9e itr4iygn DaBih
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan
-- music
La muyfa n tastica Alicia de Larro cha
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al' reprints.
The majority and' mainority
S FINAL DEBATE on the Safeguard
anti-ballistic missile system opens, the
report of the. Senate Armed Seirvices
Committee has provided damning evi-
dence against that system. And strangely
both the majority and minority sections
of the report, issued Monday, demon-
strate, the absurdity of ABM.
The minority section -of the report
gives a creditable, if somewhat watery,
review of the arguments against ABM.
The anti-ABM Senators express grave
doubts concerning the reliability of the
enormously complicated missile system.
They point out the radar system, which is
the heart of Safeguard has not even been
built, never mind tested. They explain,
as well, the extreme vulnerability of the
system through this radar network.
The Senators also point to the very
important matter of cost and national
priorities - the essentials for the well
being of the nation's people.
But the strongest argument the
minority report presents is speaks to the
fear with which America has had to live.
The report explains that "The Amer-
lean people now know that many bil-
lions of these dollars spent on defense
have been wasted." It goes on to em-
phasize "the wisdom of not being fright-
ened into unnecessary additional wea-
pons systems expenditures."
The pro-Safeguard majority report,
signed by such masters of international
affairs as John Stennis, D-Miss, Strom
Thurmond R-SC, and Barry Goldwater
R-Ariz, is a document which invokes all
of the traditional arguments of military
might. It lauds the reliability of the
system and explains in detail the posi-
tive effect the system would have on the
defense posture of the nation, in its abil-
ity to provide .a more effective deterrent
But inherent in two of the arguments
presented by the supporters of Safeguard
NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine" Coho'das, Martin Hirsch-
man, Judy Sarasohn, Daniel Zwerdling.
Harris, Judy Kahn, Scott Mixer.
ABM are ideas which condemn that sys-
tem even more effectively than the argu-
ments in the minority report. The major-
ity report begins by arguing for ABM on
the grounds that such a system will give,
the President a "stronger position" in
upcoming arms limitations talks with re-
presentatives of the Soviet Union. Al-
though the gentlemen express the hope
that these talks will be "meaningful" the
adoption of their position would have'
quite the opposite effect.
IT SHOULD be clear to anyone who has
taken any notice of the progress of the
arms race that this is not the way to
achieve any form of nuclear accord with
the Russians. As the majority report in-
dicates this country would never think of
negotiating from, a position of weak-
ness. There is no reason to assume that
the Soviet Union would be interested in
such an arrangement either. In simple
terms, the deployment of an ABM sys-
tem, even one as limited as Safeguard,
would be grossly detrimental to arms
limitation talks.
Rather than bringing about meaning-
ful arms discussion with the Soviets the
effect of passage of the Safeguard system
would be a gigantic speed-up in the arms
race. Oddly this point is practically as-
sumed'lated in the majority report. The
Senators speak offhandedly of contin-
uing to make "appropriate decisions" re-
garding as yet unknown threats to our
retaliatory force. They speak of changing
circumstances in "the years ahead" that
might call for against increasing p u r
nuclear arsenal. In these very practical
comments, the majority report reveals
what, in fact can be expected if the safe-
guard missile system is deployed.
The Safeguard system, if deployed,
would mean the destruction of any
hopes for arms limitations and a costly
and possible disasterous new round of
escalation in an already out of hand arms
Contributing Editor
CULTURALLY, Spain has always
strangely seemed a second-
class country. Edmund Burke call-
ed it "a whale stranded upon the
coast of Europe," and Emerson
summed up the anxieties ofhall
American tourists, clutching their
Eurail Passes in one hand and
Kaopectate in the other, when he
said, "It requires a strong con-
stitution to travel to Spain." Many
think of Hemingway's Pamplona
with appreciation, but in regard
to the Arts, Spain never quite
made it into marble halls of high
respect. Certainly, you can name
more German or French authors
than Spanish; Spanish sculpture
and architecture seem farther
from the Western European tra-
dition than they really are. In the
realm of music, the greatest com-
posers of Spain have never been
elevated to the esteem granted
lesser men in Europe.
This latter unfortunate state of
affairs results primarily, I would
think, from the apparent lack of
seriousness of Spanish music, es-
pecially when compared to the
philosophic struggling of a Bee-
thoven or Mahler. Spanish music
is so easy to listen to, with its pro-
fusion of color and excitement of
rhythms, that one tends to over-
look, somewhat lazily perhaps, the
depth of emotion which turns be-
neath those colors and rhythms.
FURTHERMORE, in compari-
son to Spanish music, with its,
Moorish and Semitic shadings.
Western music is simple and ele-
mental in its tonal prerogatives.
Manuel de Falla, a leader in the
regeneration of Spanish music,
stressed the similarities between
the music of Spain and of India.
for each depends upon far more
gradation of pitch than in the
West, and each is intricately tied
to vocal music. In listening to both
Indian and Spanish music there
areaexpressiveamodulations too
quick and too subtle for us to
catch their meaning, though au-
rally the music seems so brilliant.
All this is a too lengthy preface
to Alicia de Larrocha, who stun-
ned the Rackham Aud. audience
last night in the opening concert
of the University Musical Society's
Summer Concert Series. Miss de
Larrocha is one of the most phe-
nomenal pianists alive, but since
she has devoted her recording to
music of Granados, Albeniz, Tu-
Tina, and Soler, she is far less
known than many lesser artists
who assault the standard piano
repertoires. To listen to Miss de
Larracha's playing'is to be a fan
for life; to buy one of her records
is like eating the first fatal pea-
nut: you have to have them all.
student of Frank Marshall, the
disciple of Enrique Granados, and
through pedal effects. Basically,
de, Larrocha opted for the latter
effect, but her ultra-clean finger-
ing and clarity of line still main-
tained a decent toccato sound.
rn many ways hers was a strange-
ly Spanish Bach, for there was a
certain tendency for the stop-start
rhythms of Spanish music to
slightly break up the momentum.
Also, there just simply seems to be
paint on de Larrocha's fingers,
for she cannot hit many a note
without imparting color to it. Her
touch, then, does not yield the
"white music" of Glenn Gould.
By the time of the Op. 110
Sonata (No. 31), Beethoven was
little interested in sheer beauty
for its own sake: there are none
of the melodies of his earlier so-
natashere. The opening moder-
ato cantabile states a six-note
theme of limited charm but of
great structural importance; the
first movement consists of the
dynamic working-out of this
theme and the peotry is the pro-
fers a pertastatement, a brusque
reply, and a light-hearted evolu-
tion of this material. The move-
ment is one of Beethoven's most
emotionally chaste adagios, only
slightly more self-important than
the slow introduction of the Wad-
stein rondo. Here the adagio gives
way to a three-part fugue and
then - almost unbelievably - the
fugue is interrupted by the return
of the slow ariosos. It is a perfect
example of the late Beethoven
exercising histcomplete dominance
over all formal laws, his procla-
mation of independence. The
fugue returns to a rousing cli-
Usually there are two ap-
proaches totlate Beethoven: an
exegesis of structure or an ex-
ploration into philosophy.hMissde
Larrocha. is no philosopher, but
she revealed the structure of the
music admirably. Yet if pressed to
find one word for her approach, I
would pick sensual. Quite simply,
I have never heard Beethoven
played so beautifully-not that she
reveals meaning as does Schnabel
or Brendel-but the pure sound
of her phrasing is eminently lush
and almost sexual.
If you heard Alicia de Larrocha
last night and want to purchase
her albums, I would make the
following recommendations. First,
try "Piano 'Music of Granados" on
Epic BC 3910. It has all of the
pianist's charms displayed in fan-
tastically lyrical and colorful
works which include the Valses
Poeticos and Six Pieces on Span-
ish Popular Sings. Next try Gra-
nados' complete Goyescas on Epic
B 2C 6065. By that time you will
have to have Albeniz's Iberia BSC
158 (Epic) and will be enticed to
try the Scarlatti-esque music of
Antonio Soler on Epic BC 1389.
-Daily-Richard Lee
today this petite woman heads the
Granados Academy in Barcelona
and truly represents the spirit,
fire, and sensitivity of Spanish
musical tradition. It would be
fatuous to merely mouth the usual
praise, to say that she has all the
technical facility and, poetic sen-
sibility she goes beyond such
levels of competence. Her "soft"
has about fifteen levels; her runs
are as smooth as rose petals; her
guitar-like grace notes spring out
with blinding pace. More than
this-a complete mastery of touch
-is the way in which de Larrocha
conveys the emotion, the poig-
nancy and the passion of Spanish
music. One of Tolkien's Hobbits
once said he was so happy that he
felt as if inside a song; Miss de
Larrocha penetrates to and lives
within the core of her music. She
quite literally makes all other
pianists who attempt Spanish
music sound as if"rthey learned
their lessons at Berlitz.
Miss de Larrocha's Rackham
concert was doubly fascinating.
First it offered her forte: Three
Spanish Songs and Dances by
Carlos Surinach, Four Spanish
Pieces by Manuel de Falla (with
a "Cubana" that reveals the com-
poser's debt to Ravel and Debus-
sy), and the Fantasia Betica also
by de Falla. Less openly lyrical
than Granados and more tren-
chant than Albeniz, de Falla's
music depends a great ' deal on
contrast in rhythms and especially
dynamics. Having studied with
Debussy, Ravel, and Dukas in
Paris for seven years, he returned
to Madrid at the outbreak of war
in 1914 as an afrancesado, or
"Frenchified" musician. Yet de
Falla dug deeply into the folk
music of his country, into its spe-
cial mixture of indigenous, Moor-
ish, and Oriental influences. His
piano music especially shows de
Falla's respect for the guitar, and
this was evident in the "Andaluza"
which Miss de Larrocha per-
The second fascination of last
night's concert was the anticipa-
tion of hearing the master of
Spanish music play Bach and
BACH'S Italian Concerto was
programmed and the results were
unusual, beautiful, and moving.
Probably written in 1734, the work
served as a source for the later
classical and romantic concer-
tos; it contains three movements,
an allegro, an andante, and a
rondo-like presto. The andante is
especially beautiful for it expands
and spins out the melody in a
mood of placid transparency that
anticipates some ,of the evanes-
cent adagios of Mozart, Beetho-
ven and Ravel. Here de Larrocha's
perfect touch-never the least bit
heavy nor precocious-made every
note an experience.
Playing the Italian Concerto on
the piano instead of the harpsi-
chord immediately demands a
choice between two alternatives:
to simulate the fleeting sparkle of
the harpsichord or to allow the
piano's potential for expression
Police occupation'
To the Editor:
J AM THE CAMPUS minister of
the United Presbyterian Church
Sin the U.S.A. and also the Direc-
tor of t h e Ecumenical Campus
Center at the University of Michi-
gan. I was on my Way to my of-
fice at the First Presbyterian
Church on Wednesday night, June
18, with two colleagues, the. Rev-
erend Johni Peter and Miss Shir-
ley Lewis. When we arrived at the
church in- my car, I was stopped
by heavily armed policemen with
flashlights and dogs who demand-,
ed that I turn off my lights and
leave the grounds. On looking
around in the dark (since there
were no lights in the parking lot)
it was evident there were easily
more than 100 armed men gath-
ered there. I explained that I was
a pastor of the church w h o s e
grounds 'they were on and that I
was on my way to my office in the
church. They still insisted that I
turn off my lights and park my
car and "get out of the way." I
was unable to park in my reserved
parking space since it was occu-
pied by a police vehicle. I asked
who was in charge of the group
and was able to talk to a man
who, I understand, was a police
sergeant. When I asked him on
whose authority the police were
occupying the church grounds, the
reply was they were ordered there
but that it was their understand-
ing permission had been secured
from "the older, white-haired pas-
I went inside my church office
and phoned the pastor previously
referred to who categorically
stated he had not given any such
permission. The other two pastors
on the church staff were, I know,
out of town so permission could
not have come from them. I then
phoned a member of the F i r s t
Presbyterian Church who is an at-
torney and asked his advice on
how to learn who had authorized
the occupation of the church
grounds and parking lot by the
police forces, and what it would
be necessary to do to have them
removed. He recommended I phone
the Police Department In the first
instance and that I then phone
the City Attorney's office, after
which I should phone and wire
the Governor of the S t a t e of
I phoned the police and asked
w i o
---_ ,
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by whose permission the police
forces were occupying the church
grounds and was told they knew
nothing about it but would inquire
and phone me back. Whether they
inquired or not, I do not know,
but I was in my office until 3:00
a.m. and they had not returned
my call. In the meantime, the at-
torney had contacted the office of
the City Attorney but also had not
been able to obtain any informa-
tion about this occupation.
phone calls I talked intermittently
to various policemen, n o n e of
whom evidently were authorized
to give any information except to
say they were under military or-
On several occasions during the
night some students attempted to
drive through the church parking
lot and/or walk across the church
lawn, as is their custom, enroute
to the church-sponsored coffee
house. Those driving cars w e r e
suddenly confronted in the dark-
ness by armed police ordering
them to turn around and leave the
church grounds immediately. In
at least o n e instance, students
coming across the church lawn
on their way to the coffee house
were stopped by a policeman and
a police dog ordering them off the
church premises with language
that was excessively profane. On
this occasion, another policeman
spoke to the one swearing at the
student saying something such as,
"Stop swearing - one of the of-
ficer's wives is here."
Another incident earlier in the
evening occurred when two grad-
uate students who 1 i v e in the
church building were ord.ered off
the church grounds and back into
the church building by the police
officers, even though t h e y are
members of the church staff.
A BIT LATER, w h e n I tried
again to find out from some of the
police officers their source of au-
thority for occupying the church
,yrrni,-,rkT wc~e Vnllnwx'r, bhy to
since there were six buses a n d
other vehicles it is m o r e likely
there was a minimum of 200 men)
formed an attack formation, and
with police dogs, guns and clubs
held ready for use marched in
double time out of the darkened
church grounds down Washtenaw
toward South University,
When they arrived there, as is
reported in the Daily, Ann Arbor
News and Detroit Free Press, they
engaged in a general clearing op-
eration, attacking a n d arresting
both the general citizenry and the
students who were still there. As
was reported in the papers, among
those arrested, and jailed for in-
stance, was Dr. Pierce, clearly a
responsible citizen who presum-
ably was there to try to h e 1 p
maintain good relations between
the different factions present. Ap-
proximately one hour later in our
church we could head the crackle
of the communication system
with the orders, "B a c k to the
church. About 2:00 a.m. most of
the police forces had returned and
in the next hour got into their
buses and left.
There can be no question that
breaking of the law by students
or any members of the commun-
ity requires action. However, the
sequence of events the other night
raises a serious question as to
what law and what. order is being
maintained in Ann Arbor. To re-
view the above experience briefly:
armed policemen occupied a pri-
vate property, thus violating one
of the fundamental laws of this
country; they then interfered with
the normal activities of the church
whose parking lot and driveway
they had illegally occupied, forc-
ing staff of the church inside the
building and preventing students
from attending evening programs;
they then engaged in verbal ha-
rassment of one of t h e pastors
who was in his office and intimi-
dated anyone seeking to come in
a normal way to church-sponsored
activities for students; the con-
clusion of the night was the
Rowry on South U
To the Editor:
1 HIS IS A TIME for sanity and
reason - Ann Arbor wake up
to the threat of insanity in this
community because it is a part of
a much larger problem.
Appearing on the edit page of
the Ann Arbor News a week ago
was a reply to aestatement that I
made before' the City Council
about the trouble a few weeks
ago on South University.
Richard E. Balzhiser, defeated
GOP candidate for mayor, said in
his letter that I had stated to
council certain untruths about his
being mishandled by the Ann Ar-
bor police. I said then and I say
now that Balzhiser told me he was
pushed several times by the police
even though he was acting in ac-
cordance with police orders to
clear the streets. Although Balz-
hiser never impressed me as one
of the most intelligent or racially
liberal people, in denying his
statement to me he puts himself
in a category with Spiro Agnew.
According to the letter, his hav-
ing spent six months in Wash-
ington, D.C., as a white White
House fellow gives him some kind
of expertise on so-called c i v i I
disorders. Since the police assault-
ed other people in the same man-
ner that they did him it couldn't
be considered as a violation of the
law, or so he claims.
MY REASONS for offering this
in the first place was. to point
out the magnitude of police mis-
behavior, but obviously many peo-
ple missed or ignored the point.
including Ann Arbor's ex-golden
boy. Balzhiser seems to be still
running for the office that he has
already lost.
I will state flatly that it should
be unlawful to publicly perform
sex acts or disrobe and that these
acts have no real value in the
context of protest.
I will also state that, to my
knowledge, a total of three people
There were more than 2 0 0 0
people, including police and city
officials, at the rock concert in
West Park two Sundays ago. My
two kids and I were among those
people and we enjoyed the con-
cert very much.
I DISLIKE having the band's
permit cancelled and denying
thousands of people their choice
of listening to music in the park
because a few loud mouthed con-
servatives and welchers don't like
it and proceed to put their pre-
pared letter writing machines into
operation in order to squelch it.
Most of the people who oppose
the park concerts are the same
ones who publicly opose justice
for blacks and poor people. They
also oppose low cost housing, fair
housing, and medicare. The same
idiotic racist flag wavers would
and are spending millions of dol-
lars dailyto kill people whose only
crime is that they don't buy this
filthy form of.,government.
As far as that little funny faced
sheriff is concerned he has no re-
spect for humanity or law and, or-
der and should be in a barn or
jungle with his peers.
In regard to the White Pan-
thers, the hippies and other peo-
ple who are concerned, about hu-
man beings, there needs to be
some objective evaluation of posi-
tion and goals in the search for
something real.
-Ezra L. Rowry
July 7
International center
To the Editor:
JULY 2ND, I was interview-
ed on the phone by the Daily
for an article that appeared on
the following day. However, I
found a couple of mistakes and a
misquotation therein, so I would
like to correct them.
First of all, my name is Kazu-
hiko Kawamura. I was president
of the Japanese Student Club in
1968 but am no longer president.
You should Abe more carefu'l about