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March 01, 1964 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-01

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" :

3. To be of benefit to its con-
stituents, it is necessary for SGC
to give financial support to the
Continental Cooperative Book-
4. To establish a University of
Michigan Student Employees' Un-
ion to work for better wages and
working conditions for student
employees )in University and off-
campus facilities.
5. To conduct a definitive in-
vestigation of Ann Arbor rents,
prices of laundry, clothing, books,
and food in order to attempt to
bring lower living costs to students
and faculty.
6. To encourage the University
to construct low-cost student
Because of limited space, this is
but part of a much large program
which includes specific plans for
putting SGC with its $11,000 bud-
get back on its feet.
Tony Ch iu
- > ~ .

That there be thorough revision
of School Announcements to in-
clude more description, course me-
chanics, and requirements.
That scholarships be established
for veterans of the Peace Corps to
attract these superior people to
the University.
That accreditation be given to
student activities to provide in-
centives for this valuable phase
of education.
That the renting of faculty
parking space be increased so that
the full utilization of these areas
be realized.
That new channels of communi-
cation be established through a
regular column on the Daily edi-
torial page, by use of the Official
Weekly Calendar to announce the
activities of student organizations,
and the inclusion of the agenda
and the meeting schedule of SGC
in the Daily Official Bulletin.
I also support present Council
moves to gain greater economic
benefits in the community and to
gain the power to propose non-
academic rules and regulations.
Cunningha m

SGC Ballot
Twenty candidates are running for eight Student Govern-
ment Council seats. Three are incumbents. The candidates are
Steve Berkowitz, David Block, Barry Bluestone; Tony Chiu,
Carl Cohen, Thomas Copi, Scott Crooks, Garry Cunningham,
Don Filip, Chad Gray, Robert Grody, Diane Lebedeff, Ronald
Martinez, Sherry Miller, Stanley Nadel. John Reece, Michael
Sattinger, David Shortt, Richard Simon, Eugepe Won.
Incumbents are Crooks, Cunningham and Miller. Miller is
currently administrative vice-president of the Council.
Five of the newly-elected Council members will serve full
year terms; three will serve half terms.
Election System: The candidates will be selected under
the Hare System of voting. To be elected on the first ballot a
candidate must receive one-eighth of the total votes cast.
In addition, voters will select three members to the Board
in Control of Student Publications and one candidate for the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics.
USNSA Ballot
Students will have the opportunity- to select four delegates
to the 17th USNSA Congress. Write-in candidates will be
accepted if ballots are completed correctly and each followed
by a number, according to the conventions of the Hare System..
Class Officer Ballot
The only contested position is the presidency of the Literary
College (LSA). Voters will, be asked to choose between two
Michigan Union Referendum
Male students will also have the opportunity to vote in a
constitutional referendum to approve or disapprove the newly
revised Union structure. Copies of the entire constitutional
change will be available at the polls.
Polling Places
Fourteen places have been selected for polls. They are:
The South, East and West Quads; Mary Markley Hall; Busi-
ness Administration Building; Law Quad; Engineering Arch;-
Undergraduate Library Terrace; Diag; Fishbowl; Michigan
Union stairs; Frieze Bldg.; Women's Athletic Bldg.; Bus Stop
at North University and East University.

fluence. Legal and judicial prob-
lems centering around member-
ship statments have plagued SGC
constantly since its inception and
these have finally been resolved.
Consquently, Council now has the
time to deal with many of the
services, reports, and fani nicalb
services, reports, and financial
benefits that it can and does piro-
vide and have been buried in an
effort to resolve the nembership
problem. These bnefits include the
laundry problem in dormitories, a
course evaluation booklet, exami-
nation of the counseling system,
and bus services to students.
But only rendering services to
the student body is not enough,
SGC must move forward using the
means it has been investigating for
the past year. This calls for further
action in the area of faculty-stu-
dent government, all-campus of-
ficer elections, and the elimination
of the, Hare system.
The logic of this argument rests
on the fact that this program will
definitely develop a more influen-
tial and stronger SGC capable of
furthering student interests in the.
framework of the University. There
are two major points to be noted
here. First, by providing students
with concrete benefits Council will
stimulate a greater interest in its
internal structure. Second, these
reforms in the present structure
will further the solidification of
political parties on the campus
which will bring increased aware-
ness of SGC and its elections. Con-
sequently, when Council applies
pressure for new jurisdiction and
ideas it will be reinforced with the
opinions of many more students
than at present.
With my experience, I feel that I
have grasped an accurate realiza-
tion of this problem of voter
awareness and the direct relation-
ship it has to SGC's power and in-
fluence. This knowledge coupled
with the plan of progress previous-
ly noted will give SGC the consci-
entious leadership it needs to move
forward and become a dynamic
and responsible voice of the stu-


Sherry Miller

faults ; neither of these offers an
adequate.alternative. The mem-
bers of council have kept council
irrelevant to the rest of the stu-
dent' body and it is only, with the
support ofthe'student body that
council can be made into a stu-
dent government. i
SGC should be an autonomous
student rule-making body, free
from the threat of administrative
veto, but this will, not result from
a committee investigation. It will
.only result from electing a council
that will bring. issues to the stu-
Oents as well as keeping an ear
ope.z for student opinion.
The administrative veto has
never been exercised, and this is
not because we have a "cool" ad-
ministration; it is because we don't
have a decent council. If the ad-
ministration won't grant SGC
power over student rules, council
should pass a new set of rules and
call on the student body to follow
them rather than the administra-
tion's. This would then place the
decision making power in the stu-
dent body, "#here it belongs.
There' are other positions. I fa-
vor: greater student vaice in aca-
demic and''expansion planning, low
cost'' housing instead of new dor-
mitories, and investigation of Ann
Arbor rents and prices, but these
all depend on a real. student gov-
.etc Shorts

Once upon a time, on a nearby
campus, a Student Government
Council was beset by many woes.
In addition to enjoying rather low
esteem with the students, SGC was
challenged by an abolitionist par-
ty who thought its basic structure
was unworkable. Answering this
challenge, six conservative candi-
dates banded together, and pro-
claimed themselves for a progres-
sive status quo.
Into this donnybrook sprung a
Lone Candidate. He was experi-
enced, serving as house president
as a freshman and on a key SGC
committee as a first semester
sophomore, all the while gaining
knowledge of campus issues and
formulating ideas for SGC growth.
He felt that before Council
could develop into a student-fac-
ulty government, it had to solidi-
fy itself internally and gain're-
spect through service in areas of
immediate student concerns. The
Lone Candidate advocated press-
ing for the more realistic women's
regulations outlined in the recent
League survey; he wanted SGC
action in off-campus housing on
nine-month University leases and
a more systematic check on hous-
ing conditions and discrimination.
He also urged a logical testing of
the book store ruling.
The Lone Candidate was troub-
led by the election. He did not
agree with the abolitionists' basic
assumption, but he also foresaw
stagnation if Council was packed
with progressive status quoers. So
he waged an independent cam-
paign, attempting to appeal to all
rational voters on the basis of
ability and a wide but coherently
cohesive platform.
Does this fable end happily? Ita
can, if you give the Lone Candi-
date your first place vote on
March 4, so he can work for You.
Thank you.
Scott Brooks

The polls will be open from 7:45 a.m. to 5:10
election will be held Wednesday, March 4.

p.m. The

Student Government Council:
Administrative Vice President, del-
egate to National Student Con-
gress, former chairman of the
Committee on Student Concerns;
House: former member of Markley
Dorm Council and past president
of Fisher House; League: former
member of Burocats and Public
Relations Committee; Honoraries:
Alpha Lambda Delta, Circle, Wy-
* * *
It is very difficult to explain in
a short statement all that I think
SGC is 'and ought to be, but I hope
to convey to you all that three
years' experience with the Council
has taught me about student gov-
ernment, so that you may see be-
hind the promises and accusations
that have been made about SGC.
It has been suggested by some
that unless the student cansee
tangible benefits resulting from
SGC, the Council is worthless.
These people do not seem to realize
that SGC is not primarily a serv-
ice organization and should not be
because this function is filled by
other groups on campus. Yet SGC
is not and cannot be a true legis-
lative body with complete power
over the fate of students on the
In the area of student organiza-
tions SGC does have total author-
ity subject only to an OSA veto,
but for the most part it acts rather
as a pressure group for student in-
terests and benefits students in the
degree to which it is able to serve
this watchdog function. Examples
are the financial survey, student
parking, bus service, counseling,
laundries, course description book-
let, and similar projects.
In areas where primarily stu-
d!ent interests are involved, SGC
should press for student control,
though not necessarily control by
SGC. This is the case with non-
academic regulations. But to ask
that a true government by stu-
dents or by students and faculty
be set .up in place, of the-' present
structure is to betray a misunder-
standing of the nature of power
at the University.
My platform asks that SGC ex-
pand both its watchdog and its
legislative function, and to this
end it should constantly re-evalu-
ate its structure and its direction.
I believe that this is a responsible
and realistic stand and ask that
you support it.


SGC incumbent; Member SGC
Committee on Student Concerns;
Young Republicans; Junior Inter-
fraternity Council Constitutional
Revision Committee.
* * *
The name Student Government
Council conveys perhaps a false
impression in that it is not a true
"goverqment" directing and con-
trolling student action. We are
only being realistic when we real-
ize that the power of SGC lies in
presenting the image of student
responsibility before the adminis-
tration. This seemingly limited
power is in many ways greater
than the specific powers outlined
for it in the Council Plan by the
regents. For instance, Council has
reached into areas like member-
ship regulations, student transpor-
tation, academic counseling, and
student labor and financial oppor-
tunities. These student - initiated
activities have come about not
through brash demands for new
power but through rational, ma-
ture presentations of the student
This is not a defense of the
status quo but a plea for your sup-
port of positive new programs.
SGC has long been concerned with
the academic affairs of the, Uni-
versity. I propose that it create a
Student Committee on Academic
Endowment which would solicit
funds to create a rotating depart-
mental chair filled each year by
an eminent visiting professor. Vice
President Niehuss assures me that
the five endowed chairs which are
currently maintained are all too
few and inadequately financed.
The University is also finding it
difficult to, make its students feel
a financial'obligation to it after
graduation. SGC could sponsor an
alumni - student program on
Homecoming weekend with speak-
ers, a banquet and informal dis-
cussion in an effort to increase
alumni interest and financial sup-
As we approach these new areas
and others, such as student con-
duct, the election to SGC of can-
didates who hold a realistic view
towards Council's source of power
and Influence will allow it to con-
tinue to develop and progress
within the University community.

tural Chairman); Young Demo-
* * *
SGC functions ineptly and in-
efficiently. Justly, it has been re-
ceived with apathy by the student
body - Michigras Central Com-
mittee is better organized, attracts
more interest, and displays more
What could Council do if it
wanted to, right now? The Council
plan has delegated its power over
recognition and regulation of stu-
dent groups, calendaring, and "to
serve as the official representative
of the University student com-
munity . . . to participate . . . in
the discussion of University policy
..." The student has had this tool
in his hand for ten years and has
failed to use it ...
Council does not need a group of'
student activists who ramble on
with no direction but much ener-
gy; it does not need a clique of
"gray flannels" who are primarily
concerned with Robert's Rules,.
agendas, and running a "neat
meeting," who represent them-
selves as the "radical middle"; it
needs a group of students who will
scream at each other over the
Council table, because they are
concerned and involved, who will
direct their energy and organize
their causes. The tool must be put
in the hands of persons who are
interested in Student Government
and not Student Government
Council, who will labor for student
responsibility, who will carve out a
greater area for student initiative
and control overr his own actions.
It needs a total change in attitude,
a re-vitalization.
This is the type of direction that
Councilneeds and is the orienta-
tion and leadership which I will
There are chains of apathy and
red ta'e to be cast off Council.
There is nothing to lose and much
to gain.

which are of a purely non-aca-
demic nature should ultimately
emulate from the student. The
Council and soon will make all
non-academic rules and regula-
tions to which the student body is
now responsible.
Another area which SGC should
strike out at is communication.
The students are being short-
changed by the mass media on
this campus, in that most stu-
dents are unaware of the con-
structive projects which SGC is
now doing and has been doing in
the past. I support any means by
which 'the student can become
more aware, inmerested and a part
of the government which repre-
sents him.
All campus officer elections
would turn the yearly power strug-
gle inside the Council room over
to the student. Aa strong, effective
and energetic leadership respon-
sible to the whole student body
instead of the small governing
body. would insure the student
that the Council has a direction
in which it can move.
As a member or Council I work
for the above issues. I plan as a
Council member to take full ad-
vahtage of my power to reach the
student and seek out his needs
and desires and to see that these
needs are represented at the Coun-
cil table in the form of appropriate
legislation. I have a sincere inter-
esz in student government and will
worK to preserve and enhance
SGC's powers as a legislative unit
and to assure that the direction it
takes is in accord with the direc-
tion of the student body.



Don Filip

March 4
Polls, Open
Polls Close

Stan Nadel

VOICE ember; Young. Demo-
crats merAber; Treasurer and
member Executive Cornmittee of
VOICE; Conference on the Uni-
versity; American Youth Masters*,
Sinceits inception in 1954, Stu
dent'Government Council has been
ineffective in expressing student
opinion to the administration; the
community and the nation. Until
last year, there were a few r6em-
bers on Council '(i.e. VOICE mem-
bers),-who were interested in see-
ing SGC function as a true stu-
dent government. Presently SGC
lacks members; who are willing to
protest the loss of student free-
doms to the University, which ar-
bitrarily dictates not only campus
planning and curriculum, but, also
student morality- ;
With the election. of strong .can-
didates, SGC should submit a new
SGC plan to the Regents, This
plan. should ask for complete con-
trol over non-academic affairs,
with the elimination of the veto
of the Vice: President of the Office
of Student Affairs, and strong stu-
dent representation on all Univer-
sity committees to determine plan-
ning and curriculum.' If this plan
is not accepted council ' members'
should resign, protesting lack of
faith, by'the Re, gents,, in the ability
of Council to' make decisions. This
would no longer allow the Univer-
sity to use SGC as a means of
showing outsiders the presencel of
thedemocratic process on campus,
when in fact there is no real "gov-
SGC should:
--Set up a committee' to study
University plans for expansion in- .
eluding curriculum plans, total
University enrollment and its ef-
fect on the 'University, lecture
sizes, number of professors at' the
University, of teaching fellows,
and the alloeation of funds within
the U.
-Oppose the Regent's by-law
prohibiting competition with local
businesses by..,
1) Locating the Co-op book-.
store in the SAB, which- was built
with student money, and aiding it
financially with funds from Cine-
ma Guild.
2) Establishing frequent, cheap;
Part-time bus service to shopping
areas outside the campus area.
3) Cinema Guild's establish-
ment of a second theatre showing
current foreign and art films.
SGC, and Its members should
work actively to oppose discrimi-
nation in the University and the

john Reece

VOICE Executive
Conference on the
Steering Committee.



Traditionally, SGC candidates
have proposed responsible leader-
ship and more student participa-
tion in student government. Those
elected on this platform in the re-
cent past have not lived up to this
pledge to .the student body. They
have not brought to Council spe-
cific plans of action to make SGC
a real student governmental body,
one which will involve the student
because of its importance to him
and enhance his role in campus
Thus, in the hope of renewing
life in SGC, I shall, if elected, ap-
nlc ei~nnr ^1C'}1J slf ih 4,f1 .'

j " The basic issue of this campaign
is student government. There are
those who would abolish SGC and
; set up a committee to devise' a new
student, government plan, and
there are others who would just.
set up a committee. ,Both of these
positions are based upon the as-
sumption that tthe inadequacies
of SGC\ stem from structural

Junior LSA; Member Chi Phi
fraternity, rush chairman, pledge
trainer; . past member SGC com-
mittee o nmembership; incumbent
member of Student Government
* * *
Lately there has been much
highly unrealistic criticism and
analysis of SGC which has re-
sulted from the efforts of a few
individuals to cloud substantive
;conp wit &.mAtin-alimm takre

Qualifications: Member of Theta
Xi social fraternity, chairman of
SGC Public Relations Board, IFC
social committee member, SGC
elections committee member for
spring 1963; SGC committee on
student concerns member, SURGe
political party member.
* * *
I am running for Student Gov-
ernment Council because I feel
that my experience in student gov-

AII=Cam-ousSGC Forum

'66LSA; English Major; Fresh-
man fotball; Ass't. Treasurer ZX
fraternit: Pr-T.aw: Vmu n Re-

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