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February 02, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-02-02

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2 A.M.

S ir41
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy
towards evening

VOL. LXXIV, No. 97





Expect Makarios
To Reject Troops
Calls NATO Proposal Unacceptable
To Cyprus, Preferring UN Troops
NICOSIA, Cyprus (P) - Authoritative sources said yesterday
Cyprus President Archbishop Makarios will formally reject a move
to station NATO, including American, troops here to keep peace on
the embattled Mediterranean island.
He conferred last night with United States Ambassador Fraser
Wilkins and Cyril Pickard, British assistant undersecretary for
Commonwealth relations. It is understood he told them the proposal
is unacceptable to Cyprus.
Nevertheless, the plan in its final form is expected to be sub-
mitted to him officially sometime today. The prelate, with strong
'>backing from the Greek Cypriot
people and its press, favors United
SW....... Nations troops instead of those
S from Atlantic alliance countries.

U.S. Faces
Asian Crisis
National Concerns Editor
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-The military situ-
ation in Viet Nam has deteriorated
so badly in the last 15 months
that the United States faces the
choice of neutralizing the country
or stepping up its military com-
mitments there, New York Times
correspondent David Halberstam,
back from a nearly year and a
half stint in that country warned
He spoke to 200 college editors
at a noon luncheon of the Over-
seas Press Club conference on in-
ternational affairs.
Halberstam and fellow Times
Asia correspondent Robert Trum-
bull warned that the war was not
going well and that unless the
new government of Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh succeeded in mo-
bilizing the Vietnamese people for
the war effort, drastic action will
have to be taken.
Two Division Army
Halberstam cautioned that a
two division American army com-
mitment would be disasterous.
"They would be sucked into the
rice paddies," he declared.
A small mobile force, carefully
used, might succeed, the Times
correspondent added.
Using troops is highly unde-
sirable. They are never advisable
in Asia because they are too con-
spicuous, giving an advantage to
the Communists, Trumbull said.
Won by Vietnamese
"The war will have to be won
by the Vietnamese people. If the
people .,are not for the Saigon
government, it is never going to
win," he continued.
Halberstam recounted his dif-
ficulties in reporting the war's
deterioration, despite pressures
from the state department and
the military to hue the official
United States line.
He noted that the official view
was cautious optimism but as he
continued his work, he could not
reconcile it with the war as he
saw it. "The war was fought on
the surface. It was mainly an
eight-to-five war. The government
was unresponsive and repressive.
Protects Contacts
Despite pressures from the top,
Halberstam was able to develop
middle level contacts and protect
them while operating in a 'police
Harrison Salisbury, veteran
Times reporter, echoed Halber-
stam telling the conference ban-
quet audience that "newspapers
have to ask the unpleasant ques-
tions and present the unpopular
viewpoints" and that "history will

A proposal to increase the
peacekeeping force on the island
from 5000 to 10,000 troops will be
submitter by Britain, Turkey and
Greece-nations which back Cy-
prus independence under the
treaty of guarantee--with the ap-
proval of the United States.
Britain now has 5000 troops on
the island and the United States
has agreed to provide 1000-2000
Others Will Help Out
The balance is to be supplied by
other NATO countries, according
to the proposal.
Wilkins and Pickard are expect-
ed to call upon Fazil Kutchuk, the
Turkish Cypriot vice-president,
sometime today. Turks both here
and in mainland Turkey generally
back a NATO force.
Meanwhile, two members of the
Greek Cypriot delegation to the
recessed London conference on
Cyprus are expected to fly back
to London today after 24 hours
in Nicosia for consultations with
Makarios and his aides.
View Change Possible
This statement generally re-
flects the feeling of the Makarios
government but high level talks
which have been going on here
could change that view.
At the moment, the Greek
Cypriots are asking the matter be
referred to the United Nations if
the. London talks collapse-and
little hope is seen for them here.
Units of the United States 6th
Fleet were somewhere in the East-
ern Mediterranean with several
hundred Marines on board. If the
peace force is approved, the Ma-
rines probably would be the van-
guard of a United States contin-
gent of about 2000 men.
The spotlight turned on Ma-
,karios with the approval of the
plan, in board outline at least,
which came after a series of cab-
inet meetings in Ankara throughI
the night, more or less assured
that the Turkish Cypriot minorityi
would fall in line.

To Debate
Rights Bill
sped through a second round of
debate on the civil rights bill yes-
terday clearing the way for a
showdown fight over amendments
next week.
The air of calm reason and the
good - natured bantering t h a t
marked the first day's discussion
of the controversial measure con-
tinued yesterday, to the surprise
of veterans of previous civil rights
battles in Congress.
The House finally adjourned at
7 p.m. until noon tomorrow when
it expects to take up amendments
to the bill.
Forego Tactics
Badly outnumbered by the bi-
partisan majority supporting the
bill, the Southern opponents ap-
parently aecided to forego delay-
ing tactics in hopes of winning
some Republican support for key
amendments next week. There was
a call for a quorum at the start
of the session and another in mid-
House leaders are aiming for
passage by the end of next week.
President Lyndon B. Johnson at
his news conference yesterday ex-
pressed confidence of final pass-
age for the bill without any major
concessions to win enactment.
Accommodate Republicans
The House is speeding action on
the bill to accommodate Republi-
cans who want to take part in
Lincoln Day rallies around the
country, and the Southerners don't
want to alenate any potential
support by throwing the schedule
out of Miter
As they have since the 10-part
bill came ut of the House Judi-
ciary Cornmittee last October, the
Southerners yesterday hammered
at their contention that it is an
unconstitutonal grab for power by
the federal government.
Rep. Richard H. Poff (R-Va)
said the bill would permit the fed-
eral government to set voting
qualifications for all elections, in
direct violation of the constitu-
tional guarantees that such power
lies with the states.
Court To ,Rule
On Districts
LANSING UP)-The State Ap-
portionment Commission decided
unanimously yesterday to pass its
legislative redistricting responsi-
bilities on to the State Supreme
Commissioners now may indi-
vidually or jointly submit plans
to the Supreme Court-which in
turn can order the commission
to adopt the plan the court de-
cides comes closest to constitu-
tional requirements.



on Problems



For Merger
By Delta Plan
Asks Citizens' Group
For Definite Backing
Special To The Daily
BAY CITY - University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher resurrected
the "dead" issue of a four-year,
University-affiliated college in the
Saginaw-Bay City area at a lunch-
eon here yesterday.
He called upon the "blue rib-
bon" Citizens' Committee on High-
er Education, which is currently
studying such a plan, to make a
definite recommendation.
One year ago this month, the
Regents and the board of trustees
of Delta College-a two-year in-
stitution here-announced a joint
proposal to establish a degree-
granting institution at the Delta
site. The plan would have estab-
lished junior year classes last Sep-
tember, expanding to the junior
and senior years for next Septem-
Would Have Grown
Eventually, the institution would
have grown to four years. While
affiliated with the University, it
would have been separate from
Delta junior college. Supporters of
the plan viewed it as one means
of expansion: a method of ac-
counting for increased enrollment
pressures while "enabling more
students to obtain a University
"The University has not changed
its view in any way, shape or form
over the past year, that the plan
is both wise and educationally
sound.' President Hatcher declar-
ed yesterday.
At the same time, a member of
the Delta board of directors, Fred-
erick Chapin, said that "99 per
cent of the people up here were
and still are for the plan."
Refused Support
A month after the University
and Delta announced their plans
last year, President Hatcher pre-
sented them for approval to the
Michigan State Council of College
Presidents. They refused to sup-
port it. "There was much discus-
sion, but little enlightenment,"
President Hatcher said.
The plan, and a variation of it,
then went through the state Legis-
lature, whose support wasn't leg-
ally, but financially needed. The
Legislature took no action. At that
point, Gov. George Romney placed
the proposal before his newly
formed "blue ribbon" committee,
where it has remained.
"The clear next step is for the
'blue ribbon' committee to move
the Lssue off dead center and give
us a clean answer," President
Hatcher reiterated. "They must
get on with the job. We have every
confidence in the soundness of our
plan, but if they can find holes in
it, let them sn~ow us."
Allows Four-Yer Commitment
The University stated last year
that a branch in Delta would allow
"the degree-bound student ..,. to
make a four-year commitment
See HATCHER, Page 2

ALUMNI BRIEFING-University administrators (left-right) Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns, President Harlan Hatcher and Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont, spoke to Bay City area alumni of University problems and prospectives. Five state legis-
lators who will weigh the University's budget request were among the 100 present.
Trimester Creates ConTtflict

Hatcher, Heyns, Pierpont Speak


The University's transition to
full-year operation created a prob-
lem this winter for some 92 pros-
pective freshman and transfer
The Detroit school system, from
which most of the freshman came,
holds mid-year graduation about
one week after University regis-
It is a long-standing policy of
the Detroit schools that no student
can be graduated from high school
unless he is physically present at
the ceremony.


The University also has a long-
standing policy that new students
must participate in all orientation
and registration activities and that
new students may not register or
begin classes late.
Some time this fall the conflict
in time schedules and mandatory
policies was brought to the atten-
tion of University officials who
reviewed the situations with mem-
bers of the Detroit school system.
"We thought we should make
every concession possible compat-
ible with the students' interests,"
Gayle C. Wilson, associate director
of admissions, said recently.
Special Program
The University held a special
orientation and registration pro-
gram Dec. 29-31. Sixty-five of the
incoming freshmen and transfer
students attended. Those w h o
could not be present at this pro-
gram or at the regular one which
took place Jan. 12-15 were granted
June admission if they so desired.
Freshmen and transfers who did
attend were allowed to return to
their high schools or colleges to!
take final exams or to participate
in required graduation activities
with the stipulaton that they re-
port to the first day of classes and
make subsequent plans with their
"All arrangements were infor-
mal and required no real policy
change on the part of the Univer-
sity," Dean Stephen H. Spurr of
the Natural Resources School and
assistant to the vice-president for
academic affairs, said.
Grades Received Later
It is usual for mid-year entrants
to be admitted before their final.
grades are received either from;
high schools or colleges in the case
of transfer students.
"If by chance a student didn't
graduate from high school-a req-
uisite for University admission-
the problem would have been dealta
with on an individual basis," By-
ron L. Groesbeck, assistant direc-
tor of admissions, said.


To Utilize College Students
In Voter Registration Drive
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-A program to bring college students to Mississippi
this summer to work for the election of nonsegregationist candidates
to Congress was announced yesterday by Prof. Allard Lowenstein of
North Carolina State University.
Prof. Lowenstein said the program, sponsored by the Council of
Federated Organizations, a state-wide civil rights co-ordinating com-
mittee, is part of its voter education and registration program. He
added that it was designed to focus'
attention on Mississippi's regre- TWO OVER MSU,
gationist policies.,

Gregory appeared in concert
with folk-singers Steve Addis
and Bill Crofut last night at
Hill Aud. Gregory presented a
near-capacity crowd with his
own brand of politically orient-
ed humor and included stories of
his recent experiences in At-
lanta, where he has been ar-
rested several times in connec-
tion with his participation in
civil rights demonstrations.

If the University goes into full-
year operation in the summer of
1965, this problem will be virtually
Able To Register
A student graduating from high
school in late January will be able
to register for the summer term in
early May, thus completing a full
semester before September. "He
won't be dislocated quite as badly
as the student who would have to
delay college entry until the fol-
lowing September," Wilson com-
Admission to the University of
mid-year graduates or transfers
for the winter term would no
longer prove feasible. Under full
year operation the second semes-
ter will be pushed forward to just
after the first of the year, neces-
sitating an absence of too many
class days for these incoming stu-
Even this term it appeared
"that many prospective transfer
students decided not to take ad-
vantage of the admission granted
them when they became aware of
the change in our schedule,"
Groesbeck said.
Ranger Rocket
Still on Target;
Moon Hit Seen
PASADENA VP)-As of 2 a.m.
this morning, Ranger 6 was still
on target and scientists at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory saw no
apparent danger that it could
fail to hit the moon as expected
at 4:24 a.m. this morning.
The spacecraft carried a cargo
of cameras that could solve ages-
old mysteries before they crash on.
the moon.
It was expected to crash in the
moon's Sea of Tranquility, a broad
flat basin some 400 miles to the
right of dead center of the shin-
ing disk visible from earth.
Study 'Sea'
This dry "sea".is being ,tudied1
as a landing site for manned
Apollo moonships later in this
A spokesman for the laboratory,
which is controlling Ranger 6 dur-
ing its 66-hour voyage, said all
As the spacecraft streaked near-
er the moon, the pull of lunar
gravity increased its speed to al-
most 6000 miles an hour at im-
Take Shots
Ten minutes before the crash,
at an altitude of about 900 miles,
six small television cameras began
clicking at a rate of 300 shots a
If everything worked, United
States scientists will have the
first closeup photographsaof thej
Two earlier vehicles landed on.
the moon-Russia's Lunik 2 and
this country's Ranger 4- but1
neither sent back any significant
information. Russia's Lunik 3 pho-
tographed the back side of the i
moon but from altitudes of morei
than 4000 miles and the nictures

At Meeting
Hold Session as Part
Of Statewide Project
Special To The Daily
BAY CITY - A high-powered
team of University administra-
tors came here yesterday to give
selected area alumni an in-depth
briefing on the direction of the
The meeting was an integral
part of the continuing "Operation
Michigan"-a statewide program
aimed at increasing public un-
derstanding of the University's
problems and prospects.
Included in the audience of 100
addressed by President Harlan
Hatcher, Vice-President for Busi-
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont and Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns,
were five state legislators who
will soon be weighing the Uni-
versity's budget request for the
coming fiscal year.
They walked away from the
the meeting "impressed"; Sen.
Arthur Dehmel (R-Unionville), a
member of the key Appropriations
Committee, declared himself "far
better informed" and prepared to
support Gov. George Romney's
record higher education appropri-
Hatcher's Emphasis
The University, P r e s i d e n t
Hatcher told the gathering, has
an important role to play in "one
of the things everybody seems to
agree on-the necessity for de-
veloping the economy. We must
create jobs.
"Where are our young people
going to fit into a society mov-
ing as fast as ours is?" he asked.
The answer, he suggested, is
two-fold: universities must pro-
vide adequate training for fur-
ture professions, while making "a
more creative attack" at develop-
ing new sources of employment.
Place in Positions
The University's responsibility
is further "to get people moti-
vated, sorted out and placed In
the positions they can best ful-
fill," President Hatcher comment-
Turning to the coming enroll-
ment pressures, he said, "We have
to adjust to greater numbers and
increased demands-there must be
a new level of state support." The
President complimented the "blue
ribbon" Citizens' Committee on
Higher Education for its "forth-
right statement" of educational
Last November, this committee
recommended that the state in-
crease the total operating budg-
et forhigher education from $110
million to a, minimum $135 mil-
lion, declaring that even the lat-
ter figure was hardly adequate.
Plant Capacity and Needs
Earlier, Vice-President Pierpont
presented a detailed analysis of
the University's physical plant -
present and future. He said that
While 7000 cramped students
glorified in Michigan's=15th
victory yesterday : afternoon,
basketball news of another sort
was being made far from Ann
Arbor. "Are there any ques-
tions?" Vice-President Pier-
point asked as he finished his
speech in Bay City. "When do
we get a new field house foir
Cazzie?" s o m e o n eurgently
called out. "Sooner than you
think," the v i c e - president

"educational institutions in Mich-
igan and elsewhere are using pres-
ent facilities to the hilt."
"We have very little leeway left
for expansion" within the current
physical framework, Pierpont said.
He added, however, that the Uni-
versity makes every effort to "re-
model, renovate and update exist-
ing structures" before going ahead
with new buildings.


If not a single Negro is register-
ed, at least the rest of the nation
will "see what is going on in
Mississippi," he commented.
To Work in Districts
Students will work in each dis-
trict to elect pro-integrationist
candidates, much in the same
manner as they campaigned to
elect Arron Henry, president of
Mississippi National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, governor last fall in a
mock election and write-in cam-
Prof. Lowenstein noted that it
is virtually impossible to hold
pickets, mass marches and voter
registration drives as police arrest
protestors even though there are
no laws to cover such "violations."
In order to fight such cases and
win they must be taken to the
Federal Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit while the person may
have to serve one year in jail and
c~n /i o~n 4 . mn - - o mn n ,-fn

Cagers Score Sixth Big Ten Win

Bill Buntin's 23-point first half sparked Michigan's Wolverines to
an advantage which Michigan State was unable to overcome yesterday
as the Big Ten leaders romped to a 95-79 victory.
Buntin, like rebounding star sophomore Oliver Darden, fouled
out of the game. The final two personals on the all-Big Ten center
were called within':08 of each other after only six minutes of dull
basketball had elapsed in the second half. Sophomore wizard Cazzie
Russell led all scorers with 25 points, followed by Buntin's 23.
"Bill had a great game," Wolverine coach Dave Strack said after
the game. "I was quite disappointed with the last two quick fouls on
him," he added.
Michigan pulled a complete reversal of last week's free-for-all at
East Lansing by outrebounding the Spartans 57-39.
"I figured maybe we'd get them on those boards today," Strack
said, almost blushing. But he had good reason to expect the rebound-
ing display as his efforts all week were aimed at firing up the board
control of his two 6'7" stars, Darden and Buntin.
Tt all naid nff.


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