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April 01, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-01

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GOP Legislators,
Hurry To Remap
Democrats Warn Against Attempts
To Bypass Procedure, Court Ruling
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Faced with the very real prospect of having to run
Michigan's Congressional election at-large this year, the state Legis-
lature whipped into action yesterday in an eleventh hour attempt
to come up with an apportionment plan which is legal.
The present apportionment, approved last year under the pro-
visions of the new constitution and lauded by Gov. George Romney,
was upset last week by a three-man federal court in a 2-1 party
"line decision. The Legislature was

Senate Fight
Over Rights
Keeps Going
WASHINGTON (MP)-In the lat-
est of a series of political moves
in the Senate struggle over civil
rights legislation, Republican lead-
er Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) said
yesterday he will offer about 12
amendments to improve, not
"emasculate or water down" the
fair employment practices section
of the civil rights bill.
If adopted they will help mus-
ter votes needed to keep the sec-
tion in the legislation, he said.
In other developments, Dirksen
said GOP senators would confer
next week, then hold a formal
party conference the following
week to seek a unified position.
Formal Debate l
Formal debate on the measure
began Monday following the 67-17
vote Friday which made the bill
pending business of the Senate and
thus opened floor debate on the
bill itself rather than on the mo-
tion to place the bill on the floor.
Southern senators had staged a
preliminary filibuster for several
weeks previous to the vote and are
expected to do so again as the
bill's proponents attempt to secure
passage of the bill in the form
that gained House approvaL
Both liberal and Southern fac-
tions have organized into teams,
the. liberals to make sure they
have enough senators within reach
to answer a quorum call and the
Southerners to see that they have
speakers available to . "talk th4
measure to death."
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga)
and other Southerners protested
on the Senate floor the refusal
of Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-
Minn) yesterday to yield to ques-
tions while giving a speech fav-
oring the bill. He "seems to feel he
not only can call the tune but
do all the dancing," Russell said.
The Southern complaints appar-
ently stemmed partly from Hum.-
phrey's suddenry turning the de-
bate back to the Dixie forces yes-
terday when they were expecting
the propopents to continue dis-
cussing the bill.
"If the advocates.. . have brok-
en down temporarily, I believe the
record should show it," said Sen.
Spessard L. Holland (D-Fla).
Humphrey said those favoring
the bill "are prepared to debate
the bill title by title," and chal-
lenged the Southerners to agree
to vote now, in four weeks, or six
or seven weeks, or to reach an
understanding to vote on June 1.;
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY)
said the Senate had better act alot
earlier than June 1. If there is
trouble in the streets, he said,
"we'll have the responsibility be-
cause we didn't act in time."

given a bare three weeks to draw
a new plan.
Sen. Farrell E. Roberts (R-
Pontiac), chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, has intro-
duced a vehicle bill on which the
lawmakers will attempt to ham-
mer out a solution this week.
All Haste
Romney was spurring the legis-
lators on yesterday, urging them
to act with all possible haste in
order to avoid "chaos and con-
fusion," which he claimed would
result in an at-large election.
The current Congressional line-
up stands at 11 Republicans and
8 Democrats, and Romney, a
Republican, reportedly fears that
the opposition would sweep all 19
seats in an at-large contest.
The answer to the problem
probably will not be easy to find,
according to Capitol, sources. The
Judiciary Committee is being lit-
erally snowed under with district-
ing proposals, and Roberts has
already hinted that compliance
with the court-ordered remapping
will undoubtedly mean chopping
up long established districts, es-
pecially those of firmly entrenched
Democrats in Wayne County. Such
a move is almost certain to bring
violent opposition from Democrat
Against the Wall
Democrats apparently feel they
have the Republicans backed
against the wall. Any plan passed
by the Legislature, which is con-
trolled by the GOP, would not
take effect' until 90 days after
adjournment for the year. Only
if the Republicans could secure
the constitutionally required two.-
thirds vote could the bill take
effect immediately after it is pass-
The GOP controls the Senate by
a two-thirds majority, but they
lack 16 votes of having two-thirds
in the House. What's more, press
of other business will probably
prevent the Legislature from ad-
journing for some time.
Romney hinted yesterday how-
ever that, rather than be forced
into a plan gerrymandered to fa-
vor the Democrats, the Republi-
cans might well adjourn as soon
as the bill was passed and then
reconvene the Legislature in spe-
cial session, thus effectively by-
passing the Democrat strangle-
Warns Romney
However, Sen. William D. Ford
(D-Taylor) warned the governor
and his party against any such
manuevers and threatened to call
up the power of the Democrats'
two "aces-in-the-hole": The two
federal judges who struck down
the existing apportionment last
week. Ford intimated the Demo-
crats would summon the jurists,
both Democrats, into the fray.
State Solicitor General Robert
A. Derengoski pleaded with the
Judiciary Committee to adhere
strictly to the court order, ap-
parently heading Ford's threat to
bring the power of the federal
bench to bear against any Demo-
crat-claimed injustices.

Faisal Seeks
To Reform
Arab State
DAMASCUS (A-Saudi Arabia's
Crown Prince Faisal, who took
over the reins of government
from his ailing brother, King
Saud, Monday intends to move
rapidly toward progressive reforms
within the kingdom.
The kingdom's ambassador to
Syria, Sheik Abdel Rahman El Ha-
midi, told newsmen yesterday that
Faisal's assumption of supreme
power and demotion of King Saud
to a figurehead role Monday night
will have no effect on Saudi
Arabian foreign policy.
Radio Mecca announced the ail-
ing monarch, 61, has signed a se-
ries of decrees formally approving
the transfer to Faisal of all the
royal executive powers and prer-
ogatives that his 58-year-old
brother and premier had seized
by proclamation.
Reports of Pressure
There were reports Saud acted
under pressure, signing away his
rights when given the choice of
accepting the changes or leaving
the country with his family.
Even so, the expectation is ghat
Saud-who has been treated
abroad in the past for a stomach
ulcer, high blood pressure and gen-
eral debility-will leave again soon
for reasons of health.
In Beirut, sources close to Fais-
al said they heard seven of Saud's
sons who had supported him in
his struggle against the crown
prince, have been ordered to get
out. This report lacked confirma-
Saud and Faisal have been on
opposite sides of the fence for
much of the time since Saud suc-
ceeded their father in 1953: the
crown prince advocating social
and economic reforms and the
king standing pat.
Ackley To View
WASHINGTON - Prof. Gard-
ner Ackley of the economics de-
partment, currently on leave with
the Council of Economic Advisors
here, has been named by President
Lyndon B. Johnson to head a
committee studying the economic
effects of disarmament.
The ten man group, known as
the Committee on the Economic
Impact of Defense and Disarma-
ment, was created in December.

-Associated Press
SOVIET PREMIER Nikita S. Khrushchev (right) embraces
Hungarian Premier Janos Kadar as they meet at the Budapest
Airport. Khrushchev is conferring with Hungarian Communists
on strategy for the upcoming Communist "summit conference."
Khrushche Visits Hungary
To Strengthen Soviet Ties

BUDAPEST (M)-Soviet Premierv
Nikita S. Khrushchev arrived here
yesterday and opened strategy
talks with his Hungarian allies to
strengthen his hand in the strug-
gle with Communist China for
leadership of world Communism.
The Soviet leader's visit is ex-
pected to be largely devoted to
laying the groundwork for a sum-
mit meeting of Communist lead-
ers on the Chinese issue in Mos-
cow next month.
Khrushchev and his host, Hun-
garian Premier Janos Kadar,
touched indirectly on the dispute
in an exchange of greetings on
the arrival of the Soviet delega-
tion. ,
Stressing the theme of Com-
munist unity-Moscow's main ar-
gument against the Chinese -
Khrushchev said the talks "will
'consolidate and strengthen social-
ism. We are convinced that our
exchange of views will be most
interesting and useful."
The meeting takes place against
a background of mounting Com-
munist Chinese attacks on Moscow
and intensive propaganda aimed
at deepening the split between
Peking and Moscow factions in
parties outside the east European

The last barrage of criticism,
fired by Peking as Khrushchev's
train was moving toward Hun-
gary Monday denounced him as
"the greatest capitulationist of
history" and urged international
Communist parties to "repudiate
and liquidate Khrushchev's revi-
Among Friends
In Hungary the Soviet leader
is among friends. The Kadar re-
gime's policy of liberalization,
which brought a considerable raise
in living standards, stands in
sharp contrast to the Chinese thes-
is of Communist evolution through
force. The Hungarians also re-
member that Peking urged Mos-
cow to smash the Hungarian rev-
olution in 1956.
The first talks were attended on
the Soviet side by Foreign Min-
ister Andrei A. Gromyko, Yuri
Andropov, Soviet Central Commit-
tee secretary in charge of inter-
party relations, and other high
political and economic experts.

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