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February 23, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-23

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on erence



(EDITOR'S NOTE: These are the
first three of 16 articles summariz-
ing the discussions of University
issues which took place among ad-
ministrators, students and facultyr
at the Conference on the Univer-
sity Friday and yesterday morning.)
"The University wants to open
its doors to students who will do
well here and who will maintain
its elite status," Assistant Direc-
tor of Admissions Byron Groes-
beck maintains:
This was the principle which
guided the "Admissions Policy"«
session of the Conference on the
University, chaired by Groesbeck
and Daily Editor Ronald Wilton,
Some of the issues before the
group included the questions of
which admissions requirements
should be emphasized, whether a
quota system should be maintain-
ed, and how to attract the most,
Qualified students to the Univer-
Citizens and Scholars
Present admissions policy is
aimed at selecting those students
who will contribute as citizens and
scholars to the academic commun-
41ty, Groesbeck said.
Using the "multiple regressions
formula" - Scholastic Aptitude
Test scores, Achievement Test
scores and high school grade point
averages - the admissions office
produces evaluations of the stu-
dent's probable college grade point
The group suggested that since
students are so greatly subsidized,
their tuition could be raised slight-
ly. "The University pays more for
the graduate student, on the
whole, than for the undergraduate.'
More Special Facilities
"This comes about because the
graduate needs more equipment
and special facilities with which
to work," Prof. Henry W. Swain
of the Medical School said.
Problems arise in borderline
cases, the participants were told.
Generally, such students are put
on a waiting list, while personal
interviews or reports of second se-
mester grades serve as their cri-
teria for admissions.
The question which naturally

arises after analysis of this policyi
is % t ether the University is get-t
ting the best possible students.
The panel feared that highly cre-t
ative students who did not per-
form particularly well either oni
tests or in school would be over-t
Be Realistic
Because the quality of a student
cannot be indicated by these
scores, the panel suggested that
personal interviews be used moret
often. This would provide a more
realistic analysis of the individual
and would thus help in making
decisions, particularly in border-
line cases.
Another solution would be to in-
stitute an "Innovation" policy
similar to. that at Harvard. This
would include purposely admit-
ting the non-spectacular appli-
cants. Such a flexible program
could also possibly attract many
"late bloomers" who would other-
wise be discouraged from apply-
In conjunction with the ques-
tion of admission of borderline
cases, the panel suggested that the
University do more extensive re-
search to find out why students
flunk out. Such research might
provide concLusion that would
help admissions counselors deter-
mine what criteria are most in-
dicative of potential fallures.
Outstanding Out-of-Staters
The existence of the 30 per cent
quota for admission of out-of-state
students raised some speculation
about the possibility of lowering
that figure. Groesbeck explained
that out-of-state students gener-
ally have to have more outstand-
ing records in order to be ad-
He said that it is a policy of the
admissions board to accept stu-
dents of a wide geographic distri-
bution in an effort to establish a
cosmopolitan environment which
would be educationally beneficial.
The panel seemed to agree that
the University would best main-
tain its academic eliteness by be-
ign permitted to admit a larger
number of out-of-state students.
What About Negroes?
When the question of quota was
raised, Groesbeck was asked about
admissions p o'l i c y regarding
Negroes. There were 100 Negro
students in the fall freshman class
of 3400 students. At present, Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns is working on a
plan whereby financial aid would
be turned toward the needs of
Negro students, he said.
The effect of the trimester on
University admissions policy was
also considered. Groesbeck claimed
that more students could be ad-
mitted if they agreed to attend the
summer session. With more facili-
ties available, those who were
borderline cases would have great-
er chance of being admitted, he
The panel was also concerned
with making the University more
attractive to potential students. A
planned exploratory experience
enabling high school seniors to

interact with college students on
campus was suggested.
A suggestion was also made to
utilize more University alumni
throughout the country. Compar-
isons were made to the enthusias-
tic efforts of Harvard and Yale
alumni in recruiting students.
One of the more obvious prob-
lems discussed was- that of enter-
ing freshmen who were bored or
disappointed with their introduc-
tory courses. Wilton suggested
that high schools urge their stu-
dents to take the Advanced Place-
ment Exams.
'U' Image
The image the University pre-
sents to the public is an anti-
intellectual one, Prof. Irving Kauf-
man of the architecture college
charged yesterday.
This feeling that the Univer-
sity's public relations image does
not reflect its true goals was the
keynote of yesterday's conference
session on "Image and Respon-




sibility of the University-State Conference on the University ses- Increased flexibility in reside
and Nation." 'sion on "Finance." halls was noted as one way to
Prof. Kaufman was referring to The nine - member discussion student costs. "Semester contr
such distortions as the over- group on the University's mone- for dormitories would be helpfa
stressing of research possibilities tary outlook discussed problems men and women who wish
and the distribution of a public of how to pay for present and change to low-cost housing," 1
relations pamphlet called "Alex- future student enrollment and on Williams said.
ander Michigander and the Uni- distribution of existing finds. A one-day meal ticket for
versity of Michigan." It was suggested that in-state dents not wishing to eat in
Stress Education students' tuition should be raised dormitories and different hou
Robert Westman, Grad, sug- by $50-$100 to meet costs. "Michi- charges for students on diffe
gested that the University public gan residents feel they are getting financial levels were proposec
relations emphasize the institu- away with something in compari- David Bernhardt, Grad.
tion's role educationally within
the state. This approach should
promote longrange' understanding,NN
prmt ogagudrtnig /not short-range gain, he said. 318 * 0 TO LO N DO N "
The University is somewhat hys-
terical in its public relations, Prof,
Gerald Rothschild of the psy- U of M GROUP FLIGHT
chology department asserted. He
noted the paradox that the public Boston/London June 2
can be educated only slowely, bu
that the University needs money London/Boston August 5
quickly. The result is that the Also Detroit Departure and Return $372.00
University gives the public whatF A T EA YA ME
it wants, not depicting what FOR ALL STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND EMPLOYEES
University really is, he concluded. Call Bob Spaly, NO 5-6885; Tom Steffe, NO 3-3845
Director of Research Admin-
istration Robert Burroughs, co-
discussion leader of the group,
urged that the Office of Univer-
sity Relations shift its focus to
reveal the University as it is. STEAK AND SHAKE
"There is a need for the Uni- Charbroiled Hamburger Steak
versity to communicate honestly
with the public. The University is
not easily understood: it is coir- One-Half Fried Chicken
plex and somewhat intangible." OeHl re.hce
Co-discussion leader Philip Su- 1.25
tin, '64, cast doubt on the ef-
fectiveness of the University im- Bread, Butter & Salad
ages, noting that key legislators 1313 So. University
are interested in facts and figures
-the specific information about


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Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Board
meeting, Feb. 23, 4 p.m., 3510 SAB.
* * *
Circle Honorary Society, Important
meeting, Tues.,Feb. 25. 7:15 p.m., P &
E Room, Michigan League.
* * *
Congregational Disciples, E&R, EUB
Student Guild, Sunday Seminar: "The
Early Church," Feb. 23 7-8 p.m., Guild
House, 802 Monroe St.
* * *
Gamma Delta-Lutheran Student Or-
ganization, 6 p.m. Supper; 6:45 p.m.,
vicar John Koenig, "The Works of C.
S. Lewis," Feb. 23, 1511 Washtenaw
* r * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and/or
tobogganing. Feb. 23, 2 p.m., Rackham,
Huron St. Entrance.
* * *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Feb. 24, 3-5
p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Newman Center, Newman Internation-
al Program: Sun., Feb. 23. Lenten Coffee
Hour from 4-6 p.m. at Catholic Student
Center, 331 Thompson St. All Interna-
tional and U.S. students cordially in-
vited. Dinner together at 6 p.m. in
restaurant nearby.
Phi Sigma Society, Lecture: "Applica-
tion of Radioisotopes to Biological Prob-
tems," by Dr. Claire Shellabarger, Feb.
25, 8 p.m., E. Conf. Room, Rackham.
** *
Russian Circle, Coffee, conversation,
Tues., Feb. 25, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
* * *
Unitarian Student Group, Talk and
discussion, Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m. Speaker:
Prof. Lehmann, School of Education,
Topic: "Student Passion," Unitarian
Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
Le Cercle Francais invites one and all
to hear Jacques Morgensteon speak on
the famous French singer "George
Brassens," Wed., Feb. 26, at 8 p.m., 203
N. Ingalls St. Refreshments will be




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