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February 18, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-18

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gjr £i1itan Dailil
Seveny-Third Yer
Trutb Will Pr"4111,
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in a reprints.
Legislators Uncertain;
Await Apportionment Plan
JHE FUTURE of many state legislators ates the state constitution. If, on the
and of the composition of the Legisla- other hand, the court uses the state con-
ture itself is entirely up in the air at the stitution's formula, someone will bring a
moment and may well remain that way suit charging violation of the federal Con-
through the summer. There are at least stitution. Thus apportionment goes back
three factors that will serve to keep it to the courts.
that way.
First the new constitution calls for ap- THIRD, all of this leaves the possibility
portioning the state House of Representa- that the fall election of state senators
tives on a strict population basis and will be on an at-large basis. The Illinois
the state Senate on an 80 per cent popu- state legislature will have such an elec-
lation, 20 per cent area formula. tion this fall, with the Democrats and Re-
State AFL - CIO President August publicans agreeing not to run more can-
Scholle currently has a suit pending in didates than could win two-thirds of the
the Port Huron federal district court to seats.
have the Senate formula deemed in viola- This type of election will prevent either
tion of the United States Constitution. He party from sweeping every seat and some-
bases his case for court action on the Su- what restrict the size of the ballot. None-
preme Court's 1962 Baker vs. Carr decision theless, well over 100 candidates will be
in which the tribunal decreed that Ten- listed and a straight party-line vote is
nesee' stte egilatve istict woldmore than likely since even the most con-
nessee s state legislative districts wouldl siniu oe a h rl eepce o
have to be apportioned on a one-man, scientious voter can hardly be expected to
one-vote basis. know the backgrounds and stands of 100
The outcome of Scholle's case, regard- candidates.
less of which side wins, will probably be To avoid this travesty, some lawmakers
les ofwhih sde in, wll robblybeare trying to postpone the election for
appealed to the Supreme Court and thus to iar. thistionereetionsitu
it is not likely to be decided before the two years. This action requires a consitu-
fall elections. But it will hang like a dark tutional amendment that must pass the
Legislature by a two-thirds vote and then
cloud over the other proceedings. win a majority of the popular vote in a
E COND, the state is supposed to be re- special referendum.
apportioned according to the guide- Democrats, however, oppose this plan
appiesortionetaconttuthengde-since it insures Republican domination of
lines of the new state constitution. The the Legislature for at least two more
job of drawing the new districts for the years. Furthermore, they can expect to do
state Senate was given to the Legislative ber th epublicanenpnct-large
Apportionment Commission. better than Republicans in an at-large
vote because Democrats usually win in
The commission was unable to agree to statewide elections.
an apportionment scheme by its January
31 ceadline. So the state Supreme Court NONE OF THIS is directly related to
must now adopt a plan from one of those yesterday's Supreme Court decision on
presented to it by state legislators or ap- apportionment since that was concerned
portionment commission members or with the election of federal congressmen.
make up a new one itself. Yet in the long run, every move the Su-
As Democrats have a 5-3 edge on the preme Court makes will play a part in
court, it is likely that the plan finally de- influencing all the other court decisions.
cided upon will be in the Democrats' pow- The final outcome of apportionment in
er. A decision is expected by mid-March, Michigan will almost certainly be that
several weeks before the primaries, both houses of the Legislature will be
However, it Is likely that the court's elected from districts proportioned solely
plan will itself be taken to court. If the on population. But, in the meanwhile,
court adopts a proposal similar to that Michigan citizens must keep a sense of
suggested by apportionment commission humor strong enough to prevail over their
member Richard Austin, districts will be sense of disgust at the fiasco that will
set up on purely population lines; then the precede a decision.
plan will be called illegal because it viol- -EDWARD HERSTEIN


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Who Will Sign Education Checks?

THE PROBLEM plaguing state
higher education used to be
where the money would come
from. But now the question is who
should dole it out?
As state monies now appear
a v a i1 a b l e in unprecedented
amounts and federal funds are
awaiting injection into depressed
education budgets, administrators
and lawmakers are reconsidering
who should advise the Legislature
on how to shell out these funds.
Immediately at issue is the dis-
tribution of $10 million this year
in federal grants for construction.
But more important, there is the
long-range disposal of $30 million
in grants over the next three years
and the incalculable side effects
this money will have on the state's
annual $20-$30 million capital out-
lay program.
larger btlk were pondered by col-
lege administrators as the salient
issue facing the tax-supported
schools back in the depletion days
of 1958.
That was when the University
drudgingly was supplied with $30

million from the Legislature and
all nine state-supported colleges
and universities commanded a
skimpy $87 million allotment.
But some six years later, the
money problem has refocused as
an outgrowth of fund fluidity. The
governor would like to see the
University receive $44 million and
have all the tax-supported units
garner $131 million.
Even the frugal Congress has
passed a $1.2 billion college con-
struction bill which will chip in
the additional $10 million for cap-
ital outlay needs.
WITH THE easing of the dollar
drought a new problem has arisen.
Educators and legislators are me-
ticulously rereading the state Con-
stitution to gain support for their
contention that the governor is no
longer the sole advisor to the
Legislature when it comes to fi-
nancial allotments.
It was the Constitutional Con-
vention which brought to print
the concept of a co-ordinatory
body for finances. Called the new
State Board of Education, it was
given advisory privileges to "plan
and co-ordinate" all of public
education and to advise the Legis-

Power Failure?
Barbara Lazarus, Personnel Director


lature about the financial require-
ments of the state-supported col-
To ease the transition into this
new Board set-up, the constitution
provided that this elected group
would not supersede the old
Board until 1965.
During and immediately follow-
ing Con-Con, educators and legis-
lators paid minor attention to the
implementation of the Board's
financial function. This was due
in part to the more pressing issue
of activating the rest of the Con-
stitution in January, 1964.
BUT DECEMBER saw the pass-
age of the federal construction
aid bill-although specific author-
ization has not yet been made-
a n d January witnessed Gov.
George Romney being lambasted
for inequitable budget recommend-
ations from the 10 state schools.
The federal aid bill presented a
strong catalyst for reconsideration
of who should be the fund dis-
penser. It required that all re-
quests from the institutions be co-
ordinated at the state-wide level
by a new "representative agency."
The governor and Legislature
were instructed to set one up-but
that was as far as their power
need go.
In addition, legislators them-
selves were impressed with the
work of the governor's layman
"Citizen's Committee on Higher
Education" which had framed a
forthright statement of higher
education needs.
An appeal to take part of the
to the'
To the Editor:
THIS YEAR for the fii'st time
students at the University will
have a direct voice in the selection
of the delegates who will repre-
sent them at the United States
National Student Association Con-
gress this summer. Four of the
eight delegates allotted us will be
elected by the campus on March 4.
Since in the past all delegates and
alternates to the Congress have
been appointed by Student Gov-
ernment Council, this election
marks a significant step forward
in the democratization of student
As chairman of SGC's USNSA
committee, I would suggest that
candidates for delegate positions
be asked someror all of the follow-
ing questions, in order to deter-
mine their knowledge of USNSA
and their attitude towards that
1: What do you feel is the
proper role of a national union of
2: How do you interpret the
clause in the USNSA constitution
which reads: USNSA "shall not
take part in activity which does
not affect students in their role
as students"?
3: To what extent should
USNSA involve itself with other
national unions of students and
with international student organi-
4: Should USNSA be concerned
with educational reform and, if so,
in what ways?
5: What should be the relation-
ship of USNSA to other student
organizations (e.g., SNCC, WUS,
etc.) in this country?
6: What specific piece(s) of leg-
islation will you introduce at the
7: What is your background in
student activities and in USNSA?
8: Which of USNSA's services
to the campus do you consider
most valuable?

appropriation function away from
the political governor-Legislature
duo had been made.
It became apparent that the new
state board-as a "neutral" force
-could play a larger role than its
ambigous description in the Con-
stitution might indicate. The "rep-
resentative agency" instruction of
the federal bill presented a very
positive asset to the proponents
of a strong board-leaning away
from executive influence.
They know, as one legislator ex-
plained, that controlling the dis-
pensing of federal funds could be
a lever for indirect control over
the Legislature's appropriation.
This was because federal funds
would only be issued with assur-
ance of matching state aid.
* * *
ROMNEY'S chief educational
aide, Charles Orlebeke, a strong


Pro Musica Realizes
Potential of Music

UNITED STATES foreign policy must
soon become more flexible and real-
istic or this country will find itself stand-
ing alone, facing the rest of the world.
The United States has been following
a pattern of foreign relations which makes
black and white judgments on Commu-
nist and pro-Communist countries. Many
nations, however, are refusing to take
hard and fast positions in the cold war
and are afraid to make definite political
commitments. Consequently, our dogmat-
ic policy is failing.
Today's world seems to be falling apart
--not in one tumultuous crash, but in
small splinters. For example, the United
States is having trouble with South Viet
Nam, Cambodia, both Chinas and South
America, especially Panama and Cuba;
Western Europe, too, is a source of trou-
ble, with France and with our staunch
ally Britain. Even peaceful Canada both-
ers the United States because it was one
of the first to trade with Communist na-
OUR UNREALISTIC foreign policy is evi-
denced by continual insistences of eco-
nomic boycotts on enemies such as Cuba
and Red China; and these boycotts are
being broken not by enemies, but by
"friends." Where money is concerned, the
United States is foolish if it thinks it can
easily demand and receive unfailing loy-
This country has supported and con-
tinues to give aid to shaky, despotic re-
gimes and uses them to do first-hand
fighting against Communism. Often this
military aid gets stolen by corrupt offi-
cials and never achieves its purpose. Giv-
ing these nations, like Batista's Cuba, for
example, military aid cannot easily fit

cult to force sovereign nations to accept
nuclear bases on their territories, espe-
cially when they are beginning to believe
the cold war is not their fight and they
can slip away as neutrals.
The United States has no nations it can
really trust to stand behind many of its
NATO policies. The exception is West Ger-
many, which must support us strongly
for its own sake.
J AM NOT A RADICAL advocating com-
plete surrender to the Soviet Union
and I cannot deny that Russia is pur-
suing an obvious policy of piling up coun-
tries in its bloc to support them. Yet
Russia promises rapid industrialization,
plays down the power politics of its for-
eign aid and sends technicians to neutral
nations who can speak the native lan-
guage and understand the culture.
By and large, United States foreign
policy forgets this positive aspect and in-
stead stresses a power-oriented policy
which alienates its allies. Foreign aid
should be used for building more projects
in underdeveloped countries and should
be handled by Americans who know the
language and culture. Military aid ex-
tracted through , half-hearted official
promises is not the way to build a solid,
united wall against the Communists.
NEUTRALISM, power politics and finan-
cial independence are games that can
be played by everybody these days and the
United States cannot delude itself into
thinking it cracks the whip for the rest
of the free world.
Walter Lippmann recently advocated a
re-examination of United States foreign
policy. Being basically more pessimistic

advocate of executive control over
the budget, was wary of this "fed-
eral lever" that the state board
might wield.
In drafting two proposals for
structuring the agency, he is
seeking to preserve power with-
in the department of administra-
tion under executive control.
Romney will have to ponder the
agency's best position aided by a
constitutional interpretation by
Attorney General Frank Kelley.
Whether it will go somewhere in
Romney's budget division or in
the more autonomous and Legis-
lature-related State Board remains
to be seen.
But a question for higher edu-
cation has been posed. Its answer
may see the entrance of a third
"neutral" participant in t h e
school versus government combat
for higher education funds.


ON SUNDAY afternoon, the New
York Pro Musica topped its
previous triumphs in the final of
its three concert series. It is hard
to say which made the deeper im-
pression, the inspired quality of
most of the music, or the vitality
with which it was performed.
Inspiration and craftsmanship;
like faith and works, can scarcely
exist apart from each other. So
the one aspect of genius is not
more admirable than the other.
But where inspiration runs un-
usually strong, as in the work of
such a genius as Monteverdi, sur-
prise is added to admiration.
Of his sacred and secular works,
which together made up nearly
half the concert, perhaps the most
gripping was a setting of Psalm
Here, as in his other works rep-
resented on the program, Monte-
verdi makes the most intense pos-
sible setting for each part of the
text, and somehow works these
sharply contrasting expressions
into a whole. Some of his ideas,
if introduced with less clarity or
less force, would have come dan-
gerously close to being mere de-
In the "Laetaniae della Beata
Vergine," for instance, a dissonart
progression of a few chords was
literally repeated about a dozen
times before being resolved. Twice
would have been normal, five
times boring, but 12 times was
nearly unbearable, so that the

resolution seemed most sweet.
I hope it conveys enough praise
to the Pro Musica to say that the
full potential of the music was
filled by their clear and vital per-
A FEW other highlights of the
concert demand comment. A set-
ting of verses from the "Song of
Songs, Anima mea liquefacta est,"
sung by Sheila Schonbrun and
Elizabeth Humes, together with
the instruments, struck me as one
of the most intense lyrical expres-
sions Ihave ever heard. The first
part of the music seemed to glow,
and even to melt, as the words
Paul Maynai (Vs performance of
a Toccata by Frescobaldi likewise
caught fire and reached a state of
searing intensity, in spite of the
fact that the harpsichord. he
played is an instrument so modest
in sound that the random noises
of the audience could cover it
Shelley Gruskin gave a display
of virtuosity in ornamentation
such as the other instrumentalists
had provided in the earlier con-
certs in a chanson by Girolamo
Dalla- Casa anddances by Michael
Praetorius. A suite of dances from
Praetorius' "Terpsichore" demon-
strated Noah Greenberg's active
and subtle imagination in arrang-
ing a wide variety of charming in-
strumental sonorities.
-David Sutherland

New National Religion?

The Lawyer as Priest
In New American Cult

Executive Editor,
Rutgers Daily Targum
THE SUPREME Court is presid-
ing over the (rightful) demise
of organized religion in the gov-
ernment and governing of the
United States. A strict interpreta-
tion of the law will necessitate
further separation of organized
religion and the state.
The church is no longer a check
on the government. It can no
longer provide a moral or ethical
setting for politics. It can no long-
er be the dominant force in our
All this is inevitable-and right.
The Church, no matter what its
beliefs, cannot claim a pre-emin-
ent place in a society where al-
legiance is to more than one
church. A consensus of any com-
munity is required for a true be-
lief system to operate.
Traditional Islam and Hinduism
are examples. Religion is not a
part of the lives of Muslims or
Hindus: it is their lives, and every-
thing they do is based on their re-
* * *
BUT THERE is one thing in

hood: judges; and a papacy: the
Supreme Court.
And most of all it is a total be-
lief system. One has to believe in
the law prevailing for logically
that is nonsense. Carry law out to
its logical extreme and it is ridicu-
lous. The search for consistency
in law is self-defeating because
much of the basis for law is self-
AND THEY are ministered to by
members of the priesthood, gradu-
ates of divinity schools (law
schools) and schooled in the in-
tricacies of the fine points of in-
terpretation of vague statutes.
Our society is built on a basis of
law and only a lawyer can under-
stand its inner workings.
No wonder law is the easiest
road to the power elite in the
United States today. And no won-
der lawyers with exorbitant fees
for counseling bewildered people
lost in the red tape of bureaucracy.
Law is a full-time religion in
this country.
For a while it looked like science
would become the American re-
ligion. But science, another total
belief system (a system in terms



"On The Otder Hand, Think Of The

- ~C-_p



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