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February 04, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-04

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rnxivi inner.

Senate Hits Reduction


Of Capital Gains


McQueen Notes Poverty,
Delinquency in Kenya
One of the major problems which newly independent Kenya faces
is juvenile delinquency, Prof. Albert McQueen of the sociology depart-
ment and the Research Center for Group Dynamics, said recently.
He is working on a report for the Ford Foundation as well as a book
on youth problems in Kenya and has spent several months in Kenya
evaluating youth centers and the treatment of delinquent and vagrant

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Debates Riicoff Move


Hk Gives

TAX DEBATE-Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (right) presented his
education. exemption amendment before the Senate yesterday.
Senator Albert Gore proposed that tax exemptions for Ameri-
cans living abroad be cut. Both actions took place in the Senate's
first day of discussion of the administration's tax cut bill.

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WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson sent a person-
al message yesterday to Archbish-
op Makarios, leader of the Greek
Cypriots on the strife-ridden is-
land of Cyprus.
State Department officials con-
firmed that the message had been
sent to the United States embassy
in Cyprus for delivery, but no de-
tails were given on its contents.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
also turned his attention to; Cy-
prus, meeting with Cypriot Ambas-
sador Zenon Rossides.
At the Capitol, the Democratic
Leader of the Senate, Mike Mans-
field of Montana, c a u t i o n e d
against sending United States
troops to help keep the peace on
Cyprus unless it becomes absolute-
ly necessary.
British and American diplomats
have proposed a NATO police
force to keep the peace in Cyprus
where Greek and Turkish Cypriots
are at odds.
The plan calls for a peacekeep-
ing force to 10,000 men from At-
lantic alliance countries, with
about 1,000-2,000 from the United
States. The 2,700-man British
force now on the island would re-
main as the largest unit in the
combined forces which would be
under British command.
Mansfield said it may turn out
that only United States participa-
tion in military intervention will
prevent the lid from coming off in
"But," he said, "before we com-
mit ourselves to such an undertak-
ing, there ought to be no question
that our intervention is essential
to prevent the total collapse of
the eastern wing of NATO in a
Greek-Turkish conflict."

Student Loan
Vote Cuts Exemption
For Citizens Abroad
By The Associated Press
voted yesterday to wipe out a
House cut in capital gains taxes
and to slash personal income tax
exemptions for 45,000 Americans
living abroad.
These money-gainers were the
two big votes in the first day of
the Senate's showdown on the
$11.6-billion tax cut bill. Partly
offsetting this was a decision to
soften the tax bite voted by the
House on big insurance policies
which business firms buy for some
Then the Senate began debate
on the controversial proposal by
Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (R-Conn),
to allow tax savings of up to $325
a year for each student a family
has in college. The final vote on
this is scheduled today.
Alternate Proposal
However, before Ribicoff began
his speech, Sen. Vance Hartke
(D-Ind) gained the floor and of-
fered an alternative proposal
w h i c h administration leaders
planned to use in an attempt to
draw votes away from the Connec-
ticut senator's plan.
Hartke's bill, which was sent to
the education subcommittee for
study, calls for a program of un-
term student loans, government
insurance of commercial loans
obtained by students and a fed-
erally aided work-study program.
The Indiana senator said his
bill would cost $353 million the
first year compared with $750 mil-
lion which is the estimated rev-
enue reduction under Ribicoff's
Hartke said the maximum cost
of his proposal would go to $650
million compared with $1.3 billion
for Ribicoff's amendment.
Administration Request
The vote to eliminate the House
capital gains provisions accepted
an administration request which
the Senate Finance Committee
had endorsed. The 56-25 vote pro-
vided a margin administration
backers hope will be impressive
when a conference committee
seeks to reconcile Senate and
House differences on the measure.
The vote to slash exemptions
for Americans living in foreign
countries was a surprise, on a 47-
41 margin. It was offered by Sen.
Albert Gore (D-Tenn), who said
present personal exemptions are
"a tax bonanza" that is unfair to
Americans at home who have only
a $600 exemption for themselves
and for each dependent.
Gore's amendment would reduce
from $35,000-$6000 the exemption
on income earned abroad for those
who have resided abroad for more
than three years. It would reduce
from $20,000-$4000 the exemption
of those who have resided abroad
up to three years.
It is estimated that Gore's
amendment would pick up an
extra $10 million in revenue

children. Kenya became independ-
ent in December, 1963.
His main center of study is the
Starahe Youth Center in Nairobi,
which was started in 1959 by an
Englishman, Geoffrey Griffin. The
center educates 450 boys eight to
16 years old and boards half of
them. It operates on the basis that
delinquent boys must be helped to
adjust to the community instead
of being put behind reformatory
walls. "My job is to see if thisp
theory proves correct," Prof. Mc-4
Queen said.t
Diverse Curricula
The school teaches academics
through the primary grades, fine
arts and trades such as auto me-
chanics and sign painting. By en-
abling the boys to take pride inr
their achievements, the centerE
builds character, he explained. "AI
drum and bugle corps, uniforms,,
prizes for sculpture and paintingc
and a certain amount of self-gov-
ernment enable the boys to find a
purpose in their community," he
The center receives some aid
from the Nairobi City Council butt
is endowed mainly by private(
sources, Prof. McQueen added.
Whenever delinquent boys liveI
with relatives, social workers in-
vestigate the homes. Because of
the high illegitimate birth rates
and the widespread poverty inr
Kenya, many homeless children"
are left to wander the streets, he
said. "Most of the crimes for3
which the boys are arrested stem
from this poverty."
Concentrates on Boys x
Prof. McQueen explained that g
his study concentrates on boys be- s
cause only about .5 per cent of the
juveniles arrested are girls. "Thet
people of Kenya protect youngt
girls more than boys, and fewert
girls go to the cities. Furthermore,a
there are no places to keep girlst
once they are arrested," he added.
Prof. McQueen will return to
Kenya this summer to completeg
his study. "As a result of my find-F
ings, the Ford Foundation mayu
want to establish more projectss
like the Starahe Youth Center,"
he said.
The basic causes of juvenile de-
linquency differ among the Unit-c
ed States, Kenya and Nigeria
where he did a study two years
ago. "In the United States delin-
quency stems from a sense of de-
feat in an affluent society. The
lower socio-economic class feels
it can't measure up culturally and
educationally to the middle class
society. Delinquency in the middle
class is caused by aimlessness and
a lack of goals," Prof. McQueen
Less Destruction
Nigeria does not have the large
amount of property destruction
found in the United States, but is
similar to us in its high unem-
ployment rate, he said.
"Lack of money forces many Ni-
gerians to leave school at the end
of the primary grades and seek
work in the cities", Prof. McQueen
commented. "When they can't find
work they try to re-enter school,
but the scarcity of secondary
schools prevents 95 per cent of
those who try from returning to
school. They commit crimes be-
cause of need. There are thousands
of Nigerians trying to become part
of the modern life and failing be-
cause of lack of an education or a
job," he said.

World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-President Lyndon B.
Johnson has assured South Viet
Nam's new strongman, Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh, of continuing
United States assistance in the
war against the Communists.
*~ $ *
BEIRUT-Nervous over its feud
with Israel and tension in nearby
Cyprus, the Arab world has
reached out a friendly hand to
President Charles de Gaulle of
France. Newspapers in various
Arab countries are calling for
closer relations with Paris, pictur-
ing it as a potential rival to Wash-
ington in the Middle East.
* * *
GENEVA - The East German
Communist government proposed
to the 17-nation disarmament
conference yesterday that East
and West Germany be declared a
permanently denuclearized zone.
LONDON-Leyland Motors, Inc.,
said yesterday the Cuban govern-
ment has signed in Havana a,
"declaration of intention" to buy
1000 buses during the next four
* * *
LONDON - The Soviet Union
protested in a note to West Ger-
many yesterday that the Bonn
government is "intensifying ten-
sion in Europe," the Tass News
Agency said. It added that the
Soviet government also had pro-
tested to the Western allies that
the Germans were taking "actions
aimed at preparing for the rocket-
nuclear armament" of their nation.
., *
NEW YORK-The stock mar-
ket yesterday began trading for
February by displaying the same
uncertainty and mixed trends it
showed last week. Trading was
moderate. Dow-Jonesr65 com-
bined stocks were down .27, 30 in-
dustrials down s.62, 20 railroads
down .74 and 15 utilities up .34.

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