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May 28, 1969 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-28

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Page Two



Wednesday, May 28, 1969



Although there have been
numerous weird musical experi-
nients in the last twenty years,
ranging from the chimerical
percussions of Virgil Partch to
the music concrete of Messers.
Schafer and Henry, perhaps
none have been as unusual as
the compositions of Conlon
Nancarrow. Nancarrow, born in
1912 and now an expatriot in
Mexiso, writes for, thei player-
He has been doing so since
around 1948, but it wasn't until
choreographer Merce Cunning-
ham devised a ballet around
Nancarrow's Studies for Player
Piano in 1960 that this arch-in-
dividualist received a modibum
of fame. Appropriately enough,
the sets for that ballet were
designed by Robert Rauschen-
berg, the painter-sculptor now
involved in trying to devise "art
works" which will depend for
their form, behavior, and effect
solely upon the changes in the
environment. That other- pro-
found dabbler in the arts, John
Cage, worked on Cunningham's
ballet, and it is curious that
these three would be interested
in Nancarrow's music. Cage,
after all espouses the intrusion
of chance in music; Rauschen-
berg seeks to withdraw as ar-
biter of form and meaning; even
Cuningham eschews any codi-
fication of dance movements
that would cut across the speci-
fic exigencies of each ballet.
Yet nothing could be more
rigid, controlled, and formal
than music for player-piano.
Nancarrow not only punches his
own piano ro Is directly 'with a
special home-made machine,
but he so constructs his music
that only his .own Ampico play-
er-pianos can reproduce the
rolls. Moreover, his music itself
can never escape either the in-
flexible tempo of the machine
or the fact of equal stress for
all notes, futher complicated by
the phenomenon of all high
iotes automatically sounding
louder than low notes.

iossibilities of player piano

Tenants Union files countersuit

Continued from Page 1)

is certain how much money is in-

Evett's work,
of sorts.

and Nancarrow's
for player-piano;
too, is an oddity

-Daily-R. A. Perry

The ways in which Nancarrow
solves, or better yet absorbs
these problems, add interest and
delight to his Studies, twelve of
which may be heard, on a new
Columbia relea se MS 7222.
Rather than complain, as some
critics have, that Nancarrow'sk
music lacks depth because of the
limitations of the - player-piano
(how deep is a Beethoven
bagatelle, anyway?), one can
marvel at the richness of effect
that the composer does achieve.
(Furthermore, despite, our pro-
pensities to (ight-track, non-
stop tapestone does not have
to listen to the entire record at
one sitting.) From the early,

raf time numbers to the more
complex, recent exercises, there
is much to admire in Nancar-
row's Studies.
Number 2 evokes the ragtime
piano, but the stop-start tempo
shows Your Father's Moustache
through the warped prismus of
Dr. Caligari's Cabinet. Study
Number 10 attempts the "blues"
and it' is as close to lyricism as
Nancarrow ventures. A g a i n
mechanism intrudes and Nan-
carrow gives us no human blues
but the tears of a Pinocchio.
Study Number 7 is the longest
exercise and the most involved,
with provacative juxtapositions
of demonic areggios and decep-


The Daily Official .Bulletin is an
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Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar \Items appear once only.
Student organization notices a r e
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more information, phone 764-9270.
Da Calendar
Wednesday, May 28
The Initial Management of the. Acute-
ly Ill or Injured Patient Seminar -
General Session, D o w Auditorium,
Towsley Center for Continuing Medical
Education, 8:30 a.m.
Department of Anatomy Seminar -
Whitney R. Powers, Ph.D., Associate'
Professor, Boston University, "The Ef-
fect of ' Handedness in the Conscious
Isolation and Control of Single Motor
Unit Action Potentials in Man": 2501
East Medical Bldg., 1:10 p.m.
Ann Arbor Branch American Assocla-
tion of University Women Lecture -
Design in Our Lives - Our Time -
Charles W. Cares, Jr., Professor of Land-
scape Architecture, University of Mich-
igan, "The Garden": Rackham Amphi-
theftter, 7:30 p.m.
Regents' Meeting: June 20. CoMmuni-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must be in the President's hands
no later than June 5.
Doctoral Exams
Donald Joseph/ Nefske, Engineering
Mechanics, Dissertation: "Some Velo-
1375 No. MAPLE RD. "769.1300

city and Temperature Distributions 'Tor1
Hamel Flow in Logarithmic Spirals," on
Wednesday, May 28 at 1:00 p.m. in 3153
West Engineering Building, Chairman:s
H. J, Smith.1
Ursula Ruth Brockert Dibner, History,
Dissertation: "The History of the Na-
tionalist Socialist German Student Lea-t
gue," on Wednesday, May 28 at 1:301
p.m. in 3609 Haven Hall, Chairman: G.x
L. Weinberg.<
Arvel Lawrence Fincher, Education,3
Dissertation: "Job Mobility of Academic
Psysicists in AnIerican Higher Educa-
tion: A Preliminary Study," on Wednes-
day, May 28 at 1:30 p.m. in West Coun-t
cil Room, Rackham, Chairman: N. C.
John Wallace Eaton, Anthropology,
Dissertation: "The Human Red Cell:
The Relationship of 2, 3-Diphospho-
glycerate Metabolism a n d Oxygen
Transport," on Wednesday, May 28 at
3:Q0 p.m. in Human Genetics Library
of SPR Building, Chairman, F. B. Liv-
Douglas McClennen, Education and
Psychology, Dissertation: "The Assess-
ment of interpersonal Ou'tcomes inI
Emotionally 1 Disturbed Children," on,
Wednesday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m. at 332.
South State Street, Chairman: Richard1
Placementx z
3200 S.A.B.
Current position openings received b1
general division by mail and p h o n e,
please call 764-7460 for coinpiete infor-
mation and application procedures:
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Community Planning Spec. at several
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exper. Group Home Supervisor, soc. sci.
area BA, 1 yr. Delinquency Prevention
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plus 4. and MA plus 2 yrs. exper. Com-
munity Affairs Consultant, MPH, MBA,F
or soc. sci. MA and 4 years, BA with 61
yrs, or PhD plus 2 yrs. Air Quality En-t
gineer, BSE and 4, years, i'egistrationf
City of Minneapolis, Minn. - Elec-;
trical Engineer. Consultant, active nurs-4
ing care.
Use of this column f o r announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
,nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room,
1011 SAB.
UM Chess Club Meeting, May 28 atj
7:30 p.m. in room 3B in the Union. This
is their weekly meeting.
Rent your
Roommate with
a Classified Ad

tive inactivity. In Number 15 I
hear Sati-like drops of water
on a pond, but Number 19 sug-
gests little beyond the shatter-
ing of glass.
Most of the brief works are
studies ir form, as in Number
21, entitled "Canon X." Here
the bass voice begins slowly and
accelerates while the upper
voice, beginning at breakneck
speed, undergoes entropic de-
cline. Contrived? Perhaps, but
the medium of the player-piano
creates a precision that becomes
strangely unnerving. Certain of
the : studies which depend upon
tight formulas, such as Number
33 where one tempo is related
to the other by the proportion
of two to the square root of two,
seem less effective. Organiza-
tion supercedes meaning there,
but perhaps that is Nancarrow's
message to the modern world.
** *
It is no doubt unfair to Rob-
ert Evett to include his Harp-
sichord Sonata, released this
week by Composers Recordings
Irw., in a review with Nancar-
row. Nevertheless, there are
similarities between his work for
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students of the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,<.
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity, year. Subscription rates! $9 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by
presents a talk by
Bach's Sonata I in G
for Viola Do Gamba
and Clavier
plus an
Election of Officers
Guild House-802 Mnroe
Jelly donuts and Fun!! Attendance
at last meeting was 60! Everyone
Welcome! No musical knowledge
needed (even for officers). , For
further information Call 761
8291, 769-2922, 769-1605.

Evett, present Arts Editor of
the Atlantic and previous holder
of the same post at the New
Republic, has crafted a fas-
cinating harpsichord sonata that
is both old-fashioned and mod-
ern. On one hand, it is divided
into three movements of Baro-
que precedence-slow, fast, slow,
and a concluding rondo. Basic-
ally interested in rhythm and
form', Evett establishes in each
movement a rhythmic and
melodic "theme" of short dura-
tion and he then proceeds not
so much to offer variations as
to "work on" that motif. And
although there are no dynamics,
metronomic indications, or given
registrations in the score, Evett
oddly enough never strays very
far from the original motif of
each movement so that the com-
poser's single-minded insistence
binds the listener to the music.
Yet, where the core of Nancar-
row is maniacal rigidity, the es-
sence of Evett is wit. A Casper
Milquetoast of a man, Evett is
almost as amusing in his music
as he is in his conversation.
Even the more sinister lower
register chord clusters that oc-
cur in the work only conjure up
a fairy-tale boogy-man. That
gentle ogre is the father of
Theodore Roethke's poem, "My
Papa's Waltz," upon which Evett1
bases the rondo of his sonata.
In the rondo, the harpsichord
sounds a clever "oom-pah-pah"
theme and then, characteris-
tically, plays with it as the in-
ebriated father of the poem
bumpily waltzes the son to bed.'
If Evett's Harpsichord Sonata
lacks extensive musical material,
it lnakes up for it in subtlety and
imagination that never slacken.
The work is comic but never
slapstick; the sense of humor
is almost English in its dryness.
Secure in his jobnas respected
editor, Evett does not have to
pander to musical fashions nor
declare himself a disciple in any
stylistic camp; he crafts music
to please himself, and not the
promoters of false posterity.
Robert Parris, to whom the
work was dedicated, plays the
two-manual harpsichord with
imagination and elan to match
Evett's gifts, eppecially consider-
ing the leeway that the cm-
poser allows. Parris and Evett
are best friends and one could
ask for no more sympathetic
a 'erformance. C.R.I. has pro-
vided what is probably the best
recorded harpsichord spund I
have heard, even brighter than
wlfat Mercury gives Raf~el
P yana.

grounds that state law allows volved."r
withholding of rent only where Baren
conditions constitute a health and four sta
safety hazard not caused by the area inf
occupants. tion.
Barense contended that the pur- In his
pose of the rent strike is to Barense
"compel the landlords of Ann granted
Arbor to negotiate with the Ann Councilt
Arbor Tenants Union as the sole used by
bargaining agent for its mem- that the'
bers." free offi
He also suggested that the court service b
order an accounting of the funds "This
being held in escrow "since no one "seemse
Tle student'
to a tuitio

:rming them of his ac- Barense apparently did not sug-
gest what should be done about
letter to ,the legislators, this. The University has main-
claimed that money tamed a neutral stance towards
to Student Government the rent strike, although it has
by the Regents has been been recognized as a student ac-
the Tenants Union, and -tivity and supported by SGC.
Tenants Union is granted The landlords' suit charges the
ce space andtelephonesyrent strike with attacking the con-
action," Barense said cept of private property. They
ntirely Inappropriate In claim the strike involves conspir-
e e n o t acy to violate existing and .future
leases and conspiracy to obtain
" libelous articles in The Daily.
gu id e The landlords are asking for
$10,000 in individual damages,
$300,000 in exemplary damages,
and recovery of more than
h $100,000 held in escrow.

se also sent letters to the
ite legislators from the

view of the fact that the Ann
Arbor Tenants Union is attacking
private owners of property in Ann

'tov T ' t1001Wswiio V-AOILR_ in. 1 _The new countersuit asks that
the strikers be allowed to present
3cntinued from Page iz 000. It will probably be somewhat their claims to a jury, and that
joint Senate - House conference less this year, but still must fig- they be awarded:
committee recommendation was ure into the final determination of
approved in both chambers. level of tuition. th-actiual damages of $500,000 on
At p1 sent, the size of the Uni- .An increase in funds for finan- e anti-trust charge;
versity appropriation in the House cal aids of even half last year's -actual damages of $386,000 on
bill - and the final compromise amount would still necessitate an the other charges;
as- well - are still matters of across-th-board increase of an ad- -exemplary damages of .$100,-
} gueswork.dltional 0.9 per c e n t in studentj 000;
guesswor'k. es
One reasonable guess puts the So after the Legislature h a d -$15,000 in legal fees.
final appropriation at $66.3 mil- agreed on a final appropriation If The countersuit charges that
lion - $1 million above the Sen- the University still needed an ad- the landlords' have "continuously
ate bill and $1 million less than ditional $1 million in non-finan- violated" the Ann Arbor building
the governor's recommendation. cial aids operating funds, the out- and housing codes and other ap-
This $1 million would then have of-state undergraduate would pay plicable city, county and state
to be regained throughan increase about a $14 increase for financial codes in that they have not main-
in student fees. aitds in addition to t h e $54 in- taIned facilities properly, Includ-
The next problem, also partially crease already projected. His total g plumbing, electrical wiring and
a matter of guesswork, is how the annual tuition would then be garbage disposal.
administration will choose to di- about $1610. Annual in-state tui- The landlords involved in the
vide this increase among various tion would be about $500. )suits are Apartments Limited, Ar-
groups of students. Other factors might drive the bor Forest Apartments, Cbarter
At present there are eight dif- increase still higher - even with Realty, Brady Anderson, Charlotte
ferent tuition levels, varying with the same , state appropriation. Van Curler, William Van Fossen
school or college and in-state or Smith says he is trying to come up .and Robert L. Shipman.
out-of-state status. with a budget that would work The \landlords' conspiracy suit
But very likely, the University with funds recommended by the names 91 strikers, "all' organiza-
will maintain the same percentage governor. But, he adds, "Frankly, tions" representing or belonging to
differentials in student fees that I haven's Ibalanced the budget the Tenants' Union, and all co-
presently exist. This would be ac- quite yet." conspirators "whether named or
complished with across-the-board Smith says that if the Legisla- not."
percentage increases in all eight ture passes the $65.3 million ap- --
categories. propriation suggested Monday by
Smith says a committee of ad- t h e State Senate Appropriations
ministrators is being formed to Committee, he would certainly
study th6 long-range structure, make some cut in the budget so
but that no report will be ready that it would balance with the
for implementation this year. $8.7 million increase in total rev-
With student fees presently enue suggested by the governor.
bringing in about $29 million, a But, he adds, if the final appro- a °
3.5r prcent across-the-board tui- priation is higher than the Senate
tion'increase w o u 1 d produce $1 figure, he might leave in a few
million in additional revenue. Ac- more hundreds of thousands of
cording to t h i s formula, under- dollars and support this increase P O T
graduate out - of - state tuition in expenditure with a small addi-
would increase about $54 - given tIbn to the tuition hike. Such an
a final $66.3 million appropriation. addition might amount to $5 for
But there are other factors the out-of-state undergraduate.
which complicate the equation and Thus, given a $66.3 million state in Dai
tend to heighten the increase. appropriation, undergraduate out-
Each t I m e the Regents raise of-state fees might jump to $1615
tuition, for example, they increase' and in-state to about $504.* '
the University's general fund bud- But, of course, no one is=quite
get allocation to financial a i d s. sure about that $6$.3 million
Last year this increase was $550,- figure just yet





Steve says
praises prices.




1, A WOMAN-6:30, 9:30

200 1
a space odyssey


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Star of "Therese and Isabelle"
r I ujj'u

ITe Total romaeArinial
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But how come
that color TV set
his fraternity just bought
costs $300 less than
it used to?

the mini ad
1965 SUPER HAWK. $300, well taken
care of miles. Will sell to highest'
offer by Nov. 1. Andy-761-5930. Z2

ch$a Le: K. eWRMepresents
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Ten years ago, a typical 21-inch color TV set sold for $700.
Today, you can get a comparable set for under $400. With a
lot of improvements, to boot. Like automatic fine tuning. And
less need for servicing.
What brought the price down so dramatically? Many mil.
lions of dollars of advertising, mainly.
Weren't there a lot of technological improvements, too? Yes.
But they might have actually added to the price-without the

1 1


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