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Fair, partly cloudy;
20 per cent chance of rain
Vol. LXXIX No. 16-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 28, 1969 Ten Cents
Bylawdispute: he end... of the beginn
By ERIKA HOFF mittee - as well as members of But in a single instance-and this laws as long as this provision is at today's ad hoc committee meet- group say today's meeting will be The p
and MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Student Government Council and is the center of the controversy- included- ing. And without the approval of its last. ens to l
The ad hoc committee drafting Senate Assembly, which will both the latest draft of the bylaws gives "It's not the University's place both groups, it is unlikely that the Van Der Hout has two further in a sta
new regental bylaws is scheduled act on the proposal-appear to be faculty the power to discipline to decide what is correct behavior bylaw proposal will be adopted by objections to the latest bylaw ment on
to hold its last meeting today to in agreement. students for activities not directly for students," Van Der Hout says. the Regents. proposal and plans to bring these laws by'
complete work on its proposed re- This agreement-the result of related to their academic work. And a majority of SGC members Another provision in the bylaw up at today's ad hoc committee member
vision of rules concerning the role a year of work by the Hatcher The controversial section 7.07. appear to agree with him that the draft which has raised some con- meeting. But n
of students in University decision- Commission and another year by part 2, of the proposed bylaws bylaws should not be approved if troversy is the proposal to seat Under the proposal, the Office controve
.making. the ad hoc committee-is formal- states: "When the graduates of a the controversial provision is re- two non-voting students on the of Student Affairs would be gov- tion of
But despite the two and one- ized in the latest draft of pro- particular academic program nor- tained. Regents. erned by a Policy Board composed Davis sa
half years of work that has gone posed regental bylaws on student mally require a license to practice Faculty m e m b e r s, especially A similar proposal\ was rejected of both students and faculty mem- can onl
into the drafting of the new by- life, conduct and authority in de- their profession, the governing those in professional schools like by the Senate Advisory Committee bers Van Der Hout says the of- only los
laws, controversy over certain cision-making. faculty of the school or college the Medical School which are af- on University Affairs last January fice's present policy board is com- Lasts
provisions may prevent adoption But there is still substantial offering that program is author- fected by the provision, appear to because there was no provision posed solely of students and that layed ac
of the new bylaws for some time disagreement over an important ized to set clear, published be- consider it an essential section of made for faculty representation, this composition should be main- students
to come. section of the bylaws involving havioral standards (relating to the the bylaws. Members of the com- SACUA suggested that this pro- tained in the bylaws. tion ma
"It's possible," says ad hoc com- student conduct and the role stu- licensing requirements) for de- mittee believe this group of facul- vision be deleted from the bylaws. In addition, Van Der Hout says versity (
mittee , member Michael Davis, dents should play in making rules termining grades, awarding de- ty members is large enough to Davis suggests there is still the section on judicial appeals is campus-
"that another ad hoc committee governing their behavior, grees, and continuing enrollment block Senate Assembly approval some possibility of a compromise too vague and unclear on the Under
would be created to start on com- In almost all cases except those in the program." of the bylaws if the provision is package involving both controver- question of whether a student can the Hat
pletely new bylaws with this com- governing academic dishonesty, Student leaders like SGC Exe- removed. sial proposals. appeal a suspension or expulsion sity Cou
mittee's draft as its base." the bylaws gives student conduct cutive Vice President Marc Van Thus, at least one of the two But such a compromise is un- to the Central Student Judiciary. fect aft
In most areas under considera- rule-making power only to repre- Der Hout have expressed strong governing bodies is almost certain likely to be formulated by the ad He said such guarantee is impor- both SG
tion, members of the ad hoc com- sentative s t u d e n t governments, opposition to adoption of the by- to reject the bylaw proposal issued hoc committee. Members of that tant and should be clearly stated. S
Six Pages
resent controversy threat-
eave a series of proposals
te of limbo, despite agree-
most sections of the by-
both students and faculty
oting the results of the
rsy which delayed adop-
the bylaws last summer,
ays he believes students
y gain, and the faculty
e, from further delays.
summer the Regents de-
tion on the bylaws after
objected to a modifica-
de in the section on Uni-
Council -.the tri-partite
wide legislative body.
the original proposal of
cher Commission, Univer-
ncil rules would take ef-
er they were ratified by
C and Senate Assembly.
ee DISPUTE, Page 3
The Intramural Advisory Committee
endorse a setof recommendations for the
proposed IM recreational facilities.
cons piracy
against larl
failed yesterday to
Regents concerning
The committee met to discuss a rough draft of a proposal
written by committee member William Steude, director of
student community relations. The committee had hoped to
come up with a final proposal.
The rough draft of the pr
HOuse uit
to cut, tax
dented restrictions on private
foundations, designed to prevent
them from piling up investments
and dispensing fuIds to individu-
als, have been tentatively agreed
on by-House tax writers.
The House Ways and Means
Committee, reporting yesterday on
its first round of tax reform deli-
berations, also disclosed proposals
to do away gradually with the
privilege of wealthy donors to
write off their whole income
against charitable donations.
Other decisions included:
-Curbs on the use of special.
farm tax provisions to shelter in-
come from taxation.
-Elimination of the now-legal
procedure for lowering corporate
taxes by organizing a business into
several subsidiaries.
-A clamp-down on the tax ad-
vantages available in merger oper-
ations receive from unrelated busi-
This is only the start of what
the committee envisions as a
major tax code revision. It will
resume closed sessions next Tues-
' The crackdown on foundation
operations dominated the commit-
tee's first progress report, which
covers its deliberations to date-
but less than half the tax prob-
lems ultimately to be considered.
oposal stipulated that a spec-
ial "student fee allocation"
should be "considered as a last
However, committee findings
show that a tuition hike is the
only feasible method of funding
the facilities.
The major disagreement con-
cerned recommending methods of
funding the proposed facilities.
Most committee members agree
student opinion should be evalu-
ated before a special fee assess-
ment for funding the facilities is
implemented by the Regents.
However, several committee
members, including the chairman,
Athletic Director Don Canham,
believe it is not a function of the
committee to recommend proce-
dures to determine funding.
Canham said yesterday, "We are
being asked to recommend a policy
on procedures to be followed by
the Financial Office and the Re-j
gents. This is not the function of
this committee."
Education Prof. Loren /Barritt
disagreed with Canham. He intro-
duced an amendment to the com-
mitee's proposal stating no student
fee increase should be assessed
until a "program for involving the
student body in the decision is
developed in conjunction with
Student Government Council."
However, no vote was taken on
the motion.
Several student organizations
have asked that a referendum be
held in the fall to determine stu-
dent attitude toward the proposed
facilities and student willingness
to fund them through a tuition
The organizations include Stu-
dent Government Council. Inter-
House Assembly, Stockwell House
Council, the Tenants' Union, and
Inter-Fraternity Council."
-Associated Press
TOM BRADLEY is interviewed by newsmen after he voted in last night's election. Polls had
predicted he would defeat incumbent Mayor Sam Yorty's bid for a third term.
The Tenants Union has
filed a one million dollar
countersuit against the seven
landlords who are currently
seeking a court injunction
against the rent strike on
grounds that it is a conspiracy
to violate leases.
The Tenants Union counter-
suit charges that the landlords
have violated' leases and anti-
trust statutes. The landlords are
charged with "banding together
In an unreasonable restraint of
trade," breaching leases through
"inadequate facilities," and "fraud-
ulent misrepresentation" of the
condition of their properties.
Rent strike legal spokesman
Dale Berry explained yesterday
that the countersuit will be tried
with the landlords' suit in Cir-
cuit Court under Judge William
Ager. That 'case is scheduled to
resume June 6 when Ager is to
rule on motions from both sides
for immediate settlement of the
Berry said the landlords' attor-
ney must file a reply to the coun-
tersuit before any action can be
taken. However, he added that he
expected the attorney, William
I Barense, to"file motions for dis-
missal of the countersuit.
In addition, Barense has asked
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley to
intervene in the conspiracy case.
In a letter to Kelley, Barense cited
a state law (Act 286 of 1968)
which provides that any rent
withheld be paid to the court. a
Barense asked that Kelley in-
tervene under his power to super-t
vise trust funds "not only on the1
landlords behalf, but also on be-
half of all persons who have made
payments in lieu of rent to theZ
Tenants Union or its members." t
Barense's letter also questionedx
the legality of the rent strike on
See TENANTS. Pre 2 r
Dale Berry
w A Va - vcalrae
+.L . . .iiii f+ T V r
LOS ANGELES (j)-Two-term'
incumbent Sam Yorty, hoping to
confound the pollsters, clung to a
dwindling leadover Councilman
Thomas Bradley in the slow
counting of returns last night
from a record turnout in the non-
partisan mayor runoff election.
About one million votes were
Bradley, 51, attempting to be-
come the first black elected may-
or of the nation's third most pop-
ulous city, ran 100,000 ahead of
Yorty in the April 1 primary and
the polls had showed him holding
a margin.
Returns from 765 of 2,890 pre-
cincts, including the absentees,
gave Yorty 125,998, or 56 per cent,
to 99,045, or 44 per cent for Brad-I
Yorty, 59, running on his record
over the past eight years, jumped
off to an early lead on the basis
of the first-counted absentees,
where he had been expected to
lead. His margin there was 10,247
to 6,691.
Bradley cut into that margin
with every subsequent report.,-
Bradley, supported by most
leading Democrats, was making
his first citywide race. Yorty also
A student guide to tuition hikes,
is a Democrat but over the years
has feuded with most leaders of
the party.
Bradley said if he became mayor
it would give "hope" to people all
across the nation and would lead
the day to reconciliation between
the races. He hoped to join Rich-
ard Hatcher, of Gary, Ind., and
Carl Stokes, of Cleveland, Ohio, as
black mayors of large cities.
Blacks make ups15 to 20 per
cent of Los Angeles' voting pop-
ulation-far less than in Gary or
Both Bradley and Yorty are
Democrats. But most party leaders
supported Bradley. Yorty, proud
of his reputation as the "maverick
mayor," alienated many of them
with his hawkish views on foreign
policy and his refusal to support
John F. Kennedy for president in
1960 and former Gov. Edmund G.
Brown for governor in 1966.
Polls showed Bradley, a tall,
soft-spoken former police lieu-
tenant, had maintained his pri-
mary lead through the runoff
The Los Angeles Times poll, re-
leased Monday, had Bradley ahead
53 to 36 per cent, with 11 per cent
undecided. The Field Poll said
Bradley led 43 to 38 per cent with
19 per cent undecided.
Yorty banked on a heavy voter
turnout in the predominantly
white suburbs of the San Fernan-
do Valley and the harbor area. He
sent thousands of precinct work-
ers into the streets on election
AOUV 1ailXXIN~r, g
Dems to' elect head
,debate strike support,
The Ann Arbor Democratic Party will hold an open meet-
ing tonight to elect a new chairman and consider support of
a Tenants Union resolution on the rent strike.
The candidates for party chairman are Walter Scheider,
the present chairman, and Thomas Murray, a party ward
Dale Berry, rent strike legal spokesman, says the Tenants
Union resolution "deals a little more explicitly with the Issues
than the previous endorsement of the rent strike by the
Besides defending the right of tenants to unionize, the
new statement specifically condemns the conspiracy charge
,brought against them by Ann
Harris, citizen group
discuss police review
Daily News Analysis
Sometime this summer, probably in July,
the Regents will be polled by phone and
the official list of tuition-levels for 1969-70
will be announced.
But until that day - the same day that
the Legislature approves the 1969-70 high-
er education appropriations bill - no one
can be quite sure what those tuition levels
will be.
Meanwhile, administrators 1 i k e Vice
President f o r Academic Affairs Allan
Smith keep looking for a few more dol-
lars to cut out of the budget in order to
minimize the tuition increase. And stu-
the difference between what they say is
the smallest state appropriation they can
"live with" and the actual size of the ap-
This year, administrators say they would
try not to increase tuition if the level of
the final state appropriation is equal to
the governor's $67.3 million recommenda-
There is a difference of $2 million be-
tween the governor's figure and the $65.3
million recommendation of the State Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee in the high-
er education appropriations bill reported to
the Senate floor Monday.
A group of citizens presented to
Mayor Robert Harris last night
10, "positive" suggestions to pre-
vent possible police harassment.
The Ann Arbor Citizens Con-
cerned About Police-Community
Relations called for a civilian re-
view in the wake of a chain of
incidents that have heightened
tensions in the city.
"We want to move toward the
alleviation of what we consider a
poor situation," said Prof. Robert
Beyer. "These are positive sugges-
tions: we're nolt trving to tear
board but has failed to find a suc-
cessful model in the country.
The second suggestion the citi-
zens committee made to Harris
was to hire attorneys to be present
at the police station at all times to
"ensure the civil rights of all those
detained or arrested" Harris said
this would require hiring four
laywers in addition to the four al-
ready hired, with the approximate
cost of $48,000.
Harris also argued that the most
frequent complaint is not con-
cerned with the ignorance of civil
rights but with personality con-
flicts that lead to possible escala-
Arbor landlords.
The resolution calls the suit
"reminiscent of the union-busting
action of industries in the twen-
ties and thirties."
The local party supported the
rent strike in the 1969 election
platform. Their resolution assert-
ed that "the collective bargaining
between residential tenants and
their landlords is not onlydesir-
able and fair but that it is a right
which should have the protection
of state, and if legally possible,
local law."
The Tenants' Union resolution
is an amendment to a resolution
in the Democratic Party newslet-
ter, which is always sent out ten
days before the public meeting.
Under party bylaws, all reso-
lutions presented from the floor
must first appear in the newsletter
or must be amendments or sub-
stitutions to resolutions already in
the newsletter.
Berry says the steering commit-