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February 12, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-12

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etre Yoiau
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy
through tomorrow



Architecture School
Sets Quest for Dean
Committee Seeks Succesor to Youtz;
Department Chairman also Needed
The architecture college is looking for a new dean and a new
chairman for the architecture department.
The architecture department is one of three within the college.
A faculty committee is now considering candidates to replace
Dean Philip Youtz who will retire in June.
At the same time, the department's executive committee is
searching for a new head for the architecture department as Prof.
Walter Sanders, previously de-


Eyes Aid

Gov. George Romney is cur-
rently viewing two possible struc-
tures for a new state agency which
will disperse $10 million annually
in federal funds for college con-
The funds are being provided
for the next three years under tho
provisions of a $1.2 billion college
aid bill passed last December. Spe-

state's public, private and com-
munity colleges.
These institutions - including
the University-are all eligible to
have the government support one-
third of the capital outlay expense
on buildings for research and in-
struction. The major stipulation
is that all projects of the individ-I
ual schools be apprave I by a rep-
resentative state agency

for final approval to a r
coordinating committee es
ed by the Health, Educati
Welfare Department.
The University has ten
expressed interest in apply
federal assistance in the co
tion of a $3.5 million add
the General Library. The
share, if *the project was a:
by state and national coo

ion and
ying for
ition to

In providing two alternative for-
mats for the agency, Orlebeke is
following the governor's request.
"These ideas are guidelines from
which Romney is free to stamp the
political, citizen or educator or-
ientation which he chooses," he
Combined Views
Orlebeke said he had attempted
to combine the three orientations
in his proposals.
His first recommendation is
that the agency be composed of
12-16 members, four to be public
representatives with the remainder
serving the public, private and
community college interests in
accordance with enrollment ratios
at these types of institutions.
Under these criteria, the com-
munity and private colleges are
See ROMNEY, Page 2


head, has resigned.


Ng h Views
6 Culture Clash
Of Australia
"In their affairs with other
Asian nations, many say that Aus-
tralians have gotten to the point
where they want to have their
cake and eat it too," Peter Nygh,
senior lecturer on leave from the
University of Tasmania, said last
Speaking before a discussion
meeting of the International Stu-
J dent Association, Nygh e m!ained
that Australia wants to conduct
extensive diplomatic aad trade re-
lations with Southeast Asian
countries, including Red China,
while at the same time maintoin-
ing an immigration policy dis-
couraging Southeast Asians.
1 "Australia realizes that she is
a culturally displaced country,"
N y g h continued. Austrahans
know that while their cultural ties
are with the British and the West,
their economic and much of their
diplomatic future 'lies with the
people of Southeast Asia.
"But at the same time, Austra-
lians want to maintain the eco-
nomic and cultural homogenity
which they see as tne source of
heir nation's economic and polit-
ical. stability over the years," he
They do not want socially and
otherwise isolated minority groups
to form in Australia, he said, be-
cause such factions tend to reduce
national homogenity and consen-
sus on questions of national policy.
a "For this reason they want most
as immigrants people with West-
ern backgrounds. This is why they
encourage only Eurodeans to set-
tle permanently.
x Special Loopholes
"Asian students and those with
special qualifications to thw areas
of commerce and diplomacy are
not refused admittance," Nygh
went on, "since asso%;iation with
these people can benefit both the
Southeast Asians and the Aus-
tralians. In addition, such people
would not tend to var iinatian
of the minority groups the Aus-
tralians wish to svoid "
Nygh explained t" at the twn
major Australian paty groups are
united in advocaing restricted
immigration policies.
"The Labor Party, in particular,
is concerned -with cne economic
consequences of the large inflow
of Asian workers tnat would come
with a loosening of ir igration
policies while the majoity coa.i-
tion of the Liberal aid Country
parties is mainly coac-;rned with
the social consequence of such a
move," he said.
Pickets Protest
Meader' s Vote

Only Recommend
Prof. Charles Cares of the land-
scape architecture department,
and chairman of the committee
which is recommending deanship
candidates, explained that the
final decision on a new dean will
rest with the Board of Regents.
His committee will only submit
"We're looking for a new dean
among architects, artists, planners
and teachers. Although we're not
especially looking for a big-name
architect, we are looking for a
person who understands the prob-
lems of design.
"Since more than one discipline
is involved in this college, it is
quite conceivable that we won't
find a man who's had experience
in each field. However, whoever is
chosen must know a great deal
about administration," Prof. Cares
The college is divided into the
departments of architecture, art
and landscape architecture.
Prof. Cares said the committee
was looking both inside the Uni-
versity's architecture college and
outside for likely deans. "We
hope to have a new dean for next
year," he commented.
Prof. Edward Olencki, acting
chairman of the architecture de-
partment, noted that the depart-
ment's executive committee is
looking for a new chairman who
is "experienced in both architec-
ture and teaching. However, we're
not ruling out those w.ho are just
practitioners," he "aid.
New Curriculum
Prof. Olencki explained that the
architecture department has re-
cently been working on curricu-
lum change, and the new depart-
ment chairman would have to be
"somebody who could work in the
interests of the department in the
formation of new curriculum."
He commented that the execu-
tive committee will be making
recommendation f o r chairmen
"hopefully this spring" to the ar-
chitecture department faculty. Af-
ter the department faculty have
discussed possible candidates, they
will submit a list to the college ex-
ecutive committee which will turn
in final recommendations to the
University administration
"We are considering people both
from within the college and out-
side," Prof. Olencki said.

-Daily-James House
MAKING A POINT-Dr. Billy Graham (right) listens to Dr.
Akbar Hagg (left) from India as Prof. Kenneth Pike of the lin-
guistics department listens in. The scene took place at a panel
discussion in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night.
Graham Cites Revival
Of Interest in Religion

T T'

! "A phenomenon in our world is the revival in religious interest, i... 3- 2-.A.AX.0
especially by the scientist and psychologist. Even the philosophical
world says to the religious world, 'Will you help us?'," Dr. Billy
Graham said yesterday in balcony-filled Hill Aud.
Graham spoke before three capacity audiences, in two afternoon
lectures, the second of which was in the Natural Science Aud., and
a panel discussion last night in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
After an introduction by University President Harlan Hatcher
at Hill, Graham began his talk by comparing the people in the audi-__
" torium and the world to Saint
Paul's audience on Mars Hill 2000 SOCI E TY'S RESPONSIBILITY:
Boycotts Hit years ago.
Graham said that in Paul's
City Schools toics Debators and sincere peo- oposes aye
] ple."'The i'eactions of Paul's audi-
.~~.ence, Graham said, were "laugh-
n ntei, we'delike to hear more' and

pl.q n -Q



cific Congressional authorization Because there is no curreivc ing bodies, would be one-third of
of funds, however, has not yet agency to fill this roie. the gov- the cost or appmorimately $1.21
been made. ernor has begun an in ensive an-imillion.I
The Possibilities alysis of the best way to create The state's guarantee to as
The tentative formats for the one, Orlebeke explained Romney much as $10 million annually in
agency, submitted by Romney's will also await a report from State outright grants plus additional
chief educational aide, Charles Attorney General 11'raiLK Kelley as loan and graduate loans is pro-
Orlebeke, envision either a pub- to a constitutionaily permissibio vided by the bill's provision that
lic-oriented 12 man commission or structure for such an aency these monies be allocated accord-
a more inclusive 30-40 man group Once this agency receives and ing to state student populations
to serve as the coordinating clear- coordinates the individual project in high school and higher educa-,
inghouse for requests by the requests, they would be submitted tion.


Cal endar
esent FalTerm
... To. n RemvX ain,

By The Associated Press Graham said on all sides the
CINCINNATI-More than 26,000 world is bombarded with pessim-
children cut classes yesterday dur- ism today. He quoted Dr. Bert-
ing a one-day boycott of Cincin- rand Russell as saying 'We may
nati public schools. Similar racial all be dead in five years'; he point-
demonstrations in two other areas ed to the existentialists' "darkness
were curtailed or cancelled be- and pessimism" and he added that
cause of snow. world leaders are pessimistic."
The Cincinnati boycott went Graham said, in reference to the
off peacefully as about 35 per race problem, the threat of nu-
cent of the city's 74,693 pupils clear warfare and otherissues
stayed home. Normal absenteeism causing this pessimism, that
is 10 to 12 per cent . there is no solution unless there
is 1 to12 pr cntis a transformation from the in-
The Cincinnati school board had side"
no figures as to how many of the In the question and answer per-
absentees were Negroes who were iod in the afternoon, Graham
heeding a request by civil rights pointed out the kind of activity
groups to remain out of school in a true Chr:stian would not engage
protest of alleged de facto segre- in. He said that "true believers in
gation in the schools. Christ are not anti-Semitic." He
CORE-NAACP also said that the wars fought on
Cincinr ati long has interming- behalf of Christianity were not
led wtte: anc Negroes in the fought by "true Christians."
schools but the Congress of Racial In response to a question on how
Equaiity en-d the Nationa) Asso- a scientist's faith could be like the
riation for the Advancement of faith of a true follower, Graham
Colored leople have claimed plans pointed out that a scientist's re-
for con-fruction of new schools, ligious faith is the same kind of
assignment of teachers and other faith he has when he constructs
factors : mounts to segregation. "large, expensive atom machines
Extra police were on duty but even though he has never seen an
there was nc sign of any violence. atom."
Meanwhile, in Cambridge, Md., On the changing morality in
almost 1000 of about 400 Negro our society Graham commented;
pupils in Dorchester County public "Most everyone agrees moral
schools stayed at home yesterday standards are changing; attitudes
during a protest boycott. toward standards are changing."
Difference Sex Attitudes
School officials and the integra- In the panel discussion last
tionist leader who organized the night, at which Prof. Kenneth
boycott differed sharply on the Pike of the linguistics depart-
results. The issue was complicated ment, and Dr. Akbar Hagg from
by a snowfall of three inches. India also spoke, Graham explored
Of 2,450 Negro children enrolled what the Christian faith teaches
in the county's four major Negro on sex. "First of all I believe in
schools, officials said, :13-or 40 sex," he said.
per cent-were not 41 1class. Inte- "We are living in a sex-saturat-
grationists said their estimate, ed age. The French take it as a
made from surveying school buses part of life. We have become ob-
and questioning children who did sessed with it.
attend, was 75 per ceri for Cam- "The Bible teaches that pre-
bridge alone.; marital sex is sun. This is fornica-
"Considering t h e inclement tion," he adde& "I don't have to
weather, our attendance was al- tell you how far to go on a date,
most normal," said John T. Com- if you go beyond the point of no
er, assistant superintendent of return, it's too late."
schools. Graham promised in his talks
"In my opinion, it seems that in the afternoon and evening that,
400 in the county of a total of on Thursday he will reveal "God's
2,450 remained home because of p n for the future." He said,
the boycott. We would expect "God has a plan for the future a
about 15 to 20 per cent absentee- gigantic plan for bringing peace
ism in this kind of weather." 1o the earth."

NEW YORK (A') - Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg
proposed last night that the government reimburse defendants ac-
quitted in criminal trials.
He also proposed that the government provide payment for vic-
tims of crimes such as robbery or assault. He said such victims have
been denied the protection of the laws and "society should assume
some responsibility for makingJ-

him whole."
Goldberg's suggestions were
contained in a speech to the New
York University law school.
He called for a wide-ranging
overhaul of criminal law to as-
sure legal equality to those who
cannot now afford it-the poor
and even some middle class fam-
There is a need to revise va-
grancy and bail laws and proba-
tion and parole policies, Goldberg
There should be more financial
aid for defendants in preparing
their cases. he said, and the meth-
od of arr-st in many criminal
cases should be changed to give
the 'poor man" the same privi-
leges as "men of means."
More Needed
"In all candor, we must confess
that government in this country-
both state and federal - has not
done all that can be reasonably
required," Gc ldberg said. "Equal
criminal justice for rich and poor
alike is one of the few areas where
our country follows rather than
Goldberg, the newest appointee
to the high court, has long been
a spokesman for the underpriv-
ileged and the working class, hav-
ing formerly been Secretary of
Labor and general counsel for the



Op pose Unit
Two high-ranking legislators
have lashed out against any inten-
tion on the part of Michigan State
University to establish a full-
fledged four year medical school
at East Lansing.
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) and Sen. Frederic Hilbert
(R-Wayland) expressed their feel-
ings against MSU medical expan-
sion in reviewing the institution's
plans to open an 18 month medi-1
cal program starting in 1965.
Both senators indicated their
concern that the 18-month pro-
gram could be a prelude to a bid
for a full-scale four-year plan that
would cost the state over $100
A recent report unanimously
adopted by the Michigan Co-
ordinating Council for Public
Higher Education - which has
high-ranking MSU officials in its
membership-stated that the MSU
program was to be only an 18-
montn arrangement.
There was a specific agreement
in the report that the state's next
four-year medical school would
not be designated until 1968.


Director of University Libraries
Frederick H. Wagman was in.
Washington yesterday to wit-
ness President Lyndon B. John-
son's signing of the Library
Service and Construction Act.
Wagman went in his capacity as
head of the American Library


Away from Prejudtce-'Gtve Us
By ANN GWIRTZMAN - ---------

Council To Hear Proposals
On Rules, Visiting Professor
A motion for control over non-academic rules and regulations
will be discussed by Student Government Council tonight.
SGC will also discuss a proposed visiting professorship.
SGC President Russell Epker, '64BAd, noted that the motion to
be formally brought up next week will be discussed by the committee
of the whole tonight. It proposes that Student Government Council
'make all non-academic student
rules and regulations, subject to
the veto of the Vice-President for
Student Affairs.
Epker commented that this mo-
a C h nce'tion is in line with the SGC "at-
mpt to take somehcontrol of
non-academic rules this year." He
added that the chances for its
anproval by the SGC and then
the Regents "are the best ever"
< ind that there is a distinct chance
:fom them to be approved.
If approved, SGC would have
Spover to make rules conforming to
I certain procedural conditions Ep-
":kep said. He suggested oven stu-
dent hearings as one pr --ibility if
students are given authority.

Plan. Vote
On Tenure
LANSING (T)-A plan for put-
ting teacher tenure to a vote in
each of Michigan's 1500 school
districts-probably in 1965-could
share double billing with manda-
tory statewide tenure on this No-
vember's ballot.
Such an alternative is being pre-
pared, it was disclxed Monday,
as a possible answer ;o the de-
mand, in petitions b tiling some
325,000 names, for initiatory legis-
lation for statevi dQ tenure.
The tenure question was debated
for nearly two hours as House and
Senate education committees held
a joint public hearing in the
House chambers.
Proponents of legislation to
make tenure mandatory in every
Michigan district outnumbered
their foes, 10-4, asking that laW-
makers approve the bill and avoid
necessity for it being voted on in
the fall.
Under present law, passed in
1937, school districts may volun-
tarily adopt tenure, which protects
teachers from being arbitrarily
fired without cause after they
have passed a probationary period.
Some 59 Michigan school dis-
tricts, most of them in urban
areas, now have tenure.
The Michigan Education Asso-
ciation sponsored the petition
drive to force the Legislature to
approve mandatory tenure on a
statewide basis.
If the Legislature fails to act,
the proposal goes automatically
to voters. If a counter plans lso
is approved, both go on the bal-
l ,,,+~

Summer Semester
Could be Financed
With Higher Budget
The University is preparing ti
readjust its calendar for the aca-
demic year 1964-65 to a full-year
operations schedule if. the Legis-
lature approves Gov. George Rom-
ney's recommended budget ap-
propriation of $44 million.
Dean Stephen H. Spurrt-of the
natural resources school, an assist-
ant to the-vice-president for aca-
demic affairs, indicated yesterday
that the "trimester" would feature
these points:
-The fall term would remain
the same. It is already scheduled
to run from Aug. 31 to Dec. 22.
Second Term
-The second term would begin
Jan. 7, eliminating the extra long
Christmas vacation. It would end
April 27. Spring vacation would
be reduced from a week to a
long, Thanksgiving style weekend.
-The third term would split
into two halves of seven and a
half weeks each. The first half
would run from May 5 through
June 26; the second would run
from June 28 through Aug. 28.
The split summer semester will
coincide with the University fiscal
year. There will be both seven
and 15-week courses.
Spurr emphasized that the cal-
endar is not official; the Regents
have already approved a calendar
for next year which corresponds
to this year's calendar. He .ex-
plained, however, that the switch-
over would be relatively simpie.
IThe key to full-year operation
remains the legislative appropria-
tion. The University was prepared
to move into the trimester this
year, but was unable to do so be-
cause of a lack of funds from the
University Pr esi dentHarlan
Hatcher indicated at last month's
Regents meeting that the trimes-
ter is a high priority item in the
University's budget. Other offi-
cials have said that the $44 million
figure, a potential $5.8 milhon
increase over this year's budget,
would allow the University to
make the shift.
The Office of Academic Affali s,
in an effort to determine the po-
tential enrollment of', the third
term, is preparing a questionnaire
which students who preclassify,
beginning the end of this month,
will be asked to fill out.
Questions will include the num-
ber of terms a student might wart
to attend, whether he would at-
tend either or both halves of the
summer term. how many hours he
would want to take in the sum-
mer and what courses he would
want in the summer.
He added that although the
University doesn't anticipate many
three-term students, there will be
no nolicy to keen neople from r-

some of the needs it has and is "In tue South the Negro knows
The University's role in assuag- tirymng to meet these needs." his .ace, and the reper.ussions of
ing racial prejudice sparked the Last October the Ui.versity r4novn out of it," she sid. "He
second in a series of events com- sponsored the first Big Ten con- must dec'e if his hur an dignity
memorating National Negro His- fereiice on the role of the Negro is impor tant. In the Nurtti y"r are
tory Week, which runs through in higher education, and wiil send brougn up in a pseido white en-
Saturday. - del-.otes to the second cow erence vionnent."
The program included "The io Milwaukee next week, h.3 said. Northern Picture
High Wall," a movie analysis of The University is actively work- When faced with pr. uc oe here,
the roots of discrimination-and ing to attract more Negro stu- tme Negro "still will ni t iave com-


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