Student-Faculty Cooperation Attempt Flou
A Student Government Council effort at bridge-building
between students and faculty has proved largely ineffective-
so far, at least.
Last spring, SGC endorsed student participation without vote
on subcommittees of the Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
Each of these faculty subcommittees is concerned with a
particular area of University policy, and submits proposals
through SACUA to the University Senate- the faculty's official
voice. In seeking to get students on them, SGC discarded an
earlier proposal to initiate some form of student-faculty govern-
Own Structure
At the same time, Council decided to create its own parallel
nine-subcommittee structure to facilitate the seating of students,
pending each subcommittee's consent.
In response to the request, several subcommittees agreed last
fall to seat students and to allow them to participate freely in
However, a recent poll of subcommittee chairmen revealed
that only seven of 15 students named as representatives by SGC
have participated in meetings.
Two chairmen noted that they had never received acknowl-
edgment from Council or from individual students.
Prof. George M. McEwen of the engineering English depart-
ment, chairman of the bylaws subcommittee, indicated that an
invitation to seat students was extended to Council even though
SGC never had requested one.
Willing, But No Reply
He commented that subcommittee members had "indicated
that they would be willing to have student participants" but that
"no students replied to my letter."
He said that he didn't know whether the faculty members
felt that students could contribute to the meetings but noted
there was a feeling that "if the students wanted to see what we
were doing, we didn't mind having them."
The chairman of the student relations subcommittee, Prof.
Richard L. Cutler of the psychology department, also pointed out
that he had not been contacted by SGC after sending two letters
welcoming student participation on his subcommittee.
Two other chairmen interviewed revealed that their subcom-
mittees decided against seating students after considering the
Council request, because of the possible inhibiting effect of their
According to Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen of the education
school, chairman of the University freedom and responsibility
subcommittee, students have not yet met with his group.
Expected No Students
"We are now taking up an issue that we hadn't anticipated
having students participate in discussing. It would be extremely
difficult to take them in now and inform them about. the
deliberations," he explained.
One subcommittee has not yet seated students simply because
it has not held any meetings this year. Prof. Stuart W. Churchill
of the chemical engineering department, chairman of the year-
round operations 'subcommittee noted that the group did not
meet last fall "because the University had not yet developed its
plans and there was not much point in meeting."
On the reverse side of the coin, there was a generally
favorable reaction to student participants from those five chair-
men whose subcommittees had agreed to seat them.
Most, however, felt that one student representative per
subcommittee was sufficient.
In naming students to the faculty groups, SGC attempted to
place two students on each. Currently, only two subcommittees
are operating in the presence of two students.
The three chairmen of the groups having only one student
delegate felt io need for an increase in representation.
Not Much To Do
"Actually, there is very little he can do but be a participating
observer," Prof. Merle Waterman of the business administration
school said of the student representative to his Campus Planning
and Development subcommittee.
He noted that the presence of one student at meetings has
worked out well and that he saw "no reason for more in the
A deterrent to active participation on the part of students
cited by Prof. Waterman is the "problem of continuity." He
noted that to be actively involved in the discussions a member
must be on the subcommittee for a while.
Regarding continued student participation with the planning
subcommittee, he said, "If SGC wants to send us someone as
good as the student we have now, we'll be glad to have him."
See EVALUATE, Page 2
I tLow-28,
Mild temperatures and
partly cloudy skies
See Editorial Page
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' Halts Dearborn Expansion
Special To The Daily
DEARBORN-University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher assuaged the
fears of Dearbornites yesterday
when he announced to a meeting
of Dearborn alumni that the Uni-
versity has no plans to expand the
two-year school in that city to
four years. -
President Hatcher, along with
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss and Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont spoke to- the alumni on
the University's general. develop-
ment, students, faculty and build-
ing program.
He told the meeting that the
University "has never limited it-
self to a specific geographical to-
NCA TE To Begin Probe
Of 'U' Education School
A team of professional educators from the National Council for
the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) will begin inter-
views Monday with education school students, teachers and admin-
They will attempt to determine the accuracy of information
recently submitted by the school to NCATE to aid it in evaluating
cation; it is a concept, a mission.
"The questions in regard to
expansion to meet increasing de-
mands for undergraduate educa-
tion are where, how and how fast
to spend. The capacity of the Ann
Arbor campus and the needs of
those in other cities must be
examined,'! he said.
But the Flint community, where
the University's other junior-
-senior college is located, "will
overwhelmingly demand expansion
to include freshmen and sopho-
mores, and Flint has the priority
next year.
"There are no limits, however,
to the curricular expansion at
Dearborn," President Hatcher not-
Top Aireraf
These announcements were
line with the policy desired
Arena Go-Ahead Starts
Athletic Plant Renaissance
The green light that was flashed to the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics by the Regents for a new basketball arena
marks the first step of a concerted program to elevate tide University's
athletic campus back on a par with those of other major American
The Committee of Plant Expansion, headed by Dean Stephen H.
Spurr of the Natural Resources School, has evolved a plan to update
University Vice-President and Di-
rector of the Dearborn Center
William E. Stirton. According to
Stirton, there is a desire to keep
the Dearborn school limited to the
last two years.
Fills Needs
The Ford Community College,
an industry-supported school lo-
cated adjacent to the Dearborn
\Center and serving freshmen and
sophomores only, has both the ca-
pacity and desire to fulfill the
needs for education during these
two years, Stirton said.
"Ford has three functions: of-'
fering a terminal occupational or
vocational education; offering
adult education and providing a
college parallel for freshmen and
sophomores who cannot afford to
go to school away from home.
No Third Function
"If the Dearborn Center were
to expand to four years, it would
rob the Ford College of this third
function. There is great concern
at that college that this would
leave only a trade school," Stirto
Earlier in the session, Vice-
President Pierpont presented an
outline of the University's build-
ing program, complete with sdes
of buildings under construction or
in the planning stage.
he listed three consideatio:s
behind any decision to construct
new facilities:
- There must be no unused or
inefficiently used capacity in exist-
ing structures. In this regard be
mentioned the Architecture and
Ocs gr Bldg, constructed in the
1930's for 350-400 students and
now housing over 700.
Remodeling Impossible j
-There must be no possihility
of remodeling existing structures.
"A building will be torn down
only if it is completely obsolete,
in the wrong location or impossible
to renovate," he said.
--There must be complete pro-
gr.m planning of just what is to
be done with a new building be-
fore it will even be considered.
When asked by. an alumnus
whether the lack of central plan-
ning in construction among the
state's 10 institutions isn't di;as-
trous, Pierpont replied that 'the
new constitution reaffirms the re-
sponsibility of the Regents to
operate the University's building
program autonomously. There
must be something behind this
"Any other state that has at-
tempted to control its state educa-
'tional system under one body has
not done a very good job," he said.
Africa Motif
St for eek
African Affairs is the theme of
the University's annual Interna-
tional Week beginning today.
Students will have an oppor-
tunity to hear authorities on Af-
rican lecture and to participate
in discussions led by students
from the African and Asian coun-
Today a supper will be held at
the League from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Gregory Gallo from the United
States National Students Associa-
tion will speak.
G. Mennen Williams, assistant
secretary of state for African af-
fairs, and Chief S. 0. Adebo, head
of the Nigerian Mission to the
United Nations will give a joint
address at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Aud.
Prof. Henry Bretton of the po-
litical science department will lead
a lecture-discussion Tuesday in
the Multipurpose Rm. of the
UGLI. On Thursday at 4 p.m. an
international tea will be held in
Jordan Hall. From 8-10:30, p.m.
there 'will. be a seminar at the
Michigan Union and the Interna-
tional Center led by students from
southeast Asia with nine Univer-
sity professors participating.
A Monte Carlo Ball will be held
Saturday in the Union Ballroom
from 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
Beadle Warns,
Of Fee Boost'
State universities "face the
prospect of a $50 tuition increase
fnr in-state students" if they will
the athletic campus in a series of
priority steps, governed by the
rate of income from student foot-
ball coupons. The basketball arena
had A-1 priority over any other
construction, though not without
Participation, Too
The opposition stems from the
feeling that additions to the in-
tramural facilities require equal,
if not greater, attention than
those for spectator sports.
"We must consider the need of
participating sports as well as
spectator sports," Regent Eugene
Power said during the Regents'
meeting. "It's more important to
students at this age to get some
exercise than to just sit -tand
watch," he emphasized.
Regent Allan Sorenson support-
ed his colleague, saying, "I was
happy to see in the Athletic
Board's annual report that it rec-
ognized the need for participant
sports, and I don't agree with the
priority of building a field house
In spito of the opposition, it was
all silent when the vote was taken,
See REVEAL, Page 9
See Spending
On Research
Leveling Off
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Government-
now running at about $15 billion
sponsored research expenditures,
a year, apparently are leveling off
after years of rapid increase, a
House report said yesterday.
The report, by a House science
subcommittee, said both basic re-
search and applied research have
increased manyfold in recent
years, but that applied research
has grown faster.
In connection with the report,
subcommittee chairman Emilio O.
Daddario (D-Conn) noted that it
relies on research and develop-
ment figures provided by the gov-
ernment agencies themselves and
which may be interpreted in var-
ious ways.
"I believe that this report will
nonetheless be very useful to mem-
bers of Congress and others in-
terested in a concise summary of
how much money the government
is putting into scientific research
and development, what agencies
are spending it and how it is be-
ing divided among the various
scientific disciplines."
Greeks Protest
Cyprus Policy
ATHENS ()-Greek students in
Athens yesterday clashed with po-
lice in demonstrations against
Britain and the United States on
the explosive Cyprus issue.
The demonstrators, estimated at
4000, shouted "Bravo Russia" and
fought with police in front of the
United States embassy.
In a meeting with United States
Ambassador Henry Labouisse,
Prime Minister George Papan-
dreou lodged an oral protest
against America's stand in the
United Nations on Cyprus-
A11l Intercepto
Unveiled by Presidei
-teacher education at the Uni-
The education school is cur-
rently up for evaluation by NC-
ATE, a process which takes place
approximately every ten years.
The team, which will remain at
the University until Thursday,
report their findings to NCATE.
Then in July a separate com-
mittee within NCATE considers
both the professional educator's
f in d ing s and the education
school's report in deciding wheth-
er to continue accreditation.
Prof. Lowell Beacn, who chairs
the education school's undergrad-
uate committee, named seven'
standards for Judgment included
in the information sent to NCATE
by the school 60 days ago. The
fourteen-man team on campus
this week will try to establish the
accuracy of the school's report
in the seven areas:
-Objectives of teacher educa-
tion, including its scope at the
-The administrative structure
of the school. "What NCATE
wants to know is, who is respon-
sible for developing policy," Prof.
Beach explained.
-Student personnel programs
and services. In this area NCATE
is concerned about comparisons
of education school students with
liberal arts students. Evaluation
of admissions procedures also falls
--Faculty in professional educa-
tion. NCATE reviews the qualifi-
cations of the faculty in regard
to college preparation and exper-
ience. Two scalesrof evaluation
are involved, according to Prof.
Beach. The first deals with the
percentage of professors in the
education school possessing doc-
torates compared to the all-Uni-
versity average and national per-
centages. The team also considers
L the years of teaching experience
of the individual faculty memebrs.
-Specifics of curricula includ-
ing all programs.
-Laboratory experience and
student teaching. NCATE wants
to know how much of this students
get, the ratio of supervisors to
students, and where the experi-
ence is given, Prof. Beach said.
-The facilities and instruction-
al materials.
Says Tactics
In Viet Nam
LANSING (RP)-Outgoing Assist-
ant Secretary of State Roger
Hilsman last night said the Com-
munistss' guerrilla tactics in South
Viet Nam ultimately will become
as unprofitable for them as their
aggression against South Korea
in 1950 and the offshore is-
lands in 1958.k
In a speech to a conference of
the United States National Stu-
dents' Association, he said the
winds of change are blowing full
gale in Southeast Asia and the
task ahead will not be easy.
He called for a "full orchestra-
tion" of the United States mili-
tary, economic and diplomatic ef-
forts in South Viet Nam to meet
the Communist challenge.
"I am confident that the atten-
tion now ;devoted to combatting
the type of warfare we now face
in Viet Nam will ultimately make
terrorist activity and guerrilla
warfare as unprofitable for the
Communists as was their frontal
aggression against Korea in 1950
and against the offshore islands
in 1958," he said.
Hilsman said he spoke as a
government official, but one who
had recently decided to return to
academic life. He made no other
reference tc his resignation "an-
nounced by the White House Tues-
day. But he said:
"The frustrations are many,,
both in the field and in Washing-
"There have been temporary set-
backs such as the uncertainty and
slowdown of military activity
which accompanied the military
coups" in.South Viet Nam.
Hilsman said despite such frus-
trations the United States is per-
fecting its ability to use resources'
to best advantage in Viet Nam.
'The tools are in Vietnamese
hards," he added. "Their nerves
are steady and their determina-
tion remains high."
Set Warner
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Dale Warner, '65L,
vice-chairman of the University
Young Republicans, was elected
chairman of the Michigan Feder-
ation of College Republicans at its
annual convention yesterday.,
Warner was chosen on the first
ballot over James DeFrancis of
Albion College, the current vice-
chairman, and James Broad of the
University of Detroit. Warner re-
ceived 288 votes, his opposition
174, and there were eight absten-
Also chosen was Gerald Plas of
Delta College, as vice-chairman,
over Denne Osgood of Western
Michigan University. The vote was
close, 230-219, with three absten-
Linda Shannon of Michigan
State University was named cor-
responding secretary, Margaret
Ward of Marygrove College was
made recording secretary,,and
James Bradford of Northwestern
Michigan College was elected
The convention adopted several
resolutions including those de-
nouncing the deterrent war in
Vietnam and calling for no trade
with Communist bloc nations; a
resolution ,was also' adopted call-
ing upon the federal government
to use its full power for the en-
forcement of the civil rights
clauses of the federal constitution
and calling upon . Congress to
withdraw representationgfrr o m
those states which deny Negroes
the right to vote.
Defeated was a resolution which
would have called upon the
United States to withdraw from
the United Nations if Red China
should be admitted.
Viet" Invasioi
Plans Denie
By Johnson
Claims No Accord
In Panama Dispute
But Hints at Thaw
WASHINGTON (')-Preside
Lyndon B. Johnson took the wra
off a five-year-old military sec
yesterday, disclosing that t
United States has developed
high-flying interceptor that a
slice through the air at more th-
2000 miles an hour.
Johnson said this plane is ca
able of a performance that
exceeds that of any other aircr
in the world today."
Development of the hithe
super-secret plane -was announ
at Johnson's first news conferee
to be carried live to the nation
radio and television
The conference, with the ch:
executive facing 305 report
from the head of a u-shaped ta
in a State Departmentlconferer
room, coincided with the end
his first 100 days in office-da
which Johnson said have produe
real accomplishments.
Needle-Shaped Surprise
Clearly, the biggest surprise i
word that the nation now has
needle-shaped plane called
All, perfected, under a ptogr
that was, amazingly, kept sect
since the effort was launched
Other conference highlights:
-Johnson passed up a cha:
to deny a report that his Thu
- day trip to Florida was cloal
in stringent secrecy because o:
tip that a Cuban suicide p
might try to ram his plane.
--The President said he r
neither discussed nor appro-
plans to carry South Viet Na:
guerrilla war into Commun
North Viet Nam.
-William B. Bundy, now,
assistant secretary of defense, v
succeed the recently resigned R
er Hilsman as assistant secret
of state for Far Eastern affairs
No Accord
-"There has been no meeti
of the minds" in resolvingt
dispute with Panama, Johns
said. But he said the United StE
realizes that. the 1903 treaty gc
erning the status of the Pana
Canal Zone must be modified fr
time to' time "and perhaps woi
require adjustment in .:..1964
1965." This could mean a ma
break in the United States-Pa
manian standoff. But Johnson
peated,'that diplomatic relatic
must be restored before talks p
Johnson said he suspects t
rumors he might be wiling to cc
promise the key public accomr
ela"_inc aofinn o Ya iilrl4
M' Cagers Snuff Illinois, 89-83; Icers Edge Tech
Special To The Daily
HOUGHTON-Michigan's hock-
ey squad took awful revenge for
their Friday night's loss to Michi-
gan Tech an beat the Huskies last
night, 4-3 in a game full of sur-
The win strengthened the Wol-
verines' lead in the WOHA, boost-
ing their league record to 10-2,
and jeopardized the Huskies'
chances for a playoff berth.
Similar to Friday night's contest,
fho .,ca . m,,a,.A uA' b nyighting
Clutch performances by Bob Cantrell and Cazzie Russell helped
Michigan hoopsters to their record-setting nineteenth win yesterday,
as the cagers downed a spirited Illinois team, 89-83 at Yost field house.
The win pushed the Wolverines season record to 19-3. The pre-
vious high Michigan record belonged to the 1918-19 edition of the
roundball men who compiled an 18-7 season mark.
Russell also broke the individual season scoring record set by
Bill Buntin last year. He netted 28 points to bring his season total
to 539, four more than Buntin's record.
Illinois, vastly improved over its performance against Michigan
at Champaign, pushed the Wolverine quintet all the way to the wire.
With ten minutes left in the game the Wolverines could only boast
<:: .,Y. .