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February 28, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-28

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See Editorial Page

YI [ e

, irigaut

Pa ity

Mostly sunny,
with warming trend

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Board Accepts Fund
To Aid Eye Research
Ophthalmologists To Investigate
Ocular Diseases, Genetic Factors
The Regents yesterday accepted a fund of $200,961 to support
research on eyes and their diseases.
The donor was the Walter H. Snyder Ophthalmic Research Fund,
which also provided an equal amount to Western Reserve University,
thus distributing the last of its monies. One of the terms under which

this fund was established was


that the entire original sum was
-*'to have been depleted by this
Dr. F. Bruce Fralick, chairman
of the ophthalmology department
of the Medical School, explained
that the money will be utilized to
support long-term investigation as
well as crash programs for which
support is frequently hard to find.
To Use Interest
Dr. Fralick added that the gift
would be used to create an endow-
ment fund. "Our present funds are
sufficient to carry us through until
the interest from this grant has
begun to accumulate; we plan to
use this interest for the first few
years after that."
This money will help support
three major programs of research,
Dr. Fralick said. One such pro-
gram will be under the direction
of Dr. Harold F. Falls of the ge-
netics and ophthalmology depart-
ments, who is investigating people
who are "carriers" of certain eye
"If one member of a family is
such a carrier, other members of
the family may show recessive
forms of the same disease, with-
out actually having poor vision.
Predict Eye Disease
"Dr. Falls hopes ultimately to
develop ways of telling what the
eyes of a baby will be like by ex-
amining those of the parents," Dr.
Fralick explained.
Another research project will
be directed by Doctors Mathew
Alpern and John W. Henderson
of the ophthalmology department,
who are interested in color blind-
"They will be concerned mainly
with detecting changes in the pu-
pil of the. eye which correspond to
certain ocular diseases.
New Equipment
"As a result of such experimen-
tation, they hope to be able to
develop new physiologic equipment
that will record such pupil changes
and relate them to the appropriate
diseases," the doctor continued.
Dr. J. Reimer Wolter of the
ophthalmology department will
have charge of the third program
of research, which is concerned
with ophthalmic pathology. "He
will be correlating clinical mani-
festations of eye disease with
pathologic research such as mi-
"By using certain silver-stain
techniques on nervous tissue from
the eye of someone who had had
an eye defect while alive, Dr. Wol-
ter will note changes in this tis-
sue and compare it to similar dif-
ferences that have been observed
in brain tissue.
Degeneration Patterns
"In this manner, it may be pos-
sible to follow patterns of degen-
eration from the brain to the eye,"
Dr. Fralick said.
Dr. Fralick expressed hope that
the results of such intensive re-
search would eventually be seen in
increasingly improved vision for
"Although it is always difficult
, to say exactly what will come out
of such research programs, I would
,certainly expect that such im-
provements will come in the near
future," he said.

'Would Affect'
Women Only
Cites Rushee Growth
As Reason for Idea
A fall rush plan for upperclass-
men was proposed by the Panhel-
lenic continuing rush committee
at Panhel Presidents' Council yes-
Chapter presidents made no ma-
jor objections to the new plan; it
will not go to the sororities where
each house will have one vote.
The proposal allows all women
in good academic standing, except
first semester freshmen, to rush
at the beginning of the next fall C
semester. Spring rush will then
be primarily for first semester
freshmen with chances of upper- T
class pledging very limited. o
Upperclassmen Pen
If the proposal is passed, next
year will be the first year in B
which there will be a rush solely The R
for upperclassmen and in which ed a n
two rushing periods will be held. demic y
Sorority fall rush was discon- fected,
tinued here after 1956, and spring to full t
rush replaced it in 1957. Howe
The major =reason behind the the ful]
new fall rushing plan is the in- remains
creasing number of rushees e- ceipt ofa
pected to come with the new tri- propriat
mester, Jan Miller, Panhel advisor, terday.
told the council. The n
Increased Group Size three fu
"One rush period can't ade- running
quate handle that many people. If the seco
something isn't done, '65 spring and th
rush will be pretty difficults" halves
"The fall rush will parallel theS
new spring rush plan," Panhel The R
Executive Vice-President Patty proveda
Lutes, '64, said. This means that which fo
there will be fewer sets of par- lowing f
ties-four instead of five - and mesters,
greater emphasis on informality supersed
than in the past. Miss Lutes also -pendi
stressed that the proposed struc- tive app
ture is very flexible and subject If tha
to change. George
Shorter Schedule $44 mil
The proposed structure features inaugur
a shorter schedule, smaller rush Vice-P
groups, greater ease in rushing fairs Ro
upperclassmen and a good situa- fice is
tion for integrating new initiates possibili
from the previous spring pledge in the
class. some co
If accepted, fall rush will like- iod' as
ly begin Sept. 16, approximately explaine
two weeks after classes start. The presentl
proposal states that this will give"
sororities enough time to plan I d
for rush and rushees enough time about t
to get started in classwork.. Rush term,' R
will end before five-week exams, Ann Ar
however. urge th
Panhel stresses that houses must iod into i
participate in fall rush-if there Thea
is one-if they are going to take special E
any upperclassmen that year. sports i
The proposal states that "if Several
houses do participate in this, and with thi
find they have semester drop-outs there wl
who create extra openings, they the Uni
may rush upperclassmen again in Confere:
the spring." However, a house that lem can
does not participate in fall rush Regen
may not rush upperclassmen in the Jackson
spring. ter syst
There will be no changes in mesterr
open rush. Open rush will not be quarter
held in the fall, but will be con- some im
tinued in the spring if houses Cie- but fac
sire it. favored

To Consider Fall
iegents Approvc







Rush Plan



d Schedule
Adopt Trimester
dingState Funds
Regents yesterday approv-
ew calendar for the aca-
year 1964-65 which, if ef-
will move the University in-
hree-term operation.
gver, the final move into
1-scale trimester program
contingent upon the re-
an adequate legislative ap-
ion, officials indicated yes-
new calendar would have
ull terms, with the first
from August to December;
nd, from January to April
ethird--divided into two
from May to August.
Supersedes Calendar
Regents have already ap-
a calendar for next year
ollows the current plan, al-
for two and one-hal se-
,This cale-ndar. has been
ded by yesterday's action
ng the size of the legisla-
it figure comes near Gov.
Romney's recommended
lion, the University will
ate the third term.
President for Academic Af-
ger W. Heyns said his of-
currently examining the
ty of a "study week" with-
term. "There has been
ncern with the exam per-
it is now constituted, he
d. Such a week is not
y included in the calendar.
Weeks Not Sacred
an't see anything sacred
;he number of weeks in a'
Regent Eugene B. Power of
bor declared, "and I would
at you bring a reading per-
the semester."
new calendar will create a
problem in regard to in-
giate athletics, since spring
in well into May and June.
Regents were concerned
his issue, but Heyns said
il be negotiations between
versity and the Big Ten
nce and added, "The prob-
be faced."
t William K. McInally of
raised the issue of a quar-
em as opposed to the tri-
plan. Heyns replied: "The
plan was promoted by
nportant people on campus,
ulty committees repeatedly
" the trimester.


OLD YOST-The 41-year-old fieldhouse, the smallest and oldest in the B
by a new multi-purpose athletic building. The Regents yesterday approve
Intercollegiate Athletics' plans for a 12-15,000-seat arena, at an estimated
will still be used for track and other events.
Regfents Cut League Al

B uilding
ICrisler Sees
for 1965-6
To Serve as Basketball,
Multi-Purpose Arena
At $3.5 Million Cost
The Regents authorized the
planning, design and construction
of an athletic building to replace
41-year-old Yost Field House at
their monthly meeting yesterday.
It is estimated that the building
will cost in the vicinity of $3.5
million and will seat from 12,000-
S15,000 spectators.
; . f If the planning of the structure
Daily-Bruce Taylor can be completed expediently, it
Sig Ten, is to be replaced should be ready for the 1965-66
d the Board in Control of basketball season, Vice-President
d cost of $3 million. Yost for Business and Finance Wilbur
I cst f $ mllin. ost K. Pierpont predicted.
The financing of the new multi-
purpose building will be handled
with athletic department funds,
requiring, no state appropriation.
University President H a r 1 a n
1. 0Hatcher made the presentation to
Lioca Llo f the Regents b~ased on the recom-
mendation of the Plant Expansion
Committee of the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics.
other action, Regent William The exact location of the build-
cInally of Jackson reported ing is uncertain, to be selected
he Michigan Higher Educa- from five possible sites listed in
Assistance Authority, of the report of the president.
he is a member, has pro- The locations he mentioned
more than $600,000 in stu- were:
oans in its first year of oper- -On Stadium Blvd., near the
Michigan Stadium;
r 800 students at 23 institu- -On Hoover St., west of the
in the state have qualified Intramural Sports Building;
ans averaging $700 per stu- -On State St., south of old
Yost Field House;
-At Hill and Division Sts., in
P Ntb * the Wines Field area; or
?S /1 i Lost on --On Hill St., near the Col-
President Hatcher explained
Ity f 1 that because the new building will
be related to student interest and
concern, the proximity to the
central campus will "be a major
NS factor in the ultimate selection of
tor its site.
of the University's competi- "It would be. a multi-purpose
lay. building in service, stemming from
a basketball court, but used as a
Roger W. Heyns maintained great hall for convocations and
tions has increased over the student entertainment,"
the University than at other See NEW, Page 6


The Regents chopped in half
the student fee allocation for the
Michigan League at their private
meeting Thursday, night, and will
divert the remainder to the stu-
dent center to be built on North
The League will get $3.50 per
woman student, starting with next
year's University operating budget,
instead of $7; the Women's League
--the student activity wing-will
continue to receive its separate
kickback of $.50 from each wo-
man's tuition.
This decision is not official,
however, until the budget is ap-
proved, Vice-President for Busi-
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont commented at a press con-
ference after the Regents' meeting
The reason: Michigan's new
constitution requires that all fi-
nancial transactions of state insti-
tutions be adopted in public ses-
Building Changes
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont an-
nounced to the Regents yesterday
that the addition to the Museum,
which will be used entirely for
zoological research, is "substan-
tially" complete.
The University has also sold the

old Music School Bldg. The music
school will move to its new facili-
ties on North Campus this sum-
Pierpont said that architectural
plans for the Space Research
Bldg., to be constructed on North
Campus by the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration,
have been submitted to contrac-
tors for bids. The bid should be

awarded next week,

Elect Lossing
To Head IFC
Lawrence G. Lossing, '65, of Del-
ta Upsilon was elected president of
the Interfraternity Council last
Other officers elected were Ste-
phen Idema of Beta Theta Pi, '65
executive vice-president; Robert
Tobias of Lambda Chi Alpha, '65
administrative vice - president;
Barry Weber, '65, of Phi Sigma
Delta, secretary.
Elected treasurer was Alan
Schwartz, '65, of Pi Lambda Phi.
Lossing, formerly IFC rush chair-
man, succeeds Clifford Taylor, '64,
in the presidency. A native 0o
Midland, Lossing defeated Freder-
ick Lambert, '65, of Sigma Chi for
the position.
Academic Image
Lossing plans to emphasize IFC's
academic image during the next
year by means of expanded speak-
er programs and scholarships.
"In a University that is becom-
ing increasingly academically or-
iented, IFC can no longer expeci
to maintain an anti-academic im-
age and expect to attract sutficient
numbers of men to the system."
He also intends to direct the
organization's rushing activities to-
ward keeping existing houses or
campus. "A total effort must be
directed towards solidifying the
existing houses before an effort
can be made in any other direc-
Improve Communication
Lossing also plans to 'attempt
to improve communication withir

K. M
that t
dent l
for lo

Heyns A nalyz(
Of U' in Facwi
Associate City Edi
The Regents heard an examination
tive position in the faculty market yesterd
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
that although the rate of faculty resigna
past few years, it is still much lower at1


Sees Lathe Tabled in Ecumenical Age

Seven faculty members last
night debated the respective
worth of two traditional Jewish
delicasies, the latke, a potato pan-
cake, and the hamantasch, a three
cornered roll with either prune
or poppyseed filling.
They were discussing "The
Latke, the Hamantasch and Civil
Disobedience in an Ecumenical
Age" at the annual Purim Debate
sponsored by the Hillel Founda-
Moderator Prof. Carl Cohen of
the philosophy department opened
the proceedings with a spirited
if not lyrical song of introduction.
Comparing the latke and haman-
tasch, he noted, "One represents
the prince of darkness and the

rowed the poetry of "that Anglican
Rabbi John Donne," who eulogized
the potato pancake as "gold with
airy thinness beat." He remarked
that while there were two kinds of
hamantaschen there is just one
perfect latke that "bathes all dis-
tinctions in Log Cabin syrup."
Loves Seeds
Monroe Hafter of the romance
language department then took
over again for the hamantasch,
drawing examples from his area of
expertise, medieval Spain. He said
that the great warrior El Cid was
always known as "Poppy Cid" by
his daughter who had great af-
fection for the poppyseed filled
pastry. He also concluded that
Don Juan who went from woman
to woman in a life of frantic ro-

institutions. For the most part"
"people don't leave the University
because the University couldn't
meet salary competition, but be-
cause the University decided not
to," he indicated.
Three Levels
However, he explained that the
faculty resignation rate has to be
examined in the framework of
three levels of seniority.
At the top are the faculty lead-
ers-the deans, the full professors
and the individuals "around which
programs are organized," he indi-
"The University has had a mini-
mum of losses in this bracket. We
f ght to keep these people," Heyns
'ihe "middle group" makes' up
the next level. Conpetition here is
stiff because of high "mobility."
Although these individuals are not
"as distinguished," they are the
potential leaders of the future.
Can't Keep All
"The University can't expect to
retrain all the faculty in this
middle bracket because they can't
all be leaders here," he explained.
However, Heyns maintained that
the University needs to be in a
"good competitive position at this
level to keep as many potential
leaders as possible."
Competition is most intense at
the junior level. The University
has to depend on the young fac-
ul1ty members for the lnadeshin

-Daily-Dave Abinerl
WALLS TOPPLES OPPONENTS-Rich Walls, Michigan's out-
standing sophomore swim sprinter, shows his form in his first of
two victories yesterday against Indiana. He copped the 200-yd.
freestyle, then swam to first in the 100-yd. freestyle.
Indiana Swimmers Drown,
'as Farley Sets Record
Michigan and Indiana swimmers gave a repeat performance yes-
terday afternoon at the Matt Mann Pool as the Hoosiers dunked the
Wolverines; 82-41, in a meet that was almost identical to the 81-42
trouncing the Wolverines received in Bloomington five weeks ago.

i ._


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