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July 08, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-07-08

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share quiet


Sunday in Arb

~.{ . People's picnickers, four hundred of them, trekked from 50
miles around to the Arb Sunday and passed an uneventful afternoon
under the watch of about 30 club-wielding Ann Arbor police.
Some dudes drummed and yelped in the trees, frisbees sliced
across the meadow and harps warbled. But most sprawled quietly on
two hills facing the meadow, waiting relaxed and subdued like crowds
come to see a show which is either very late or cancelled.
Back in town over 400 police and deputy reserves waited (earn-
ing $7 an hour for it, according to a patrolman) for the alert to set
riot equipment into motion. But the helicopter sporadically buzzing
the picnic never radioed the word.
Only 40 motorcyclists barroomed into town, and the police made
them park outside the arb gates or escorted them from the city.
Inside the Arb, clusters of police (plus uncountable plainclothes-
men) mingled through the crowd, adorned with face shields and
helmets and gas mask pouches emblazened with a viscious eagle
plunging claw-spread from the sky.
There was very little "pig" calling. Some boos when three girls
drinking wine were asked to leave. And the slightest inkling of a minor
confrontation when 50 picnickers suddenly swooped from the hill
9 and surrounded a police photographer with fancy video cameras.
It was not a bad Sunday afternoon. But no one seemed sorry
to saunter on home when the rain started dripping.
Original plans called for Sunday afternoon in Gallup Park
where several rock bands were scheduled to perform.
However, Mayor Robert Harris canceled the park permit after
Sheriff Douglas Harvey said his deputies would move in on future
-Daily-Larry Robbins concerts and "enforce the law."
li 6i iga

-Daily-Larry Robbins

See Editorial Page


Cloudy, chance of
afternoon thundershowers

Vol. LXXIX, No. 38-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 8, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages








The design department of
the architecture and design
school has liberalized re-
quiremens for the Bachelor
of Fine Arts degree, eliminat-
ing most specific course re-
quirements for more than half
the students in design.
The new requirements for the
128-hour degree include 40 hours
of class from the literary college,
52 from the art school and 36
hours of electives from any unit in
the University.
The only specific required aca-
demic courses are English 123 and
12 hours of History of Art includ-
ing either History of Art 111 or
There are no specific art courses
required although students must
take 16 hours of basic art classes.
The revised program is largely
the result of the work of art pro-I
fessor Chet Lamore. Noting gen-
eral student and faculty dissatis-
faction with the school's distribu-
tion requirements, Lamore decid-
ed it was "time to change" the
school's program.
He subsequently drafted the new.
program and gathered faculty andj
atdent opinion concerning it. TheI
atdepartment faculty passed his
proposal virtually without opposi-
tion at an April meeting and the
first students were graduated un-
der it in May.
The 30 to 40 per cent of"the
school's students who are plan-
ning to earn teaching certificates
follow a similar, but more strictly!
delineated program, which w a s
developed to include' state teach-!
ing certification requirements.
Under this program students!
must take 24-26 hours of specified
- education school courses and 401
t hours of literary college courses1
in addition to art school-classes. f
The A&D school also offers a!
Mvaster of Science in Medical andf
Biological Illustration: This pro-!
gram follows the general structure
t } See ART, Page 5E

-Associated Press

'Top U.S. bankers confer

Prof. Chet Lamore

WILLIAM McC. MARTIN, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, talks with Secretary of the
Treasury David Kennedy as the two met yesterday during a secret meeting in Washington. Ken-
nedy called the meeting with officials of major U.S. banks to discuss ways to keep inflation down.
RFK Fellowship project aims
to help solve national problems

m-turder 'case
Ann Arbor Police and Michigan State Police are gather-
ing evidence and sifting clues in an effort to prove they have
arrested the right man in the killing of the seventh young
woman in Washtenaw county in two years.
Ernest R. Bishop, Jr., 28, of 818 Gott St., was arraigned
yesterday morning in District Court by Judge Sanford J.
Elden on a charge of first degree murder of Margaret Ann
Phillips, 25, a University graduate student in sociology.
Bishop did not enter a plea but he did request a court-
appointed attorney. The preliminary examination date is set
for 9:30 a.m. July 16 in Elden's court.
The suspect is a part-time
maintenance man for the city. He
served a term in Southern Mich-
igan Prison for a rape conviction Ten ants
and was released on parole in De-
cember, 1968. This frees Bishop
of suspicion in the murders of
Mary Flezar in July, 1967, and
Joan Schell in July, 1968.
However, police reported that *
Bishop has been a local residentdilt P
during the last four murders, allcliet
since March.
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter By NADINE COHODAS
Krasny, said police detectives are
particularly interested in finding The Tenants Union decided not
a link between the latest murder to picket City Hall yesterday and
and those of Jane Mixer, a Uni- today as City Attorney Jerry Lax
versity law student, and A 11i c e indicated he would reconsider the
Kalom, a University graduate stu- city's July 2 decision not to bring
dent in sociology. Mrs. Ike Kozminski to trial.
All three women were shot The picket had been planned to
through the head b'y .22 caliber protest the city's refusal to prose-
bullets. cute Mrs. Kozminski, wife of land-
while Bishop was being ar- lord Ike Kozminski, for allegedly
While ishopattacking Tenants Union member
raigned this morning, seven State James Brugh during a J u n e 3
Police divers were scouring the picket
bottom of the Huron River near Instead the Tenants Union will
the U.S. 23 expressway east of postpone any decision to pursue
Ann Arbor for a .22 calibre semi- the case until the steering com-
automatic clip loading hand gun mittee meeting tomorrow night,
which police believe to be the Yesterday, David Goldstein, a
murder weapon. legal counsel for the Tenants Un-
Police began the search with ion and Brugh met with Lax to
assistance from Robert Shewcraft, discuss the Kozminski matter.
an acquaintance of Bishop. Goldstein said Lax offered to re-
Shewcraft told police he was with consider City Prosecutor Jerry
Bishop and saw him throw a gun Farmer's refusal to prosecute Mrs.
into the river from the express- Kozminski, but did not promise
way bridge, Sgt. Kenardy Christ- to reverse the decision.
See POLICE, Page 5 Lax, who became city attorney
June 30, also asked the Tenants
Union to give him time to get set-
tled in his new office before re-
ulr U easLe viewing the case.
After meeting with Lax, Gold-
7 " 'U -- L - - _ L-

Edschool students
ask committee seats
Three students from the education school will meet today
with the school's executive committee to discuss the possibil-
ity of having non-voting student representation on that
Currently, education school students have non-voting
seats on all other committees.
Nancy Sprague, grad, and Terry Terteling, undergrad
have been selected by education school students to represent

Beginning in September, 40 life qualitatively different for the
young people will launch the Rob- hungry, the poor, the disenfran-
ert Kennedy Fellowship Program chised, the oppressed," Kennedy
designed to give members of the said.
20-30 age group an opportunity "We are seeking 40 of the most
to help solve national problems. concerned, most determined of
On June 23, Mrs. Robert F. these young people to help launch
Kennedy, Julian Bond and Sen. the Fellowship Program."
Edward Kennedy, announced the Kennedy said the fellows would
formation of the program which work in projects Robert Kennedy
will be funded by the Robert F. was concerned with including the
K O tobMemorial established Bedford - Stuyvesant Restoration
"This generation of young Corp. in Brooklyn, poverty com-
Americans is determined to make i munities in A p p a 1 a c h i a, the

them at today's meeting.


Jack Eisner, president of Stu-
dents for Educational Innovation,
which has sponsored movements
to increase student decision-mak-
ing power, will also attend today's!
In March, SEI established a se-
lection committee of six students!
to choose representatives for vari-
ous education school committees.
This student committee is made
up of three volunteers selected
from a mass meeting for educa-
tion school students, and three,
students who had previously sat
on faculty committees.F
The committee interviewed edu-
cation school students who applied
for positions as non-voting stu-
dent representatives on education
school committees. For the past.
year, selected students have been
serving on several committees in
this capacity.
However, Eisner said yesterday:

'U'plans: Streets are for walking

United Farm Workers and civil
rights community groups.
"The Fellowship program is an
action project not intended to
provide scholarship assistance for
academic study," explained B. J.
Stiles, director of the Fellowship
"Our priority is on problem-
solvers and those who have al-
ready demonstrated their deter-
mination to confront chronic
social problems," he said.
Forty fellows will be chosen
from applications now being ac-
cepted at the RFK Memorial in
Washington. Stiles said both in-
dividuals and community organ-
izations working with poverty and
minority group problems could
nominate candidates for the
Stiles also said community or-
ganizations should submit pro-
posals for using Kennedy fellows
in specific tasks around the coun-
Since the program was estab-
lished, Stiles said commitments
are being developed with com-
munity groups and interested
citizens to place Kennedy fellows
with a wide variety of organiza-
tions throughout the country.
"We are particularly looking for
applicants with legal, economic
development and medical or!
papra-medical training and ex-
perience Stiles added.
"Fellows coming from poverty
and minority groups will be as-
Ciffnrlto4-nnc+44'nncof nnm


"The streets," they say, "belong to the
people." And the University couldn't agree
more. Sometime in the future, the Univer-'
sity would like to see some campus area
streets turned into pedestrian malls.
A perimeter system of roads is already
being completed to carry traffic around
the campus. Parking facilities would be
located on the perimeter streets.
The perimeter roads-Hill, Packard,
Huron, Division and Fifth Streets and
Forest Ave.-will channel traffic around
the campus. Some of the other campus
streets would be closed off, and traffic

Ingalls St. between East University and
Washington when the new Modern Lan-
guages Bldg. and the psychology building
are completed-which will take some time.
Construction has not yet begun on either
The University also has more immediate
plans for building a pedestrian mall on
East University between North and South
But there are no plans yet for changing
South University Ave., despite recent tem-
porary closings via barricade by residents
of the area and friends.
However, State Street may also become
a mall between North University and East

are ahead of State Street. But he adds
that the Main Street development is more
complicated because a bypass route must
be constructed.
The 1969-70 city. budget provides $4000
for developing proposals for the mall. Work
on the plans began after July 1 and no
completion date has been predicted.
The merchants group must accept any
plans. Edwards says about half the mem-
bers still oppose the mall because they
fear damage to business, but he adds that
studies have shown that most cars pass
quickly along the street without noticing
The Main Street Mall would extend

One case from the South Uni-
versity arrests was dismissed and
another postponed last Thursday
by District Judge Sanford J.
The contention charge against
Eugene Gregory, 17, of 2698 Pack-
ard was dropped by Assistant
County Prosecutor Thomas F.
Shea, and the ?contention trial of
John C. Wilson, 18, of Bowie, Md.,
was postponed until Aug. 27.

stein and Brugh discussed the
Kozminski case with Assistant
County Prosecutor Frank Pierce.
Goldstein said the case could
come under the county's jurisdic-
tion because one of the charges
against Mrs. Kozminski, assault
and battery, is a state offense.
Goldstein said Pierce 'refused to
consider bringing Mrs. Kozminski
to trial, however.
Farmer had refused to pro-
secute Mrs. Kozminski because he
said the case was not clear cut
due to a conflict of testimony.


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