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May 08, 1969 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1969-05-08

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See editorial page


Sw i gau


Low-r 0
Cloudy, cooler,
occasional showers

Vol. LXXIX, No. 2-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 8, 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages








Money from the Martin
Luther King Memorial Fund
will be used as scholarships
for black students in five spe-
cial programs at the Univer-
sity beginning this summer
and next fall.
The programs were selected
from proposals submitted to a
student-faculty Human Relations
Advisory Council by Vice President
for Acadfmic Affairs Allan Smith.
The recommendations then re-'
ceived majority endorsement from
the committee appointed by Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming
to review proposed King fund ex-
Gifts and pledges to the fund
now total about $170,000. In addi-
tion to financing the special pro-
grams, the fund will help support
the" Afro-American studies pro-
gram beginning next fall in the'
literary college. Ten visiting lec-
turers and nine teaching fellows'
involved in the undergraduate
Afro-American program will be'
paid through the fund.
The scholarships ,.are part of
programs in psychology, social
work, law, music and architecture.
The School of Social Work,
which projects an enrollment of'
75 blacks among its 570 students
next fall, will provide scholarship
aid and tuition to five Michigan
black students with a grant of?
$11,700 from the King fund. This
is in addition to University funds
already used for similar scholar-
f A grant of $35,000 will provide
first-year fellowships for at least
10 graduate students in psychol-
ogy and in a combined program in
a education and psychology.
- Twelve black students will be

by vic



S chechner: 'Obscenity is obscene'

Associated Press

Police seize I)artmouth, protester

Dionysus in 69
decision set
"We are not trying to win the 'Dionysus in 69' case on
technicality," says defense attorney Peter Iarrow. "It's sim

5500 students in Indiana
protest tuition increase

special To The Daily


ply a question of the first amendment's ability to protect dUIIII othe Law oiin1a INDIANAPOLIS --- Some 5500
people nude on stage for an appropriate artistic performance." special program beginning in June. students from four Indiana uni-
Dean Francis Allen said the Law versities mnarched on the state
Darrow yesterday moved the Dionysus trial into its final stage School enrollment is now only, capitol yesterday to protest tuition
by asking District Judge Pieter Thofnassen to decide the case pending three per cent black. increases.
presentation of briefs by both the prosecution and the defense de- Because the faculty has found The students, who came mainly
fending their positions, some black students have deficient from Indiana and Purdue as well
Thomassen agreed and will render a decision June 4. pe-a ademi preparation as from Indiana State and Ball
Thomassen yesterday conducted an examination to determine 1000 King fund grantswill be State, demanded Gov. Edward
whether a crime had been committed and whether the defendants used to prepare the students by Whitcomb call a special session
actually committed it. spreading their first academio of the legislature to "re-assess"
year over 12 months instead of! appropriations for higher eduea-
The entire ten-man cast of Dionysus was arrested Jan. 26 for eight. tio
nude scenes in the play "Dionysus in 69." a recreation of Euripides' Eight Michigan high school tion.t
"The Bacchae," They were charged with indecent exposure, a high juniors will attend a summer
misdemeanor which carries a maximum sentence of one year in jail seminar introducing them to the
and 500 fin e.Music School on scholarship from 1_, s

demand and also refused yester-
day to meet with student repre-
sentatives. James Kessler, an as-
sistant to the governor, also ruled
out any possibility of a future
meeting between Whitcomb and
the students.
At Purdue, the sleep-in protest
at the student union is continuing.
Students say they will probably
sleep in every night until the end
of the school year.uDemfonstrations
this week at Purdue have resulted
in 2L9 arrests so far.
Indiana University students plan
to continue a class boycott which

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Darrow says recent cases have established a precedent for the the King Fund. Part of the fund !1 'u U t
protection of the performing arts under the first amendment, citing black graduate students in music.
the Gianini case in California according protection to a topless The Advisory Council has also :
dancer. recommended that money from
a"ce rm The M ichigan Suprem e Court in its m ost recent case on ob- the fund be given for three black (fey d ag l sn l tt os eb e t e shr i u
cnity sed language almost identical to that of President Robben ;students in the architecture
Fleming in his statement that nudity is in itself not necessarily school. The department has also From wire service Reports,
obscene," Darrow says.. located outside support for a WASHINGTON-Rumblings of possible impeachment or
However, he adds the issue of obscenity in the performing arts o . Congressional investigation emerged yesterday in what ap-
has yet to be brought up before the Supreme Court. The, department hoped to beCogesnaivstainemrdysedyinw tap
able to find support fordattleast pears to be a growing furor over Supreme Court Justice Abe
Although Darrow stresses his primary defense is the first amend- five black freshmen who have Fortas' acceptance of a $20,000 fee from financier Louis;
ment, he has other arguments. Darrow says the Michigan statute undergone intensive academic and Wolfson,
outlaws indecent exposure but the prosecution has not proved in- technical training under the Rep. Robert Taft, Jr. (R-Ohio) suggested that impeach-
decency. Architect's Renewal Committee in>
dececy. rchtects Reewa Comitte inment proceedings could begin within a few days. Taft's state-
"Indecency in recent cases across the nation has been determined Harlem.p
by the standards of the community," he says. In addition to the Martin Luther ment came as he and Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich) outlined
Yesterday the court stipulated the community in question in the King Fund, Smith has managed to a financial disclosure bill which they plan to introduce today.
"Dionysus in 69" hearing was "a cross-section of the University com- tap nearly $50,000 from other The bill would require federal judges to annually report
mu'ty ,, f sources, including the graduate their outside income, property holdings, gifts and fees.
school Opportunity Award Pro-{
Patrick McDermitt. a cast member, says the Michigan statute gram 'to round out the total fi- Taft's statement and the newly-proposed bill came amidst
See DIONYSUS, Page 8 nancing for the special programs. growing speculation that further information concerning
>- - - Fortas' financial dealings with

has ,_ihe. ed the suppo:t of more
than half the stuc:ets in the lib-
eral ai t cole' e-e.
Tuition at Puc &,ue has ben in-
ci eased 75 1e:, cent across the
board. At Indiana Statte, in-state
tuition will increase from $300 to
$700, and out-state tuition will be
iaised from $1.200 to $1,600.
Students leaders have emphas--
ized the fact that the increases
will hurt less wealthy students,
especially backs. Some 600 blacks
participatd in the march.
City and stat° police escorted
the mai'che-s through Indiana-
polis. The students rallied at the
state house plaza and heard some
state leaders, including secretary
of state William Salin. 1
Salin called for establishment
of a student committee which
could present to the state its views
on problems of state universities.
However, the students severely
heckled Salin, saying they were
"sick. of dialogue and wanted ac-
Later Salin was booed when he
told the students, "You should be
here to seek lawful solutions, and'
things are being done right now."
Salin cited summer jobs and new,
scholarships as' examples, but the
students countered that this was
not enough.
Students also argued that the
increases will force students out of
school. One Indiana University
student leader estimated that \2000
students would not be able to re-
See INDIANA, Page $

By The Associated Press
Black students fought with white students yesterday at
the gates of the City College of New York yesterday and state
troopers from New Hampshire and Vermont broke down doors
at Dartmouth College to eject student demonstrators.
Meanwhile, at Southern University in New Orleans, police
and National Guardsmen made a futile search for a suspended
professor who refused to leave his office. He had been sus-
pended for his alleged role in disorders at SUNO.
Police arrested 55 of the students who were holding the
administration building at Dartmouth.
The students, led by members of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, held the building 12 hours to mark a protest
against Reserve Officer Train-
ing Corps.
Those arrested were lodged in j Js f 4s;
various jails, some to remain lock-
ed up for nearly 12 hours until '
their supporters could raise a total
of $11,000 in bail money - $200 0 1sord el
An estimated °120 troopers from
New Hampshire and Vermont
dragged, carried or escorted the
youths from the building after
breaking down a door the youths
had nailed shut. W4SHINGTON (CPS)-Repre-
Clubs were not used, and there sentative Edith Green (D-Ore.)
was no report of injury to stu- opened up hearings yesterday on
dents or officers. Two newsmen "campus disorders," and heard
suffered minor injuries. testimony from five congressmen
Six of the 55 arrested are supporting legislation to cut fed-
women. All face criminal contempt eral assistance when disorders
of court charges. The all-male occur.
school has an undergraduate en- President Robben Fleming is
rollment of 3,100. scheduled to testify before the
An estimated 400 students stood committee today.
outside the administration build-
ing chanting "Abolish ROTC" as William H ar sh a (R - Ohio),
police removed the demonstrators, speaking in support of his own
an operation that took about 15 bill, claimed that for the most
minutes in the early morning part, college administrators "have
hours. demonstrated a lack} of backbone"
Gov. Walter Peterson, a Dart- to meet violent disorders head on.
mouth graduate and ex officio His bill would cut all federal
trustee of the college, personally funds if there "is a substantial
directed the raid, disruption" of the college's affairs.
Troopers from Vermont were~ The school would then have to
used under a mutual aid agree- draw up a plan to prevent further'
ment. disorders and get it approved by
The student invaders forced the H.E.W. secretary. It must also
about 30 persons, including some assure the secretary that it will
deans and other officials, to leave prosecute demonstrators involved
and said they would remain "until in violent actions.
the cops came." Harsha responded to questions
The youths demanded an im- from the committee following his
mediate end to ROTC programs statement, and constantly In-
on campus. The faculty had ap- sisted that the bill would not
proved a phasing out of the infringe on a university's auton-
courses as contracts with the omy, but would merely strengthen
services expired, its stand.
Trustees of the college applied
for an injunction against the stu- When Rep. Albert Quie (R-
dents and this was issued by Judge Minn.) mentioned that ROTC was
Martin Loughlin of Grafton Coun- a major cause of unrest, Harsha
ty Superior Court. responded with, "If they don't
At COCNY seven students were want to gq to a school that has a
taken from the CCNY campus to ROTC program, then they don't
nearby Knickerbocker Hospital have to go to that school."
after the battle at the gates. Rep. William Hathaway (D-
CCNY President Buell G. Gal- Mo.) drew an analogy to cities,
lagher ordered the 20,000-student and asked Harsha if there are-dis-
school shut down for the second turbances in cities should the
time in three weeks. federal government cut off their
A spokesman said later CCNY funds, too. Harsha responded by
will reopen today with "adequate saying the purpose of the bill was
police protection on campus." not to punish schools, but to "put
some spine in spineless college ad-
Helmeted New-York City police-mistaon,
men were stationed at the east
gate to the CCNY South Campus, An amendment to existing leg-
See ARTOUTH Pae 8 islation offered by Rep. Neal
See DARTMOUTH, Page 8 Smith (D-Iowa) would cut off
financial aid to demonstrators
convicted of crimes connected
with campus disruptions.
rf tIn questioning, Smith, referring

W '



Dw ignores protesters' pleas

Special To The Daily
MIDLAND-Protesters led by
Clergy and Laymen Concerned
About Vietnam (CALCAV) were
emphatically told by Carl A.
Gerstacker, chairman of the
Board of Directors of Dow
Chemical Co., "We are still in
the napalm business."
Gerstacker's statement sguel-
ched protesters' hopes that Dow
was going to stop manufactur-
ing napalm by overbidding its
contract with the Defense De-
partment. Dow's contract ex-
pires June 15, 1969.
Demonstrators began to as-
semble as early as 9 a.m. and
later held a press conference
outside the Midland Central In-
termediate High School, where
the Dow meeting was held.
By the start of the meeting at
2 p.m. some 250 protesters were
listening to speeches and hand-
ing out leaflets to arriving

Wolfson would soon surface.
Fortas has admitted he re-
ceived $20,000 fee from the Wolf-
son family foundation in 1966, but
added that he returned the money
when he found he could not com-
plete the writing assignment for
which the money was paid.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass'
has suggested that Fortas be given
the chance to come to the floor of
Congress and explain his situa-
But a Supreme Court spokes-
man said the associate justice
would have no comment on his
suggested appearance unless he:
was formally requested to appear.
Griffin said he thought it was
highly unlikely that Congress
would extend such an invitation.
Meanwhile, Fortas took action
yesterday to ameliorate another
controversy over his financial
dealings, cancelling a fee he was
to have received for speech at
Northeastern University-
Notice of the fee cancellation
came from the Harry Walker
Agency in New York, which book-
ed the Northeastern engagement.
The cancellation was confirmed
by Tom Conrad, student chairman'
of the committee sponsoring For-'

to last weekend's American Asso-
ciation of University Professors
statement deploring A t t o r n e y
General Mitchell's p r e v i ous
speeches on campus disruptions,
said "some of the leaders just
aren't up to date." He also re-
ferred to the "greatly reduced"
quality of education in South
America, due to student decision-
making there. President Nixon
had made a similar reference in
a speech last week.
The remainder of. the cgngres-
sional testimony was in support
of a bill by Dan Kuykendall (R-
Tenn.). As the sponsor himself
put it, the bill "is designed to do
one thing; To give the college ad-
ministrators a little more back-.
bone in dealing with the rioting
on their campuses. If they act
forthrightly, their grants and
their scholarships are in no dan-
ger. If they do not act forth-
rightly, their federal funds are
Sut off."
SSpeaking in support of this leg-
islation was Rep. Sonny Mont-
gomery, who discussed one of the
causes of unrest, ROTC. Mont-

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