate man
by being chaste?
Man is now on a new campaign
in the battle of the sexes, subtle
this time because women, having
fought long and hard for their
freedom as human beings worthy
of respect and dignity and edu-
cation, don't fall for the old tricks
that worked for 5000 years. The
new techniques are: make movies
that show a woman glamorous
and fetching in the role of happy
little prostitute; convince her
that it's cool to spread her favors
around freely and then boast to
the fellows because she "gave in";
laugh in the girlie magazines at
her ridiculous seriousness; undress
her in public and make her think
it is to her enhancement instead
of to her degradation; design
clothes that make her look stupid;
drag out an old noveV'and promote
it as a rollicking story of when
people (meaning men) really lived,
in competition with "Cleopatra,"
a woman who really lived. And
finally, most important of all,
solicit the unwitting ones to help
in the campaign against them-
selves and against women as
human beings in their own right
instead of always and only in
terms of their relationship-to men.
* *
NO ONE can deny that the eat-
ing scene was sensuous-extremely
so-and crude like the times, but
too heavy-handed to be funny. I
am ready to give "Tom Jones"
due cedit for hing a fin dnu-
British Bore is Run Enough'.
pleasant and very British close
close on Monday night in Hill
Aud. with the final offering of
this year's Professional Theatre
Program. "Stop the. World - I
Want to Get Off" is- billed as "a
new-style musical," but that
phrase is simply for purpose of
publicity and promotion. Actually,
the production owes a great debt
both to the mime theatre and to
the contemporary British musical
episodes. It is all very pat and
quite cosy. The fact that "Stop
the World" is not a brassy, ath-
letic American musical is all to its
credit. But that it is a bit of a
British bore, with its sentimental-
ity and vulgarity (the "double-
take, the superficiality, the gim-
mick) intact, must also be re-
marked. Indeed, the failure of the
comic scenes laid in the United
States, should give us a clue: the
more successful,, bits about the
Russians and Germans are just as
has a talent for mime and an ex-
cellent musical .cmedy voice, but.
above all he projects a kind of
honesty in his characterization
which carries through even the
embarrassing moments of senti-
mental nonsense. Miss Eastman is
big and blonde, talented, and
THE TEN YOUNG ladies, who
make up the rest of the com-
pany, are very appealing, very
vomnr. extremelv ative and vev