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June 14, 1969 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-14

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running wild


Ely£3idyi Baity
Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

Will Detroit burn?

by lImuat c erot

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in oli reprints.




Building IM, facilities
for the students?

THE INTRAMURAL Committee's decis-
ion to recommend funding for two
new buildings through a tuition increase
without a referendum to determine stu-
dent opinion is disappointing if not sur-
The committee has all along evaded
Issues relevant to student interest such
as a referendum and has never accur-
ately determined student opinion on any
aspect of the facilities.
The decision to start assessing stu-
dents after the buildings are completed
is an obvious attempt to let time obscure
and restrict the issue. By then, students
may have no possible choice in the mat-
ter. The buildings will exist, and if there
is no viable funding alternative, t h e
hands of the University will be tied.
The committee claims to have ac-
tively sought student opinion in a series
of open meetings and in a survey taken
by a statistics class of physical educa-
tion students.
THE COMMITTEE'S report notes the
funding of the Kirscht survey shows 57
per cent "approve the use of student
fees to finance new indoor facilities, a
finding which points to apparent gen-
eral student support of the concept."
This is the committee's support for the
claim of the popularity of a tuition hike.
But the survey is no measure of stu-
dent opinion - it was never designed to
be one. The poll was a teaching device
which delineated student, faculty, and
staff recreational preferences without
ever asking if students would want facil-

ities funded through a tuition increase'of
up to $15 a term.
It's hard to understand how such a
survey means more to the committee
made by Student Government Council,
Interfraternity Council, Inter-Housing
Assembly, the Tenants Union, and sev-
eral individual dormitory councils - all
of which are elected student bodies that
speak for the students far more legiti-
mately than does the IM committee.
facilities should be funded through
student fees. But they at least should
have the opportunity to say so.
Recommending such funding without
a referendum is an indication of the
committee's lack of concern and indeed
lack of interest in the opinion of the
general student body.
And nothing emphasizes the low re-
gard the committee has of student opin-
ion more than the closure of the final
meeting during which the final recom-
mendation to Vice President Smith was
SGC has proposed students withhold
tuition payments if student funding of
the buildings is approved by the Regents.
Such tactics may be the only way a frus-
trated student body has of indicating
opposition to a lack of representation on
questions such as IM funding. The build-
ings are for the students-whether they
warrant a raise in tuition should be left
for them to decide.

H AVE WHITES forgotten the findings
of the Kerner report? Has the impact
of the "heralded" book "Black Rage"
been dulled? Has the memory of the de-
ceased Martin Luther King rusted now
that the day of mourning set aside in
his honor is now past?
Will whites rue the day of the after-
math that made "Burn Baby Burn" a
must to read?
Will the One Year Later report and
myriad others like it be sufficient warn-
ing to whites that they still need to rec-
tify injustices against the black commun-
The answer may be seen in Detroit this
assertive dissident blacks by white law
enforcement agencies poses a serious
threat to the tranquility of Detroit this
The actions of Wayne County Prosecut-
ing Attorney William Cahalan and the
Detroit police department in the last few
weeks have incensed already' indignant
tempers in black Detroit, and may well
lead to unprecedented violence this sum-
mer. Cahalan and the police seem deter-
mined to have a show down of physical
force between themselves and the black
Cahalan's persistent covert acts uphold-
ing law and order eggs further police
abuse of blacks and has recenved tacit sup-
port from mayor Jerome Cavanagh and
white council members. His actions are
particularly inflammatory in view of the
major black insurrection two summers ago,
especially since summer is almost here.
In a span of less than three weeks more
has happened in the realm of psychological
and physical repression of blacks in De-
troit, than had occurred in so little time
before the era of "New Awareness" set in.
One of the most provocative episodes
was the Bethel Church incident.
THREE WEEKS AGO at approximately
midnight two policemen followed a group
of blacks, who they claim were bearing
rifles, to the New Bethel Baptist Church.
The police radioed for reinforcements.
When the police reached the church they
fired on it. They weremet with retaliation,
and one patrolman, Michael Czapstki, was
When the shooting subsided, the police
entered the church, and arrested everyone
inside-some 120 children, women and
men and the janitor. The police learned
they had interrupted a meeting of the
New Republic of Africa-a black militant

New Bethel Baptist Church?

separatist organization. Then everyone, in-
cluding the janitorwas hauled off to the
police station.
The, police began questioning the people
and 12 from the New Republic of Africa
were given nitrate tests in order to find
traces of gun powder. In the meantime,
police had called Cahalan, but failed to
provide any legal counsel for those whom
they had arrested. It was Congressman.
James Del Rio, Who notified Recorder's
Court Judge George W. Crockett of the
"black roundup." Recorder's court Judge
George W. Crockett of' the "black round-
up." Crockett immediately went to the
10th precinct and set up his makeshift
He released the janitor outright. He be-
gan procedding the other people-children
first. As it became apparent that they
were innocent bystanders, Crockett asked
for a meeting with Cahalan and the ar-
resting officers. The meeting produced an
agreement which led to the dismissal of
all arrested, except the 12 from the New
Republic of Africa, on whom police said
nitrate tests were positive.
CROCKETT RELEASED all but three of
them, claiming that the police had vio-
lated their constitutional rights. The judge
based his decision on a opinion rendered
by the Supreme Court, which stipulates
that counsel must be present at all cruc-
ial points of initial questioning by police.
Crockett deemed the nitrate tests a cruc-
ial point.

An angry Cahalan ordered a policeman
to detain a man Crockett ordered to be
released. Crockett immediately f o u n d
Cahalan in contempt of court and t o1 d
him to appear the following day for a
show cause hearing. The other three men
were released on bail.
The following day, the press-notably
the Detroit Free Press--published screech-
ing headlines, and blatantly distorted stor-
ies of the events that had transgressed the
night before,
They reported that Crockett had ordered
the immediate release of 100 blacks with-
out hearing testimony from police. Stories
were slanted to make it appear that Cah-
alan's action overriding Crockett's decis-
ion was in desperate frustration and as a
protest of Crockett's insensitivity to the
position of the police.
Needless to say, there was overplay con-
cerning the slain policeman and his fam-
ily. On the other hand Crockett received
additional biased notoriety when the press
released stories concerning his defense of
communists, which led to the Supreme
Court's striking down of the Smith Act.
Sensing the volatile atmosphere in De-
troit, Crockett called off the show cause
hearing for Cahalan. Yet there was a
notable lack of interest on Cahalan's and
the polices' part to clarify obvious errors
in press coverage.
THE NEW BETHEL Baptist Church in-
cident took on political tones when the
state legislature offered their uninformed

criticisms of Judge Crockett. They recom-
mended that the Tenure Commission in-
vestigate Crockett's actions, thereby re-
viving a dead and defunct preserver of the
status quo.
Cavanagh displayed profound reasoning
and unexcusable bias (for an election year)
when he said "Although I don't know what
happened that right, I am certain the
police acted with propriety. But now I wish
everyone would. just forget about it."
Cavanagh also accused the Detroit Hu-
man Relations Committee of obstruction-
ist tactics when they began their investiga-
tion of police action the night the Bethel
Church was raided.
Chagrined by a favorable Tenure Com-
mission report, Cahalan refused to "forget,
about it," and last week, he brought charges
against Rev. C. L. Franklin for "control of
American Airlines notified Cahalan
that a bag identified as belonging to
Franklin contained marijuana. The air-
lines said they checked it because it was
left on the plane and had to determine its
Franklin, who incidentally is the pastor
of the New Bethel Baptist Church, was
notified about his lost baggage when the
proscuting attorney's office served him a
warrant for his arrest.
If Franklin is found guilty, he could
serve'up to 10 years in prison. But it ap-
pears that Cahalan is off on another one
of his black witch hunts.
It was recently revealed by American
Airlines that Franklin was not on the
flight where his lost suitcase was found. It
was also revealed that about 28 people
were involved in the handling of Frank-
lin's suitcase.
BOTH CROCKETT and Franklin had
done their best to preserve the city's facade
of harmony by not making any statements
to the press. Crockett held one press con-
ference as a final gesture to stop press
speculation on what happened the night of
the Bethel Church shoot out, and Franklin
has spoken sparingly to the press on what
seems to be an obvious frame up.
Although Crockett and Franklin are to
be admired for their reticence in an effort
to keep Detroit cool, somehow it all ap-
pears to be in vain, particularly in view
of the handling of the Algiers case in
Mason and the consequences it portends
for the upcoming trial in Inkster.
Only time will tell what happens to De-
troit as the black community swallows
the bittersweet justice of Mason and
awaits the verdict at Inkster.


Cracking down on universities


gressmen, conspicuous for their fore-
sight and sanity, are stalling action on a
particularly repulsive measure dealing
with campus disorders.
The current bill before the House
Education and Labor Committee requires
that each college file with the Federal
Government a code of campus conduct
before it or its students can receive fed-
eral aid.
A second clause adds injury to insult.
It proposes the withholding of federal
aid for two years from any student con-
victed of engaging in any campus dis-
orders interpreted by the college as "sub-
stantial disruption."
The bill also proposes to increase the
aid cut-off from two years to five for
those students receiving aid under the
G.I. Bill and the children's allowance
section of the Social Security Act.
A final clause requires students -
and even faculty -- applying for Federal
Editorial Staff
MARCIA ABRAMSON .............,........ Co-Editor
STEVE ANZALONE ....................Co-Editor
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN.. Summer Supplement Editor
JIM FORRESTER.............Summer Sports Editor
PHILHERTZ......Associate Summer Sports Editor
Sports Staff
JOEL BLOCK, Sports Editor
ANDY BARBAS, Executive Sports Editor
BILL CUSUMANO.......... Associate Sports Editor
JIM FORRESTER...........Associate Sports Editor
ROBIN WRIGHT............ Associate Sports Editor
JOE MARKER ................... Contributing Editor

aid to disclose previous convictions in-
volving $he use of force or the seizure of
campus property.
and H.E.W. Secretary Robert Finch
appear to support the bill despite their
previous stands against new legislation
dealing with disorders.
Finch actually compromised his ear-
lier position in order to straddle the
fence. He now opposes any legislation
which "prevents the flow of F e d e r a 1
funds to colleges."
Dr. James E. Allen, however, the Unit-
ed State Commissioner of Education, de-
nounced the bill outright. Allen termed it
an "administrative impossibility," a n d
said it would interferes "in the internal
affairs of a university."
Sohn Brademas, a Democrat from In-
diana who is fervently opposed to t h e
measure, suggested the bill be renamed
the Education Control Act rather than
the Higher Education Protection and
Freedom of Expression Act of 1969 (sic).
Clearly, Congressmen need not be-
moan their inactivity and criticize
Nixon's failure to initiate new legislation.
When Congress disposes of the disorder
bill they probably will move on to bigger
and better things - Nixon's proposals on
law enforcement and pornogiaphy con-


'threat to the community'

To the Editor:
MR.-LARCOM has chosen his
recent news release to heap abuse
on both the HRC and its Director.
He also leaves the clear implica-
tion that 'Mr. Chauncey's behaiv-
or in carrying out his assignment
for the HRC was improper. This,
in spite of the fact that the HRC
Director, Assistant Director and
three Commission members in-
cluding Mr. Lloyd Williams, Mrs.
Mildred Officer a n d Mrs. Ruth
Hobbs heard all of the evidence
and determined that Mr. Chaun-
cey's behaivor was beyond re-
In the summer of 1966, after a
long series of discussions, Mr. Lar-
com agreed to strongly support
the establishment of a Police Re-
view Board. However, when the
police opposed the board, Mr. Lar-
com backed off. In 1964, I ap-
proached Mr. Larcom along with
several other' individuals to make
charges of employment discrim-
ination against city departments
and against the personnel director
in particular. Nothing was done
and the same personnel director
is still at work. I understand there
are 6 complaints of employment
discrimination involving City Hall
which have been on Mr. Larcom's
desk for a number of weeks.
Last fall when the HRC brought
to the attention of Council the
fact that the Building and Safety
Department, the City Attorney's
office and t h e Municiple Judge
had taken no effective action in a
flagrant case of c o d e violation,
Mr. Larcom had no comments to
MR. LARCOM has shown a pat-
tern of lack of concern about hu-
man rights issues. The new ad-
ministration assumed that Mr.
Larcom could effectively carry out
their policies. In his present press
release, Mr. Larcom has shown his
true colors.
The HRC has acted properly,
both in investigating this case and
in taking the matter to the press.
All cases involving police mis-
treatment should be taken to the
press until a satisfactory way of
resolving police complaints h a s
been found.
In the mean time, I would urge
the HRC to take this whole matter
to the State Civil Rights Commis-
sion, complaining about racism
not only against the Star Bar and
the police, but against Mr. Lar-
enm Tn +h maon +n T thin1r the

such practice in City employment
even though there have been many
complaints filed against him and
that some are still pending.
During this meeting in 1964. a
group called the DAC (Director
Action Committee) was demon-
strating against the police depart-
ment about police brutality against
Willie Gregory (who was at the
time, 15 or 16 years old). There
was evidence established that
firemen from the City of Ann Ar-
bor (across the street from City
Hall) had "planned" to provoke
and create a disturbance with the
demonstrating group with the full
knowledge of the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Department including the
Chief of Police. This is at least in
part, a matter of court record.
After the incident was begun
by a fireman named Hartman
ramming his grocery cart i n to
some of the demonstrators. It is
still a mystery why the people who
were the victims of an attack by
City employees while on duty,
were the only participants to be
required to go to court. After the
fight started, all the firemen left
the station and joined the fight
and the policemen stormed t he
same group from the opposite di-
rection and in the full view of all
people meeting in the Conference,
which included Mr. Larcom.
tervene in the following cases from
citizen's complaints:
1967-68, Ezra L. Rowry vs. Ann
Arbor policemen suing him f o r
1965, Willie Gregory harassed by
Ann Arbor Police: Larcom states
that the officer was scolded.
1967, Jimmie James assaulted
by An n Arbor Police; mistaken
identity: Mayor apologized
through Ann Arbor News, C i t y
settled out of Court, supposedly
for $1,500.00.
1967 or 1968, Jimmie Jones, as-
saulted and beaten by Ann Arbor
Police: no charge. -
Linda Williams arrested by Ann
Arbor Police: released to parents,
no charge.
1968, Dave Hunter and Robert
Terrell arrested for loitering: both
required medical treatment; Ter-
rell sustained a broken jaw, was
lodged in jail f o r hours before
medical help was allowed. Larcom
was called from the scene by Mr.
Rowry as was Mayor Hulcher.
Larcom didn't respond, and Hul-
cher met Mr .Rnwrv at Citv THl

honesty and a threat to this com-
-Ezra L. Rowry
June 12
The Daily and crime
To the Editor:
SO MANY PEOPLE have been
charging so many others with
"conspiracy" of late that I am re-
luctant to join in, but need every-
one, including The Daily, work so
hard at preserving the fiction that
the Ann Arbor area is a perfectly
safe place to live. Can we treat
such events as the shooting of a
student on the Diag and the kill-
ing of two others nearby as ordi-
nary occurrences not worthy of
special attention or concern?
Or is expression of grief a n d
concern, even worry, out of place
in The Daily?
Surely there must be more to
say than "Police revealed yester-
day the sixth victim in the recent
series of area slayings was Uni-
versity coed Alice Kalom, '69."
-Molly Turlish, Grad
June 11

To the Edlitor:
IN THE WAKE of the recent
tragedy which struck a University
coed, it would be wise to turn one's
attention to the security of the
University area. Much of the cen-
tral campus and the surrounding
streets are poorly lighted. The
University is presently engaged in
improving lighting on a handful
of streets in a joint program with
the City. Yet this program stops
far short of meeting the needs of
the campus in regard to'safety!
Lighting on all streets inthe cam-
'pus area should be improved im-
Areas which demand urgent at-
tention are: The Hospital area;
Streets surrounding the Women's
Pool; Oxford vicinity; and Wash-
tenaw-Hill section.'
Additionally, a program should
be drawn up to insure that a Uni-
versity funded and operated bus
system, servicing all areas of the
University community, would run
in the evenings providing trans-

portation to and from the central
campus. Such a system should be-
gin no later than the opening of
the fall semester. We can no long-
er wait for the city to implement
a bus service in the campus area!
THE UNIVERSITY', a l w a y s
seems to be able to come up with
necessary funds for new bureau-
cratic mechanisms or $250,000 for
new turf for the stadium (regard-
less of the fact that the Athletic
Department operates out of a sep-
arate budget), but when the need
arises for worthwhile investments
- or immediate action - t h e
University drags its feet. Either
the matter is forgotten or buried
in a committee stacked with ad-
ministrators and conservative fac-
One can only question the prior-
ities of the administration if ac-
tion is not formulated on improv-
ing campus safety.
--Mike Farrell, '17
SGC member
June 11



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