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July 16, 1969 - Image 1

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Sunny and

Vol. LXXIX No. 44-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages





Latin American



(R)-Savage fighting and heavy
casualties were reported yes-
terday on the second day of
the Central American war be-
tween El Salvador and Hon-
duras. Tanks were reported in
The Salvadorean military comn-
mand announced its forces cap-
tured the village of Macaoine in a
45-mile-deep thrust into Hondu-
ran territory.
The Salvadoreans also claimed
the capture of the border town of
Nueva Ocotepeque andethe sur-
render of Honduran officers and
men after "little resistance."
But a Honduran government
{ announcement said the "struggle'
has been especially cruel" near
Nueva Ocotepeque, with fightingI
continuing for seven hours at last
Honduran medical personnel
reported 6asualties, both civilian
and military, were heavy on both
sides of the border.
Salvadorean government sources
said unofficially their army is
marching in two columns into:
Honduras with the capital, Tegu-
cigalpa, as the objective.
One column is composed of
tanks, artillery, motor transport,
jeeps and other vehicles on the
Honduras south highway, part of'
the Pan American Highway.
Infantry is marching through
the mountains, the sources said.



The Regents are expected to take final action Friday
on the Student Government Council proposal for the creation
of a University discount bookstore.
The proposal, which has the active support of Acting
Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell, was
the subject of a prolonged discussion yesterday during a meet-
ing of the University' executive officers - the vice presi-
dents and President Robben Fleming.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Alan F. Smith re-
ported the meeting resulted in "no final solution" on the
question of whether the exe- -

-Associated Press
GARRISONED EL SALVADOREAN soldiers point their machine
guns across 'a frontier border post towards Honduran territory at
El Roy. Savage fighting and heavy casualties were reported yes-
terday on the second day of the Central American war.

-Associated Press
APOLLO 11 COMMAND PILOT Neil A. Armstrong, right, who will be the first man to set foot
on the moon, relaxes Oat a pre-flight dinner as his landing module Pilot Edwin Aldrin Jr. sits to
his left. If the mission goes as planned, Aldrin will follow Armstrong on to the moon.

Everything is



Fierce hand-to-hand combat
raged yesterday along the border,
,Rent strikers set 1tesnrcsadr.h
capital, was blacked out last night
in anticipation of an air raid.
Climaxing years of glaring ten-
sions-p including a superheated
iternational soccer football riv-
By NADINE COHODAS alry - the war erupted MondayI
The Tenants Union steering committee has approved 'gnvwho into its t reported an
99 invasion inoisterritory from El
a revised funding plan which will require rent strikers to Salvador, whose three million#
pay five per cent of each month's rent paid toward Tenants people are squeezed into an area
Union legal costs. five times smaller than Honduras.
Each member will be required to pay at least two month's Experts viewed the conflict as1
dEc emberwllhbe equiredito pay teast twan outburst of the population ex-
dues when the new system begins in the fall. plosion plaguing Central Americal
Last y e a r the Tenants Union and many other areas of the

the Apollo



By DAVE CHUDWIN odyssey to the moon's surface and
Special To The Daily back.
CAPE KENNEDY - The Apollo dOThe extremely smooth count-
11 astronauts retired early last down resumed last night at 11
night supremely confident in p.m. after a pre-planned hold de-
themselves, their equipment, and signed to give launch crews some
their mission. "We'e ready to rest. Soon after, technicians be-
fly," said spacecraft commander gan to load the gargantuan Sa-'
Nei Armsrog in th 1 a s turn V booster with liquid hydro-
public appearance, gen and liquid oxygen fuels.
Earlier the huge steel scaffold-
Armstrong, along with crewmates ing surrounding the Saturn V was
Michael Collins and Edwin (Buzz) rolled back, exposing the moon
Aldrin, is scheduled to lift off at rocket and Apollo spacecraft.
9:32 a.m. today on an eight day, "Everything is going very well,"

reported Dr. George Mueller, di-
rector of the manned spaceflight
effort. "It's the cleanest vehicle
that I have seen in all the years
I have been associated with the
space program."
The moonm n went to sleep at
about" 9 p.m. in their motel-like
quarters at the Kennedy Space
Center after a steak dinner.
The trio spent most of the day
relaxing, although Armstrong and
Aldrin/spent sore time prac-
ticing in aspacecraft simulator.
"They're in pretty good shape,"
said astronaut boss Donald Slay-

cutive officers would recom-
mend creation of the book-
Newell, however, described the
discussion as "hashing out me-
chanics of how we'd handle things
with the Regents." She said
SGC would have to prepare a new
report on financing the book-
store in time for the Regents
In addition to SGC's recom-
mendation, the Regents will also
receive the results of a survey ofl
other college bookstores, a com-
munication from local bookstore
owners and a study on the book-
store question prepared by the
Ann Arbor Chamber of Com-
The college bookstore survey,
compiled by Tom Brown, assist-
ant director of student-community
relations, sampled 11 schools in-
eluding six universities in t h e
state and five other midwestern
The report shows that most col-
lege bookstores sampled sell books
at list price. In postponing ac-
tion on the bookstore last month,
the Regents expressed concern
that a bookstore here would be
unable to offer a discount unless
it were continuously, subsidized
through tuition moneys.
However, none of the univer-
sities in the state collect sales
tax on educational materials.
Thus; they are selling the dis-
counted items four per cent lower
than most private stores. This is
because private stores must col-
lect the sales tax.
Of the six schools' in the state,
only the Wayne State University
bookstore offers a discount over
and above the sales tax. Offering
a 10 per cent discount of text-
books, the store operates rent-
free but has not received a sub-
sidy since it was formed. The
WSU bookstore has shown a pro-
And except for the stores at
Michigan Techhological Univer-
sity, all six stores in the state
are showing profits. The MTU
bookstore is only breaking even
but offers a 15 per cent discount
to members of the academic staff.
Most of the others offer a 10
per cent discount to academic
The Michigan State University
bookstore, Nyhich sells at.list price,
has shown a profit of $75,000 over
the last five years.
All five of . the out-of-state
bookstores report a profit over the
past five years, but only one offers
a discount.

to, be held
Senate Assembly's Academic
Affairs Committee will hold
an open meeting tomorrow to
explore the relationship of the
University to the Reserve Of-
ficer Training Corps.
The committee will issue an
interim report by Sept. 1 on
ROTC's role in the University. A
final report is scheduled for Oct.
The format of the meeting to-
morrow has been loosely planned.
Prof. T. V. Buttry, co-chairman of
the committee, said yesterday the
agenda will probably begin with
a short presentation to enumer-
ate and define the arguments
which have been presented to the
A discussion period between re-
presentatives of the committee
and the audience will follow.
Any individual wishing to place
his name on the agenda is ask-
ed to contact Buttrey at 764-0360
or Prof. Horrace Davenport at
The meeting will be held at
8 p~m. in Aud. A of Angell Hall.
In May, Senate Assembly auth-
orized the Academic Affairs Com-
mittee to study the ROTC ques-
tion. The Assembly acted on a
proposal from the Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University Af-
The ROTC issue was referred to
SACUA by literary college Dean
William Hays at the end of the
winter term.
Two student members were in-
cluded on the 13 member com-
mittee. One of them, S t u d e n t
Government Council'Vice Presi-
dent Marc Van Der Hout, has'
since resigned because he be-
lieved students were under-repre-
sented on the committee.
Other professors on the commit-
tee are Joseph Payne, Marguerite
Hoed of the music school, Morris
Greenhut of the English depart-
ment, Bernard Galler of the math
department, James O'Neill of the
Romance languages department,
Don Brown of the Center for Re-
search on Learning and Teaching,
Albert Feuerwerker of the history
department, and Eugene Litwak
of the social work school-

Street fair
begins today

only took 10 per c e n t of one
month's rent to cover costs,
Under the new plan a person
paying $70 rent a month would
pay $42 to the rent strike duringa



'00 46.&

the year. Last year he would have
If you happen to notice South o
University Ave. is barricaded only paid $7.
again today, don't worry. The "We absolutely have to h a v e
tenth annual Ann Arbor Street sufficient funding," said steering
4 Fair is back, and it's as legal as committee member Gene Trupin.

can be.

"Last year it was a great foint of

East Liberty between State and weakness that we didn't have
Thompson and North University enough money for legal costs."
between State and Thayer will Steering committee members
also be closed for the fair, which who approved the plan at a meet-
will run through Saturday. Mer- ing Sunday say that although rent
chants downtown, on South Uni- strikers will pay more to the Ten-
versity and on State will be of- ants Union they are likely to win
fering all kinds of bargains and rent reductions from court settle-
special sidewalk sales. ments which will offset the Ten-
South Tniversity will feature ants Union dues.
displays by 300 artists, many Pre-trial hearings in recent
from outstate. Some of them will 22 cases were heard and Thomas-
be giving free art lessons f o r kids sem scheduled trials to begin July
or demonstrations of their craft. 21 and continue thereafter. These
North University will feature cases involve Tenants Union mem-
an antique show, and there will bers and Summit Associates, Cam-
be another art display on Li- pus Management and Ike Koz-
berty. Auctions will be held to- minski. No cases involving Char-
night and Friday night on Main ter Realty will be heard until the
St. with proceeds going to Uni- 22 cases set for trial are complet-
versity Hospital. I ed.

o usisThe crew was to be awakened
at 4:15 a.m. this morning for a
shower, medical examination, and
breakfast before donning t he i r
space suits.
At 9:32 arm. the five engines of
e c to rthe first stage will light up and
Apollo 11 will be on its way into
By NADINE CUHODAS be the most important position The man said Mrs. Mhoon asked space. The first two stages willl
Bdrop off, putting Armstrong, Col-
Housing Commission Chairman under discussion. Although Mrs. his wife, "When did you last wash lins, and Aldrin into earth orbit.
Robert Weeks yesterday reaffirm- Mhoon claimed she had no office your floor? Are your breakfast Then, after two' revolutions,
ed the right of the commission to space for an assistant,Commis- dishes clean?" they will fire the third stage en-
hire its own staff, sioner Mrs. Robin Barlow said she Another tenant said she wanted gine to put them on a three day
In a public statement following believed the hiring of a tenant to paint a room-in her apartment path to the moon. The actual
relations staff member was ex- pale blue but was told by Mrs. landing is scheduled to take place
with Housing Commission Direc- m ptMhoon she could only paint it at 4:19 p.m. Sunday.'
wthHosin ommission Die- Mrs. Barlow added that she white. Hundreds of thousands of spec-
tor Mrs. Joseph D. Mhoon over strtators haejbeendstraming int
who hires commission staff, Weeks rongly objected" to he com- tators have been streaming into
said the power to hire "is dele- mission's p o l i c y for treating ! And oneftenant said he told the the Cape Kennedy area to watch
tenantshhousing office in November ta the blastoff. There is not an
gated without qualification to the 7 ..., f. I--1 - fan ~«," irth batof.Ter-ia-ta


commission itself."'
The dispute arose during dis-
cussion of a recent City Council
appropriation for the hiring of an
assistant to deal with public hous-
ing tenants, a maintenance man
and a third secretary,
The hiring of an assistant for
tenant relations, for which coun-
cil has allotted $12,000, seems to

Police commanders to joi

Mrs. Mhoon has come under a an over nis stove was broken empty motel room for 40vmiles
severe criticism from many of her and that it still had not been and rental cars are scarcer than
tenants for allegedly intimidating fixed. He said housing office staff golds
them and failing to respond ade- members told him the fan would gozl c
quately to their needs, have to be sent to the factory to Dozens of people are camped
At a meeting March 12 of pub- determine whose fault the mal- rng o the Banana River, 12 miles
lic housing tenants and housing function was. However, in March thomade excte. dito
commission members, one tenant the fan had not yet been picked thousands are expected to drive to
said his wife received a call from up by the office. prime viewing sites outside t h e
"sd hs wife receiveda c allt.o2spaceport early this m orning.
Mrs. Mhoon at 9 a.m., Sept. 29 At Monday night's meeting Mrs. See EVERYTHING, Page 2
which amounted to "harassment." Mhoon declared she would hire ----- --
whomever she pleased to fill the
' tenant relations position. "You
can recommend and approve if
you want to," she told the com- f
" mission. "The commission cannot "'
he my staff." ~
~ n itn ion Yesterday Mrs. Mhoon reiterat-
ed her view-"I still say I will hire
my own staff," she said."However, '
We are willing to recognize any the housing director indicated she
, and cooperate fully." probably would not press the
e present unions are the Ameri- issue. "The commissioners are my
tion of State, County, and Mu- boss so whatever they say is right,
ployees the International Asso- you know."

Following the footsteps of the Washte-
naw County sheriff deputies, the command
officers of ti~e Ann Arbor police depart-
ment have informed the city that they
will join the Teamsters Union.
- Teamster attorney Donald J. Prebenda
wrote City Administrator Guy Larcom, Jr.
that a "substantial majority" of command
officers want to affiliate with the union.
Command officers-from uniformed cor-
poral through deputy chief-are supervisory
personnel and thus are not allowed to
join the Ann Arbor Police Officer Associ-
The major event instigating the depu-
ties' unionization was a running dispute
with the County Board of Supervisors con-
cerning overtime pay, but money does not

ter Krasny-who has an appointed office
and cannot belong to the union-says that
the officers have no special reason to fear
the city administration even though they
do not come under civil servant codes,
Krasny says there is, in fact, no real job
Mayor Robert Harris has said he has
no intentions to fire present command
"The command officers have no prob-
lems with the city administrator or the
city council." said Larcom. He added that
he had not been in touch with the officers
on the issue and now that he has been
contacted by Prebenda it would be unfair
labor practice to talk with them.
City Attorney Jerold Lax said yesterday
he was looking into the whole question of
the police officers joining the Teamsters

Larcom. "
legal union
The thre(
can Federa
nicipal Emi

ciation of Firefighters, and AAPOA.
Krasny said he doesn't approve of the
officers joining the Teamsters .Union in
particular but that "the men have every
right to join a union and to choose the
one they like,"
While reasserting that the officers had
the right to join any union they wished,
the police chief said he would have pre-
ferred the men to join the city employees
Prebenda warned the city against "in-
terference or coercion" against the com-
mand officers and that if such actions

In his statement yesterday
Weeks said Mrs. Mhoon's state-
ment was a "challenge to the
authority of the commission and
so at odds with the facts that I
felt compelled to correctsjt pub-
Weeks cited two "key" sentences
from the commission's bylaws
which say the commission "may
from time to time employ such
personnel as it deems necessary
to exercise its powers, duties, and
functions. Such personnel (includ-
ing the director) shall be selected
nid n 'nn ixnprlhxxr l-t n nmmis

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