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May 08, 1969 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-08

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Page Two


Thursday, May S, 1969


Thursdoy, May 8. 1969

music s
'ush Tickets:',
FOR the first time in its long history, the University Musical
Society offered special "Rush Tickets" to the annual May
Festival held in Hill Aud.
During a specified time the day of each concert, stu-
dents, professors, and townspeople could obtain for only one
dollar a ticket to concerts by the Philadelphia Orchestra and
visiting artists; these tickets entitled the holder not merely
to "rear of the house" seats but in many cases to prime main
floor seats thait had gone unsold.
Gail Rector, president of the UMS, is to be congratulated
on this move which should prove beneficial to both student
and the UMS box office. Many students interested in music
hesitate to pgy the full seat price, let alone buy a series sub-
scription; to these people the rush ticket is a special induce-
ment to attend concerts.'
FURTIERMORE, as the May Festival unavoidably falls
during the winter term examination period, when stu-
dents may be loath to commit their time (and money) in
adyance, the rush ticket becomes a good last minute way to
take a break from studies.
It is hoped that the enthusiastic response to this experi-
ment-shown by long, eager lines-will induce the UMS to
offer rush tickets during their fall and winter term concert
Regular concert-goers know that to hear the top attrac-
tions, which inevitably sell out Hill Aud., they will have to,
purchase either series or full-price tickets. For the slightly
lesser names, rush tickets can only help bring curious stu-
dents to the concert hall and fill up those otherwise empty
seats. Apart from being good business sense, rush tickets
are an investment in the cultural education of University
students, /
Contemporary program
receive $25, 000 grant


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The Killing of Sister George is the story of an
actress whose character dies in the soap opera
she performs in. Yet the whole film is not much
more than a big technicolor soap opera, only
better because it is about lesbians and you get to
see Susannah Fork's breasts.
Soap operas are a great tradition and must
not be harshly judged because of what seems to
be cheap emotionalism. The plots are deeply,
interwoven in a number of main characters but
simple enough to allow the late-coming viewer to
become emotionally involved. The episodes shift
from characters to other characters to develop
the interwoven plot by the devise of climax. The
climax, however biting, is only one of a series
that comes week after week.
The key to soap opera is that relationships
thrive on conflict. Not just mundane "let's buy
a new TV"-"No. let's not" conflicts but intense-
ly emotional conflicts.
Soap operas are also the champions of un-
spoken social dilemmas. On an average weekday
afternoon, television soap operas treat us to
abortions, unwed mothers, divorce, terminal di-
seases, bratty kids, and all those problems that
we never want to have happen to our family.
It is in this tradition that The Killing of Sister
George must be viewed. Beryl Reid gives a stun-_
ning performance of Miss June Buckridge, who
acts in the soap opera as the motorbike-riding
Sister George, humble heroine of the small
In real life, Miss June Buckridge drinks like a
sailor and bitches at her childlike nymph Of a
roommate who she calls "Childie" (Susannah
York). George, the domineering mother-gestapo
guard, puts Childie through hell by hiding her
dolls and making her chew& and swallow cigar
butts when she comes in too late. Childie, in
spite of her nymphlike behavior, turns out to be
a 32-year-old big girl who was an unwed mother
at fifteen.
The plot is soap opera; Sister George looses
her job as humble heroine and Childie finds
someone new in George's old producer (Coral
Browne). The relationships are in conflict: Sister
George is always drinking and yelling (Beryl
Reid is the best yeller I have heard in a long

ho vie soap
time) and her life is portrayed as nothing but
intense emotional conflict.
By the revealing of the relationships between
the two women the film succeeds in its most
disturbing purpose: that the relationship be-
tween two lesbians goes farther than what we
might expect. Miss Buckridge and Childie have
"been together so long." Their relationship can-
not be defined in terms of "mother-daughter,"
"husband-wife" or any other conventional roles.
The audience must cast off the preconceived
kinds of relationships and accept this new kind.
Miss Buckridge and Childie find a kind of love
through their need for each other. They do not
stay together for passion but because of the
psychological need they have for each other.
When Childie goes off with "another woman"
we suspect that she is driven by passion but we
also feel that she is trying to escape her emo-
tional role.
The question that arises from all of this is
whether this movie or soap operas in general are
accurate portrayals of human relationships.
I say no, because I feel that human relation-
ships exist, thrive, and change during periods
were there are no intense emotional conflicts.
The mundane decision of buying a new TV is
not highly emotional but important in an ever-
changing relationship. Soap opera and this film'
only deal with the character during intensely
emotional relationships and that makes me ques-
tion the validity of them.
Another criticism lies in the tendency of the
audience to use the emotional relationships to
live through real life emotions. The classic ex-
ample of the little old lady glued to her TV set
everyday is an all too human tendency. Just as
Miss Buckridge lives' out her goodness through
her role as Sister George, the audience is drawn
to the same emotionalism by exceedingly cheap
devices. Certainly a film should involve the aud-
ience but in the soap opera, since it uses cheap
devices, our emotions, however real to us, do not
feel valid.
The most caustic criticism that I have to offer
tand the most valid) is that I simply didn't en-
joy the movie. All the intellectualization comes
as an afterthought, not in the process of watch-
ing the film.



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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f or m to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day precedingti publi-
cation and by 2 p.m.'Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organizationbnotices a r e
nt accepted for publication. ForI
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Thursday. May 8
TIONS SEMINAR - "Management of
Managers, Program No. 88": North Cam-
pus Commons, 8:15 a.m.
WORKSHOP: "New Product Opportun-
ities in Medical Applications":.Chrysler
Center, North Campus, 8:30 a.m.

open. June and August grads register LOCAL FIRM - Retailing and man-
for services of job hunting, perman- agemnent trainee. with opportunity for
ent file of references, and planning. becoming part of the business, any ac-
Call 764-7460 for complete information adeinic bckrncl.. no exper needed,
on how P.S. may help you. LITTLE. BROWN & COMPANY, Bos-
ton, Mass. - Sales Representative, tra-
ANNOUNCEMENT vel to universities and work with pro-
STATE OF MICHIGAN, LIQUOR CON- fessors selling t e x t books, lib. arts
TROL COMMISSION seeks many new bckrnd, no exper needed.
graduates f o r Liquor Enforcement EASTERN AIRLINES. Detroit, Mich.
trainees, most positions in Detroit area, -Sales Representative for ticket sales,
IWill ascertain compliance with regui- travel limited, any lib. arts degree, no
lations on wholesale liquor dispensing exper needed.
establishments. A letter of . interest SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES, INC., N.
should be filed before May 19 for the y. C. -- Assistant, Director of Public
tests later in June. Write to WalterM. nformation ill assist in organizing
Noack, Director of Enforcement, Mich. all publicity activities and services,
Liquor Control, Commission, Box 1260, 'MILARCH NURSERY, Livonia, Mich.
Lansing. Or call DU 3-400, Mike Pelrul, - Variety of personnel, supervisory and
District Supervisor, Lincoln Park, general work, much outside, min. 16
FEDERAL SERVICE ENTRANCE EX- years old, no spec. academic or exper.
AMINATION w i l11 be given again in LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY, Chi-
June, applications must be received by cago, I1. - Asst. in Indust. rel. dept.,
May 14, Applic. and Infoa available at new grads or exper in personnel accep-
Placement Services, Career Planning table.

MAIL AND PHONE, please contact P. S.,
764-7460, for complete application'de-



Rachelle Roth Rosenberg, Compara- LOCAL ORGANIZATION - Program-
tive Literature, Dissertation: "Zola's mer, full time, some exposure or Bourse-
Imagery and the Archetype of the Great wokin programming.
SMo1her," on Thursday, May 8 at9:00 BOYS' CLUBS OF AMERICA, nation-
a.m: in 3094 Frieze Building, Chairman: grads for approprattimepositionadi
J. J Niesa, d Eand program direction in phys. ed., so-
John Duncan, Industrial Engineering,°;cial arts & crafts, camps, group cluibs
Dissertation: "Mathematical and Nu- and other types of direction.
merical Methods for Scheduling Cutting
Tool Replacements and Applications,"
on Thursday, May 8 at 10:00 a.m. inf
229 West Engineering Building, Chair-
man: H. P. Galliher.
IgMary Katherine Wolpert, Pharmacol-
ogy, Dissertation : "A Study on t h e
Mechanism of Resistance to Nitrogen
Mustard in Ehrlich Ascites Tumor
Cells," on Thursday, May 8 at 10:00 a.m.
in Room M6314 Medical Science 'Build-
ing, Chairman: R. W. Ruddon. -;
3200 S.A.B.t
12 & 1:30-4:30 Mon.-Fri. Career Plan-!l
ning, General Placement, Teacher
Placement, and Summer Placement, all

The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students of the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552, SecondI
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: U9 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday mnorning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by
rhen the DA I LY
TAFF is the place
or yoU !

The Music School's ,contem-
porary music project will con-
tinue for at least another year
under a new grant from the
Ro ckefellerFoundation'an-
nounced last week.
The grant will be used to
.support and sustain, in part,
concert activities such as the
Contemporary Directions Series
and' the Composers Forum,
which allows students to present
their compositions throughout
the year.
Last fall a similar grant from
t h e Rockefeller Foundation'
helped to establish the Michigan
Contemporary Directions En-
semble, which is the professional
nucleus of the composition de-
partment's performance activity.
Since last July 1, the compo-

sition department has presented
16 concerts. In addition, there
have been four contemporary
directions concerts, a program
at Albion College, four compos-
ers forums, afl, a concert of
new music for 6'rchestra shared
with the 'niversity Symphony
The contemporary perform-
ance group programnmed 74
scores during the year, includ-
ing 27 premiere performances.
Yifty-two of the 74 were by es-
tablished composers, almost all
Americars. Twenty-two were by
University students. There were
eight performances of; works by
seven faculty members, and five
scores by former students.
Most of the 79 performers in
the concerts are performance
majors in the Music School.

this Friday and Saturday at
an evening of folk and rock fun
9 P.M.
$1.00 In honor of-
worm weather
Still Available, 5c
420 Maynard

RUSS GIBB presents in betroit
PETER TOWNSEND will perform his new rock opera; "TOMMY,
for the first time in the United States!
FRI.-SAT.-SUN.-MAY 9-10-11
Fri.-Sat.-8 P.M.-1 A,M.
ADMISSION $S Sun.--7-1 1 P.M.
ADVANCE SALES: Hudsons and Grinnells
Grande Box Office Night of Performance
Grand River at Beverly
GRANDE BALLROOM 1 block South of Joy
___ J




DIAL 5-6290
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.




-Vincent Canby, New York Times



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