For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
rom 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.
LRGlE RWARDikforSblend lve 4 froma.- CAMPUS-Large single room for man,-
LRoif RgiARD efo bleanF 4 fm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING li"* a
the Nat. Sol. Bldg. Call 663-9365. A25 NO 3-2109. Also garage for rent. C1
OST-Jersey Cat, large white with SPECIAL FOR SUMMER-Air-conditioned, mod-
gray-brown markings on back. Last ern, two-bedroom apartment for four.
seen wearing leather collar with bell SIX-DAY Bright, spacious, central location,
and identification tag giving Prince- Li N ES ONE-DAY RATE electric kitchen. 662-8292. C10
ton, New Jersey address. Please phone
NO 3-1627. Reward. A24 2 70 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted 3mmed-
0 3 8. lately, Beautiful apt., reasonable. 3-
LOST in or near Union-Oxblood brief- 1561, Ext. 546, 07
case with law books, law notes there- _
in. Valuable only to owner. Reward. 3,8 4.20 226 PACKARD-2-room furn. with bath.
Phone 449-2585. A26 - Utilities inc. except gas for cooking.
4 1 UU 495 5 min. from campus and downtown,
FOUD-Car key to foreign car in the ' 4 $75. Call after 5:15, NO 2-0342. 08
area of Maynard and William. Call the
Michigan Daily Office, 2-3241. A23 NOW ACCEPTING appointments for fall
rental. Several new buildings avail-
PERSONAL Figure 5 average words to a line able. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. 012
for te POLITICAL Coil Classified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. 1 OR 2 ROOMMATES to share luxury
PARTY-To work for the abolition of Phone NO 2-4786 apt, unti June, Cal 665-0579. 05
Student Government Council, the dis- 1000 OAKLAND APTS. SUMMER SUB-
tribution of birth control materials LET, Luxurious 2-bedroom apt, with
by Health Service, and an improve- balcony for 2, 3, or 4. Quiet residential
ment in Union food. An as yet un- area, 2 blocks from campus. Phone
named anarchist party, founded on 665-7915 or GL 3-3287. 09
the principles of Jefferson, Locke and FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION
Salinger. JOIN and run for SGC along SPENDING THE SUMMER IN A.A.? -
with 30 others. More information LARGE GLASS topped desk with file WHY TRAVEL all that way alone? Then why not rent a modern, air-
shortly. Call Carl Cohen, 5-7976; Rich- drawer. Good condition, $30. Girard When you can have 3 attractive, in- conditioned apartment close to cam-
ard Keller Simon, 3-9009, 2-6305. F33 RC 80 record changer, $20. Call NO telligent, witty girls as companions, pus. Will accommodate 4 or 5 people
2-4281. B34 If you are going to Wisconsin the comfortably. Phone NO 5-2167 for
SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT, Hear weekend of the game (Feb. 21) and further information, C53 "" '"'"
the Friars, Sat., Feb. 15. F22 COAT AND DRESSES, sizes 8-10. 3-5362. wish to remove that void in your car, -r n C_________________:_____ _
-___________________ - call 3-1561, Ext. 544. G46 BUSINESS, professional or graduate
COME BACK, DRAB, come back. BBC NATURAL GREY Kidskin, full length men. Quiet, clean, modern home. NO
can't do it alone. F28 coat and detachable hood. Size 12. TWO GIRLS need ride to New York. 2-4738. C48 ,
Like new: $100. NO 2-0031. B42 Leave Feb. 7, Return Feb. 9. Call
SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT, Ind4v. .41 ON CAMPUS-Apartment for 3 to 5.
ticket sales, Hill Aud., MONDAY. F17 CLASSICAL GUITAR, Gibson model C- Available til May. NO 2-1443. C46
0. Like new. Call Univ. Ext. 2238, 7- USEDCAR_
ley Hall, Saturday night. F5 - - - NOW FOR FALL
FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeis" mono- 1960 SAAB, 26,000 miles, like new. One THE SUMMIT HOUSE
cular-binocular, excellent cond. Ph. owner. $850. Call NO 5-5321. N17
LARRY GRABER 542-6431, Detroit. B9 New 1, 2, & 3 bedroom furnished apart-
REMEMBER TO THANK ME! 1959 MGA Sports Car. Top condition. ments available Now for the fall. The
F27 HI-FI STEREO tape recorder. Concert New tires, radio, heater, low mileage. finest in campus living; wall to wall
tone, professional 510 series-3 motors, Must be sold. Call 5-4014 evenings. N16 carpeting, balconies, natural brick
STEVE AND SUZIE-Hope you make- 4 heads, every deluxe feature includ- - fireplaces, patios, fully equipped kit- :
out alright. AND, Liz-baby in 6429, ing reverse-a-matic, self contained 1957 FORD-Excel. mech. cond. Body chens with disposal, wood-paneling,s
tell Mort that Sammy says hello. F32 stereo speakers, 6 months old-like and tires very good. $450. NO 2-1291 and many other features. The SUM-
new. Cost $600. Sacrifice $500. May be after 5:30 p.m. N4 MIT in campus living at a reasonable
THE CLAN iS COMING! THE CLAN IS seen at Hi-Fl and TV Center, 1301 S. 1956 CHEVROLET WAGON, 4-door 6- price. Act Now.
GTHE CLANS4 University. B3 cylinder, straight stick. Excellent con- CALL NO 8-8723, if no answer 5-8330 -
THE CLAN!I F45 -_____________ ____________________
H ELP ANTEDdition. $350. Call HU 3-5973 after 6 p.m.
SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT, Hear HELP WANT-ED __Cal__3-573_fte_6__mMAN NEEDED for 3 man apt. Very close
the Jabberwocks from Brown Univ. BIKES AND SCOOTERSca us Che $42/mo al i
P1 C OESCall Tim or Steve, NO 5-2886. 47!9
SLIDE RU ES-New and used, $5-$1F83 Immediate vacancy for individual with Triumph, Yamaha, BMW SUMMER
N_ _ _-__ _ experience in recreation work with 224 O. First St. 662-7409 S R
DOUG BROWN and the OMENS-Tues- blind children. Salary range $5,220 Z36
day thru Saturday. Eddies Lounge, to $6,410 annually depending on edu- 1963 SILVER EAGLE Motor Scooter FALL
43711 Michigan. Between Ypsilanti & cation and experience. Applicants Fully equipped, 4 months old. Cost Furnished new and remodeled apts.
Wayne, 1 minutes from Ann Arbor. mushy ave E a bachelor'sdegrein $616. Will take $400. 2740 Tim, Wood on campus. Single students only.
-Physical Education. All Michigan Civil land Lake, Brighton, anytime after NO 5-9405
SOUNDS FROM THE, SUMMIT, Hear Service benefits, including an out- n L , By4
the Sherwoods from Cornell. F19 standing state contributory insurance -_-
program and an excellent retirement SUMMER SUBLET? FALL RENTAL?
NOW IT'S the madras garter who is plan, plus Social Security. For further CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORI ES What is your housing problem? 1 and
dead. BBC-sky is alone and blue in information contact Mr. Andrews, 2 bdrm. apts. Furn. & unfurn. Call us
the cruel world. F29 Director of Adjunctive Therapies, ANNOUNCING to make appt. to see. "
Plymouth State Home and Training
ARLENE COHEN-Please call 663-1511, School, Northville, Michigan. Tele- WHIT'S TRUCK RENTAL CAMPUS MANAGEMENT
Ext. 3557. F7 phone: (Area Code 313) GLenview 3 Ann Arbor 662-7787 663-9064
ALL DAILY MEMBERS-It is hereby 1500. An equal opportunity employer.. APT. AVAILABLE for 2 or 3, spring
y ~H39 .CallAP.AALBEfr2o3,srn
requested that each of y'all bring NO 5-6875 semester. Apts. Ltd. Call 3-0511. C11
the sum of $.25 to the Daily for our MALE STUDENT wanted for odd jobs. Pick- Panel --
annual Valentine party. P26 Apply Goodhew Flowers, 225 E. Lib Sall Vans ON CAMPUS -Lot parking available.
__r__y_______NO 2-1443. 044-
WEINER SCHNITZEL with German Nt 214 C44
potato salad-$135. German meat pat- DENTAL HYGENIST for 1 or 2 days a RADIO REPAIRS, CAMPUS-Single room. Very clean. Call
ties-.30. ROMANOFF'S, 300 S. Thayer, week in Plymouth. Write Box 7, MUSICAL MDSE. NO 2-1807. C35
SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT, Hear Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. H14 AVAILABLE for June-New 3 bdrm.
the Spizwinks from Yale. F20 WANTED-Part-time serviceman. Music HI, Fl, RADIO and Phono service. furn'd. apt, on campus. Call 5-8330.
Center, 1304 S. University, Hag TV rentals, speaker reconing, Free C36
U pick-up and delivery service. Campus
Radio and TV, NO 5-6644, 325 E. WANTED-Male roommate to share apt,
YOU MUST look far to find a finer SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER Hoover. X2 with two seniors. Close to campus.
wine selection than ours. Reasonable. Call 2-6930. C18
Immediate vacancies for Individuals A-1 New and Used Instruments
T with experience in teaching elemen- BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS MALE ROOMMATE WANTED
THE VILLAGE APOTHECARY tary classes of mentally retarded Rental Purchase Plan Share a double
1112 So. University Ave. children. Salary range $6,013 to $9,772 PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR
Fl annually, depending on education and A Call 665-7976 for details
experience. Must have a bachelor's - 119 W. Washington --
DEAR JACKIE degree in Special Education from an JUNE
HAPPY FEBRUARY 8 _r__d_ _,__d_ _g_ for GUITARS, ETC.
AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - approval by the Department of Pub- Make Repair, Buy and Sell OR
lic Instruction. All Michigan Civil E n
"Where marginal prices buy quality Service benefits, including an out- Private and Group Instruction SEPTMBE
diamonds!" 1209 5. University, 063- standing state contributory insurance Hoots All types of close-in luxury apts.
7151. F73 program and an excellent retirement Ai eybeDavid Guitarx ryudio
plan, plus Social Security. For further Herb David Guitar Studio NO 3-7268 4
Congratulations to information contact Mr. Andrews, 209 S. STATE C34
FERN DORF Director of Adjunctive Therapies, NO 5-8001 ~~
Plymouth State Home and Training ------ ---
And the D-Phi-E pledges School, Northville, Michigan. Tele- C
phone: (Area code 313) GLenview 3-
SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT, Hear 1500. An equal opportunity employer. is now offering summer and fall
the Nightowls from Vassar College. H40 rentals at
A TOAST to Jeane, who went not the Will pay for weekend ride to and from! A CANTERBURY LODGE
way of. the WASP. F31 Port Huron once a month or oftener. AND SEE THE WORLD. 214 N. Thayer
Call Mrs. Hudson, ext. 2689, 8 till
FURN. MOD. APT, for 4-Available 2nd noon. H40
sem. No summer sub-lease. Good loc., (Through an For further information call Mr. Beyer
1 block from bus. ad. and law. Call COLLEGE ENGINEERING STUDENT- AP an I *0 A
AP mach,,VineiIIA I~l IAI'
L' J
v a
NO 3-6237 3 Junior or Senior-For part-time field that is) C
sales representative (industrial elec-
WHAT'S WITH Rumsey - no open tro-mechanical equipment). Car re- "Fine Campus Apartments"
open?!! F25 quired. Salary, expenses and commis- Washtenaw & South University, 665-8825
sion. Position open for one man in! C6
DIAMONDS-Highest quality at com- residence at U. of M. Send resume 0
petitive prices. Call G. K. Reaver Co. with class schedule to P.O. Box 12, -
of Ann Arbor, 309 S. Thayer. NO 2- Birmingham, Mich., or call Birming- Talk to the editorial MISCELLANEOUS
1112. F18 ham, MI 4-2900. H35 personnel director
OK, WHO'S got Eliza Mosher? F23 ROOM AND BOARD about trying out for GIVE YOUR TUMMY A TREAT
LINDA-Will you marry me? the staff. WITH GOODIES FROM
remodeled house. GOOD COOK- RALPH'S MARKET
LESS THAN RENT-Reduced to $13,950. GOOD FOOD. 1319 Cambridge, off Open every night 'til 12
Well-planned 3-bdrm, ranch, 21 ft. Forest. NO 2-8312. E9 709 Packard
living room, separate dining area,
dream kitchen, cathedral ceilings,
patio, gardener's delight, many extras.
7 min. to campus. Univ. family leav-
ing town this month, must sell now!
Let's talk turkey! Call owner, NO 2-
urt7991. FN
Manuscripts,. NO 8-8905. J36
Typing of manuscripts, theses, disser-
tations and term papers. Duplicating
done by mimeographing or offset
320 S. Huron
665-8184 Petitioning Feb. 4-10
MANUSCRIPT typing, transcription,
medical,' legal, technical confer-
ences, mimeographing ,offset.
Quick, Accurate, Experienced. Petitions at
SERVICE ASSOCIATES Student Offices, Michigan Union
334 Catherine
I I f A 1 1 /i 0 A w l 1 1 !'
o rne