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M T T U'W7 A I T 7 T W' ki,'- -
Increases Loan Ceiling
The Office of Financial AidV
learned this week it will receive
more National Defense Education
Act loan funds for the current
'he original ceiling on loans to
anĀ± one school-formerly set by
Congress at $250,000-was recent-
ly raised by legislation to $800,000.
Karl D. Streiff, assistant direc-
tor of financial aid, said the Uni-
versity has applied for the full
$800,000 limit. The funds are ex-
pected to arrive this month.
Amount Unknown
Streiff said he would be unable
to speculate on how much of the
requested $800,000 would be allo-
cated to the University.
Students whose requests could
not be met last fall will be given
priority, Streiff said.
Under the former $250,000 ceil-
ing, Streiff said 550 students were
aided by loan funds and about
350 applications could not be ful-
filled. Many more students were
simply told not to bother apply-
ing because of lack of funds.
Matching Funds
Bursley Views State
Political Activities
Michigan's political arena, from bills affecting the University tof
certain lawmakers' future plans, was surveyed yesterday by Rep.:
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor).
In a telephone interview, Bursley commented on the probable
future of three legislative measures that would affect the University,
on the problem of state reapportionment and what it means for the
-' 1964 legislative elections, and on
'U' Professor Expelled
From Ghana, Position
Federal funds are supplemented , the probable future political plans
by University funds at a 1-9 ratio. / p aisof Gov. George Romney, state
The University formerly added Senate Majority Leader Stanley G.
$27,000 to the federal government's ;Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) and Rep.
$250,00 allocation ThneUniversi- George Meader (R-Mich) of Ann
ty's 00matching the e1es-- 10 C l rai-oldb 8,00i h Arbor.
9 ratio-would be $88,000 if the Abr
full allocation were received. * Bursley said the bill he intro-
This would bring the total funds Rights Act101 duced to exempt fraternities, sor-
available for student loans under orities and cooperatives from local
the NDEA to $888,000. property taxes had now picked
Using a $600 figure as the aver- WASHINGTON (4')-The House up 12 co-sponsors and has received
age NDEA loan, about 1,480 stu- bogged down in fights over wom- "more push than ever before."
dents could be helped by utiliz- en's rights, religion and the aged, More Backers
ing the entire $888,000. This is and failed to complete action last He pointed out that unlike last
500 more students than currently night on the key job equality sec- year, when a similar measure died
apply for funds. tion of the civil rights bill. from lack of support, Lansing and
"This will be the first time we Against Republican opposition, Detroit-area educators are back-
have been able to use NDEA funds the House put off a final vote until ing the bill. Some Detroit Demo-
to help students finance their sec- tomorrow. crats have also offered to co-spor-
ond semester or their summer ses- A long day on which the leader- sor it.
sion," Streiff said. Previous funds ship hopes to push the bill to a He said the future of the pro-
fore thee all senmeste omeed a final vote was spent instead on posal will not be determined until
ftenlseeonhdthe fringes of the controversial after Feb. 19, the final day for the
any students applying after that section aimed at providing equal introduction of new legislation. At
time had to find aid elsewhere. employment opportunities for Ne- that time, the House Taxation
'U' Fund groes. Committee will combine all the
Since fall, students have re- Ban Broadened measures it approves into one bill
quested more than $300,000 in First, the House voted 168-133 to amend the present tax law. This
loans, Streiff estimated. Some of to broaden the proposed ban is necessary because only one
the students have been referred to against racial discrimination in amendment to any bil may be
the University's general, unre- employment to include discrimi- approved by the Legislature each
stricted funds. nation against women. session.
"However, these funds are so Then it voted to exempt from
low now that we are unable to coverage of the proposal all Bursley gave little chance of
consider offering any long-term church-related schools, largely on passage to a joint resolution in-
loans," Streiff commented. the argument that otherwise, they troduced by Rep. Joseph Mack (R-
For the past several years the might have to hire atheistic jam- Ironwvood) that would limit the
Univrsit ha docmened is ned trs.size of state colleges and univer-
University has documented its need fOrs. sities to 30,000 fulltime students.
for double the $250,000 ceiling on The House defeated, 123-94, an iol
NDEA funds. This has, been due amendment by Rep. Jonn Dowdy Voter Approval
to the increaseinsapplications for (D-Tex) that would have brought The resolution proposes a con-
such loans. discrimination on the grounds of stitutional amendment to that ef-
-Associated Press
right foreground, South Viet Nam's strongman, presents his
government in Saigon today with, himself as premier. In left
foreground is Gen. Duong Van Minh, named chief of sta.te.
Viet Nam Nationalist Party
Emeres as Powerful Group
SAIGON ()-A Vietnamese nationalist party that has operated
since the mid-1930s as a persecuted underground organization
emerged yesterday as the strongest political group in South Viet Nam.
Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh reserves the greatest overall power to
himself, as premier in the newly announced cabinet. But below that
post, power is divided between a coalition of generals and top mem-
bers of the Dai Viet Party, with various technicians mixed in to keep
GHANA EXPULSION-Prof. Henry Bretton, left, noted yesterday
that left-wing pressures probably forced the deportation of
William B. Harvey, head of Ghana University's law school.
IBretton Blamnes Leftise
For Harvey's. Expulsion
Pressure exerted by left-wing extremists was the probable cause
of the deportation of Prof. William B. Harvey, head of Ghana Uni-
versity's Law School, Prof. Henry Bretton of the political science
department said yesterday.
Prof. Harvey, on leave from the University Law School, and five
other professors at Ghana University were expelled from the African
Call Next Two
Months Crucial
For Guerrillas
WASHINGTON (AP) - U n i t e d
States officials said yesterday the
next two months may show
whether a real trend can be estab-
lished towards wiping out Red
guerrillas in South Viet Nam.
The officials also expressed sat-
isfaction with formation of the
new Saigon government under
which the former leader, Duong
Van Minh, will serve as head of
But the reins of government will
continue to be held by the leader
of the recent coup, Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh, who is premier.
In the opinion of Washington
authorities, the outbreak of large-
size guerrilla attacks since the
coup is not altogether bad. This is
because the Reds can be hit more
easily by government forces when
they present larger targets.
Certain additional United States
equipment to help in the anti..
guerrilla effort is now on its way
to Saigon, the officials stated.
They declined to specify what the
equipment consists of.
However, they stated that the
amount of equipment available is
not the chief problem in steppmg
up the war.
Rather, the main need at this
point is to get government troops
to the points where they are need-
ed in a timely way to combat the
guerrillas, the officials said.
Swainson May
Vie for Race
Democratic Gov. John B. Swain-
son said yesterday he may re-
evaluate his decision to take him-
self out of the race for his party's
1964 gubernatorial nomination.
Swainson, attending a Traverse
City area Democratic institute,
told a newsman that he had taken
himself out of the governorship
race last Dec. 28 because he had
lost both of his legs below the
'the wheels oiled. None of the new
officials is calling the new ruling
circle a Dai Viet government.
Top Leaders
But Nguyen Ton Hoan, deputy t
premier for pacification; Phan Huy
Quat, foreign minister; Ha Thuc
Ky, interior minister, and Pham
Thai, information minister, allE
were top leaders of the Dai Viet.
Quat, a Dai Viet founder, was a
defense minister in the French
colonial government while working
in the Dai Viet underground. He
was jailed by Kgo Dinh Diem last
Hoan was a key organized of
the Dai Viet, joining the party's
underground in 1333. An enemy of
Ngo Dinh Diem, he went into
exile in France in 1954, returning
here only this week.
Early Strength
The Dai Viet Party, from its be-
ginning, was anti-Ffrelch colonial-
ist and anti-Communist. Its early
strengthcentered in North Viet
nam originally, and many of its
leaders still are voctherners.
The Dai Viet was declared illegal
by the French .n 1951 and has
been fighting for survival ever
Khanh has called his new gov-
ernment a "national union gov-
ernment." Both northerners and
southerners are represented, as
well as leaders of various sects
and religions. But the only politi-:
cal party represented in strength:
is the Dai Viet.
Narrowing Circle
The new government aiso shiows
a narrowing of the inner circle
of generals to only two besides
Khanh himself.
They are Maj Gen. Tran Thien
Khiem, former commander of the
Vietnamese Army's third corps,
without whose active efforts
Khanh could not have seized pow-
er, and Brig. Gen. Do Mau. Khiem
is defense minister and Do Mau is
justice minister.
Do Mau, 48, is regarded as a'
master political strategist and a
tough military tactician. Many re-
gard his dark glasses and face as
Past Duties
He has served the Diem regime
as chief of naval forces, military
attache in Paris and chief of mili-
tary security.
He became infor'nation minister
and political advisor in Maj. Gen.
Duong Van Minh's junta on Nov.
2, with the overthrow of President
Diem. He worked closely with
Tuition Hike
This increase in applications is
due to some extent to a tuition
hike two years ago, although a
general rise in the cost of living
and the price of education has
played a significant role in in-
creased loan applications.
Applicationse for these funds are
available now. Students must
maintain a 2.5 average and prove
financial need.
Special consideration is given
to students who intend to teach
on the elementary or secondary
levels or to those who are ma-
3oring in science, mathematics
engineering or a modern foreign
Graham Sets
Lect ures Here
Rev. Billy Graham, world fam-
ous author, evangelist and edu-
cator, will give a series of three
lectures in Hill Aud, this week.
He will speak at 4:10 p.m. Tues-
day on "Faith and the Educated
Mind." At 4:10 p.m. on Wednes-
day, ne will speak on "The Cross
and the Secular Mind."
His final lecture will be given
at S mm. Thursday on "What Does
the Future Hold?"
Due to inadequate space to ac-
comnlrdate a larger crowd, the
lectures will be open to University
studert, and faculty only.
age under the bill, too.
Back to Religion
Religion was brought back in
again on an amendment by Rep.
John M. Ashbrook (R-Ohio),
adopted 137-98, which provided
that no employer could be forced
to hire an atheist under the pro-
vision of the bill.
Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va)
offered the amendment as to sex
and it attracted the solid support
of the Southern opponents of the
omnibus bill, most of the women
members of the House and a large,
number of Republicans.-
Rep. Graham B. Purcell, Jr. (D-
Tex) proposed exempting church-
related schools. It was strenuously
opposed at first by the bipartisan
bloc favoring the bill, but Rep.
Emmanuel Celler (D-NY), floor
manager of the bill, finally capitu-
lated and accepted it.
Half-Hearted Attempt
The three side trips took more
than eight hours to complete, after
which the Southerners made a
half-hearted attempt to knock the
whole title from the bill-thus
making the measure ineffective.
By this time the House had been
in session nearly 10 hours and Ma-
jority Leader Carl Albert (D-
Okla), Minority Leader Charles
A. Halleck (R-Ind), and Rep.
Howard W. Smith (D-Va), leader
of the Southern opposition, nego-
tiated in open discussion before
the full House, agreed to come
back tomorrow to finish up both
the employment title and the bill.
feet and would require the ap-
proval of two-thirds of both
houses in the Legislature as well
as a majority of the electorate.
Another bill, one that would
prohibit political units and gov-
ernmental agencies in the state
from lobbying in Lansing, "won't
get to first base either," Bursley
said. He noted that the chief ef-
fect of the bill, introduced by Rep.
Alexander Petri (D - D e t r o it ),
would be to keep lobbyists on their
toes-an effect achieved merely by
its introduction.
On the Local Scene
Turning to the political futures
of local notables, Bursley conclud-
ed that Romney would make up
his mind in April on whether or
not he will seek reelection as gov-
ernor. "Romney first said he
would decide in February," but in
trying to determine the best way
to get his legislative program
through, he chose to postpone the
decision, Bursley said.
"I hope to stays as governor,"
the representative added. "He has-
n't much of a chance this year."
Bursley said he was giving "ser-
ious consideration" to trying to
win the Republican nomination
for the congressional seat now
held by Meader. Meader has not
made known his future plans as
yet, nor has Thayer, another pos-
sible contender for the office.
However Bursley said Thayer's
decision "would not affect myi
Urges Talks
For Cyprus
LONDON (-)-President Lyndon
B. Johnson dispatched a crack
trouble-shooting team here yester-
day for urgent negotiations with
Britain on the increasingly tense
Cyprus situation.
The President acted almost si-
multaneously with publication of a
sharp rejection by Prime Minister
Sir Alec Douglas-Home of Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
charges that Britain and the Unit-
ed States planned invasion and oc-
cupation of the embattled Medi-
terranean island.
Douglas-Home called them "as
offensive as they are unfounded."
At the same time, 19 British
families evacuated from the strife-
torn island were flown home last
They were believed the first civ-
ilian British evacuees from the
Mediterranean island since sever-
al hundred American women and
children were evacuated from Cy-
prus last week.
Meanwhile, Britain flew 500
fresh troops into the island.
In Athens, Greek Foreign Minis-
ter Christos Xanthopoulos-Pala-
mas disputed Khrushchev's charge
of NATO intervention in Cyprus.
+nation yesterday. "For some time,
the ideological leadership in
Ghana demanded an alignment of
the law school with the socialist
philosophy of the state toward the
teaching of social law," Prof. Bret-I
ton explained.
Demanded Purge
This pressure has been exerted
"at least since last November," he
added. Statements in several news-
papers by party spokesman de-
manded a purge of the university
and singled out the law school as
one place in special need of a
purge, he pointed out.
Prof. Bretton visited Ghana for
two weeks in January in -prep-
aration for accepting a professor-
ship of political science and chair-
manship of the university's de-
partment of political science. His
two-year term was scheduled to
begin in October.
"As for my own plans, I am
awaiting further clarification of
events, in particular a clarifica-
tion of the nature and extent of
the action against Prof. Harvey.
"I want to be sure whether we
are witnessing only a temporary
outbreak of anti-Americanism or
a sustained drive executed with
the full backing of the govern-
ment of Ghana," Prof. Bretton
Long-Standing Feud
The action against the universi-
ty was another step in a long-
standing- feud between students
and faculty of the university and
certain party leaders. After the De-
cember assassination attempt on
the life of President Kwame
Nkrumah, party members may
have taken advantage of the sit-
uation to get the upper hand in
their difficulties with university
students and faculty, Prof. Bret-
ton said.
"I see this as another step in a
Five others
Leave Posts,
Face Exile
Deportations Follow
Student Protests,
Anti-U.S. Marches
By The Associated Press
ACCRA, GHANA - University
Professor William B. Harvey of
the Law School, currently on
leave from the University, is one
of six teachers being deported on
grounds of "subversive activities,"
the government announced yester-
Four of them are American and
two of the four are Negroes.
The announcement over Ghana
radio said, "Investigation into re-
cent events reveals they were in-
dulging in activities prejudicial to
the security of the state."
Campus Activity
Earlier, more than 2000 fetlow-
ers of President Kwame Nkrumah's
Convention People's Party swept
over the university campus in
suburban Legon shouting slogans
and carrying such signs as "Down
with Bookism."
These events came four days
after hundreds of pro-government
demonstrators marched around
the United States embassy in Ac-
cra, charging the embassy with
spreading rumors andswaving
signs that read, "Down with Yan-
kee Imperialism."
The government expressed "deep
regret" at that demonstration.
Five Others
The Americans ordered out in
addition to Harvey, who has been
dean of the University Law Scho'ol
since September of 1962, are:
-Robert Seidman, a law pro-
fessor from South Norwalk, Conn.
-Louis H. Schuster, a Negro
professor of business administra-
tion from New Haven, Conn.
-Dr. Wendell A. Jeanpirre, a
Negro instructor in the French
language, from New Orleans.
The others being deported are
the Rev. J. V. Steward, an Angli-
can chaplain from England, and
Gaston Greco, another French
language instructor believed to be
a Jamaican.
The deportation orders were is-
sued a week ago, but university
authorities had held them up a-
while. University Chancellor Conor
Cruise O'Brien, also said he tried
to getthem withdrawn. He would
not comment further.
Deplores Action
In Washington, the State De-
partment said, "the United States
deplores the action of the Ghana
government ... as striking a hard
blow against academic freedom."
It said that before returning to
Washington yesterday for consul-
tations, United States Ambassador
William P. Mahoney Jr. had pro-
tested against the impending de-
Prof. Schuster left Ghana last
night, headed for Rome. He told
a reporter here he had a mimeo-
graphed order to leave on grounds
of state security.
Prof. Harvey has had malaria
and pleurisy. He expected to stay
on the campus several more days
to recover.
The other deportees were ex-
pected to leave over the weekend.
House Group
Grants Funds
For Military
Armed Services Committee yester-
day approved legislation authoriz-
irng $17 billion for military acqui-
sition-the largest for this pur-
pose in the nation's history.
Included is $92 million not asked
by the Pentagon for development
of a new low level penetration
bomber, which would eventually
replace the nation's aging B-52
and B-58 bombers, and for an im-
proved manned interceptor.
Michigan Downs Illinois, 93-82
By TOM WEINBERG campaign by the extreme left wing
Special To The Daily 'to occupy all positions of power
The ailyand influence in the state and
CHAMPAIGN-Illinois Coach Harry Combes summed up Mich- society," he added.
igan's 93-82 victory here yesterday by admitting "we just can't shoot At least two other Americans in
or board with them. They're just too tough." the law school were not among
By thumping the Illini before a capacity house in their brand those expelled. About a dozen or
new Assembly Hall, Michigan moved into undisputed possession of first more Americans are still at the
place in the Big Ten with a 7-1 record; pushed Illinois into third university, Prof. Bretton explain-
place; and edged a step closer to its first conference championship in ed.
16 years. Prof. Harvey was invited to
The Michigan formula for victory was a familiar one: Ghana in 1962 by Nkrumah's gov-
-The phenomenal shooting of Bill Buntin and Cazzie Russell. ernment as dean of the law school
-Stheronn alncshrbouin iBg.and director of legal education.
-Strong and balanced rebounding. Prof. Luke K. Cooperrider of the
-A tough defense. Law School, a personal friend of
Buntin had a personal career high, putting in 37 points to break Prof. Harvey, said yesterday that
the last letter he received from
Michigan's champion NCAA gymnastics squad lost to Iowa Prof. Harvey was dated January
and Illinois; for details on this and the victories in hockey and 28.
swimming, turn to page 6.
the Assembly Hall record. Russell made 28, and the two combined
{ to hit on 29 of 51 from the floor for a' sizzling 57 per cent.
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