See editorial page
13k i~taui
:4Ia ii4
Partly cloudy;
thunder storms at noon
Vol. LXXIX, No. 17-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 29, 1969 Ten Cents
Six Pages
Yorty defeats Bradley
in Los Angeles election
Bylaw panel
fails t'o
Sam Yorty, runoff election!
winner over black councilman
Thomas Bradley, promised
yesterday to make Los Angeles
"a greater city in the coming *
four years" of his third term.k
Semiofficial returns from 2,884
of 12,890 precincts gave Yorty
447,039 votes, or 53.25aper cent,
to 392,279 votes, or 46.74 per cent
for Bradley.
Addressing supporters, YortyI
said: "I was just a symbol of
what we were trying to do. It's
your city ... Let's start together,
building this great city-the most
wonderful, beautiful city in the
Bradley told a news conference
the key factor in his loss was "the
blatant appeal to racial preju-
dice and the kind of fears that
were being fanned by the Yorty
camp." Bckeyjoins
"Gentlemen," he said, "the longBu
tough and bruising campaign is President Nixon chats with William F. Buckley Jr. at t
over and the voters' judgment is would nominate Buckley as a member of the U.S. Ad
in and I respect the electoral pro- mission advises the U.S. Information Agency on inter
cess. self is already used to dispensing information. He is
"We in the black community noted syndicated columnist of the conservative vein.
and the young people have been
disappointed," Bradley added
-"We shared the hope that a man STATE BUILDING SUPPORT:
can be judged on his merit alone.
I'm not going to give up on this
Bradley, favored in the election:
after scoring a 100,000-vote mar- ta l
gin over Yorty in the primary,P
-Associated Press
o vernment
he White House after Nixon yesterday said he
dvisory Commission on Information. The com-
rnational information activities. Buckley him-
the editor of the National Review, and a
-Associated Press
Mayor Yorty
Te Inants Union
The Ann Arbor Democratic party at an open meeting las
night approved a strong endorsement of the rent strike. Th
Democrats also condemned the conspiracy suit brough
against the rent strike steering committee "as an attack o
the legitimate right to organize a democratic union."
The party also endorsed the California grape boycott an
elected a new chairman. Walter Scheider, current part
leader, won re-election over third ward chairman Tomn
In approving the resolution backing the rent strike, th
party affirmed the right of a tenant to withhold rent from
a landlord if he has a contractual grievance, and urge
- "landlords "to bargain openl;
iy proposal
trailed from the start of the count
Tuesday night.
The turnout, about 75.6 per dent
of the city's 1,127,224 registered
voters, was an obvious help for
Yorty in a city with a 15 to 20 per,
cent black population.
Supporters of Bradley said they
have lodged a complaint with the
state attorney general's office over
a "candidates card" distributed in
the area of the city where most
blacks live.
They claimed the card said
Bradley votes should be made on
hole No. 3 of the punchcard com-
puter ballot. If voters did so, they
would have voted for Yorty.
Yorty, 59, campaigned on his
eight-year administration of the
nation's third largest city. He
starts his new term, at $35,000 a
year, on July 1.
Bradley, 51, a lawyer and former
police lieutenant making his first
citywide race, claimed Yorty con-
ducted the "dirtiest campaign in
this city's history." Yorty had
charged Bardley had surrounded
himself with Negro militants.
Bradley's campaign chief. Dem-
ocratic National Committeeman
Stephen Rheinhardt said, "Blue
collar workers who were afraid of
blacks, afraid they will take their
sa tisfie,4
Although the proposed capital
outlay bill is $1.8 million less than
the governor's recommendation
for the University, University of-!
ficials have registered approval of
the recommendation that $4.9
million be allocated to University
capital projects in the coming
"We are encouraged that the
University's pressing needs for
classrooms, offices, and laborator-
ies in major academic areas have
been recognized by the Senate
Appropriations Committee," says
Arthur M. Ross, vice president for!
planning and state relations.
"It's been years since a state-
supported building for academic
needs outside of the health area
was authorized," he adds.
Except for construction in the
health science area, there has been
no state appropriations for aca-
demic facilities since the early
1960's. In those years, funds for
the School of Music Bldg., the
Physics and Astronomy Bldg., and
the Fluids Engineering Laboratory
were authorized by the legislature.
offic ia ls
An authorization implies intent!
to allocate funds in the future, but s
does not bind the legislature toi
do so. The authorization, however,
is a sign that the lawmakers rec-
ognize the need to construct theE
The proposed bill of the Senate
Appropriations Committee allo-
cates construction money for six!
University projects.r
The bill, reported to the SenateE
floor Monday, contains $2 milliont
for the Modern Language Bldg. tot
be constructed north of Hill Aud.
The six-story building will cost
an estimated $6.3 million when1
completed. The state has prom-t
ised to pay up to $5.3 million
$100 thousand is also earmarkedE
for completion of plans for re-
modeling the general library. This E
project includes major renovationsX
of utility and vertical transporta-
tion systems.'
The proposal also authorizes'
$220 thousand for completion oft
plans for a new Architecture andY
Design building to be built on2
North Campus. If plans can bex
completed during the 1969-70 fis-t
City to honor
victims of
MVietnam war
with tenants in contractual
The resolution was passed with
a final amendment by Peter Dar-
row, local attorney and parlia-
mentarian at last night's meet-
ing, which claimed that "over the
years the University has abdicated
its responsibility in housing."
The endorsed resolution com-
cal year, Ross says, the University
will seek a supplemental appro-
priation to start construction.
Both the departments of Art
and Architecture have been warn-
ed bystheir respective accrediting
groups that improvements must
be made if the departments are to
remain in good standing.
The proposal also authorizes $2
million forcontinuation of work
on the $17 million School of Dent-
istry Bldg. The state has agreed
to finance $11 million of that
Construction started on the
Dental Bldg. in March, 1966.
The bill also provides for $500
thousand to remodel the Women's
Hospital in . University Hospital,
and to provide a neurosurgery op-
erating room for the main hos-
The Senior Medical Staff in
1964 made strong recommenda-
tions for the immediate addition
of 500 beds to the present main
hospital. These two new authori-
zations are part of long-range
plansforha proposed Medical Cen-
ter which would include the new
500 bed general hospital.
It is anticipated that federal
support will be available for par-
ticipation in the cost of this pro-
ject, Ross says-
The proposed capital outlay bill
also includes $120 thousand to
complete, renovation of the eleva-
tors in University Hospital, a job
costing $1,620,000.
A separate bill authorizes the
Budget Bureau in the governor's
office to assign funds for prelimi-
nary planning of four new Uni-
versity buildings without specify-
ing costs.
These would include a chemistry
building, an engineering building,
and two buildings at Flint College.
See BUDGET, Page 3
The ad hoc committee drafting new Regental bylaws
decided yesterday to submit its bylaw draft to Student Gov-
ernment Council and Senate Assembly despite lack of con-
sensus among committee members themselves.
The committee, which had intended to hold its final
meeting yesterday, will meet again Monday at 9 a.m. to com-
plete work on the bylaws. Later, it will simultaneously make
the draft public to the University community and submit it
to SGC and Assembly.
The committee will ask the Assembly and SGC to either
reject or approve the entiret
bylaw package.
Members of the Assembly and Nxon ask
SGC have bath said there are cer-
tan provisions in the bylaws now
they consider unacceptable. The "
bylaw committee agreed thattif
bath bodies do not approve the 1 1 r a e
entire bylaw package, members of
SGC and Assembly would then ' "
form a new committee to resolve
the differences.
This new committee would be
informally charged by the present WASHINGTON (M) - Presi-
committee to present a bylaw draftdetNxnpo sdysera
to the Regent by Sept. 1. If there dent Nixon proposed yesterday
are still areas of disagreement at a partially revamped, $2.6-
that time, SGC and Assembly billion foreign aid program
could present their respective posi- with a price tag of $900 mil-
tions to the Regents along with lion above what Congress re-
the bylaw draft. lo bv htCnrs e
Mike Davis, a bylaw committee luctantly voted last year.
member, said he hopes the draft In his first message to the legis-
presented to the Regents this fall lators on the perennially embattled
would have the approval of SGC program, Nixon said his new ad-
and Assembly. ministration's aid review has
"I would hope that the Regents "come to this central conclusion"
would not take any action on a so far:
bylaw draft, that was not approved "U.S. assistance is essential to
by either of the two bodies," Davis express and achieve our national
said. goals in the international corn-
The decision to leave any further munity--a world order of peace
major revisions in the bylaw draft and justice."
to a future committee was made Pending a stem-to-stern aid
yesterday when it became ap- study by a task force which could
parent that the present committee recommend a major overhaul of
would not be able to reach a con- the program a year hence, Nixon
sensus. stressed in his interim blueprint
The committee subsequently de- for atle fiscal year starting next
cided that SGC and the Assembly July 1:
should revise the proposed bylaws Technical assistance for back-
to make them acceptable to both ward areas; creation of a public
bodies before submitting them to
the Regents. But even if a con-
sensus is not reached, the bylaws So long
will still be brought before the William Shakespeare once
Regents Sept. 1. sai Eu sever.Th
The committee was able to de- Michigan Daily staff sall do
cide its own fate because it was M likewise today eac in our own
never officially established and itsslikeiet o nsourn
only charge was to draft new Re- leraubications shs. oeae unt-
gental bylaws implementing theTey u ns shllyeaut
recommendations of the Hatcher Tuesday, June 3. Bye.
Commission Report on the Role of
Students in Decision-Making. corporation to promote U.S. pri-
The committee's charge never vate investing there; food produc-
specified to whom the draft must tion and family planning help;
be submitted or a deadline for and joint giving by economically
completion. Some members said, advanced nations.
however, that the Regents expect Nixon said he considered the
results soon- $900 million increase to be "ne-
The two major controversies cessary to meet essential require-
preventing a consensus within the ments now, and to maintain a
committee now drafting the by- base for future action."
laws concern section 7.07, part 2, Nixon's aim is to help refill the
which gives professional school foreign aid pipeline which U.S.
faculties some jurisdiction over aid proponents contend was dan-
students' non-academic behavior, gerously depleted by Congress' ac-
and section 7.05, part 1, which tion last year in substantially
provides for the seating of two slashing the budget below Presi-
students without voting privileges dent Johnson's request.
on the Regents. ' In indirect admission that the
The first provision was included program faces another tough
at the insistance of professional round in Congress, Nixon's foreign
school representatives on the aid chief, Dr. John Hannah, for-
Hatcher Commision and on the ad mer president of Mihigan State
hoc committee who felt they had University, told newspen he hopes
See 'U' BYLAW, Page 3 to get the full $2.6 billion "but
Ann Arbor residents will gather bined a statement of support in jobs," provided the deciding dif-
tomorrow to hold a special Memo- the party newsletter with a state- ference.
rial Day service to honor the ment drafted by the rent strike
American servicemen who have steering committee.0
been killed in the Vietnam war. Fred Arnstein of the steering
The Interfaith Council for committee said the resolution of Sen ce o
Peace has scheduled a public the Tenants Union "deals more
reading of the names of those explicitly with the issues" than
who have died-over 34,000-in a the resolution of support on the lii-t) 1I, l
continuous service from 5 a.m. un- newsletter.1. 11 aL 'I
til the list is completed, probably Scheider was re-elected by a
early Saturday morning. vote of 351-200.Excitement over By TOBE LEV
Names of Michigan men killed the contest brought the highest
in the war will be read on the Diagd voter turiout in recent party his- The National Science Founda-
tomorrow from 12 to 1:15 p.m. Itory, but the ranks quickly thin- tion will probably impose a sec-
ThM emrorial Daytobservanm. ned after the election was over. ond consecutive expenditure limi-
will begin at 5 a.m. on the plaza of Murray accused Scheider of tation on its grants to the
ity gin Ha Tmnthe ading by 56handing "decisions from the top -University for the coming fiscal
City Hall. The reading, by 56 dw nta fwrigfo h year.
clegymn, ounilmn, rofssosdown instead of working from theyer
clergyman, councilmen. professors, b~tu"H e aelcle An expenditure limitation is a
doctors, "lawyers, and housewives, bottom up." He repeatedly called A xedtr iiaini
otinuwes and St.ThomseCath' on the party to give a greater ceiling on the amount of founda,
will continue at St. Thomas Cath-yoei plc akn Lit ok ion money researchers may spend
olic Church from 9 to.11:45 a.m. role in policy making to its work- to oe eerhr a pn
ers . in the next fiscal year.
After the noon reading on the urraye "A ceiling is not the same thing
Diag, the group will move to Beth Muiray diew suppoit rm the as a cut," says A. Geoffrey Nor-
Israel until 5:45. The remainder local New Democratic Coalition man, vice-president for research,
of the list will be read at the First and the Washtenaw Building and "but really a stretchout in the
Presbyterian Church. . See DEMOCRATS, Page 3 sense that what a researcher isn't
indation may continue
on 'U' research grants
allowed to spend in NSF funds;
this year he puts aside for next
Last year's expenditure limita-
tion was $6.4 million, which forced
-researchers to withhold about $1.5
million for the future.
"The notice from the NSF is
not very helpful. We have no idea
what the ceiling will be and in a
sense it tells us that your guess
is as good as ours," Norman says.
He adds that the ceiling may
not be set until September, well
into the fiscal year.
The ceiling will depend on
Congress, Norman says. It may
not appropriate enough money to
the NSF or it; may give President
Richard Nixon an expenditure
ceiling for his entire budget,
The latter course would force
the bureau of the budget to im-
pose limitationshon several pro-
grams, most likely including the
"NSF received its first ceiling
last year," Norman explains. "At
that time Congress applied a ceil-
ing to President Johnson's budget
to insure that incoming funds
from the 10% surtax would not
be squandered-
Certain programs have been ex-
empted from ceilings, however.
These include individual fellow-
ships and travel awards, trainee-
ships awarded to institutions and
short courses and summer insti-
tutions for college teachers.
Norman says this year the Uni-!
versity "funded the traineeship
program 100% anyway." "We put
all funds1from NSF earmarked
for trainees toward trainees," he
"It would be very unfair to cut'
traineeship appointments since
they are made for spring of the
following year," Norman says.
"The salaries are low anyway."
See the
A three week field trip to the Soviet
Union during July will be a major part of
History 506 at the University's Dearborn
Campus this summer.
The class, historical origins of the Soviet
Union, is taught by Dr. Dennis Papazian
who received his Ph.D. in Russian Studies
from the University's Ann Arbor campus.
The trip is an experiment this year, but
Papazian believes "the 20th century stu-
dent, if he or she is at all conecrned with
for 'U'
' Sumnmer fun finds
a new 'Alternative'
After nearly a year of red tape and ever-changing plans, there
is an Alternative.
The student-faculty run coffee house has found a temporary home
in the courtyard of the Student Activities Bldg. and the opening is
scheduled for Friday, June 6.
The Carnal Kitchen, now at Canterbury House, will be at the
coffee house for an all-night jam session to celebrate the grand
Temporary location in the SAB came as a result to problems which
developed after the Alternative was scheduled to move into a room
at the Union.
Prof. Marc Ross of the physics department, one of the Alter-
native's originators says attempts to locate in the Union were ham-
history would indicate than is
pretty optimistic."
Lending substance to this reser-
vation was the comment of Sen-
ate Majority Leader Mike Mans-
field (D-Mont). "I don't think
he'll get the $2.6 billion," he said.
In stressing technical assistance
-the imparting of specialized
know how in fields ranging from
farming to family planning-Nix-
on said this type of aid "can make
our dollars for all forms of aid go
He earmarked $463 million for
technical assistance, compared
with last year's $337 million, and
proposed a new technical assist-
ance bureau within the aid-ad-
ministering Agency for Interna-
tional Development.
South Vietnam leads the list of
aid-receiving countries during the
coming year with $440 million un-
der the Nixon economic aid for-
mat. This is about the same as
last year and amounts to a special
program related to the war.
India. the most nonulous nation
hours credit for the trip depending on
how many classes they, attend. If there is
enough space, students may be able to go
without receiving academic credit.
The group is scheduled to leave Detroit
July 9 and return July 30. In Russia, stu-
dents will travel by bus, plane, or train to
Leningrad, Moscow, Zagorsk, Sochi, Yere-
van, and Kiev. Other stops may also be
made, Papazian says. ,
To receive credit each student will be
required tg keep a complete journal of his
impressions during the trip. After return-
Summer institutes are programs pered by the unclear status of the Union, which is currently under
in science education run for high evaluation by members of a committee formed to study the Osterheld
school or college teachers, for the report. The report recommends that student activities' offices be
purpose of upgrading their qualmoved to the Union.