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May 10, 1969 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-10

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Saturday, May 10, 1969



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Agi nst

.x. 200 miles on a bicycle!
You've got to be kiddig .. .
When Charles DeGaulle, who some consider the greatest
living French monument, retired recently there was no great
upheaval in the country, no massive movement for his return,
no burning or rioting in the streets, simply a complacent coun-
But when Jan Janssen, with his arms waving and his body
exhausted from well over 2000 miles and 23 days of tortures rid-
ing crossed the finish line to capture the 1968 Tour de France
Bicycle Race he was proclaimed a national hero by hundreds
of thousands of screaming fans and pocketed -a few hundred
thousand from prize money and advertisements.
There is no one in America that could compare to the
idealization that the winner of the Tour de France receives.
Most Americans would answer Babe, Ruth as the greatest
sport figure of all times, but in France all would answer Jacques
Anquetil, who has won more Tour de Frances than anyone else
and now races sport cars for Ford Motor Company.
In the United States there is no one sport that can unify
the entire country, local heroes and teams-yes, but rarely a
national figure.
IN CONTRAST FRANCE is mystisized by the bicycle.
Bicycle racing is more than just the national pastime, every
child by the time he can walk dreams of being a great bike racer.
One also should remember that the bicycle is the major means
of transportation in the country and that when the work week
is through the Frenchman looks forward for the local bike races.
On this .side of the Atlantic the winner of the National
Cycling Championship in the United States (I forget his name)
receives a hand shake and a plaque for his uncountable hours
of practice and then walks home since nobody sits down after
several hours on one of those miniature seats.
Cycling has never had much of an attraction here. In fact
cycling is one of the very few sports where the United States has
never won any kind of Olympic medal. The only users of bikes
are the younger set who ditch them for a GTO as soon as they
turn 16, and for the over thirty generation who are trying to get
back in shape.
So where does that leave us? Well, for all those kids who still
ride bikes, or for those who would like to test their stamina, the
Wolverine Sports Club is sponsoring the Eight Annual Wolverine
Cycle Marathon next weekend May 17 and 18 at Belle Isle which
is a few miles from Cobo Hall in Detroit.
THE MARATHON BEGINS at 12:00 O'clock Saturday
afternoon and the riders are given 24 hours to complete 200
miles or forty laps around the Island.
Everyone who enters is given a patch and additional patches
are presented for participants who complete 50 miles in four
hours, 100 miles in ten hours, and 200 miles in 24 hours.
Mike Walden, an old Detroit racing enthusiast who has
coached many Detroit Olympic riders and heads the race noted,
° "Last year we had almost 400 participants and although it
rained, 145 finished the 20 miles, many of which were children
and adults who have done little riding."
This year there are already over 400 entrants and the
Sports Club expects a few hundred-niore by Saturday.
The Wolverine Sports Club is especially proud of its safety
record in that during the eight years of the Marathon there have
been no serious injuries.
TIERE HAVE, of course, been several amusing stories. One
year a student was so exuberant over finishing the last lap of
the marathon that he was yelling and screaming while paying
no attention to where he was going. After riding his bike into
the stands he flew over the handle bars to the top row where he
remained dazed.
Perhaps the best story, though, was when a student named
Zevo started the marathon at noon and raced like hell and
finished 100 miles by 6 O'clock. Then he quickly changed clothes
and drove off for a heavy date. He returned at 2 a.m. and rushed
off to finish the 200 miles. About half an hour later he was dis-
covered unconscious next to his fallen bike. After a quick trip
to the hospital he said, that someone threw something at him,
but the kids who were riding behind him swore he fell asleep
at the wheel.
Aside from the few top amateurs who are to set the record
for the 200 miles (around 11 hours) the rest are out for a good
time. Even if you can pnly ride a few miles there is a side
benefit since hot dogs and drinks are provided for all the riders.

ed 13c 1cP
Ed 1Juckter. wNho bws out atto
seaonhsb in whic the giyalsfled
to tlke'the playe s int
Jucker formeltwas nahd
at the Unierhthe Cincinnati
where ho hadw -CaA plam-
pionshin whach t
"It's a pleasure to be back in
professional basketball,' Cousy
told a news conference yesterday,
but added that he. did± not'antii-
pateare-entering basketballnthis
Max Jacobs, chairman of t he
board of the Royals, announcedc1
Cousy's appointment and said
Jucker would be offered another
position with the Cincinnati or-
ganization. He still has a year to
go on a three-year contract.
Jucker was reported to be mak-
ing about $22.000 a year. There
was no announcement regarding
Cousy's salary. But Cousy had said
before "the money they're talking
is fantastic.
Royals' attendance has dropped
off the past two years although
the club has two highly-paid stars
-Jerry Lucas and Oscar Robert-
Cousy said he also has a three-
year agreement.

r 9

(I rI




ilot problem Royals

r'{ l' 3 S
For th-e lst years Cousy has
coached at Boston College with a
117-34 record. He resigned, ef-
fective the end of the past season,
and his 1968-69 team was runner-
up to Temple in the National In-
vitation Tournament in New York.
Cousy said negotiations with the
Royals had been in progress from
three to five weeks.
"I always have been aware of
how popular basketball is here and
I always was warmly received
here," Cousy said and then added
with a grin. "particularly when
we The Celtics lost."
Cousy said he wanted to talk
with all Royalt' players. Asked
about, reports thnat the combina-
tion of Lucas and Robertson
should be broken up, he said, "I
want to talk with them. Certainly,
I feel Robertson may be the great-
est player ever."
He said he was "well aware of
the talent" on the Royals and that
his aim would be "to exploit that

NFL confronts $7 million suit;
'Deacon' ponders retirement
By The Associated Press
0 NEW YORK--Tel-Ra Productions, Inc. of Philadelphia filed a
$7 million antitrust suit in Federal Court in New York yesterday
against the member clubs of the National Football League and the
American Football League, commissioner Pete Rozelle and NFL Films,
Inc., and its president, Ed Sabel.
The suit contends that "defendants forced it, Tel-Ra, out of the
profitable television market for professional football films for which
it seeks over $7 million in damages." It also contends "defendants
are monopolizing the business of filming major league professional
football games for later television exhibition."
Tel-Ra handled the NFL Weekly Highlight films for television from
1949 to 1964 and did the AFL Highlights from 1965 to 1967.
In 1968 the Highlights were made by AFL Films, Inc. NFL Films
and AFL Films are separate companies, owned by the clubs in each
league. Ed Sabel is president of both companies.
Commissioner Rozelle's office had no comment.
0 LOS ANGELES-All-pro defensive end David "Deacon" Jones
of the Los Angeles Rams said yesterday he is seriously considering
retiring, perhaps before the 1969 National Football League Campaign.
"I am 30 years old and I have to look out for my future. I want
to retire while I'm on top," the agile, 6-foot-5, 250-pound Jones told
The Associated Press.
* * *
® CHICAGO-Juan Marichal, ace pitcher for the San Francisco
Giants, probably will miss the entire weekend series with the Chicago
Cubs because of slight muscle pull in the rib cage.
* * *
* ATLANTA-The Atlanta Hawks traded five-year veteran Paul
Silas to the Phoenix Suns Friday for rookie forward Gary Gregor and
a player to be named later.
Silas, a 6-foot-7 graduate of Creighton, was the only Hawk to
appear in all 82 games last season. He averaged just under nine
points and 10 rebounds per game.
Gregor played in 80 games for the Suns and averaged 11.1 per
game. His high for the season was 28 points against San Diego Dec.
28. He led the Suns in rebounding, grabbing a total of 711 for the
,,.. .... ,.,..":. 4 ,. ,..4 .
Major League Standigs

Th( ouse'-iew vRoyal coach


By The Associated Press
DETROIT -Dean Chance and
two relievers combined to pitch a
four-hitter last night as the Min-
nesota Twins ripped Detroit 6-2
for their 10th victory in the last
11 games.
Chance, making his first start
since he was sidelined two weeks
ago with arm trouble, blanked the
Tigers on two hits until the sev-
enth inrning, when Jim Northrup
tagged a two-run homer. Bob Mil-
ler protected Chance's third vic-
tory in as many decisions with

YF aOTiie Ts SAteT1le
3th inning help from Ron Per- Chance protected the 3-0 lead
noski. until Norm Cash walked in the!
Harmon Killebrew capped the seventh and Northrup poled his
ins' 12-hit atotck with his third homer.


eighth homer, a two-run blast in
the ninth.
The Twins nicked Earl Wilson,
1-4, for a run in the first on a
walk and Tony Oliva's double.
They filled the bases in the-fourth
on Graig Nettles' single, Leo Car-
denas' double and an intentional
walk before Chance singled to
center for one run and reliever
John Hiller walked Ron Carew,
forcing in another,

'rained out
yi easaleit town

Coach Moby Benedict's Michi-1
gan baseball nine will h a v e to
wait another day before they open
their Big Ten home season. Rain,
high winds, and cold forced can-
cellation of yesterday's twinbill
with the Badgers of Wisconsin..
The Wolverines, currently pos-
sessing a three game conference,1
and four game overall, winning
streak, will attempt to begin their'
conference home campaign again
this afternoon when they are sch-
eduled to meet Northw estern in a
doubleheader, b e g i n n i n g at 1
o'clock ht Ferry Field.
Yesterday's rainout marked the
second time this season that the;
Wolverines were unable to o p e n
their conference home season. The
original opener against ichigani
State had to be played in E a s t1

Lansing because wet grounds made
Ferry Field unplayable.
Coach Benedict indicated yes- j
terday that everything would be
done to get the Northwestern dou-
blkheader in, The Wolverine Men-
tor said, "If the rain stops, t h e
games will be played."
Jerry Christman and Jim Bur-F
ton are expected to be the pitch-
ers this afternoon for the Wolver-
ines, who are 3-3 in the confer-
ence. Northwestern is currently'
bringing up the rear of the Big
Ten with a 1-7 record.
In other Big Ten games today
league leading Minnesota tackles
Illinois, Purdue travels to Iowa,
Wisconsin meets Michigan State!
and Ohio State visits Indiana.
All the teams with the excep-
tion of Ohio State and Indiana
will play doubleheaders.

Roy} s f ly
BALTIMORE Mike Fiere, a
foimer Baitimore farmhand, lash-
ed a two-run double in the ninth
inning keying a three-run rally;
that carried the Kansas City Roy-
als past the Orioles 4-2 last night.j
Piere, one of six former Orioles
on the Royal' roster, broughtI
them from behind agginst reliever
Dick Hall. who replaced Tom
Phoebus aft cr Joe Foy opened the
ninth with a sn '
Bob Olix er greeted Hall with a
single, sending Foy to third, and:
took secoi'd on the throw back to
the infield. Chuck Harrison struck
out and Jerry Adair drew an in-
tentional walk, filling the bases,
before i-ere came through with a!
double to le -.
Pitcher Dick D:age squeezed
home the third run in the inning,
then checked the Orioles in the
last of the ninth to complete a
four-hitter and nail his second
major league victory without a
Cards %'ueeze Padres
ST. LOUIS - St. Louis wiped
out a 4-0 deficit with five runs in
the sixth inning and Joe Hoerner
put down a ninth-inning San
Diego rally, preserving a 7-6 vie-
tory for the Cardinals last night.
Rookie Al Santorini was breez-
ing along on a two-hitter when
Lou Brock. Julian Javier, Curt

Ts, 6-2
Flood and Joe Torre knocked him
out with consecutive singles good
for two runs.
Reliever Frank Reberger retired
the next two batters, then walked
Joe Hague intentionally, filling the
bases. But first baseman Nate Col-
bert muffed Dal Maxvill's ground-
er for one run, the tying run
scored on Chris Canizzaro's passed
ball and Bill White's checked-
swing infield single gave the Cards
the lead.
G;ints bomb Cubs
CHICAGO -- In a rain-soaked'
game delayed four times for a
total of more than two hours, the
San Francisco Giants lashed out
16 hits and battered the Chicago
Cubs 11-1 ycsterday.
One of the delays came in a
five-run Giant seventh in which
rookie Bob Burda hit his first ma-
jor league homer, a three-run blast
off Phil Regan, the fifth of six
cub pitchers.


East 1Division
1V 1. Pct. GB
Baltimore 20 11 .645 -
xBoston 16 10 .615 1'
xWashington 16 13 .552 3
Detroit I2 15 .444 6
New York 12 17 .414 61.z
Cleveland 4 19 .174 12
West Division
Minnesota 18 8 .692 -
Oakland 17 10 .6301 2
Kansas City 15 12 .556
Chicago 10 11 .476 51.
xCalifornia 9 14 .391 ".
xSeattle 8 17 .320 9t._
x-Late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Chicago at Cleveland, postponed
Kansas City 4, Baltimore 2
Minnesota 6, Detroit 2
Oakland 3, New York 2
Boston at California, inc.
Washington at Seattle, inc.
Today's Games
Chicago at Cleveland
New York at Oakland
Kansas City at Baltimore, night
Minnesota at Detroit, night
Boston at California, night
Washington at Seattle, night

New York
St. Louis
ELos Angeles'
San Francisco
San Diego


st Division
18 9
17 It
17 11
13 15'
13 18
10 21



East Division
WV L Pet. GB

Yesterday's Results
Atlanta at Philadelphia, postponed
Cincinnati 8, Montreal 5, 7 inning
Houston at New York, postponed
Los Angeles 13, Pittsburgh 3
St. Louis 7, San Diego 6
San Francisco 11, Chicago 1
San Francisco at Chicago
Houston at New York
Los Angeles at Pittsburgh
Cincinnati at Montreal
Atlanta at Philadelphia, night
San Diego at St. Louis, night

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