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July 09, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-09

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N igh-84
Cloudy; good
chance of thundershowers

Vol. LXXIX, No. 39-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 9, 1969 Ten Cents
s Rossmithplan three new evaluat
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN -A study of the future of the announce its membership by the retirement of Everett J. Soop, the This
With the completion of key humanities at the University. This end of the month. unit's director. Cohen's
reports on the future of the edu- committee will be handled jointly Unlike the study of the educa- Ross says the thrust of the Univers
cation school and the Flint and by Ross and Smith. tion school, which was done by a study will be aimed at determining adds.
Dearborn campuses, the adminis- The study of the natural re- group of outside educators, the "the principal objectives of the Thep
+rtration is now planning to create sources school was prompted by natural resources study committee University with respect to project- of the
study committees on three more the departure of Dean R. Keith will include mostly members of ing itself outside the campus."styi
units of the University. Arnold to a post with the U.S. the University community. The -As Ross outlines it, the study sity will
r 2 3 Handling of the new study com- Forestry Service. It was also the committee will, however, include will involve problems of "division of liter
mittees will be divided between departure of a dean in the educa- some people from schools other of labor" around the state, the Hays.
$< Vice President for Academic Af- tion school which prompted a than natural resources. use of television in extension Smith
fairs Allan F. Smith and Vice study of that unit last winter. Smith says there are no firm courses, and what he describes as le of
President for State Relations and "With the departure of a dean plans for the study, but that the the special interest of the educa- esiroe
Planning Arthur M. Ross. The we're seizing the opportunity to school's internal professional pro- tion school in extension. vers
committees will prepare: conduct a study of any school," grams, like landscape architecture. Ross says education school Dean tion of
-A study of the future of the says Smith. He adds, however, will be examined. In addition, the Wilbur Cohen will be heavily in- its obje
a g natural resources school. This that the faculty of the natural committee may examine the pos- volved in the study because of his agreedi
S.committee will report to Smith; resources school had asked that a sibility of introducing environ- interest in establishing community
-A study of the extension serv- study be made. mental science concepts into the education programs under whic Ross
ice and other off-campus Univer- Smith says the natural resourc- school. . "a whole community" would re- conferr
sity - sponsored activities. T h i s es study committee is not yet or- The study of extension services ceive the benefits of the Univer- cise na
Arthur Ross Allan F. Smith committee will report to Ross; ganized, but that he expects to was prompted by the imminent sity. humani

Four Pages
10 S
would especially involve
hopes of "moving the
ity into Detroit," Ross
)lanned study of the future
humanities in the Univer-
be initiated at the request
ary college Dean William
h says this will involve "the
the liberal arts in a multi-
but adds that the forma-
the study committee and
ctives have not been firmly
and Smith have thus far
ed only briefly on the pre-
ture of the study of the







Despite months of long discus-
sions in Congress over the pro-
posed anti-ballistic missile system
(ABM) relatively little has been
offered as an alternative to the
$20 billion proposal, except to
abandon the entire program.
However, Monday, a group of
University professors presented
what they said was a cheaper,
more effective alternative to the
Instead of spending up to $40
billion (what the researchers say
the program ultimately would

cost) for the safeguard system, Marc Ross, Gordon King and
the professors have recommended Richard Roth, history Prof. ,Ray
"super-hardening" the u n d e r- Shortridge and Stanley Stern-
ground silos containing Minute- berg; an industrial engineer, com-
men missiles and their controls. prised the research team.
This would cost $5 billion. The 35-page report spends 28
'We were concerned the system pages criticizing the proposed sys-
would not work," says physics tem. The last seven pages d e a 1
Prof. Arthur Rich, one of the six with the "hardening" proposal.
University. professors who com- Rich says the researchers spent
piled the report. "We see it as the four months compiling informa-
opening gambit in clear escala- tion, each of them doing work re-
tion of the arms race and it's a lated to a specific area of the
waste of money which could go to ABM system.
better places." "As proposed, the Safeguard is
Four physics professors, Rich, an extremely offensive weapon,"
Rich says. "It has only a chance

Senate initiates



of working if alerted a week in
advance which could be inter-
preted to mean we'replanning for
a first strike. If a counter attack
to that first strike were w e a k,
then the system might work. It
might save some cities."
The report claims that harden-
ing the silos could be a deterrent
in the nuclear .arms race. "Super
hardening is passive. It does not
pose a long-run threat of increas-
ed offensive capability. It need not
insure a race to develop counter-
measures," the report explains.
Although Rich firmly maintains

WASHINGTON {R} - The chairman of the Senate Armed Ser-
$. vices Committee, dpening debate on the Safeguard antiballistic mis-
sile yesterday, predicted senators will approve the controversial sys-
The reason, he said, is that they will want to uphold President
Nixon as the President enters into arms limitation talks with the

-Associated Press

Barb locked out

Pre-trial exam
in coed slaying
begyins today
A pretrial hearing for murder suspect Ernest R. Bishop
Jr. will be held this morning at 9:30 am. in District Court.
Bishop is charged with the first degree murder of Mar-
garet Ann Phillips, 25, a University graduate student in
sociology and the seventh slain young woman in the Ann
Arbor area in the last two years.
Meanwhile, Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny denied
reports yesterday that Bishop admitted throwing a gun
received from another man into the Huron River.
Responding to a television report, Krasny asserted, "It's
just not true. I don't know where they got their information,
but it's false."
Police skindivers, equipped with - s
magnetic devices similar to mineSeetrsoedheivrfr7p in
detectors, scoured the river for
the second straight day unsuccess-
fully searching for the .22kcaliber lw-v t
gun, believed to be the murder anr
Police began the search when
Robert Shewcraft, an acquaint- increases
ance of Bishop, told them he was
with Bishop and saw him throw a University officials announced
gun into the river from U.S. 23. yesterday that spring half-term
The preliminary examination enrollment exceeded last year's
was originally scheduled for July spring-term enrollment by 432
16 by District Judge Sanford J. students.
Elden, but was moved up when
Sboth Prosecuting Attorney WI stu nts sxtension ncludIng 826
Deam Delhey andy or-pone tdnsi xeso orewr
Defnse Counsel Ralph IKeyes in- enrolled at the University during
faor hearing today. The literary college maintained
Delhey will introduce witnesses the largest enrollment of the 16
and evidence today to show prob- colleges which comprise the Uni-
able cause that Bishop did murder versity. Its enrollment was 3,961,
Miss Phillips. Anong evidence compared to 3,787 last year.
which may be introduced is the The largest enrollment increase
fact that Bishop's fingerprints from last year occurred in t h e
had been found on a coffee cup in medical school, which had 1,217
the victim's apartment. Krasny studens compared to last spring-
has confirmed this evidence, term's 638 students.
Keyes said he will not intro-
duce any evidence in court to- The largest enrollment decrease
duce any evid nce in c urt to- occurred in the engineering school.
day, because the pretrial hearing 1 928 students (including 1,070
is a "testing of strength of the dereecandidates)wlled
prosecution's evidence." dere caidates) were enro
The olie cief arler aidthis spring-half term compared to
The police chief earlier said last year's 2,559 students (includ-
nepolice detectives aepriual
inte rdetecti finding a link be-particularly ing 1,255 degree candidates).
tween the latest murder and those Natural resources had an en-
:f Jane Mixer, a University law rollment of 73 compared to last
student, and Alice Kalom, a grad- year's 111.
uate student in sociology. Totals slightly lower than those
All three women were shot in 1968 were announced for the
through the head by .22 caliber following colleges: architecture
bullets. and design - 96 students, c o m-
doctoral part of her research fo a pared to last year's 109; music -
Phillips had been investigatMig the 105 students, compared to 112 last
Ann Rrbor slayings. year; public health - 296 stu-
Ann rborslayngs.dents compared to 317; and nurs-
Police reported that Bishop's ing 38 studet comad to
name was found in her notes. Miss lastyear'st374.
Phillips met Bishop through for-
mer University Prof. Thomas Schools whose enrollment in-
Mayer. She had tried to help creased this year are business
Bishop rehabilitate himself since administration, 585 studens com-
his parole from Southern Michi- pared with 463 during the 1968
gan Prision where he was held on spring-half term; dentistry, 69
a rape conviction. compared to 37; and education,



Soviet Union. ABM will not work, he believes Some of the 40 staff members o
"I think it comes down to that in the final analysis," Sen. John th e superhardening-def d Berkeley office yesterday after
Stennis (D-Miss.) said, adding that "if he thinks he needs it, why ing means sinking the \rockets --...----..- --.
that is a big factor." deeper into the ground and put-~NO
"To disagree with him is one thing. To turn him down is another ting more concrete around t h e .DECISION NOT A
thing," Stennis added. surrounding area. The Pentagon
"I don't see there is any way to explain that to an adversary," he has rejected the idea, however.
said. because officials there say some E d
Stennis, floor-managing the $20 billion military procurement sites do not have the necessary sch ool
authorization bill that contains $759.1 million in Safeguard funds, rock ouidations.ew idea" R i c h
presented the Senate with a detailed 29-page report on the legislation. says "It's an old Air Force pro-
The measure would authorizePentagon research and the pro- posa that's been kicking around UU11 01 1S
curement ofa such hardware as missiles, planes and ,ships. in footnotes." The researchers
After the opening session, Stennis planned to move that the made calculations and strength-y
Senatego into a closed meeting so he could present details of what ened the proposal," Rich explains
he considers to be a seriously increasing Soviet threat to this coun-m The report says that if Minute- The executive committee of the
try'ssecuity.men silos were hardened, the education school met yesterday to
Soviet Union would have to make a tentative decision on
ABM opponents -plan to seek a second secret session later, partly launch about 6,000 sof its SS-0 whether it will seat non-voting
to introduce a secret Pentagon chart which they claim bolsters their missiles to knock out the 1,000 student representatives.
assertion that the Safeguard system would provide only minimal addi- Minutemen in the United States. "Things have gone very well,.
tional protection for the nation's Minuteman intercontinental ballis- The Pentagon has said the Sov- Jack Eisner, president of Students
tic missile ICBM force. - iets will have 6,500 such missiles for Educational Innovation, said
The debate began with both sides confident of the ABM show- in five years, of the portion of the meeting he
down expected within two weeks on an amendment to be introduced Rich says the report was dis- attended. "I am hopeful a positive
by Sens. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.), and John Sherman Cooper (R- tributed to most senators Monday I decision will be the outcome," he
Ky.) and to some organizations inter- added.
Ths dgested in the ABM struggle. So far During a session held early in
This amendment would limit Safeguard funds to research and no senators have indicated they the day, the committee met with
testing, and would knock out most of the $345.5 million in the bill would push the proposal, R o s s Eisner and two other student
for procurement, says. representatives who asked for the

of the Berkeley Barb, an underground newspaper, picket the paper's
negotiations by the staffers to purchase the newspaper broke down.
executive committee
student membership


appointment of two permanent
non-voting student representa-
tives on the committee.
However, the actual decision
was postponed until a later ses-
sion to which the students were
not .invited. Committee members
who were present declined to com-
ment on what was discussed,
Committee chairman Wilbur
Cohen, dean of the education
school, is expected to make a pub-
lic statement on the committee's
decision sometime next week.
Cohen was not available for
comment last night.
The other two student repre-

Unified f
Iranian student Kazem Iravani pr -
sented a list of suggestions for improving
University services for foreign students
to the University administration Mon-
Iravani-and many other foreign stu-
dents-feel the facilities of the Inter-
national Center could be improved and
enlarged, possibly combining all foreign
student services in one -new, 'larger
Presently foreign student services are
split between the English Language In-

oreigfn student- program asked

sentatives are Nancy Sprague,
grad, and Terry Terteling, '70.
Both are in the education school.
They have been selected from a
group of applicants by a com-
mittee established by Students for
Educational Innovation.
The selection committee was
composed of three volunteers
chosen at a mass meeting and.
three students who had previously
sat on faculty committees.
Before a final decision is made,
Cohen is expected to discuss the
matter with members of the Re-
gents as well as executive com-
mittee members who were not
present at yesterday's meetings.
The executive committee is di-
rectly responsible to the Regents.
Currently, education school stu-
dents have non-voting seats on all
other committees in the education
However, Eisner believes the
executive committee, which is the
most important decision-making
group in the school, is the com-
mittee on which student repre-
sentation is "most vital."
Eisner said as far as he knows
students have never been seated
on any executive committee of the
18 schools and colleges of the
Non-voting student members
were added to the school's other
committees over one year ago.
Committee m e m b e r s were
chosen through the selection com-
mittee established by SEI.


Malin also explains that problems are
created for non-English speaking stu-
dents because ELI, unlike the center.
has only regular office hours.
In addition, he believes that the sepa-
rate offices do not encourage interac-
tion between foreign students in each
Iravani's suggestions were also re-
ceived favorably by Acting Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Barbara
Newell. Mrs. Newell says she believes
the proposals appear to be good con-
structive criticism.

-Foreign student representation on
Student Government Council;
-Appointing special academic ad-
visors for foreign students in individual
schools and colleges:
-A new building to house the ex-
panded center.
Under Iravani's proposals, the ex-
panded center's services would include
an orientation program for all foreign
students. Presently ELI and the center
run separate programs.
Although everyone involved agrees
that a new building for the center

Because of the obvious squeeze for
space, the Board of Governors of the
center have indicated that the Madelon
Pound House could be renovated for ex-
panded use. The house, which was be-
queathed to the center, is presently used
only for offices and some programming.
Plans are being made to turn the
house into a coffee house with interna-
tional atmosphere and entertainment,
says Malin. However, this too will cost
money that has not yet been allocated
to the center.
Iravani's complaints were sparked by

Caucus asks
poliee curbs
Community control of police
was dicussed by members of Radi-
cal Caucus at their meeting last
Members voted to send leaflets
along with a Caucus representa-

1,354 compared to 1,284.
There were 162 graduate stu-
dents in inter-college programs
compared to 132 last year. 3,512
students were 'enrolled in the
Rackham graduate school, com-
pared to 3,500 a year earlier.
The law school, which was not
open during last year's spring-half
term, had an enrollment of 196
this year.
Seven first-year law students
were also enrolled early under a
special plan requested by the

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