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February 11, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-11

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Mostly sunny with
slow warming trends

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Coalition Outvotes Southerners,
Passes Civil Rights Bill in House

Ask Amendment
In Housing Law
Vice-President Lewis Asks Change'
In Rooming-House. Bias Provisions
An amendment which would strengthen Ann Arbor's fair hous-
ing ordinance has been proposed by a University official, Councilman
Wendell E. Hulcher announced at last night's City Council meeting.
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis sent a letter
to Hulcher dated Jan. 20 in which he stated that Chapter 112, sec-
tion 9.156 in the ordinance "for all practical purposes . . . exempts all
rooming units from coverage by the ordinance." The section in ques-
tion provides that the ordinance










Formosa Cuts

Ties to France)

Johnson Sends Congress
Medical Care Package
WASHINGTON (P)-President Lyndon B. Johnson proposed to Con-
gress yesterday what he called "a vigorous and many-sided attack
on our most serious health problems." And he set a goal of enabling
each American to enjoy the benefits of modern medical knowledge.
.Johnson led off by renewing the Kennedy Administration's pro-
posal for medical insurance for the elderly under the Social Security
program. He said "old age can be a dark corridor of fear" for older


Cain, To Stay
With Office
Prof. Stanley A. Cain of the
botany department and the nat-
ural resources school yesterday re-
ported to Gov. George Romney
that he had reconsidered his ear-
lier resignation from his post as
chairman of the Michigan Con-
servation Commission.
In reply, a governor's aide con-
veyed Romney's "pleasure that
Prof. Cain had decided to stay on."
Prof. Cain had planned to leave
the commission without serving
out his sixth year, to spend his
upcoming sabbatical leave from
the University as chairman of a
National Academy of Science com-
mittee formulating plans for an
International Biological Program.
Prof. Cain explaine.3 that the
major factor in changing his mind
was the present process of reor-
ganizing the conservation depart-
"The department is about half
reorganized right now. Under the
circumstances, I felt a responsibil-
ity for participating in the re-
novating and for seeing it through
to the end," he said.
Prof. Cain therefore informed
Romney that he would remain as
a member of the commission and
come to most of its meetings, even
assuming the cost of transporta-
tion to and from Washington him-
self if necessary.
OAS To Start
Of Canal Crisis
ganization of American States is
sending a five-nation committee to
Panama today to try to find a so-
lution to the Panama Canal con-
Officially the committee is to' in-
vestigate Panama's charge that the
United States committed aggres-
sion during last month's Canal
Zone rioting, but Latin American
diplomats said the group will not
overlook any possibility of getting
the United States and Panama to-
gether at the conference table.

-citizens who are "still defenseless
against the heavy medical costs of
severe illness or disability."
Administration spokesmen pre-
dicted approval by Congress this
year, based on recent off-the-
record talks they had with key
The President announced also
he is creating a commission on
heart disease, cancer and strokes
to consist of persons prominent in
medicine and public affairs. John-
son said, "I expect it to complete
its study by the end of this year
and submit recommendations for
Its task will be to recommend
steps to reduce the incidence of
these maladies through new
knowledge and "more complete
utilization (f the medical knowl-
edge we already have."
Other specific major recom-
mendations included legislation
1) Extension for another five
years, and considerable expansion
of, the Hill-Burton program for
providing federal aid for hospital
2) Construction of new nursing
schools and expansion of others,
and a federal scholarship program
for nurses-all designed to in-
crease the total of nurses from the
present 550,000 to 680,000 by 1970.
Not Satisfied
At the outset of his message, the
President said, "The American
pe)l1e are not satisfied with bet-
ter-than-average health. As a na-
tio, they want, they need, and
thoy can afford the best of health
-not just for those of comfortable
means, but for all our citizens, old
and young, rich and poor."
"In America, there is no need
and no room for second-class
health services.
"There is no need and no room
fir denying to any of our people
the wonders of modern medicine."
Denies Interest
In Campaign
For Governor
Former Gov. John B. Swainson
yesterday squelched speculation
that he will reverse himself and
run in the Democratic primary for
his old job.
He said there is "no chance" he
will reconsider his Dec. 28 decision
to stay out of any race at least un-
til 1966.
Democratic party sources said
they had been confused by reports
of a Swainson press conference
Friday at Traverse City which in-
dicated he might change his mind
if his new legs were comfortable.
But Swainson said flatly today:
"No, I made my announcement
Dec. 28. I don't anticipate any-
thing that will change my mind.
There's no chance that I will run.
"The report I might change my
mind was a misunderstanding of
my answer to an iffy question."
Swainson expressed an interest
in being President Lyndon B.
Johnson's campaign manager for
Michigan, but such an invitation
has not yet been issued from the
Democratic National Committee.
Democratic leaders in Michigan
say that Swainson's appointment
to run the Johnson campaign had
been discussed by the national

TAIPEI, Formosa (P)-Nation-
alist China broke off diplomatic
relations with France yesterday in
retaliation for President Charles
he Gaulle's recognition of Red
"This action by the French gov-
ernment has damaged beyond re-
pair the existing relations be-
tween the Republic of China and
France," the foreign ministry said
in announcing the rupture of re-
The foreign ministry statement,
issued after a three-hour emer-
gency cabinet meeting, said "the
government of the, Republic of
China finds such action no longer
tolerable and has therefore decid-
ed to sever diplomatic relations
with the French government as of
Feb. 10."
It said the cabinet acted after
being notified Monday that Paris
and Peking were exchanging
charge d'affaires in line with
France's announcement Jan. 27
that it was recognizing Red China.
The Taipei government said it
had recalled its embassy staff from
Paris, disrupting de Gaulle's in-
tention to maintain relations with
Peking and Taipei under a "two
Chinas" policy that the Commu-
nists and nationalists both op-
pose. Each claims to be only true
government of China.
De Gaulle said at a news confer-
ence Jan. 31 that France is rec-
ognizing the Peking regime be-
cause "it sees the world as it is."
At the same time he said France
had no intention of severing re-
lations with the Taipei govern-
ment on the Nationalist strong-
hold of Formosa.a
The Nationalist action extricat-
ed de Gaulle from an embarras-
sing diplomatic spot since Peking
had demanded that France break
with Taipei when it establishes
relations with Red China.
Red Chinese Premier Chou En-
lai dodged questions about that de-
See FORMOSA, Page 2
'U' Committee
To Begin Study
Of Pictures
The University Committee on
Student Counseling Services has
authorized the appointment of a
committee to study student photo-
At present many University de-t
partments keep pictures which
they use for purposes such as in
making future recommendations
about students. mm
Members have not yet been ap-
pointed to the committee. t
UCSCS also created a new
membership to the committee with
the addition of Nancy Freitag, '64,E
chairman of Student Government1
Council's student concerns com-
Replacing two members who arel
now on leave from the University,
George Anderson, assistant deanI
for academic counseling in the
literary college and Prof. AlienI
Menlo of the education school
were appointed to UCSCS for thisF

Iraq Calls
Cease Fire
BEIRUT, Lebanon W) - The
government of Iraq yesterday an-
nounced it has reached an agree-
ment with the Kurdish rebels end-
ing more than two years of guer-
rilla warfare in the Northern Ira-
qi mountains.
Baghdad Radio said Mustafa
Barzani, leader of the Kurdish
uprising, has ordered a cease-fire
and told his fighters to return to
their homes.
In return, according to the ra-
dio, Iraqi President Abdul Salam
Aref has "endorsed national
rights" for the Kurds.
The radio said the agreement
had been reached after one week's
negotiations between rebel lead-
ers and a government reconcilia-
tion committee.
Aref has agreed, according to
the announcement, that "Kurdish
rights" will be safeguarded in the
Iraqi Republic's constitution. The
government further has agreed to
release all captive rebels, return
seized Kurdish assets to their own-
ers and begin in the near future
"reconstruction of the North."
A settlement now-if genuine-
would remove one great unsettling
factor for Iraq's present regime
and permit it to get on with its
manifold other problems.
The government radio made it
appear that settlement was defi-
nite. Barzani himself, however, did
not appear on the air, although
the statement calling for the cease
fire was attributed to him.
The radio did not define the
exact terms of the supposed set-
tlement. Presumably it allowed
for some form of Kurdish self-
rule within the framework of the
Iraqi Republic. No mention was
made of oil revenues or specifical-
ly of the all Kurdish security force
in the Kurdish area. The govern-
ment pledged, however, to return
local administrations to the Kurds
and "to take necessary measures
to guarantee peace and stability."


licans voting against it.
Rep. George Meader (R-Mich)
of Ann Arbor, a leader in the
fight to modify the bill, voted
''no." Ann Arbor resident Rep.
Neil Staebler (D-Mich) voted
Johnson issued a statement
praising the months of hard work
"by men of good will in both par-
ties" in bringing about "over-
whelming passage" of the bill.
Taking cognizance of the uphill
fight that the bill will have in
the Senate, Johnson said "I hope
the same spirit of non-partisan-
ship will prevail there to assure
passage of this bill guaranteeing
the fundamental rights of all
The House action, "coupled with
the passage of the tax bill by the
Senate during the past week is tes-
timony to how the Congress can
act effectively to meet the issues
facing our country," Johnson said.
Coalition Successful
A coalition put together by the
House Democratic and Republican
leaders drove the bill past un-
yielding but outmanned Southern-
ers, chopping off debate to speed
the final vote.
Although the final roll call
came just before 8 p.m., the battle
to get a strong bill through the
House was won in the early after-
noon when the House completed
action on the section aimed at
ending job discrimination against
Negroes, the last major section in
the bill.
Accept Amendment
Just before the final vote the
bill's supporters accepted an
amendment by Rep. Robert T.
Ashmore (D-SC) adding a new
section that would create a com-
munity relations service to -seek
voluntary compliance in racial dis-
Besides making it unlawful for
employers or labor unions to dis-
criminate against Negroes, the bill
would protect Negro voting rights,
compel desegregation of public
schools, parks and playgrounds,
outlaw discrimination in hotels,
restaurants, movies and other
places serving the public, and per-
mit the withholding of federal
funds from programs in which
there is discrimination.
The bill is far stronger than
the one originally requested by
President John F. Kennedy. It
was put together by a coalition of
Democrats and Republicans on the
House Judiciary Committee, work-
ing closely with the administra-
tion. Reps. Emanuel Celler

Success Paves Way i
For Senate Debate
Johnson Praises 'Men of Good Will'
For Work in Supporting Measure
WASHINGTON (R)-The House passed a civil rights bill
yesterday which President Lyndon B. Johnson said "marks an
historic step forward for the cause of human diginity in
The measure, which now faces a long stormy trip through
the Senate before it can become law, would grant the federal
government unprecedented new powers to combat racial dis-
The bill passed the House by a 290 to 130 roll call vote
with 152 Democrats and 138 Republicans voting for it, and
96 Democrats and 34 Repub-<">

IBomb Scare
Halts, Class
NOTASULGA, Ala. (J)-A bomb
threat temporarily closed an inte-
g-rated school at nearby Shorter
yesterday while a total white boy-
cott at Notasulga cleared the way
for Negroes to enter the high
school here.
Mayor James Rea at Notasulga
said the six Negro students assign-
ed to Notasulga by a federal judge
could "come on as far as we are
But the Negroes, who were turn-
ed away by the mayor last
Wednesday under a newly en-
acted fire prevention ord nance,
made no further attempt to get in.
There was no explanation for
their absence, but they may be
waiting for a court order to pro-
hibit further use of the new ordi-
nance to preserve the segregation
A hearing is schAdufed for
Thursday in United States court.
In Cleveland, the Cleveland
Board of Education lase yesterday
approved a resolution calling for
immediate integration of Negro
pupils transported by bus to three
East side schools wita predom-
inantly white enrollments.
The resolution, aimed at ending
the .dispute which brought this
city its worst racial flareup in
recent years, was worked out last
week at a meeting of representa-
tives of all sides in the dispute
called by Mayor Ralph S. Locher.
It also calls for termination of
the transportation of pupils as
soon as possible.
Mainly involved are some 800
Negro pupils from the overcrowded
Hazeldell Elementary School who
have been kept together in class-
room units at the receiving
schools, a'policy that was inaugu-
rated when- the transportation
program started two years ago.

"shall not apply to a house con-
taining rooming units inwhich
the owner or the lessee of the en-
tire house resides."
Lewis recommended coverage of
all rooming units in houses where
the owner does not reside and all
rooming houses containing fiveor
more rooming units in which the
owner does reside.
Hulcher moved that Lewis' rec-
ommendation, dealt with as an
amendment, be referred to the
Human Relations Commission.
Councilwoman Eunice L. Burns
attached an amendment to the
motion asking the. HRC to con-
sider drawing up a definition of
"rooming house" and decide
whether five rooming units "is the
best number to use in the amend-
Lone Dissenter
The motion and amendment
were passed with Councilman Paul
H. Johnson casting the only dis-
senting vote.
Johnson said that council should
know whether or not Lewis' rec-
ommendations represent Univer-
sity policy on the housing ordin-
University P r e s i d e n t Harlan
Hatcher said last night that Lewis,
who is currently in Washington
and not available for comment,
was acting in his capacity as vice-
president for student affair.
President Hatcher added that
no meetines were held on the mat-
ter and that Lewis does not have
the authority to set University
Handle Concurrently
Johnson also argued that the
amendment should be handled
concurrently by the council's hous-
ing committee as well as the HRC.
"In the past the HRC has made
statements on an issue prior to a
council vote. This has caused em-
barassment when the HRC and
council did not agree on the is-
sue," Johnson warned.
No support was given to John-
son's motion that the amendment
be handled concurrently.
Councilman John Teachout said
that council "must start trusting
the HRC" and let it handle all civil
rights matters.
Mrs. Norma F. Kraker, of tine
Office of Student Affairs and ,p-
erintendent of off-campus :"ousing,
said lat night that Lewis' amend-
ment does not do anything irore
for the ordinance.
Mrs. Kraker said that the l,,w
covers what Lewis recommended
anyway. "I have found through my
own research that more than 50
per cent of the campus area room-
ing houses are covered by the
orc'ir anrce," she said.

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'U' Undergraduates Earn
Average Grade of 2.63
The academic average earned by all men and women completing
213,514 undergraduate hours of credit during the first semester of
1963-64 was 2.63, the Office of Registration and Records stated in a
recent scholarship report.
Women students earned an average of 2.72, while men averaged
2.56, the report said. The freshman class earned an average of
2.45; freshman women had a
2.46, freshman men, a 2.44.
Martha Cook residents again se-
cured the top position among all
residence hall groups with a 3.20
a in st grade-point average. frost House
for men was second with a 295

'U', SU Set
Labor Study
The University and Wayne State
University announced yesterday
that they will spend two years and
$71,000 to determine how man-
agement and labor are adjusting
to new breakthroughs in Negro
The study will be conducted by
the jointly-run Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations under a
special appropriation by the
United States Department of
Ronald W. Haughton of Wayne
State, the co-director of the in-
stitute, said he expects the study
to provide "realistic guidance" for
companies planning tc integrate
their workforce.
The study team, which will be
headed by Louis A. Ferman, re-
search associate at the Institute
of Labor and industrial Relations
at the University, wants to know
what companies, unions and em-
ployers are doing to overcome
problems that .may arise when
new job opportunities are opened
to Negroes.
Ferman said the study team has
decided to take a detaned study
of the integration experience in
20 firms throughout the country,
rather than "conduct a broad
statistical" study of hundreds of
Plan Picketing
Of GOP Dinner
On Rights Vote
The Ann Arbor Chapter of the
Congress of Racial Equality will
conduct a picket at the Michigan
Union today from 6-7:30 p.m.
The group is urging local Re-

Graham Sees 'No Rebellion Ag



"There is a deeper religious
inquiry among students than I
have noted in past years.. .. Al-
though there is a current rebellion
against institutional religion, it
is not a rebellion against God and
faith," Rev. Billy Graham said
yesterday as he arrived to begin a
three day University lecture series.
"I hope to further stimulate
this religious thinking," Graham
said. The Office of Religious Af-
fairs and the Student Christian

morals. Young people aze unhappy
in this period of moral freedom
. . they aren't at peace. This is
.because we have omit within us
certain moral laws."
Turning to the cnurcL's role in
social action, Graham said that
"the church is playing a tremend-
ous role in the racial struggle, for
example. I'd hate to ';hink what
would have happened in the South
if it were not for the church."
Further, "The South is closer to
a permanent solution to racial

them are going under the banner
of religion," he said.
Graham predicted that there
would be a serious international
crisis within the next few yeais
"which will make the Cuban crisis
pale.. . There has been a buildup
of very dangerous situations all
over the world and a show-down
will have to be made soon. The
Communist world has declared war
on us."
Negotiation in good faitn on the
nnrf of f sa ;nf m in-hl u-P-


Sororities attained a 2.79 aver-
age, and women cooperatives earn-
ed an average of 2.81. Independent
women averaged 2.70, while women
living in dormitories established
an average of 2.62. Women in
League houses set a 2 87 average,
where Shipman House with an
average of 2.94 took top honors.
Single women in apartments eair-
ed an average of 2.89.
Fraternities averaged 2.51, as
did men's residence halls. Phi
Epsilon Pi with an average of 2.91

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