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March 13, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-13

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Sunny and pleasant
with warming trend


No. 131




East Quad Abandons IQC

Thant Expects Cyprus Force


East Quadrangle withdrew from
the Inter-Quadrangle Council last
night in protest over what East
Quad President George Steinitz,
'66, called "the mailbox issue and
other complaints against IQC."
According to IQC's constitu-
tion, East Quad cannotofficially
secede. But if East Quad refuses
S to send its representatives, IQC
will not have a quorum anid, will
be unable to conduct any business
Steinitz, and East, Quad IQO,
representative John Koza, '64, left
the 'IQC meeting last night after
the defeat of several motions
which they introduced concerning
) the question of IQC authority over
the use of quad mailboxes.

East Quad Council voted Tues-
day to withdraw from IQC unless
it took "some positive action" at
last night's meeting. Steinitz noted
that "East Quad feels that IQC's
,mailbox regulations are unfair and
should be changed."
Mailbox Rules
The.IQC mailbox rules and reg-
ulations state that "any item
which IQC distributes of its own
cannot be disallowed by individ-
ual quadrangles. All items must be
brought to the IQC for approval,"
except as defined in certain par-
-These portions include such
regulations as: "A house may dis-
tribute literature arising within
its house in its own mailboxes,
with the approval of the house
government. Literature originating
in one house or quadrangle for
distribution in another quadrangle
must be approved by the IQC.
"This decision is binding on all
houses and quadrangles. Litera-
ture originating in one house or,
quadrangle for distribution in that
unit must be approved by the
quadrangle government. Its deci-
sion is binding on all houses in
that quadrangle."
Chaiges Unfair Censorship
Koza contends that IQC has
used this'censorship right unfair-
ly, and "has in. the 'past stopped
distribution of literature advocat-
ing stands which IQC opposed."
IQC President John Eadie, '65,
who believed East Quad's with-
drawal from IQC to be "most un-
fortunate," noted that IQC's by-
laws, of which the mailbox regu-
lations are a part, were passed by
a 7-1 vote in IQC "just last
He added that "IQC's executive.
committee and other committees
will continue to operate for the
benefit of all the men in the resi-
dence halls, though their meetings
will be carried out unofficially."
Decision Brewing
Stelnitz said that East Quad's
decision to withdraw from IQC
"had been brewing since Novem-
Koza added that "East Quad
attempted to get changes in litera-
ture distribution policy through
IQC channels but was unable to
do' so."
The East Quad Council also
charged IQC with "misuse of IQC
Parents Picket
In Bus Protest
NEW YORK (A) - Thousands'
of white parents, employing a tac-
tic of civil rights organizations,
yesterday staged one of the largest
protest demonstrations ever seen
at city hall here.
Their 2.5-hour picketing pro-
tested plans to transfer pupils
from neighborhood schools to oth-
ers nearby to. racially balance en-
Some 15,000 persons marched, a
few Negroes among them.

funds" in purchasing refreshments
for IQC members at meetings, and
misrepresentation of the men in
the residence halls by "various
IQC presidents."
Steinitz made it clear, however,
that East Quad would be willing
to return to IQC meetings either
to "obtain redress for its griev-
ances or to conduct business that
may be of benefit to East Quad
Council and the residents of East
China Plans
GENEVA (JP)-The Indian gov-
ernment denounced Red China
yesterday for trying to develop
its own nuclear bomb and called
on the rest of the world to prevent
Vishnu C. Trivedi,' newly ap-
pointed Indian delegate to the 17-
nation Disarmament Conference,
avoided naming the Peking regime
but his meaning was unmistak-
able. Other delegates seemed star-
tled by his speech, which swept
aside a long - standing taboo
against any discussion on the
China issue on the conference
In his first speech to the con-
ference, Trivedi called on dele-
gates to "negotiate measures cal-
culated to prevent . .. unhealthy
developments which would make
our ultimate task much more dif-
ficult, if not impossible."
Lack of Progress
He deplored the lack of prog-
ress in the two-year-old conference
and added, "While we are discuss-
ing problems of disarmament,
there are some people who are
possessed by the .mad urge to have
their own bomb.
"They would call it the Asian
bomb. It is our duty, and the,
duty of the international commu-
nity, to endeavor to prevent this
proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Otherwise, the world will never
forgive us."
First to Denounce China
It was the first time since the
limited nuclear test ban treaty was
signed in Moscow on Aug. 5, 1963
that a delegate had risen on the
conference floor to denounce Red
China for its refusal to accept the
Trivedi rejected as unrealistic
the Chinese view that general
world disarmament can be carried
out only at a single stroke, and
accused the Chinese Communists,
in effect, of blocking disarma-
ment and arms control measures
with their "solitary defiance."
Trivedi evidently made a clear
distinction between China, which
he described as a non-nuclear
power, and France, which already
possesses a}nuclear weapon.
France also has kept aloof from
the test ban, but Trivedi did not
refer to this.


Vows Fight
Against Bill
L. McClellan (D-Ark) told the
Senate yesterday the civil rights.
bill "ought to be filibustered' and
said he would be willing to fight
"if it took nine years" to kill the,
McClellan denounced the House-
passed bill as "tainted." He told
his colleagues that if they refuse
to send the bill to the Senate
Judiciary Committee it would
"greatly, endanger, if not com-
pletely destroy, the efficiency and
integrity of our legislative pro-
'Confusion and Chaos'
To bypass the committee, Mc-
Clellan' said, would bring "con-
fusion, instability and chaos."
McClellan, carrying the battle-
flag for opponents of the measure
in this fourth day of the civil
rights debate, had to wait two
hours to speak while other South-
ern Democrats argued with their
Senate leadership.
They denounced a "bipartisan
civil rights news letter" circulated
by the bill's backers as an an-
onymous and clandestine operation
which improperly set up a "Re-
publican command post in the
Democratic policy committee."
Policy Committee Not Involved
Sen. Hubert H. Humphreyi (D-
Minn), assistant Senate Demo-
cratic leader and floor manager
for the civil rights bill, denied
that the Democratic policy com-
mittee was involved. He said the
document is being prepared daily
in his office by his staff and that
of Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (Calif),
assistant GOP leader, with "funds
we have to operate our offices."
With the Southerners still dis-
puting him, Humphrey denied,
there was any mystery about who
wrote the letter. He said the first
edition had carried his name and
Kuchel's although subsequent edi-
tions did not.
U.S.,, Panama,
To Start Talks,
Resume Ties
ed States yand Panama' have
agreed on a formula for resuming
diplomatic ties and opening ne-
gotiations on their differences
over the Panama Canal, it was
learned last night.
Informed diplomats said the.
only problem still stalling an an-
nouncement in Washington and
Panama was a minor difference
over the wording in statements to
be made by President Lyndon B.

Funds Seen
'Suff fiient
For Support
Canadian Soldiers
Planned for Mission
tary-General U Thant said yes-
terday that a 700-man UN peace
force will be in Cyprus very soon.
Canada volunteered the first
troops, a 1000 man battalion, and
said they could start flying to the
Eastern Mediterranean island at
Diplomatic sources also said that
Thant has given out word that
financial obstacles have been re-
moved by assurances of between
$4 million and $5 million in volun-
tary contributions from the United
States, Britain, West Germany,
Switzerland, Greece and others.
Sweden and Finland appeared
to be on the verge of volunteering
troops,' but no quick action was
anticipated on the part of Austria,
Brazil and Ireland.
Discouraging Development
However, Thant met with one
discouraging development. Inform-
ed sources say Turkey has turned
down Jose Rolz-Bennett of Gua-
temala as mediator in the Cyprus
Bennet was Thant's choice for
the 'job, but Orhan Eralp, the
Turkish ambassador to th United
Nations, told Thant that in order
to satisfy public opinion at home
Turkey wanted a mediator of in-
ternational stature known in the
In Nioosia, warlike activities
along the armed frontier demark-
ing the Turkish and Greek Cy-
priot sectors here could mean new
troubles for the battered city,
British sources said.'
Greeks Fortify
In the past few days from 600
to 1000 Greek Cypriot security
forces have moved into fortified
positions along many areas of the
dividing line, sources say.
Turkish Cypriots also have been
busy on their' side, throwing up a
second long row of earthworks
paralleling the Kyrenia, road.
Defense Chief
Leaves Saigon,
Promises Aid
SAIGON (A)- United States
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara left Saigon for Washing-
ton yesterday promising additional
American aid to South Viet Nam
in her fight against increased
Communist insurgency.
McNamara ended his whirlwind
five-day fact-finding trip con-
vinced, aides said, that only by
increased United States assistance
and greater Vietnamese effort can
the Communist tide be stemmed
in this part of the world.
In an airport address as he de-
parted. McNamara declared he
had found the situation in Viet
Nam serious but that there were
encouraging signs. These 'signs
were embodied, McNamara said, in
a pacification plan announced
last weekend by Vietnamese Pre-
mier Nguyen Khanh calling for
increased effort among the rural










or Fall Uercass Rus

House Votes
To Kill Boost
In Salaries'
turned down yesterday a $10,000-
a-year pay raise for Congres mem-
a-year pay raise for Congress
members and killed with it salary
increases for 1.7 million other
federal employes.
On a 222-184 roll call, the mem-
bers rejected the measure as a
whole after having approved on
non-record votes the separate pro-
visions calling for increases for
the others affected.
During two days of debate,. op-
ponents of the bill hammered at
the idea of members of Congress
voting themselves a big pay boost
in an election year and Just after
having passed a hefty tax cut and
pledged'themselves to economy in
Countered by Republicans
Republicans and Southern Dem-
ocrats led the successful fight to
scrap the bill, leaving its spon-
sors undecided as to whether they
would seek to revive even the non-
congressional sections of it this
Voting against the bill were 136
Republicans and 86 Democrats.
Favoring it were 149 Democrats
and 35 Republicans.
Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz)
claimed higher salaries at the up-
per levels are needed to attract
and 'hold the kind of people need-
ed to run the government effi-
Cabinet Officials
Besides members of Congress,
Cabinet officials and their top
aides, Supreme Court justices and
the vice-president all would have
received $10,000-a-year raises.
For the career government work-
ers and postal employes, raises
would have ranged from 3 per cent
at the dower levels to 22.5 per cent
at the top, with the average mail-
man and government secretary
getting a $450-a-year increase.
The proposed new salary struc-
ture had been approved by the
administration and had the strong
support of the House Democratic
leadership, which had hoped to
pass it by a voice vote. But elec-
tion-year jitters' apparently were
too strong among members run-
ning for re-election to permit them
to go on record for the bill when it
came to a roll call,
Court Hands Hoffa
Jail Sentence, Fine
Hoffa was sentenced yesterday to
eight years in prison and fined
$10,000 for jury-tampering.,

Mathematics Programs
Undergo Reorientation
"Until the death of Stalin, political considerations tended to in-
fluerice Russian scientific research, but the situation is changing,"
Prof. Nicholas D. Kazarinoff of the mathematics department said
"The official position in Russia had been to encourage practical
application at the expense of abstract mathematics," he said.
Speaking of his observation4 during his stay in Russia in 1960-61,
Prof. Kazarinoff noted that there has been a great deal of interaction
between the scientific advances of*
the twentieth century and Com-
munist ideology. I

Other Related Fields
"Russian mathematicians are,
being looked to for solutions to
many problems not directly relat-
ed to their field of specialization,"
he noted.
"At the present time Tere is a
shortage of college students in
Russia because few babies were
born during and right after the
Second World War. A few years
ago there were 18 million college
students, while there are only 8.4
million today," Prof. Kazarinoff
said. "The 18 million figure is not
likely to be reached again until
The fewer mathematics students
may receive more intensive train-
ing. Prof. Kazarinoff said that
fewer doctorates, in mathematics
are given in Russia than in the
United States and that the number
is not likely to go up in the next
few years because of the shortage
of qualified people.
More Math Centers
R e s e a r c h and teaching in
mathematics are done in two
kinds of institutions,he noted.
The institutes accept a limited
number of students with univer-
sity degrees, the equivalent of a
strong master's degree in the Unit-
ed States. The universities also ac-.
cept a limited number of graduate
In the institutes the professors
are strongly research-oriented:
The students learn by studying on
their own and attending seminars,
Prof. Kazarinoff said. The univer-
sity undergraduate mathematics
programs tend to include more
physics and mechanics than those
in the United States.
Required Communist Courses
The influence of the Communist
ideology is reflected in the re,
quired "philosophy" courses in
Communism. To receive their doc-
torate students must pass exam-
inations in philosophy and a for-
eign language, in addition to ex-
aminations in their fields of spe-
Athoug students receive, a lib-
eral education only in high school,.
Prof. Kazarinoff was impressed
that Russian graduate students
seem well-read and cultured, pos-
sibly more so than their American

UCLA, Abolishes Curfews,
LOS ANGELES oP)-The University of California at Los Angeles
recently abolished curfews for women students over 21 and women
graduate students.
Juniors and seniors in good academic standing will also be able
to stay out all night if they have their parents' permission.
"I guess you might say we're a little more liberal than most
universities around the country," UCLA Dean of Women Nola-Stark



Union Unt
The 10 menbers of the new
Michigan Union Board of Directors
should be like senior officers In
that they should be as well-in-.
formed and active as the three
student officers of the Union have
been in past yers.
This was the conclusion reached'
by the board last night in dis-:
cussion on the implementation of
the new Union constitution ap-
proved last week by Union mem-
Union president Kent Cart-
wright, '65, called the "ten 'sen-
ior officers" concept the only
logical means of making the board
a viable, active organization as.
was promised in the new constitu-
"In the past the cumbersome
structure of the board has made
it more of a debating society than'
a governing board. We hope to
eliminate this problem.
Weekly News Letters
"In an attempt to make the
board members more aware of the
problems facing the Union, the
senior officers intend to send out.
weekly news letters to each mem-
ber and eliminate' verbal reports
at the monthly board meetings.
"These moves will cut down the
waste effort in board meetings and,
make possible the discussion of
issues formerly relegated to stand-
ing committees," he commented.
Prof. Richard Balshizer of the
engineering college said that the
role of the board ought to parallel
the role to the finance committee
of the former board structure,
namely taking an active hand in
financial decisiQns of the Union.
Former executive vice-president
Robert McKenzie, '64, agreed, say-
ing that the major problem facing
the board is to familiarize itself
with the problems dealt with by
this committee.;
Ad Hoe Committees
Cartwright also -proposed using
ad hoc committees of board mem-
hom~.'. to Apm1 .l with .smian4 1yrp.m1cn

T oSet Dates
Rushing Counselors,
Chairmen To Form
Specific Structure
A fall rush plan for 'upperclas
men was recently passed by a sub
stantial majority of sorrite
Panhellenic president, AnneWcn
ins, '65, said at Panhel Presldt
Council yesterday.
"The plan needs no further en
dorsement, exceptthat.the tJni
versity calendaring commte
must approve rushing dates,"sl
The plan,. proposed by the Pan
hel continuing rush committee' a]
lows all women in good academ
standing, except first semeste
freshmen, to rush at the. begi
ning of next fall semester. Sprin
rush will then be primarily f
freshmen with chancesdofuppe
class pledging very limited.
Emphasizes Iformaity
Miss Wickins said that now "t1
concept of fall rush awill goX't
rushing chairmen and "ushin
counselors, who will be responsib]
for forming the specific structure
The program will emphasize It
formality just as the new spri
rush plan does. Under considers
tion are a shorter rush schedu
and smaller rush groups.
The main reason given for 1
'new program is the increasing en
rollment that is expected to con
with the trimester. '"The 'ah'ead
tight spring 'rushing peridwi
not be able to handle the ant l
pated number of rushees," Mr
Elizabeth Leslie associate direc
tor of student activities and o
ganizations and coordinator of a
sociate and off-campus housini
Main concerns expressed at tb
president's meeting about the ne'
program were:
'Concern With Code
-The honor code, which pu
all women on their honor to "re
(rain from knowingly Influencin
a girl's decision pertaining to rus
either directly or indirectly," ma
prove to be a problem becaiu
women who pledge first semest
and remain in dormitories will I
in a position to influence fresh
men who rush second semester.
"The honor code is flexible an
will probably need only min
changes," Miss Wickins said. Par
hel will have to "make people noi
aware of it," she added.
-Those houses that pledge on*
two or three upperclassmen a ye
will have :to participate in t
rush programs even though the
primary interest Is in spring rus
A house that does not rush durin
the fall cannot rush upperclasq
men in the spring,
-Competition would occur be
tween sororities early in the yea
weakening Panhellenic cohesic
from the start. To combat thi
Miss Wickins said .that "a Panh4
approach, to rushing" would I
made. Affiliates would -"try to se
the whole Panhel system, not It
dividual sororities."
To aid in implementing the ne
plan, a rush workshop will be hep
this spring, Miss Wickins at
nounced. "The workshop will in
crease and clarify general know
edge of the fall plan," she said.
This will be the first fall ru;
since 1956, when fall rush was dis
continued and spring rush was be
gun the following year. Previous]
there has not been a year in whic
two rushing periods were held.

Cites Decision
On Districti

Cavette said. The university had
recently surprised parents with the
establishment of coeducational
2 a.m. on Weekends,
Before the establishment of the
new rules, all- women students liv-
ing in dormitories had to be in by
midnight on week nights and by
2 a.m. on weekends. This rule now
applies only to freshmen and
Actually it was the success of
their three 10-story coeducational
dormitories that led to the new
rules, according to Mrs. Cavette.
"We began to get far more
graduate students than we had ex-
pected," she said, "and we had to
adjust to them.
Locked in Towers
"We have the men in one tower
and the women in another. They
mix in public rooms, but each wing
is locked separately."
A night clerk presses a buzzer'
to admit a student to his respec-
tive wing after he shows his ident-



"M' Icers Seize Serie'sMarMgin,4-3,
Michigan's hockey team outshot a fired-up Michigan Tech sextet,:
4..1-33,to barely get by the Huskies 4-3 last night in the first game
,:of the WCHA playoff series.-
- The win only puts the Wolverines one goal up in the two-game
x{:n;; :: .; {;'.7 Y" : series, since the final result will be decided on the basis of total goals
,"n} scored. The winner then goes on to play the winner of the Denver-
North Dakota series for the playoff title Saturday.
: "; "Wilfred Martin's tally with 12:51 gone in the third period pro-
vided the winning margin. Martin's first shot bounced off Tech goalie
- } <Gary Bauman's pads and Martin quickly followed up on his shot
'with a short lifter in the upper left corner of the net.
}::. Michigan Coach Al Renfrew was not especially pleased with his
,_team's performance. He simply stated, "We didn't play very well
overall. Some of the fellows weren't skating well.' He did single out
' Martin.'"Martin played outstandingly.'
::;'Husky Coach John-MacInnes added praise for the hustling sopho-
more and his linemates. "That Regina line is fast. Their spirit kept

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