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J EEThari c
U.S. Plans To Detect N-Tests Underwater
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
The United States is going
underground to detect under-
ground nuclear weapons tests else-
where in the world. Actually, to
put it more precisely, the United
I - - I
s " S
States is going under water tof
do it.
It will be a sort of super-sensi-
tive seismograph-the instrument
ordinarily used to record earth-
quakes placed on the bottom of
the Pacific Ocean off the coast of
At the same time, the ocean-
bottom seismograph will be used
to carry out a number of other
studies of a purely scientific
Lamont Tool
The instrument is a modifica-
tion of the lunar seismograph de-
veloped by Columbia University's
Lamont Geological Observatory at
Palisades, N.Y., for landing on the
The ocean-bottom seismograph
project is a joint undertaking of
Columbia scientists and the Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency
of the Office of Naval Research.
Columiba terms the instrument
as being "capable of accomplish-
ing a major breakthrough in de-
tection of underground nuclear
weapons tests.
It will be placed more than two
miles below the surface of the
Pacific at a spot approximately
115 miles south and west of Point
Arena, Calif.
A coaxial submarine cable will
connect it with recording instru-
ments on the shore near Point
Arena, which is about midway be-
tween Cape Mendocino and San
The United States has a num-
ber of ways of checking on above-
ground nuclear tests by other na-
tions. However, underground ex-
plosion - permissible under the
nation's limited test ban with Rus-
sia-are not so readily detected.
Good Site
Maurice Ewing, director of the
Lamont Observatory, said the
bottom of the ocean will provide
a good seismic site because it is
far from man-made noises.
He said also that the ocean it-
self serves as a buffer to shield
the ocean floor from horizontal
stresses of the wind.
Ewing continued, "There are
various seismic methods by which
some improvement in our knowl-
edge and technique for handling
the underground weapon test sur-
veillance problem can be obtained.
"These include use of quiet seis-
niograph locations, improved seis-
mographs, vast seismic arrays. The
ocean-bottom seismograph, how-
ever, is alone in its capability of
making a major breakthrough in
this surveillance problem. It could
provide completely new techniques.
This seismograph is a superb
scientific tool."
Other Tests
Considerable underwater test-
ing has been carried out with less
sophisticated instruments.
The Lamont Observatory will
build, install and operate the Cali-
fornia instrument and monitoring
station under the Navy contract.
For purely scientific study, it
will include devices to measure
variations in the earth's magnetic
field, ocean pressures, sounds,
water temperatures and possibly
ocean bottom currents. These too
would be recorded at the shore
Offers Job
Service Commission is suggesting
an alternative to a House-ap-
proved bill that would make thou-
sands of summer jobs in federal
agencies available to students
across the nation, the Washing-
ton Post reported recently.
Last summer, about 80 per cent
of the estibmated 10,000 jobs were
filled by students from the Wash-
ington area. But a bill introduced
by Rep. Lindley K. Beckworth (D-
Tex) would allot summer jobs to
each state on the basis of its
But, Civil Service Commission
Chairman John W. Macy said that
he feels that a strict apportion-
ment law is not the answer to
"the difficulties experienced by
members of Congress in attempt-
ing to counsel high school and
college stu'dents" who want to
work in Washington in the sum-
Macy suggested instead that a
nation-wide announcement for the
jobs be issued early each year by
the Civil Service Commission. Ap-
plicants would then take an as-
sembled test which would evaluate
reading, verbal and arithmetic
Examinations would be rated,
with points for veterans' perfer-
ence added. All applicants would
be advised of their rating, Macy
The competitors would then be
split into three groups according
to their test scores and govern-
mental agencies would be permit-
ted to select employes from the
high-scoring students in the group
assigned to them.
He said that the principal dif-
ference between this and the
Beckworth bill is that the House-
approved legislation "places pri-
mary emphasis on state of resi-
dence and secondary emphasis on
merit. This proposal places pri~-
mary emphasis on merit regard-
less of state of residence."
UN Truce Teams Highlighted
As New River Crisis Develops
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM-An Arab sum-pLaely theeest-a
mit meeting in Cairo, considering line has been the 49-mi
ways to stop Israel from diverting. tier between Israel and
the Jordan River to irrigate its Problems there have c
Southland, places more attention largely of the return of I
on the small, but effective United By contrast the Israe
Nations truce team. border, though only 45 mi
The Arabs heard from their is the most sensitive. Fif
military staffs and considered po- . 'UN observers operate at
litical maneuvers as a new Middle tions along the boundai
East crisis seems brewing. round-the-clock basis.
The Israelis hope to complete There have been aroun
the Jordan River project this year, dred shooting incidents
but have kept secret the day when stretch during the past 12
the water diversion will begin in comparison with about
fearing Arab retaliation. all the other three armist
No Talks together.
The project has been consider- Israel Protest
ed for 10 years, but the Arabs In August, Israel prot
and Israelis refused to agree on a the Security Council that
joint project. Israel then went. . ian soldiers had crossedt
ahead on its own der to slay two 19-year-o
All this maneuvering puts new ers.
emphasis on the UN truce team, During the same moni
which has been patrolling a gen- U THANT was a brief but violent e
erally quiet border. Only Syrian of gunfire between Isra
firing near the water project has When the Israeli-Arab armis- Jordanians in this city,
punctuated the calm. tices were signed in 1949, the divided between the two cc
Previously, United, Nations Sec- Mixed Armistice Commissions However, the 329-mile
retary-General U Thant had sug- were set up to iron out any prob- between Israel and Jorda:
gested that UN member states lems which might arise. wise has been relatively q
consider the possibility of cutting They are made up of equal the two countries have wo
down on the size and cost of the numbers of representatives of Is- gether through the Mixed
5000-man UN Emergency Force raelis, the various Arab countries tice Commission to dealw
sent to the area after the Israeli and the UN Truce Observation problems of malaria, ra
invasion of Egypt in 1956. Organization locust control.
Sinai Station, ,
The emergency force is station-. . .. < f
ed in the Sinai Peninsula and Ga- ^
za Strip areas between Israel and
On the basis of a request by
the UN Security Council, the sec- ,t+
retary-general also has requested
a new overall report on the Is-
rael-Arab armistice situation.
The request was made of Nor-
wegian Gen. Odd Bull, who is { a, ; a ff° ' '
chief of staff of the United Na-
tions Truce Observation Organiza-to I e.
tion in Israel.~
Bull ReportA 2 4rta br
Bull's report will cover only the. . .. . .. .. . ..
working or non-working of the * . }
108-man Truce Observation Group t +'
and four Mxed Armistice Com-
missions which operate under UN
auspices. officers J "J )4....
Bull has a staff of 108 officers
who make observations at vari- __________a_____y e }4
ous points along the borders be-'..4.....~s{x" .
tween Israel, Lebanon, Jordan,
Syria and Egypt. There also is a -4ti
staff of 150 civilian employes, "[i# 4 9 a H
largely at headquarters in Jeru-
salem S#44
The observation officers in the "' {f" t,.{I
field are called "the army of the
unarmed." They not only have
no weapons but no combat units ",:+ r~
under their command..
Varied Geart+4o-w,
Their equipment consists of , a
maps and binoculars, jeeps; ra-
dio sets and a large batch of "at
white flags. Their task is to ob- 4K t At y *a .
serve the frontier situation and tof. a{.1+, a}..ia.k ,
arrange, if necessary, cease-fires { r...+a + Y ' )' *i
in the case of major conflict.«p, ," °* ' . '
They also are expected to in- l
vestigate all incidents, report them#' -.
and seek in every way to main- '5 +.. ft.,+aa + a
tain armistice agreements between Y,*
Israel and the Arab countries.' f +.#u .
From Bull's headquarters a re-
port is dispatched weekly to the *,m4
UN in New York. The observation ...,>: i : . o. "
organization's files have grown to. . ..4.4 ...ay4c ,
fantastic proportions since the ar-
mistice agreements were signed 15" °a
years ago.wy 's la..
More than 30,000 complaints, ; , 4', 4a* f;,x'-0a t{{M
including routine or minor oneskr{"Y{ .
have been registered by the various <
nations.a t ? } r
{ 2r p ?i:.r as,;r. .or..Y r ~ . . .rt . ...44
:~~~~~ ~.f...Y.; ~~ys:e3f^u>SY .t:c:... ;.:}: / a #s:,,a.Yd<u? {
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0 Fully transistorized: 5
and thermistor
transistors plus-diode
* Two speeds: 3 IPS
and 1/s IPS
* Weight: 4 lbs. 11 oz.
with batteries and
carrying case
0 Dimensions of recorder:
7 " x 7" x 21/s"'
" Controls: Volume, tone,
rewind, stop, playback,
record, fast forward
Provision for external
monitor includes leather
carrying case, remote
microphone and ear-
* Capstan drive: To insure
constant speed
0 Rewind time: 31/2
" Forward time: 7 minutes
" Audio frequency
200-5000 CPS 3 IPS
200-3000 CPS 17/ IPS
" Power source:
6-1 1/2 penlight cells-
6-1 1/2 penlight cells-
National No. UMS,
Neda No. 15,
Eveready No. 1015
" Battery life: Under
continuous operation:
Amplifier-20 hours
Motor-5 hours
" Speaker: Dynamic,
permanent magnet
f Recording indicator:
Magic Meter
* Battery output indicator:
Magic Meter
" AC Bias: 35 KC separate
ACCESSORIES supplied with recorder
1-Microphone: Dynamic
with remote switch
and 66~ cord
1-Earphone; Magnetic
for private listening
1-Leather carrying case
for recorder
1-Leather carrying case
for microphone and
1-Roll of recording tape
1-Roll of splicing tape
We look forward to serving you
this semester and we will con-
tinue to offer fine food as we
have in the past.
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