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February 06, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-06

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Cloudy with rain
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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Rights Bill Skips
Principle Barrier
Keep Main Part of Bill Untouched:
Victory for Administration Leaders
WASHINGTON (M)-The House retained a strong public accom-
modations section in the Civil Rights Bill last night after baring back
a dozen attempts to weaken it.
The final effort by opponents, an attempt sharply to limit the
coverage of the provision, was defeated on a standing vote of 153 to 68.
That left nearly intact what Negro leaders regard as the heart of the
1 omnibus Civil Rights Bill and
provided the bipartisan coalition
supporting it with a smashing vic-

Inquiry Group

To Recommend
Flint Expansion



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Accommodations Section

Seeks Aid
.For Buyer
WASHINGTON R) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson asked Congress
yesterday for new laws to protect
consumers against phony packag-
ing and disguised interest charges
-and he suggested possible use of
federal experts to help low-income
families prepare household bud-
Johnson, in a special message
on consumer interests, endorsed
nine specific pieces of legislation
including pending bills to ban de-
ceptive packaging and to require
full disclosure of interest rates on
installment purchases.
Eight of the nine measures had
the endorsement or sponsorship of
the late President John F. Kenne-
dy. The ninth proposal, still to be
introduced, would require inspec-
0~ion of all meat and poultry sold
in the country, whether or not it
crossed state lines.
Back Seat
"For far too long," Johnson
said, "the consumer has had too
little voice and too little weight in
government." The President said
that while labor, business, farmers
and professional groups have been
well represented, the consumer
"has had to take a back seat."
Promising the customer "a loud,
clear-channel voice at the top-
most levels of government," John-
son said "we cannot rest content
until he is in the front row."
The most novel idea in the mes-
sage - the use of trained govern-
ment workers to help low-income
urban families learn more about
budgeting and how to "get the
most for their money" - was not
utforward in the form of legis-
Extension Service Concept
Instead, Johnson said he was
asking all federal agencies inter-
ested in consumer education to ex-
plore fully the possibility of adapt-
ing the agricultural extension
service concept, "so successful in
rural areas," to cities and towns.
The President also said the gov-
ernment would try to promote con-
summer education in the schools."
He called, too, for federal efforts
to devise ways of "keeping the
public continuously informed of
developments of importance in
the consumer field."
OAS Continues
SGf Canal Zone
nization of American States failed
yesterday to set up a commission
to probe, Panama's charge of ag-
gression by the United States.
The OAS Council voted 16 to 1
Tuesday to invoke the Inter-Amer-
ican Treaty of Mutual Assistance
to consider the charge.
Ellsworth Bunker, United States

The public accommodations sec-
tion would bar hotels, motels, res-
taurants, movies atd other places
serving the public from discrimin-
ating against Negroes.
For nearly three days Southern
opponents battered at it, trying to
soften its various provisions, but
the major attack was made by
Rep. George Meader (R-Mich),
who sought to scrap the entire
provision for a much narrower
one of his own.
Under Meader's proposal, only
facilities on, or advertised along,
interstate or primary highways
would have been covered. He call-
ed his proposal "fair, reasonable,
workable and as far as the federal
government ought to move in this
area at this time."
Maintain Debate
Although the Meader amend-
ment represented the last real at-
tempt by the opposition to amend
the section, Southerners kept the
debate going for another hour,
with bitter remarks about the bill
being "steam-rollered" through
the House.
The vote on Meader's amend-
ment climaxed a day in which the
Republican - Democratic coalition
turned back all major threats. The
Southerners, however, won a vic-
tory by slightly narrowing the
constitutional grounds on which
the section would be based.

NASA Plans
Rocket .Base
In Michigan
WASHINGTON () - The Uni-
versity is making plans to estab-
lish a rocket-launching site on the
tip of the Keeweenaw Peninsula
in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher made the announcement
last night in a speech before the
annual University alumni dinner
at the National Press Club. "The
Weather Bureau has already allo-
cated six rockets and payloads for
firings to begin in May."
The announcement was the cul-
mination of a University effort to
obtain the site. Preliminary stud-
ies have already been made and
submitted to the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
and the Department of Defense
for the establishment of a launch-
ing site on the peninsula.
Thus far, there have been no
elaborate announcements of plans
regarding the site.
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chair-
man of the aeronautical engineer-
ing department, will be in charge
of the project.

Romney Calls
LANSING (R) - Gov. George
Romney called the state's top
legislative and legal officers to a
meeting yesterday to consider
whether the new constitution'
might impede some vital bills in
the Legislature.
As the House and Senate began
committee hearings on Romney's
proposed $622.4 million budget, a
question was raised as to whether
other spending bills can be passed
before final action is taken on
Romney's budget.
Romney said the constitutional
proviison did not take him by sur-
prise, and said it would not
"hamstring" the Legislature. I
Need 'Definite Action'
Yesterday's meeting was ar-
ranged hastily, the governor said,
"because you deal with things
when they come up,
"We are at the point where
definite action is needed to avoid
delay. Before today, we were not
at that point," said Romney.
In a morning conference with
Romney, Republican legislative
leaders agreed to meet later yes-
terday to discuss the problem
Interpretation Problem
Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinski and
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley were to
be invited to the meeting. Kelley
said he would send a representa-
House Speaker Allison Green
(R-Kingston) said the problem is
one of deciding what the language
of the constitution means, and
"getting the two houses together."
In question is constitutional
language which says:
Constitution Ambiguous
"The general appropriation bills
for the succeeding fiscal period
covering items set forth in the
budget shall be passed or rejected
in either house . . . before that
house passes any appropriation
bill for items not in the current
fiscal year's operation."
Green said the language could
be interpreted to mean no new
programs requiring money could
be started before the budget bills
are approved.
In effect, lawmakers said, this
could postpone some state pro-
grams and might even block them
from being started at all.
Special Messages
Green said the most obvious
answer to the problem would be
for the governor to send special
messages adding key proposals to
his budget, qualfying them for
early passage.
Another way would be to send
requests for supplemental approp-
riations to cover the cost of the
proposals, he said.
Might Affect Programs
Named as programs that might
be affected, for example, were the
proposed state minimum wage
bill, a new proposal qualfying
Michigan for Aid to Dependent
Children of the Unemployed and
the new court of appeals.

Office Seeks 'U' Publicity

BWd Spur
Bid To Start

The Office of University Re-
lations seeks to publicize, inter-
pret and communicate the Uni-
versity to the "outside world."
"We don't attempt to manu-
facture and manage, an 'im-
age'," Director Michael Rad-
ock says. "We just want to give
people outside of Ann Arbor a
view of the integrity, the
quality, the resource that con-
stitutes the University. Few
people really understand what
the University is all about. We
want to broaden that group."
A major project toward that
end is Radock's "Operation
Michigan." It involves four
different programs aimed at
giving the people of the state
more knowledge of the Univer-
President's Conference
-The President's Conference
sends University President Har-
Ian Hatcher and top University
administrators to the state's
major industrial centers. Last
Saturday, for instance,, Presi-
dent Hatcher, Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wil-
bur K. Pierpont and Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns went to Bay
City to brief a selected audience
on various aspects of the Uni-
The presentation ranged
from a slide lecture of the Uni-
versity's building program to
a comparison of cost differences
within higher education.

Besides the Bay City area,
President's Conferences are
scheduled for the Detroit met-
ropolitan area, Grand Rapids,
Flint and Lansing. They will be
on ayearly basis in each of
these areas.

cers into the state's smaller
-U-M '64 reverses the pro-
cess of the three above pro-
grams by bringing small groups
to the campus on a bi-monthly
bass. Each group spends one
and a half days here.
'Operation Michigan'
Radock started "Operation
Michigan" when he came here
two years ago. The program
was transferred last year to
the Alumni Association but was
put back under University Re-
lations last fall.
"I view this office primarily
as a catalyst," Radock says.
"We set up the programs, but it
isn't our job to talk. It's the
faculty and administration who
can really tell what the Uni-
versity is like."
He admits that he's "just
scratched the surface" as far
as bringing faculty into "Oper-
ation Michigan." "I'd also like
to see if we couldn't involve
more students in these presen-
One of Radock's prime goals
in this program is to explain to
the state at large why the Uni-
versity's budget is so big.
"There is a serious problem of
differentiation between the 10
state-supported schools. We
have to show that the cost of
education can't be computed on
a head-count basis, that some
of our unique programs, in
medicine or nuclear science, for
instance, simply require more


-U-M Briefings branch out
into more of the state's metro-
politan areas-cities such as
Pontiac, Benton Harbor, Kala-
mazoo, etc. They follow the
same format as the President's
Conference but are keynoted by
high administration officers.
-Report from Ann Arbor
brings Alumni Association offi-

Senate Supports Excise Taxes

-Daily-Jim Lines
OPEN DISCUSSION-Members of the Student Relations Com-
mittee of the University Senate last night participated in a Stu-
dent Government Council discussion. Seated left to right are:
Professors Marvin Felheim, Ralph Loomis, Richard Cutler, SGC
Executive Vice-President Thomas Smithson and President Russell
SRC Members Tell SGC
To Work for Power Goals,

gave the administration a clean
sweep on all key issues in the
$11.6 billion tax cut bill by re-
fusing yesterday to repeal excise
taxes on jewelry, handbags, cos-
metics and furs.
And even on lesser issues, the
administration's batting average
De la Beckwith
Denies Killing
Rights Leader
JACKSON VP) - Byron de la
Beckwith denied yesterday he was
the sniper who ambushed Negro
leader Medgar Evers last summer.
He claimed a rifle similar to the
alleged murder weapon was stolen
from him the day before the kill-
The defense rested after Beck-
with's surprise appearance on the'
witnessstand. He testified almost'
two and a half hours.
Closing summations will begin
today-the 10th day of the trial.
The 43-year-old traveling sales-
man, an active member of the in-
tegration-fighting Citizens Coun-
cil, said he was not in Jackson on,
the night eight months ago when
Evers was shot down at the height
of racial demonstrations.
In an effort to show Beckwith's1
feelings about integration, Dist.I
Atty. William Waller introducedI
a letter in which the defendant
expressed hatred of Negroes.

was high as the Senate drove to-
ward quick passage of this top
priority legislation. However, there
could be reverses in the final vot-
ing or in working out Senate and
House differences in a conference
The vote against a Republican
effort to repeal the excise taxes
was on a 48-45 hairline, with Dem-
ocratic leaders scrambling for sup-
port. Many Democrats held back
until the last minute to see if their
votes were needed.
Switch Votes
Two senators who originally an-
nounced "yes" votes, Vance R.
Hartke (D-Ind) and Clair Engle
(D-Calif), switched to "no" before
the voting closed. Several other-
Democrats who had expressed
sympathy for the repeal voted "no'
the first time, when it became
clear their help was needed by the
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana voted against the
amendment but after the victory
withdrew his vote and paired with
absent Senate Republican Leader
Everett M. Dirksen. The Illinois
senator, in the hospital for treat-
ment of an ulcer condition, has
been the major sponsor of the re-
peal amendment. Mansfield's move
enabled him to be listed for the
There was some lively debate
before the vote, with one backer,
Sen. John O. Pastore (D-RI)
pleading "let's keep our women
beautiful" by knocking out the tax
on such items.
All 31 Republicans present vot-

ed for the amendment with help
from 14 Democrats.
The three vote difference was
the same margin by which the ad-
ministration was victorious Tues-
day. on two other key issues. It
beat out then, 47 to 44, an effort
to knock out House repeal of the
stock dividend credit and defeat-
ed, 48 to 45, a move to give spe-
cial tax deductions to parents with
children in college.
Another big administration vic-
tory was on Monday when the
Senate voted to wipe out a House
cut in capital gains taxes. This
was by a 56-25 vote.
Offer of Aid
T o Students
The University is giving in-
creased official assistance to stu-
dents looking for summer Jobs in
Washington, John Burton, the
University's counselor for Wash-
ington's summer interns, said yes-
A step toward this program is
an information meeting to be held
at 4 p.m. today in the Multi-Pur-
pose Rm. of the UGLI. Speakers
will be Prof. Robert H. Pealy, as-
sociate director of the Institute of
P u b1i c Administration; Prof.
Charles M. Rhemus, co-director
of the Institute of Labor and In-
dustrial Relations and Chris Co-
hen, '64.
There are no specifications for
applicants, Burton said, although
a student's grades and fields of in-
terest would be considered by the
agencies looking for workers.
Present Concern Unofficial
The University's present concern
is only an unofficial one, expressed
by interested faculty members and'
students. Washington's difficulty
with entrance examinations, how-
ever, has given increased import-
ance to the University's recom-
mendations and records on the in-
dividual applicants, Burton said.
The future of the summer intern
program at the University depends
on whether or not needed funds
can be obtained, he added. The In-
stitute of Public Administration
will probably not be able to supply

4-Year Unit ... ..
Will Submit Plans
To Regents, Board
Of Education in Flint
A tentative series of recom-
mendations for expanding the
University's Flint College into a
four-year institution, starting in
1965, is being submitted for con-
sideration to Flint citizens and the
Board of Regents.
High University sources reveal-
ed yesterday that the proposals,
framed by an inqury group of
prominent Flint citizens and Uni-
versity administrators, will pre-
scribe the addition of several
hundred freshmen to the Univer-
sity's two-year senior college in
These recommendations will go
to the Flint Board of Education
next Wednesday. The Flint Com-
mittee on Higher Education-a
representative citizens group -
will hear the proposals next
Thursday presented by the inqury
committee chairman Guy Bates.
He is treasurer of the Flint Board
of Education.
University Representation
When the recommendations will
be submitted to the Regents has
not been specified.
Representing the University on
the inqury committee have been
Dean for Statewide Education
Harold. M. Dorr; Flint College
Dean David M. French and Uni-
versity Executive Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss. Vice-President
for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns has also periodically met
with the group.
Prevailing Guidelines
Although University officials
are not detailing the specifics of
the recommendation, they have
indicated the following guidelines
-Understandings toward ar-
ranging the sharing of costs for
building expansion (capital out-
lay). The costs, not yet fully de-
termined, would be met from pri-
vate Flint sources and federal and
state monies.
There will also be a require-
ment, if the recommendations are
accepted, for the University to
receive an increased operating ap-
propriation, according to Senate
Appropriations Committee Chair-
man Frank G. Beadle (R-St.
Clair). He met with members of
the inqury group several weeks
ago as part of a committe junket
around the state.
Legal Influence
-Suggestions f o r including
Flint representatives in the man-
agement of the four-year college.
Local influence has been assured
in determining curriculum whiches e
can best meet Flint needs, the
sources report.
-Considerations for forming'a"
solid working arrangement be-
tween the two-year Flint Com-
munity Junior College and the
proposed four-year University in-
stitution. This agreement might
entail the joint use of existing
facilities until the construction of
new ones could be completed.
According to one University of-
ficial, the overall recommenda-
tions represent a compromise
evolved over the one-and-a-half
year period that the inqry group
has worked.
Previous Opposition
Last October, a tentative pro-
posal to add 200 freshman stu-
dents in the fall of 1964 was
examined by the inqury group but
was reevaluated in the face :of
strong opposition among the Jun-
ior College faculty andstate legis-
The University originally re-
quested that Flint citizens raise
the money through private con-
tribution and the work of their
College and Culture Center Com-
mittee fund capital outlay ex-

penses over the next few years.

Members of the Student Relations Committee of the University1
Senate last night told Student Government Council that Council mem-
bers must first agree among themselves about the power which SGC MON
is seeking over non-academic regulations and then "stand up for it." tice Dep
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department noted, "I don't a feer
- ' .enjoin b
thing you all have the outward liberal view that makes you willing to M. Rea
stand up and be counted-your problem is yourselves." mission
In a committee of the whole discussion between Council and SRC Macon
members concerning the desirability and feasibility of transferring see
the initiative for rule-making from the Office of Student Affairs to
SGC, the faculty members encour-
aged Council to work out a con-fA~T1~'?
crete plan and rationale for im A COUNTRY'S IMAGE:
plementing such authority.
Mefme r f the SRC lwho Marti- iN 1J

partment attorney asked
al court last night to
Notasulga Mayor James
from blocking the ad-
of six Negro students to
County High School.
related story, page 3

cipated in the discussion include
Professors Patricia Rabinovitz of
the social work school, Franklin.
Moore of the industrial manage-
ment department, John Dorr of
the geology department, Felheim,
Ralph Loomis of the English de-
partment and Chairman Richard
Cutler of the psychology depart-
Cutler told Council that he fav-
ored greater student responsibil-
ity in non-academic affairs and
that he was beginning to conclude
that one rationale for it is that

Canaaa Lac

ks Distinct National Culture

"The interesting thing about
Canadian culture is why there is
so little that is distinctively
Canadian," Prof. David Stewart,
of the English department, com-
mented yesterday in an address on
the "Cultural Image of Canada."
He pointed out that people think
of a nation in terms of the image
projected by its writers. "Writing
defines a culture." he said. "and

fication." He mentioned that the
United States has developed many
myths, even about such things as
the Pony Express which have little
historical significance.
Prof. Stewart remarked that the
absence of distinctive, centralizing
events also handicaps Canada in
developing its own image. For ex-
ample, he said that the Act of
Federation in Canada did not es-
tahlish a new society in the same

Canadian imagination have been
borrowed from other countries, he
Prof. Stewart listed the pres-
ence of distinct nationality groups
as another serious impediment to
the growth of Canadian culture.
"In rural areas there are pockets
of unassimilated aliens, and cities,
rather than serving to integrate
foreign groups into a national
mold. tend to Droduce faceless

The executive faculty of the
flr.3!. U Ct_ , .. - .


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