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January 16, 1964 - Image 25

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-16

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Xavier Vetoes Lecture by Barnett,
Cites His 'Immoral' Stand on Bias

Regents Accept Gifts, Grants at December Meeting

v - U

CINCINNATI - Xavier Univer-
sity officials have vetoed an in-
vitation by the student council
president for Mississippi Gov.
Ross Barnett to speak there.
The Rev. Patrick Ratterman,
who serves as dean of men, ex-
plained that Barnett's stand on
racial segregation was one with
which Xavier could not, agree.
"Xavier is a university with a
publicly stated commitment - a
commitment to Christian ideas
and Christian ideals . . . Gov.
Barnett's position on segregation
contradicts these Christian and
American ideals and is, we feel,
basically immoral," Rev. Ratter-
man said.
He added that , freedom of
speech was not an issue. But
"freedom of place" was, and
"whether or not Barnett expresses
his views in person on the Xavier
campus at this time is within our
right to determine."
* * *
ITHACA-Future Cornell Uni-
versity students will be able to
hustle through their undergradu-
ate career in two years, or take as
long as six years, according to
President James A. Perkins.
Urge More
Free Study



cators have proposed that Ameri-
can students be given at least two
more years of free education be-
yond present high school levels.
The Education Policies Com-
mission which is sponsored by the
National Education Association
and the American Association of
School Administrators, urged that
such a program concern itself
with the "intellectual growth" of
young people.
In its report, a 36-page booklet
etintled "Universal Opportunity
for Education Beyond the High
School," the commission noted
that more than two-thirds of
America's youth finish high
school and that the number of
these that attend college is con-
tinually increasing.
Time for Change
The report also stated, how-
ever, that "the nation as a whole
has never accepted the idea of
universal opportunity as applying
to education beyond the high
school. It is time to do so."
The principal point in the com-
mission's report was the conten-
tion that free public education for
everyone through high school is
inadequate for life in today's com-.
plicated society. In order for citi-
zens to be prepared to meet their
increased responibsilities, the re-
port stated, they must be given
increased public education.
In addition to a tuition-free
college, the commission also called
for free transportation and liv-
ing quarters for studetns.
Other Subsidies
"Not only must there be no tui-
tion charges, but if there is to be
equal educational opportunity for
youth, the student who has no
public college close by must be
provided with transportation to
and from the nearest one or with]
the means of living away from
home," the report said.
The commission did not esti-
mate the cost of such a program,;
but said that all levels of govern-
ment would have to increase their
support of the "entire enterprise
of education."

In outlining the plans for much
greater flexibility in academic de-
gree timetables, Perkins said that
students who had made up their
I minds on which field of speciali-
zation to pursue could proceed
very quickly-getting both their
bachelor's and master's degrees in
a total of four years and then
going another year or two for
their doctorate.
But undergraduates who are
unsettled on their future career
plans would be allowed to explore
many different academic fields
before committing themselves to
a specific one. They then could
transfer to a more accelerated
(At Yale University, students are
now able to attain both a bache-
lor's and master's degree at the
end of four years of work in the
undergraduate college. This pro-
gram - approved by the faculty
and the Yale Corporation-grants
credit for graduate courses taken
during undergraduate years.)
* * *
PROVIDENCE - A chapter of
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity
was bounced from Brown Univer-
sity in December after a hazing
University officials took the ac-
tion when a sophomore pledge was
hospitalized after an evening of
paddling and calisthenics.
* * *
MADISON - The University of
Wisconsin campus was rocked
shortly before Christmas by the
disclosure that city police were in
the midst of a three-month in-
vestigation of alleged narcotics
and dope traffic in the campus
area. -
University administrators co-
operated with police authorities in
the problem but Acting Dean of
Students Lewis E. Drake cautioned
that only an "extremely small
number" of students were affected.
One woman student reportedly
was under surveillance on sus-
picion of supplying marijuana
cigarettes and other drugs to stu-
NEW YORK-Members of the
Congress of Racial Equality at
at Columbia University are start-
ing a program of tutoring 10th
grade high school students-.
primarily Negro--in an attempt
to stimulate them to go on to
The CORE plan is aimed at
students who do not intend to
enroll in a university but who
might be convinced to do so if
given the proper motivation.
The plan will supplement New
York's famed Higher Horizons Pro-
gram, which gives high school
students who have a definite in-
'clination to attend college an
added stimulus through after-
school lectures and organizations.
* * *
HOUSTON - Rice University
students have voted to withdraw
from the United States National
Student Association, thus leaving
USNSA without a single major
university affiliate in the south-
Rice's disaffiliation followed a
number of such decisions at
other campuses-including Yale,
Dartmouth and Antioch-in an
unpleasant fall membership-wise
for USNSA.
* * *
MEDFORD, Mass.-Alpha Tau
Omega and Sigma Nu chapters
at Tufts University have been
given waivers by their nationals
from discriminatory membership

ITHACA - Cornell University
has frozen its enrollment size
while launching a massive self-
study of future size, growth and
general direction of the univer-
The biggest effect falls on
Cornell's graduate school, which
had been growing rapidly in re-
cent years. The moratorium on
expansion will last for one year.
# s
eight Temple University women
students have been penalized for
flunking an exam.
There was nothing unusual- in
this-except that the test was 20
short-answer questions on Pea-
body Hall (the women's dormi-
tory) rules and regulations, it
was conducted by Peabody's
standards council and the pen-
alty for each flunkee was two
months of lost late privileges in-
stead of a low grade.
It was explained that the test
was necessary as the only means
of making the girls learn the
"Temple Coed"-the handbook on
women's rules. "If there were no
punishment for failing the exam,
most girls wouldn't even look at
the book," one standards coun-
cil member said.


The Regents granted the follow-
ing appointments and leaves of
absence at their December meet-
Prof. Philip W. Edwards was
appointed visiting professor of
English, effective Aug. 24. He is
currently professor of English
literature and head of the English
department at Trinity , College,
University of Dublin. During 1954-
55 he held a Commonwealth Fund
Fellowship at Harvard University.
Prof. Joseph D. Hanawalt was
appointed visiting professor of
chemical and metallurgical en-
gineering, effective this second
semester. He recently retired as
vice-president of Dow Metal Pro-
ducts Company Division of the
Dow Chemical Co.
Prof. George Middleton Mc-
Ewen, of the engineering college,
was appointed chairman of the
engineering English department,
effective Jan. 1, replacing Prof.
Carl G. Brandt.
Made Acting Chairman
Prof. Edward V. Olencki, of the
architecture and design college,
was appointed acting chairman of
the architecture department for
this semester while Prof. Walter
B. Sanders is on sabbatical leave.
Prof. Donald B. Sands of the
English department was appointed
associate professor, effective Aug.
24. He has been an associate pro-
fessor of English at Boston Col-
lege since 1957.
Prof. Frank Harold Smith of
the engineering college was ap-
pointed acting chairman of the
engineering graphics department
for this semester, while Prof. Her-
bert T. Jenkins is on sabbatical
Appointed Visiting Professor
Prof. Michael D. Sullivan was
appointed visiting professor of the
history of art, effective this se-
mester. He is now lecturer in
Asian art at the school of Oriental
and African studies at the Uni-
versity of London.
Prof. Emil Angell Tiboni was
appointed director of continuing
education and associate professor
of community health services in
the public health school, effective


in January. He has been chief of
the accident control section of the
Philadelphia Department of Pub-
lic Health since 1953.
Dr. Calvin W. Woodruff, pro-
fessor of nutrition in the public
health school was also appointed
professor of pediatrics and com-
municable diseases in the Medical
School, effective last December.
Recommendation for tenure was
approved for Dr. Bernard W.
Agranoff of the Medical School,
and Mental Health Research In-
stitute, effective Jan. 1.
Recommendation for tenure was
approved for Prof. Andress S. Eh-
renkreutz of the history depart-
ment effective this semester.
Leaves of Absence
Sick leave was granted for Dean
Stephen S. Attwood, of the en-

Boks and Supplies

gineering college from Oct. 18 un-
til Dec. 14, 1963.
Sick leave for Prof. Hobart Cof-
fey, of the Law School and direc-
tor of the Law Library, from Jan.
13 to March 15.
Leave of absence from Feb. 17
through May 23, and sabbatical
leave for the fall semester, was
approved for Prof. A. Benjamin
Handler of the architecture and
design college, to set up a course
of scientific methods of building
at the University of Sydney, Aus-
tralia, under a Fulbright award.
Takes Research Appointment
Leave for Prof. Bruce M. Hill of
the mathematics department, for
the academic year 1964-65, to ac-
cept a visiting research appoint-
ment at the Harvard Business
Leave for Prof. Emmet T.
Hooper, of the zoology department

and curator of mammals at the
Museum of Zoology, from today
to Jan. 16, 1965, to serve as pro-
gram director of the advanced
science education program in the
division of scientific personnel and
education of the National Science
Leave for Prof. George Katona,
program director of the Survey
Research Center, and of the eco-
nomics department, from March 1
to April 30, to accept a Ford Dis-
tinguished Visiting Professorship
with New York University.
Leave for Albert J. McQueen,
research associate, Research Cen-
ter for Group Dynamics, from Nov.
18 to Dec. 20, 1963, to review pro-
gress on a research study of ju-
venile delinquency in Nairobi,
Leave for Prof. Oliver E. Over-
seth of the physics department

for this semester to continue his
experiments at the Argonne Na-
tional Laboratory and the Brook-
haven National Laboratory.
Leave for Henry. W. Wallace,
associate research engineer, from
Jan. 1 to June 30 to concentrate
on his doctoral program.
Off-campus assignment for Dr.
Vlado A. Getting, chairman of the
department of community health
services in the public health school,
from March 1 to March 31, to in-
spect preventative medical services
at Air Force bases in the Pacific.
Prof. George A. Elgass at the
Dearborn Campus will leave Feb.
15 to accept a position with
Chrysler Corp.
Prof. Jerome J. Hiniker of the
dental school left in November to
take a position with the Veterans
Administration in Washington.

Appointments, Absences
Given to Officers, Staff

ANN ARBOR-The Regents ac-
cepted $398,000 in gifts, grants
and bequests at their December
Included in the total, reported
by University President Harlan
Hatcher, was $337,000 in gifts to
previously established funds. The
largest gift in this semi-annual
report was $288,000 in miscellan-
eous donations to the Michigan
Alumni Fund.
The largest new gift was $9,800
from the estate of Clare Beebe
Beck for the Edward Scott Amer-
ican History Scholarship.
Development Council Donations
A total of $9,500 was contribut-
ed by miscellaneous donors,
through the Development Coun-
cil, for the actuarial science pro-
Leland J. Kalmbach of Spring-
field, Mass., provided $8,000 to-
ward his contribution to the
Presidents Club.
From Edith B. Daudt of La
Salle came $3,500 for the Edith
B. Daudt Convulsive Disorder Cli-
Chemical Fellowship
Allied Chemical Corp., New
York, gave $3,000 for the Allied


Chemical Corp. fellowship in
chemical engineering.
From the Ann Arbor First Pres-
byterian Church came $2,500 for
the James Leslie French Scholar-
The United Cerebral Palsy As-
sociation of Michigan, Inc., Flint,
provided $2,500 for the Cerebral
Palsy Clinic.
Establish Funds
There were two $2,000 gifts.
One was from the Doan Founda-
tion, Midland, for the Hester
Spencer Doan Fund, and the oth-
er was from Parke, Davis and Co.,
Detroit, to establish the Parke,
Davis and Co. Oncogenic Virus-
Murphy Fund.
Miscellaneous donors provided
$1,800 for the Henry F. Vaughan
The American Chemical Socie-
ty, Petroleum Fund, Washington,
gave $1,500 to establish the Amer-
ican Chemical Society Petroleum
Research Fund.
Subsidize Projects
From Robert P. Briggs of Jack-
son came $1,400 for the Michigan
Alumni Fund for five different
From an anonymous donor
came $1,200 for the Foreign Stu-
dent Fellowship in Natural Re-
The Andrew A. Kucher Truct,
Dearborn, provided $1,200 for the
Phoenix Atomic Research Pro-
The Woman's National Farm
and Garden Association, Michi-
gan Division, Union Lake, gave
$1,100 to establish the Woman's
National Farm and Garden Asso-
ciation Student Loan Fund.
There were five $1,000 gifts.
They were from:
The estate of Dr. George V.
Cring, '08, Portland, Ind., to es-
tablish the George B. Cring Estate
East Quad Remodeling
The residents of Greene House,
East Quadrangle, to the fund Stu-
dents Gifts to Residence Halls,
for recreation room remodeling.
Reader's Digest, Pleasantville,
N.Y., for the Reader's Digest
Journalism Student Travel Fund.
The Schering Corp., Bloom-
field, N.J., to establish the Scher-
ing Corp. Drug Study Fund.
Mrs. Maurice Weigle, Chicago,
to establish the Maurice Weigle
Revolving Loan Fund for law stu-


zs itme...or Jack Winter!

It's you, princess, when you have the
Jack Winter look. But whoa... take
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stretch pants can do quick subtract-
ing. You won't need a grease job to
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portioned in your proper leg-length.
So it's you and Jack Winter getting

aaunWanaitt pamalITIj pigs rive

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