Daily- Phone
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471 t ty
Sunny and mild
Vol. LXXIXk No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 3, 1969 Ten Cents
Six Pages
Fleming rejects
M ayor
ref uses
President Robben Fleming
has responded to Student Gov-
ernment Council demands for'
policy-making power for Uni-
versity advisory committees
by declaring firmly that "the
advice of advisory commit-
tees . . cannot be binding"
on executive officers.
Fleming's statement, in the
form of a letter to Acting Vice
President for Student Affairs
Barbara Newell, rebuffs current
motions' pending before SGC
which would give alladvisory
committees in the University
authority to mandate policy.
SGC officers, however, say
Fleming's letter will not affect
action on their motions, which
also provide for SGC withdrawal
from any committees which refuse
to comply.
"From the standpoint of the
Administration, chaos would re-
sult from a concept that various
and sundry advisory committees,
of which there are many, canj
mandate the administrators with
whom they work," says Fleming's
Pepes picnic' set
for Sunday i1 Arb
City officials denied a request yesterday from White
Panther Party members for a permit to allow a rock concert
this Sunday at Gallup Lake Park.
However, at a community meeting at Trans-Love Ener-
gies last night, White Panther members decided to hold a
"people's picnic" at Nichols' Arboretum Sunday without am-
plified music. The Arb belongs to the University.
Skip Taube, minister of information for the White Pan-
thers, said he has been denied permits in the past to use the
Arb. But he emphasized that this picnic will be an informal,
peaceful gathering.
The city's action came after Washtenaw County Sher
iff Douglas Harvey said his deputies would move in on fu-
ture concerts and "enforce - - -
Marty McLaughlin Robben Fleming
Jt+ 4 J
"Such committees can be, and
are, an important influence on
Sthe ultimate decision . . . But they
cannot mandate it," wrote Flem-
The University's affirmative action program for equal 'The letter came in response to
opportunity employment has been commended by a visiting atSecc paiey boarisdmcriti
team of representatives from the Department of Health, cized Housing Director John Feld-
Education and Welfare. 'kamp for not following a recom-
"The University has made commendable steps moving
in the right direction," said contract compliance officer Clif-
ford Minton, who visited the University last week along with
four other HEW representatives.
The department makes periodic reviews, of all recipients
of federal assistance, under authority of Title VI, Civil
i Rights Act of 1964, and an
mendation of his Student Ad- y It e1ic
visory Committee on Housing.
SACH had recommended not to Two successive nights of racial viol
raise the rents of married stu- arrests and more than $30,000 in da
dents in Northwood apartments, chased a car at speeds above 100 mi
but Feldkamp strongly urged Mrs. Christian Sonneveldt has warned an
Newell to raise the rents by $5 ~- ~
Four students and two faculty K OIZM1-NIN%'K T U I. A .
-Associated Press
t' in G rand Rapids
ence in Grand Rapids left a toll of 35 injuries, nearly 54
mages yesterday. The disturbances started Monday after police
iles per hour through a predominantly black section. Mayor
ny further disorders will be met with "stronger measures."
Fo ur faeulty
on state panel
LANSING () - Gov. William
Milliken has named a 40-mem-
ber citizens advisory group to his
commission on educational re-
form, including four University
faculty members.
The group is about equally
divided between educators and
those with a strong interest in
the subject. They will hold their
first meeting today, primarily for
organizational purposes.
Appointed from the University
were three professors from the
education school and Medical
School professor Dr. A l b e r t
Wheeler, who is president of the
Michigan Conference of Branches
of the NAACP.-
The faculty members from the
education school are Alvin D.
Loving, Russell Wilson and Stan-
ley E. Dimond.
"We hope the group will be an
information resource pool to both
the commission and its staff as
we move through a very busy
summer and a final report by
Sept. 30," Milliken said.
executive order.
Minton's recommendations were
submitted in the form of a let-
ter of agreement for President
Robben Fleming's signature. Oth-
er findings are being processed by
HEW and will be reported to the
University at a later date.
HEW's Office of Civil Rights
indicated a particular interest in
the Medical School and University
Hospital when the compliance re-
view was announced. Several of
the recommendations concern the
Medical Center, including re-
cruitment and selection of black
interns and residents.
Other recommendations!
strengthen and make more ex-
plicit existing requirements of
non-discriminatory procedures by
University subcontractors and
In February, the University
filed its annual compliance re-
port with the federal government,
giving data on minority group em-
ployment by job classifications.
HEW then also requested an
updated list of minority group;
personnel by name, unit, job clas-
sification, date of employment
and pay rate.
Information was also requested'
on affirmative action programs,
publications and practices.
members on the board supporte
SACH and told Feldkamp his ro
ed ______
is only to implement decisions 0tole
made by the committee. it
Fleming, however, told Mrs. .
Newell that "staff officers, like
John Feldkamp, are expected to
give us their best advice and
judgment at all times, and can- c
not be mandated by advisory com- ,
mittees to do otherwise."{
But he gave in to SACH's rec- '
ommendation on the rent in- By NADINE COIIODAS rge Simmon, were on the scene. two more substantial rent reduc-
crease, claiming that a charge- However, both have claimed they tions last week through direct
back on utilities will pay for in- to pickt Ciy H a ively did not see Mrs. Kozminski strike I negotiations with landlords.
creased t t ~plans to picket City Hall MondayBrh h hthua
creased maintenance costs. adTedyt ioettect' Brugh although they eventually Teatino soemnsi
SGC, meanhi ese osn a kin irefu sday to pote t thke Koz- persuaded her to go inside the four strikers living in the Royal
finCmoeanhil e, n tin rfsltopoeat r.Ik o-barbershop. - Dthaatet nCuc
miniski for allegedly striking Ten- Dutch apartments on Church
to make existing advisory commit- ants Union member James Brugh Brugh said Vanderpool told him Street owned by Mrs. Charlotte
tees in OSA into policy commit- tnsUinmmbrJmsBu h
tees n t oi - Brugh charged Mrs. Kozminski, the case was not clear cut be- Von Curler were awarded reduc-
tees. Under the motion, "the ad- of ladod Ike Kozmiski cause of conflicting testimony. tions in back rent of $60 each.
ministrator is to recognize decil i'uck hihlandlod Ikepicketd k Although Mrs. Kozminski admit- The settlement was reached
sions of his committee as official stted she struck Brugh, she has through direct negotiation be-
policy, of his office." other union members June 3 in
Iyf th moipses, SGfront of Ike's Barbershop at3117 claimed Brugh bumped her first. tween Mrs. Van Curler's lawyer,
If the motion passes, SGC rep- W Washington Brugh said Vanderpool told him Michael Meade and Fred Walker,
sbumping constituted an assault. the Tenants Union lawyer. Mrs.
which do not conform by July 15 j Brugh was informed yesterday Van Curler and one of the ten-
will refuse. to participate. Eight by Ann Arbor Det. Sgt. Vander- Vanderpoo said yesterday office t
council members present at last pool that the city "prefers not to regulations would not permit him ants, Steve Kushner, were present
week's first reading supported the issue a warrant for a person's to comment on the case. at the meeting.
motion unanimously, virtually as- arrest in a case that is not clear Unless Farmer rescinds his de- I ant cse mrn Musder,
suring final passage this week. cut." cision, the case will not be con- a tenant of Summit Associates,
A broader motion under con- City piosecuter Jerome Farmer, tinued unless the Tenants Union back rent Mulder was scheduled
sideration would demand that all who made the decision, could not posts $50 bond to cover court to plead his own case in court but
advisory committees in the Uni- be reached for comment yesterday. costs. They have already done so an agreement was reached the
versity, apart from OSA - such During the picketing, which in- in a case involving an alleged as- morning of the trial between
as the Curriculum and Academic volved 20 protesters, two city of- sault and battery charge against Mulder and Jay Gampel, the
See SGC, Page 5 ficials, Farmer and Det. Lt. Geo- Louis Feigelson, manager of the Munder a J amph
Ambassador Co., who the Ten- m e Summit.
ants Union says has attacked four SeTEASPge.
ATED PROGRAM members. Court proceedings are
set for July 21.
At the Tenants Union SteeringC
Committee meeting last night,
in the Kozminski case. Instead
they decided to try other means
came over we took of pressuring Farmer through the
picketing and by sending mdi-,
t vidual letters urging him to re- By SCOTT MIXER
t thre degardmen-sconsider his decision. District Judge Sanford Elden's
three departments The steering committee said in court convicted one more person
n students. a statement last night, "We wish on a misdemeanor charge yester-
Kawamurd, presi- to state, as we have stated many day and acted on four felony
Student Club, says times before that the behavior of cases of inciting to riot stemming
f foreign students at the city prosecutor's office on this from June's South University dis-
emely poor, 3matter reveals an unequal and tudbances.
lubs try to get the ylaw, especially in light of their involved the finalbarguments and
idents coming to the zeal in prosecuting others as a charging of the jury by Elden in
rational Center does result of certain recent incidents the case of Kent Livingston, begun
ist. He says that the in Ann Arbor. Tuesday. Livingston was found
d to report to the "If they wish to enforce law guilty of creating a disturbance by
upon arrival and and maintain order," the state- a six-person jury after about three
ment continues, "then they should hours of deliberation. Living-
the law."
Mayor Robert J. Harris and
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-
com, Jr. announced the concert
cancellation yesterday, saying,
"This action has been taken at
the request of the principal law
enforcement officers based on
their intelligence reports which
predict an influx of hundreds,
perhaps thousands, of motorcy-
clists from outside the city."
Taube said last night that some
motorcyclists from Detroit were
invited to come down to the con-
cert but"not over 100."
"This is just a police ruse to
prohibit people from getting to-
gether," charged Taube. He added
that the permit to hold a concert
did not stipulate who may attend
the concert but was concerned
only with allowing amplified mu-
sic in a public park.
Harris and Larcom said that
"permitting the concert would
multiply greatly the police re-
sponsibilities and problems of
controlling law and order."
They said that all the officials
- including the police, prosecut-
ing attorneys and others 'in the
city government - decided that
"it is in the best public interest
that this decision be made.'
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Krasny said last night there were
several other factors that were
considered in the decision to can-
cel the park concert.
1 Krasny did say that Harvey's
statements concerning the Sunday
concert had no effect on his posi-
tion to cancel the concert.,
Harvey attended yesterday's
meetings with city officials and
"I believe they (White Panther
sponsors of the concert) broke
faith in what they would and
would not do," said Krasny. "I
cannot sit by with the conduct
that went on at the last concert."
Krasny claimed that people
used the microphones on stage to
"exhort" others to break the laws
- including "to smoke pot."
If there are any future concerts,
Krasny said there would be uni-
formed policemen- patrolling the
parks who would arrest anyone
breaking any laws.
See CITY, Page 5
Aets One
. arrests
Assistant Prosecutor Thomas F.
Shea moved to dismiss charges
against Edward L. Livingston, 17,
of 2736 Georgetown Blvd., arrested
the night of June 17 and charged
with inciting to riot.
The defense accepted the mo-
tion and the case was closed.
Mike Dover, 21, of Ypsilanti,
asked Elden topostpone his pre-
liminary examination on charges
of inciting to riot, after his lawyer
dropped his case yesterday. Dover
was arrested the night of June 17.
Elden re-scheduled Dover's ex-j
am~n'ination for .July 9 at 9:30
Nine members of Radical
Caucus met with President
Robben Fleming yesterday in
a stormy 45-minute 'session
and demanded that the presi-
dent initiate an investigation
of complaints of violence
against the Ann Arbor police.
Fleming told the caucus ijiem-
bers that he would first have to
discuss the matter with Senate
Assembly's Student R e l at io n s
Committee, but later added he
did not think such a study would
be appropriate for the University
to undertake.
Fleming expressed "confidence"
in Mayor Robert Harris and in
the two-man investigating com-
mittee which the mayor created
last week to look into charges
against the police, stemming from
the recent disorders on South Uni-
versity Ave.
Caucus members argued that a
University review of the actions
With this issue, the Daily staff
takes off for the Fourth of
July weekend. We expect you'll
do likewise, so publication will
stop until Tuesday morning,
July 9.
of Ann Arbor policemen would be
appropriate because the Univer-
sity pays 18 per cent of the police
budget of the force. This money is
paid in compensation for police
protection on University property.
Caucus members cited actions
of the Ann Arbor police during
the South University disorders
that they say cast doubt on the
wisdom of continued University
subsidy of the force.
Specifically, Caucus member
Gary Rothberger told Fleming of
the club-swinging charge which
Ann Arbor police made at a group
of people who were standing near
the Engin Arch at 11 p.m. on the
first night police were called in
to South University.
About a dozen police had
charged through the Engin Arch
and up to the Undergraduate Li-
brary in a maneuver that was ap-
parently coordinated with another
charge toward the UGLI through
a different access path to Central
Fleming did not comment on the
specific incident, but said he be-
lieved Ann Arbor police had exer-
cised restraint during the disor-
ders. The president said he based
this estimation on the observa-
tions he made during the disorder
Iranian student
An officer in the Iranian Student Com-
munity Association has charged that lack
of coordination among University offices
designed to aid foreign students has re-"
sulted in students' adjustment' problems
and "cultural shock".
Kazem Iravani says the English Lan-
guage Institute, the International Center
and the Housing Office have failed to help
international visitors ease into University
Iravani cites the case of one student,
Hossein Irani-Nejad, who arrived last week
intending to take English at the ELI
and eventually engineering at the Univer-
"As soon as the boy
care of him."
Luther contends th
operation among the
responsible for foreig
However, ,Kazukiko
dent of the Japanese
that the orientation o
the University is extri
Although various c
lists of all foreign stu
University, the Intern
not have a complete l
students are suppose
International Center
many neglect to do th