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March 01, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-01

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a.r AirldiAan Daitg
Seventy Third Year
Truth will Prevail">
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al. reprints.

R Leaders Counter Charges

New Union Constitution
Disenfranchises Students

APART of the students' voice in cam-
pus affairs may be voted out of exist-
ence next Wednesday. Male students and
alumni are being asked to voteon a revi-
sion of the Michigan Union constitution
which would, among other things, remove
all elected student seats from the Union
Board of Directors..
Currently, the Board consists of 19
members, six of whom are elected stu-
dents. In attempting to streamline the
Board and make it into a body which
could effectively deal with problems now
passed on to smaller committees, the new
constitution has eliminated these six
seats along with four others.
The resulting body would be made up
of three alumni, three faculty members,
the general manager, the vice-presidents
for business and finance and student af-
fairs and the three senior officers of the
The last group supposedly will repre-
sent the student body on the Board. How-
ever, it is rather doubtful that the three
senior officers can be expected to repre-
sent a general student view of Union oper-
LOST AMID the confusions and contra-
dictions of last week's Conference on
the University keynote speech were many
good points. One which deserves repetition
is this: the value of the iconoclastic pro-
fessor is waning.
In previous decades, Prof. W. Carey
McWilliams recalled, students entered
universities with a strong set of unques-
tioned values, usually narrow and provin-
cial ones. What they needed, then, was
some acid-tongued agnostic to cut
through their biases and shake them out
of smugness.
Today, he argued, youth begin question-
ing at a much younger age. By the time
they reach college, they already have re-
duced their values to rubble. So what they
need from professors is not further nihil-
ism but something with positive meaning
-some worthwhile values on which to
base decisions.
HIS POINT is oversimplified; many Uni-
versity students would still benefit
from some hearty intellectual convul-
sions. But it merits serious attention. To
many students, having overcome habitual
ways of thought and action but finding
nothing to replace them, retreat into
apathy and even despair. And to such
"lost souls," God, Mother, Country, Free
Enterprise, The Future of the Best Inter-
ests of the University are not enough;
such worn cliches and the hypocrisy they
promote are precisely what drove them to
deny everything.
If "the examined life" is to be anything
but nothingness, we need new, consistent
and meaningful values. We need faculty
who are willing to declare such values-
and able to defend their validity against-
a cynical generation. -K.WINTER

IN THE FIRST PLACE, most senior offi-
cers obtain their positions by rising
through the committee structure of the
Union. After two years of involvement
with the organization, their view of the
Union's activities necessarily will be the
organization's view; student opinion from
different areas of the University com-
munity would not be heard on the Board.
Also, as members of the Board, the sen-
ior officers propose a majority of the
motions to the Board and are committed
to seeking Board approval of their ideas.
Any objective student consideration of
ideas proposed by the Union officers is
precluded by the fact that the "students"
are the officers themselves.
IN THEIR ARGUMENTS for adoption of
the new constitution the Board mem-
bers used the rationale that elected stu-
dents have been ineffective due to a
lack of information on their part. "Much
of the Board's time is spent in answer-
ing the questions of elected students," the
Board commented.
However, in past years some significant
"questions" have been raised by elected
students-questions that merited discus-
sion and that the proposed Board might
never ask.
For instance, several years ago former
Daily Editor Michael Olinick, an elected
student member of the Board, proposed
that Board meetings be opened to the
public, an idea which had some merit
and stimulated discussion of the role of
the Board.
Surely, the characterization of most
elected student members as uninformed
and non-contributing is valid; but if even
one or two competent people are elected
in the coming years, the inclusion of stu-
dent members will have been valuable.
stitutional revision centered around
making the Union's position with the
University and the Regents more secure.
For this reason the two vice-presidents
were given ex-officio seats on the Board.
However, securing relations with the stu-
dents is also crucial to the Union. If the
proposed Board were to make a decision
that encountered opposition from a sig-
nificant portion of the student body, the
Regents would be able to overrule the de-
cision on the grounds that there were no
student representatives on the Board and
student interests were not represented.
The basic idea of the constitutional
changes was to reduce the size of the
Board and thus make it a more efficient
organization that could deal with specific
problems instead of delegating them to
various standing committees. However,
this end could have been accomplished
without removing student representatives
from the structure by reducing faculty
and alumni representation to two apiece
while adding two students.
WHILE MOST ASPECTS of the revision
are commendable, the removal of
elected student representatives from the
Board makes the revision an unacceptable
document which must be defeated.

To the Editor:
Butcher in The Daily of Feb.
29 entitled "The Utter Folly of
Party Alignments" is an astound-
ing distortion of the facts.
In an amazing statement, Miss
Butcher asserted that "SURGe's
tactics in the last week certainly
have not been any more laudable
than SGRU's." It is certainly true
that SURGe's tactics have been,
anything but laudable, however
SGRU has done nothing to merit
the charge of low campaign prac-
* * *
THE TWO charges against
SGRU were rudeness and misuse
of The Daily.
Miss Butcher spent seven and
a half column inches discussing
an "incident' which everyone in-
volved in passed off as "really
nothing." The interruption itself
occurred during an open discus-
sion, rather than during a speech.
This kind of head-to-head con-
frontation is condusive to open
disagreement; in fact it is plan-
ned with that in mind. The re-
mark, which was merely a re-
minder to Gary Cunningham to
stick to the subject, was perhaps
unfortunate, but definitely not
worth mentioning. It is certainly
not an issue in this campaign.
The second accusation is not
stupid, but equally invalid. The
reason why editorial material
written by Thomas Copi appears
on the left hand side of this page,
rather than in the letters-to-the-
editor section is because Copi is a
Daily staff member, and Daily
policy says that staff members
can't write letters-to-the-editor.
COPI CAN'T be accused of mis-
using The Daily on grounds that
his point was frivolous because
Miss Butcher herself made the
same point in her discussion of
SURGe. Therefore, the only in-
stitution that can be deemed culp-
able for any alledged misuse of
The Daily is The Daily itself.
Neither Copi, nor SGRU, nor any-
one but The Daily senior editors
had anything to do with The
Daily's editorial policy.
Miss Butcher's charges against
SURGe were true. Those against
SGRU were either grosse exagger-
ations, or leveled at the wrong
-RichardCKeller Simon, '66
Carl J. Cohen, 66
SGRU Co-Chairmen
(EDITOR'S NOTE; Because this
platform statement was turned into
the chairman of the Student Gov-
ernment Council Committee on
Credentials and Rules, rather than
to the elections director, It did not
meet the 'Ieadline for submission
of platforms, and thus is not print-
ed in the SGC-financed supplement
in today's Daily.)
To the Editor:
I WISH to stress the importance
of supporting candidates in this
SGC campaign on the basis of in-
dividual stands and personal qual-
ification rather than on a party
basis. While each party has can-
didates of high personal qualifi-
cation, they offer nothing, as par-
ties, to the voters.
SGRU, however it has changed
its original stand, implies the
eventual abandonment of SGC un-
der its present structure. I agree
with SURGe that SGC can be a
meaningful and effective student
government under its present
structure. But SURGe, organized
as it was to oppose SGRU, is set-
ting up a great straw man to
knock down on the fake issue of
the preservation of SGC, and thus
avoids explaining why SGC has
not been effective enough in re-
cent months.
I RUN as an independent can-
didate, endorsed by various cam-
pus organizations of normally dif-
fering opinions, and I propose the

1) That SGC take greater ad-
vantage of the authority available
to it. The administration has ex-
pressed a willingness to grant to
SGC much more power than it
has chosen to take over non-
academic rules and regulations.
The delay in establishing an ad
hoc committee to deal with these
problems was inexcusable. I would
like to see the committee, and
SGC, give students more author-
ity over women's hours, dormitory
requirements, parking regula-
tions and establish a program of
free visiting hours between men's
and women's living units.
2) SGC should also work in the
area of academic affairs. A com-
mittee of students and faculty,
under the veto of the Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs, should
have authority over grading sys-
tems, curricula, credit hours and
should study the possibilities of
granting credit to certain extra-
curricularractivities and of im-
proving student-faculty communi-
3) SGC should radically im-
prove its communications. Though
SGC has done some things of real
value for University men and
women, most students continue to
think of it as a game. Ex-officio
members should provide a perma-

I ask for your support, wholly
committed to a faith in Univer-
sity students to take greater re-
sponsibility over their own affairs,
and committed to work toward
that goal if you elect me to SGC
on March 4.
-Ronald Buck Martinez, '66
Martha Cook...
To the Editor:
NO, PROTEIN riots are not what
we consider part of the Martha
Cook image. Nor are the "vicious
meetings, insubordination, and
mutiny in the dining room," men-
tioned by Misses Feldblum and
Gale in their recent plaint to The
Daily bemoaning the loss of the
ever-so-important Martha Cook
aura, which they credit to. the
present policy discussions on the
food situation.
Dormitory food should be suffi-
cient and sufficiently appealing.
But it is dormitory food. It would
seem that Miss Feldblum and Miss
Gale, '64, have been dormitory
residents long enough to see that
there must obviously be some lim-
itation on the quantity of well-
prepared, expensive foods.
IT IS lamentable that Miss
Feldblum and Miss Gale concern
themselves so much with the im-
age of Martha Cook, and so little
with the respect and cooperation
that is behind and essential to
that image. For example, neither
is a member of the newly-formed
food committee which is at pres-
ent working hard to maintain this
Open house board meetings on
the subject of the food situation
are not insubordination. Dissen-
sion worked out through coopera-
tion and mutual respect is not
mutiny. The isolated incident that
was mentioned has proved to 'be
largely a misunderstanding; it
was out of proportion to consider
it the central incident in the pres-
ent situation.
Moreover, Martha Cook girls are
big girls now. They don't need to
.have "once upon a time" stories
to maintain the traditional stan-
dards of their "uniqueand peace-
ful residence hall" Cooperation,
not Miss Feldblum and Miss Gale's
fable, is what should project the
image of Martha Cook, if any-
-Jan Zehnder, '64
President, Martha Cook
Evelyn Falkenstein, '66
Pat Van Alstine, '65
Judy Grohne, '65
Ellen La Rue, '65
Sandra D. Johnson, '65
Connie Brigstock, '65
Leonore Shever, '66
Susan Cowden, '65
Israel . .
To the Editor:
AFTER READING the letters by
Salah El Dareer and Ibrahim
Kamal in The Daily of Feb. 28,
we feel it is our duty as students
of the University, to present the
historical facts concerning the
partition of Israel and the bellig-
erent attitude of the Arab states
toward the decisions of the
United Nations.
The following is a direct quote
from "Encyclopedia Britanica":
After the United Nations, on
Nov. 29, 1947, passed the pro-
posal for partition of Israel into
a Jewish state and an Arab state
linked in economic union, the
Arabs rejected the plan and
disorders immediately broke out
in all parts of the country. Arab
bands from neighboring coun-
tries, some from regular forces,
infiltrated into the northern and
eastern areas of Palestine, at-
tacked Jewish villages and tried
to blockade the road from Jaffa
to Jerusalem and prevent sup-
plies from being taken to the
Jewish population. The Jews,
though greatly outnumbered,
had the better of the fierce

fighting. They took Haifa April
22 and Jaffa on May 13.
SMOTHERED with laughter,
Hill Auditorium was invaded
and conquered by two of America's
finest and funniest showmen last
Tommy and Dick, the Smother
Brothers, are a rarity amongst
the multitude of popular comed-
ians. Their act is so skillfully
prepared and accurately timed as
to give the impression of complete
CAREFULLY constructing their
format, which consists of running
dialogue spiced with musical in-
terludes, the Smother Brothers
provided two superb hours of high
level humor without ever resort-
ing to crudity or outrageous fan-
tasy. Nothing was sacred to the
Brothers, except entertaining.
Along with Dan Sorkin, The
"Out-Mans" Folk Comedian, and

After the establishing of an
Israeli government, the five
neighboring Arab states, Egypt,
Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Leb-
anon, announced that their
armed forces would enter Pales-
tine with the object of restoring
order. Count Bernadette, a med-
iator .for the United Nations,
obtained a four-week cease fire.
However, the Arabs refused a
prolongation of the cease fire,
and hostilities broke out again
in July.
Despite Arab hostilities, Israel
gained independence on May 14,
1948 and was admitted to the
United Nations the following year.
* * *
IN 1955, Eric Johnston, assist-
ant to president Eisenhower, con-
ferred with Arab and Israeli engi-
neers to mediate the problem of
the waters of the Jordan River. To
uphold the agreement reached,
Israel began development of the
Jordan waters which had been al-
located to her.
Fear of Syrian invasion forced
the Israelis to construct their pro-

ject further from the proposed
site, and in -doing this they in-
curred increased expenditure. At
the present time, the Israeli-fi-
nanced project is reaching con-
elusion. The Israelis will not be
intimidated by Arab threats and
they will carry this project to its
The Israelis will never back
down on what is morally and eth-
ically correct and for this reason
they will continue to search for
peace and the right to live with-
out constant danger of invasion.
-Sheryl Klein, '66
Joanne Levine, '66
Irene Steiner, '66
Australia .. .
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH he obviously meant
well in his recent editorial
condemning the so-called "White
Australia" immigration policies,
Mr. Hippler apparently was un-
aware of the more fundamental
issues involved.
Unfortunately, Australia can-

Super-Powers Adjust
To a Changing World

not possibly absorb enough of the
teeming millions of Indonesia and
other Southeast Asian countries to
alleviate the malthusian night-
mare facing these areas. By no
means does the Australian con-
tinent possess the "wealth of
space and resources" referred to
by Mr. Hippler, not even for its
present population of 11 nillion.
When completed, the highly
touted Snowy Mountains water di-
version scheme will put most of
the remaining potential water
power into use, but will not help
the over one-third of the conti-
nent receiving less than ten inches
of notoriously unpredictable rain-
fall annually.
Experimentation with intensive
rice cultivation in the humid
Northern Australian Territory has
demonstrated that the area is
particularly unsuited for this
staple crop of the Southeast
Asian. Some wheat is grown, but
as an export crop for much-need-
ed cash. Most of Australia is suit-
ed only for extensive livestock
ranching and pastoralism, requir-
ing very few workers, and unable
to support many more.
What little of Australia is com-
fortably habitable is still econom-
ically underdeveloped, but is con-
sidered to be room enough for no
more than about ten million new
Australians (perhaps up to 15 mil-
lion if a much lower standard of
living is to be allowed).
* * *
sia is now well over 90 million,
and even the wholesale subtrac-
tion of ten million would be no
more than a drop in the proverbial
bucket. Only a completely unpre-
cedented development of irriga-
tion methods for much of the
semi-arid interior could justify
large-scale Asiatic immigration in-
to Australia; such is unlikely,
either now or in the future.,
Looking at the problem realis-
tically, unbending present Aus-
tralian immigration policies on
the scale required to ease South-
east Asian population pressures
will not alleviate these pressures,
now or ever. What is desirable,
however, is gradual integration of
necessarily limited numbers of
Asiatics into the present over-,
whelmingly European Australian
population so that the country will
develop a cosmopolitan personality
more in harmony with its geo-
graphic environment and its ex-
panding political and economic re-
lations with Asia.
-Richard Pike, Grad


National Concerns Editor
HISTORIANS may well record
1964 as the year of adjust-
ment. It is the year when both the
United States and Russia may re-
vamp their foreign policies o fend
off the rest of the world that plays
one side against the other.
With the United States and
Russia locked in a nuclear stale-
mate, the lesser nations of the
world have found new opportuni-
ties to press aggressive foreign
policies at the expense of their
neighbors and the great powers.
Both super-powers are plagued by
former close allies that are now
persuing independent policies.
SINCE THE November 1962,
Cuba crisis brought home the fu-
tility and dangers of nuclear con-
frontation, the United States and
Russia have moved toward peace-
ful coexistence. They have side-
stepped the major divisive issues
and have concentrated on peri-
feral issues-such as the nuclear
test ban treaty and cultural ex-
change-for which there is hope
of quick agreement.
With the fear of nuclear con-
frontation pushed far into the
background, the Eastern and
Western alliances have loosened
up. France has followed an an-
noyingly independent f o r e i g n
policy since Cuba and is now seek-
ing to extend its sphere of influ-
ence to formerly United States
The Sino-Soviet split is even
more dramatic. China's insistence
on ultra-aggressive Communism
has divided world Communist par-
ties and embarrassed the Russians
who follow a coexistence line.
THE WEST now faces two dis-
tinct challenges.
Aside from these emergent ma-
jor powers, there is increased in-
trabloc friction. NATO allies
Greece and Turkey are pushing
to the brink, of war over Cyprus.
Romania is seeking an independ-
ent economic and political role in
the Soviet bloc.
There is also a sharper conflict
between undrdeveloped nations.
Feeling less big-power constraints,
Indonesian president Sukarno is
undertaking an imperialistic ven-
ture in Malaysia while India and
Pakistan feud over Kashmir.
SURVEYING this changing and
more complex world, the Associat-
ed Press' William Ryan sees some
For the Russians there is
frustration in Asia because Red
China's activities tend to put
much of the continent beyond
the Russian reach. This can
mean a Soviet policy concen-
trating on Europe while the
USSR turns inward to its own
problems of economic and social
For the United States all this
could mean a gradual shift in
the direction of what Herbert
Hoover once propounded - a
fortress America entrenched in
the Western hemisphere, willing
to cooperate with friends who
act like friends but less and less
willing to forgive those govern-
ments which attempt to play
both ends against the middle.
THERE ARE great opportuni-
ties and risks as the nuclear sup-
er-powers turn to tend their in-
ternal needs. The United Nations
can play a much more important
role in settling disputes that only
tangentally involve the super-
powers. This agency can relieve
much of the burden of many of
world's naster problems such as
Kashmir or the mid East which
do not directly effect the interests
of the great powers. It can spread
the responsibility for peace keen-

that could be dampened by the
great powers now can flare with
much less risk. It can be time for
many petty Napoleons-especially
with increasing number of sover-
eign states.
Seeond, a narrow nationalism
can develop in both the United.
States and Russia. The people's
main concern will be inward. Less
attention and knowledge will be
placed on foreign affairs. With-
drawal can make them much less
able to face a multi-polar world.
Vital flexibility can be lost.
All this can lead to an inability
to handle the small crises and
perhaps a sharp escalation of
seemingly minor crisis. If the in-
ternational machinery does not
work or if both super-powers are
inflexible, a major' crisis can be
precipitated by a groping reac-
tion from a long sleep.
THE INWARD turn should not
result from frustrations in 'a
multi-power world. It should stem
from a desire to order a tempor-
arily ignored house. A new world
order is developing. The United
States must be broad enough to
grasp its opportunities.

Concerts Offer
T SEEMS TO ME that Once is a state of nature rather than of art.
Going to a Once concert is like hunting for pretty pebbles at the
sea shore. In the course of the Friday and Saturday Once concerts
I noticed some pleasant moments.
The Friday evening concert featured Anne Aitchison, flute, and
the Brandeis University Chamber Chorus. Mrs. Aitchison played three
pieces for flute (which after piano innards is the favorite instrument
of the moment). Robert Sheff's "Diotima" was a happening with
electronic tape sounds and occasional flute comments, the whole
affair rather lackluster. Three pieces by Kazuo Fukushima made little
impression, but were short, which seems to me always a virtue.
"Interpolation" by Haubenstock-Ramati, was the prettiest piece all
evening. This was a trio for three flutes, two canned, one live, the
live flute "interpolated" between the two canned ones. It seems to
me that Mrs. Aitchison's vibrato was a little excessive. This was,
however, a clear, coherent, aurally attractive performance.
* *A * *
THE BRANDEIS CHAMBER CHORUS, under the direction of
Alvin Lucier, performed three pieces. The first of these, "Fones," by
Michael Adamis, showed that all members of the chorus, or most of
them, have perfect pitch. But they all have voices like mine, Heaven
help them, so that in compositions such as Adamis' where the notes
and words are specified the chorus makes its poorest impression.
I don't remember what the improvised "For Chorus, 1, 2, 3," was
like. John Cage's "Solo for Voice 2" was fun for everybody, even those
who found themselves laughing in spite of themselves. Part of the
pleasure consists in being gently thwarted from finding any relation-
ship between any of the given data. What connection can be drawn
between the title and the talking, noises, cries, blowing on party-
noisemakers, and inflating of balloons that constitute the composition?
What effect did the conductor's stately semaphore motions have upon
the performance? No connection; no effect. The medium of Cage
(and of most of the Once composers) is non-sequitur itself. But Cage
has a way of turning this medium to pleasant ends.
"Megaton for William Burroughs," by Gordon Mumma, on the
other hand, seemed most unpleasant to me. It was electronic music
mixed on the spot by the composer from tapes prepared beforehand
and from sounds generated by performers touching contact micro-
phones to a piano and to a tree of wooden saucers. The volume of the
contact mikes combined with a steady crescendo from the tapes
gave me the feeling that at any minute a wounding explosion of sound
would occur. This is one of the most effective uses of electronics
that I have heard and was carefully worked out in every detail.
ON SATURDAY EVENING the Brandeis Chorus again dominated
the first half of the concert. A piece written especially for them by
Mortan Feldman, "Chorus and Instruments," opened the concert.
Feldman composes soft, slow sounds which give a comforting sense
of dependance on human execution. No electronics here, and none
possible. An early chorus by Anton Webern again showed the worst
and best sides of the Brandeis group. "Homage to Jackson MacLow"
seemed to me watered-down Cage. A piece called "7PTPC" by Georgre
Crevoshay for three pairs of pianists and one player at an electric
piano slipped clean by me.

An Atmosphere of Equality

THE MAIN VALUE of the Conference on
the University was not the negligible
progress made toward improving the Uni-
versity, nor the contact between students
and teachers. Rather it was the spirit of
equality that reigned for so brief a time.
The University is structured to turn out
educated young people en masse. To a
great extent the population is divided into
two groups: those who are responsible
for educating and those being educated.
An unfortunate byproduct of this division
is the development of an attitude of
benevolent mistrust on the part of the
former group. The student is often not
granted the responsibility that should be
accorded to young adults, and being de-
nied it, forgets his status.
THERE ARE MANY examples of this lack
of confidence. Many professors require
attendance in their classes, mistrusting
the judgment of the student to decide
for himself the worth of the material.
Women are not trusted enough to be al-

Forgotten in the division is the age of
the "pupils" here. They have passed out
of childhood, and out of adolescence.
They are adults, substituting vigor for
wisdom perhaps, but nonetheless worthy
of being treated with the rapid matura-
tion of their knowledge and standards in
That state of mentality if only momen-
tarily, the conference achieved. Students
sat with faculty, talked to them, ex-
changed information to the advantage of
both parties, worked togeher to decide to
decide the fate of an institution owned
mutually and serving both equally.
PERPETUATION of that spirit of equal
exchange is important. It is a recog-
nition not only on the part of the profes-
sor of the growing maturity of the stu-
dent, but equally on the part of the stu-
dent of his responsibility, to his profes-
sor and to the University.
How to perpetuate the spirit is a more
difficult question to answer. The answer
._ ,__ _ 1_-_ -. - _

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