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February 08, 1964 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-08

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Garbage-Strewn Yards Elicit Complaints

Garbage poses a major problem
for the city of Ann Arbor and the
University's off-campus student
community. The problem is that
of cleaning the stuff up.
Year after year Ann Arbor's
public works and public health
departments receive complaint
after complaint concerning gar-
bage and refuse strewn about the
back yards of several fraternity
and cooperative houses.
"The problem is most critical
following semester vacations, rush
week or some major school event,"
a University official said.
Complaints Registered
Complaints of messy yards are
usually registered with the city's
public health department. "A good
share of the complaints registered
from throughout the city are
aimed at fraternities and co-ops,"
a city official reported.
When the city gets a complaint
about fraternities or co-ops the
University's Department of En-
vironmental Health and Safety, is
Workers from this department.
then approach the parties con-.
cerned and issue a warning.
Plan Services
Here for Young
Funeral services for Prof. Emer-
itus Edward Young of the engi-
neering college are being arranged
at Muehlig Funeral Chapel fol-
lowing his death Feb. 6 in Ann
Prof. Young joined the Univer-
sity faculty in 1920 as instructor
in geodesy and surveying. In 1927,
he became assistant professor and
in 1948 associate professor. After
retiring in 1956, he became con-
sultant to the former Engineering
Research Institute during 1957-58.

"We usually get an immediate
response and the grounds are
cleaned up following the first
visit," Rogers Barton, of the Uni-
versity's health and safety de-
partment, said.
"However, I find that within a
month or two the effect of the
first visit wears off and the house
slips in its responsibilities toward
the situation," he explained.
The problem is serious, Barton
said. The students' attitude plays
the major role in whether or not
the houses are cleaned up.
Pledges Do Work
Barton added that some frater-
nities tell him that the garbage
will be cleaned up as soon as the
pledges arrive at the house.
The problem remains constant-
ly with the department, Barton
said, noting that the 55 fraterni-
ties and nine co-ops connected
with the University are inspected
once or twice a year.
"We usually have to conduct a
re-inspection to make sure the
groups followed the inspectors'
suggestions," Barton commented.
Repeated Offense
When a repeated offender, of
which there are several, does not
do as required, the matter is then
referred to the Office of Student
Affairs, he reported.
A fraternity or co-op appear-
ing before the OSA runs the risk
of being placed on social proba-
tion. At present, Barton said, Sig-
ma Nu fraternity is being exam-
ined by the OSA.
"Usually it's a certain group of
fraternities or co-ops which we
receive the most complaints
about," Barton noted.
"Other fraternities and co-ops
we have approached about the
problem have cleaned up very
Ann Arbor has an ordinance
stating that all garbage and refuse
must be in a container, otherwise

Set Inquiry
On Effects
Of Smoking
(Continued from Page 1)
of the tobacco component nicotine
in the smoking habit: its capabili-
ties of inducing physical depend-
ency upon smoking, and behavior-
al aspects of nicotine.
"If someone has the habit, we
want to determine the psychologi-
cal factors involved, so that we
can aid him in stopping if he
wants to or finds he has to," PI'of.
Seevers explained.
The funds offered by the six
tobacco companies were accepted
with the understanding that there
could be no accompanying restric-
tions imposed by the companies.
"The only condition for accepting
such funds is that the money be
spent for research and health,"
Prof. Seevers said.
A joint letter from the tobacco
companies stated they were willing
to contribute $10 million to the re-
search project "in the hope and
expectation that the research proj -
ect proposed will aid materially in
finding solutions to the public
health problems of national and
international concern."

'U' Alumna Looks at Sex
In Today's College Life

(Continued from Page 1)
One entire chapter in Miss
Greene's book is devoted to the
case of a professor in the English
department and a typical over-
sexed, "nubile creature" in one of
his classes. From the moment she
walks into his office to entice him
into increasing her grade until the
moment when he finally seizes the
initiative, very little is left to the
Nor do other University auspices
go unnoticed, either. As one Uni-
versity coed, discussing abortions,
notes, "You'll never guess who paid
for mine: the boy borrowed the
money from the Office of Student
Miss Greene concludes that the
problem of sex on campus will be
solved "when adults have the in-
sight, tolerance, intelligence, and
optimism to concede the collapse
of fear as a sexual control and
the need for a new moral orienta-
tion," thus pointing to "a new
direction for adults themselves."
Until suchra moral reorientation
comes about, though, such com-
menits as that made by a former
Daily senior editor will continue

to retain some validity: " 'Mono or
pregnancy?' is the standard greet-
ing at Health Service. Frankly, I
wonder if they're equipped to deal
with anything else."
A rss
Alpha Phi Omega, a University
service fraternity, will solicit funds
for Project Hope today in down-
town Ann Arbor. Alpha Phi men
will be stationed on various cor-
ners along Main St. between 16
a.m. and 4 p.m.
The S. S. Hope, a medical ship,
takes a medical staff to under-
developed nations to give instruc-
tion in latest medical techniques
to local doctors and dentists.
* * *
Chad Grey, '66L, and Stanley
Nadel, '66, yesterday registered as
candidates for the Student Gov-
ernment Council spring election.
To date, nine persons have en-
tered their names in the contest.

YECHHH-Ann Arbor's public works and public health departments continually receive complaints
regarding such littered trash and refuse areas as this one on Oxford Rd. Most of the complaints seem
to be directed at fraternities and co-ops. Residents of these institutions often add to the collec-

tors' woes by parking their cars
pick up the accumulated garbage.

in such a way as to block the driveway and make it impossible to

- .

it is not picked up. The city has
another ordinance prohibiting
burning of refuse and garbage
within the city limits.
In order to service some fra-
ternity and co-op houses ade-
quately, two, instead of the -usual
one, garbage pickups are required.
The additional pickup costs the
house two dollars per week. Barton
said that his department tries to
encourage houses that have a large
amount of garbage accumulation
during a week to take on the
extra service.
Some houses complain that it
would take 30 to 40 garbage cans
to handle the refuse they collect
during a week.

When this is the case, Barton
then said the department suggests
that they consider buying a two-
cubic-yard container, which can
hold a large amount of -garbage.
The city now has trucks which
can service these containers which
must be lifted by an apparatus on
the truck itself and dumped into
the rear of the truck.
One city official said that fra-
ternities and co-ops often block
driveways with parked cars, mak-
ing it impossible to make a col-
lection with these trucks.
The University, which makes
the collections for its own build-
ings, has similar vehicles handling
its abundance of refuse.

Dial 662-8871 for
Program Information



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DIAL 2-6264

Shows at 1 :00-3:35
6:20 and 9:05


The Daily Official Bulletin is
An official publication of the Uni-
versity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Build-
ing before 2 p.m. of the day pre-
cedingf publication, and by 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Calendar
Swimming-U-M vs. Mich. State: Matt
Mann Pool, 3 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Kurosawa's t'Throne of
Blood," plus short, "From Inner Space":
Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Caro-
lyn Halik, cellist: Lane Hall Aud., 8:30
For Other University Events today,
see the Across Campus column.
General Notices
The Deadline for Receiving Rackham
Research Applications is Feb. 17. In-
structions for setting up applications
may be obtained in Room 118 Rackham
Bldg., or by calling Mrs. Marshall,
Ext. 3374.
Attention Former Philosophy 233 stu-
dents: Mr. Caroline's section 1. Please
return programmed texts used last se-
mester to 2211 Angell Hall. They are
needed by the authors for further test-
Student Government Approval of the
following student-sponsored activities
becomes effective 24 hours after the
publication of this notice. All publicity
for these events must be withheld un-
til the approval has become effective.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, lec-
ture-discussion, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, all
events of week of Feb. 10-14.
Economics Society, lecture, Feb. 13, 3
p.m. (Aud. C), and lecture Feb. 21, 3
p.m., Multipurpose Room.
Voice, Discussion by Mark Lane, "The
Trial of Lee H. Oswald," Feb. 15, 2
p.m., Multipurpose Room.
Union & League International Com-
mittees, International Sisters and
Brothers Social Hour, Feb. 14, 7:15 p.m.,
League Kalamazoo Room.
Applications Are Now Available for
Appointment to the Michigan Senate
Fellowship Program: Six fellows will
serve as legislative interns July 1, 1964
to May 31, 1965. Graduate students in
political science and journalism and law
students are eligible to apply. Complete
information and application blanks may
be obtained from the Political Science
Dept. office and must be completed and
received in Lansing by Feb. 15.
Helen Newberry Residence Hall Schol-
arship: Women students living in Helen
Newberry who wish to apply for Resi-
dence Hall scholarships for the 1964

fall semester may secure application
blanks from Mrs. Florence Lyons, Of-
fice of Financial Aids, 2011 SAB. Com-
pleted applications must be returned to
Mrs. Lyons by March 2. Qualifications
will be considered on the basis of aca-
demic standing (minimum 2.5 cumula-
tive average), need, and contribution
to group living.
Martha Cook Bldg. applications for
residence are due no later than Mon.,
Feb. 17. First appointments will be
made through Fri., Feb. 14.
212 SAB-
Camp O'The Hills, Mich.-Will inter-
view for Waterfront Dir., Unit leader
(both must be 21), Ass't. Waterfront (20
yrs.), & a foreign student with skills
for Girl Scout camp. Feb., 11, Tues.
Camp Batawagama, Mich.-Will in-
terview for Cabin counselor, Arts &
crafts and Waterfront positions for co-
ed camp. Wed., Feb. 12, beginning at
10 a.m. (also known as Iron County
Youth Camp).
Camps Fairwood & Foreway, Mich. -
Will interview for boys & girls camps.
Positions open-Men-activities, water-
front, archery, canoeing, sailing & ten-
nis. Women: sailing, archery, dramatics
& jr. camp. Wed., Feb. 12.
Camp Birch Trails, Wis.-Will inter-
view for positions in girls camp. Open-
ings for a married couple, tennis &
crafts specialists, Thurs. & Fri., Feb.
13 & 14.
The Brass Rail, World's Fair Conces-
sionaire-We have applications at 212
CAB-Summer Placement.
American Student Information Serv-
ice, Luxembourg - Only organization
that guarantees you a job in Europe.
Applications at Summer Placement.
Camp Nahleu, Mich. - Will interview
Thrus., Feb. 13, beginning at 10 a.m.
This is a coed camp.
New York State Civil Service, Alle-
gany Park Commission-Positions open
as Park Patrolmen & Traffic & Park
Officer for summer. Must be resident
of N.Y. See Summer Placement for more
info. Applications will be accepted up to
Feb. 17.
For further information, please come
to 212 SAB.
VIEWS--Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H W.
Engrg. forvappointments with the fol-
FEB. 11-
Burroughs Corp., Detroit & Philadel-
phia Areas-All Degrees: EE, EM &
ME. BS: E Math & E Physics. MS-PhD:
Physics & Math. May & Aug. grads. R.
& D., Des., Prod.
Inland Steel Co., Ind. Harbor Works,
E. Chicago, Ind. Inland Steel Products
-Sales offices nationwide-Headquar-
ters in Milwaukee, Wis.-AIl Degrees:
Met. BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, IE, ME. May
& Aug. grads. R. & D., Des., Prod.,
Sales-(Inland Steel Products), Quality
Control, Ind. Engrgj, Engrg., Operating
Services depts.
Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry

Dock Co., Newport News, Va. (only)- EM, Mat'ls., & ME. Prof.: Applied
All Degrees: EM, ME. BS-MS: EE & Mech's. R. & D.
Met. BS: NA & Marine. May & Aug.
grads. R. & D, Des., Inspection & Test-
ing. Par' ie
FEB. 11-12-
Procter & Gamble Co., R. & D., Engrg. Em ploym ent
Div., Ind, Engrg. Div., 15 plants - All
Degrees; ChE. BS-MS: EE, EM, IE & The followin
ME. BS: CE. MS: Instrumentation. May able. Application or these jobs can be
D Pd made in the Part-Time Employment Of-
FEB. 11- fice, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., dur-
U.S. Air Force, Worldwide - BS-MS: ing the following hours: Mon. thru
AE & Astro., ChE, CE, EE, EM, IE, Fri,. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5
Mat'ls., ME, Meteo., Met. MS: Construc- p.m. -
tion, Geodetic, Pub. Works Admin., San- Employers desirous of hiring students
itary, Commun. Cci., Instrumentation for part-time or full-time temporary
& Nuclear. BS: E Math, E Physics & Sci. work, should contact Dave Lowman
Engrg. USAF S. & Engrg. Fields, Pilot Part-Time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
& Navigator. Extension 3553.
FEB. 12-13- Students desiring miscellaneous odd
Allen-Bradley Co., Headquarters - jobs should consult the bulletin board
Milwaukee, Wis. & 40 sales offices-BS- in Room 2200, daily
MS: EE. BS: IE & ME. May & Aug.
grads. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. 1-Research Asst. in Education-Upper
FEB. 12- classman or grad student in educa-
Arthur Andersen & Co., Detroit, Chi- c quiring aboutr to 50 hours of
cago, New York, Cleveland, Milwaukee' work over a 3 week period.
etc.-All Degrees: IE. Operations res., w
prod. & inventory control w/a public 1-Translator. Student in Engineering
accounting firm. or with related technical background
Bristol Lab., Div. of Bristol-Myers, with excellent skill and experience
Syracuse, N.Y. (a.m.)-Al oDegrees:ChEs to translate technical German-En-
ruD., Des .gineering subjects. Will work 20
R. &D., es.hours per week and full-time during
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., All Fab- vacation periods.
ricating Plants & Construction Districts 1-Switchboard operator to work from
in the U.S.-BS-MC: AB & Astro,, ChE, 3:30 to 11:00, Mon. through Fri.
CE, BE, EM, IE. ME & Met. MS: Con- adSt onns utb x
struction & Instrumentation: BS: E arience . mornings. Must be ex-
Math & E Physics. R. & D., Des., Prod. & I precd
Fisher Governor Co., Marshalltown,
May & Aug. grads. R. & D., Des., Prod. Sales.
& Sales.
FMC Corp., Chem. Divs.; Am. Vis- NOTICES
cose Div.; Ordnance Div., Operations
Nationwide-All Degrees: ChE. BS: IE &
ME. R. & D., Des., Production & Sales.
Industrial Nucleonics, Columbus, O.- Cinema Guild, Film Showing: "Throne
MS-PhD: EE. PhD: Nuclear. R. & D. & of Blood." Feb. 8, 9, 7 and 9 p.m., Arch-
Prod. itecture Aud.
FEB. 12-13- Congregational Disciples, E&R, EUB
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Palo Student Guild, Sunday Seminar, "The
Alto, Sunnyvale, VAFB, Van Nuys, Early Church," Feb. 9, 7 to 8 p.m.,
Calif.-Ail Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE, Guild House, 802 Monroe.
CE, Commun. Sci., EE, EM, Instru., ME. Gamma Delta-Lutheran Student Or-
Prof.: Applied Mech's. MS-PhD: Mat'ls., ganization, Dr. Jacobs, "World Univer-
Met. & Nuclear. MS: Construction. BS: sity Service," Feb. 9, 6 p.m., 1511 Wash-
E Math, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. R. & tenaw.
D., Des., Prod.-Movie to be shown Feb. Gilbert & Sullivan Rehearsal, Feb. 9,
12, 8 p.m., 3B, Mich. Union. 7:30 p.m., Union 3-G.
FEB. 12- Sociedad Hispanica, Feb. 10, 3-5 p.m.,
Mitre Corp., Bedford, Mass., Wash., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
D.C., Colorado Springs, Colo.-MS-PhD:
EE & Instrumentation, Physics & Math.
R. & D., Des., Systems Engrg. BROWSE
Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.,
Electromechanical-All Degrees: AE &,c. -
Astro., ChE, Mat'ls., ME & Met. BS-MS: L T
EM. BS: E Physics. MS: Instrumenta-
tion & Nuclear. May & Aug. grads. R. MEZZANINE
& D.
United States Rubber Co., Corporate & PAPER-BACK DEPT.
Detroit-BS-MS: CE, EE, EM, IE & ME.
BS: E Math, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. NEW TITLES
R. & D., Des., Prod. & Quality Control. ARRIVE EVERY DAY
U.S. Naval Civil Engrg. Lab., Port
Hueneme, Calif.-All Degrees: CE, EE,
Mat'ls., & ME. Prof.: Applied Mech's.


-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
LITTERBUGS-Scattered garbage and trash covers this area on
Washtenaw Ave. Despite repeated efforts by Ann Arbor and Uni-
versity officials, the problem persists.

I ii

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