Page Two
Wednesday, June 4, 1969
Wedne,,sd...ayr. n . 1969
Sour grapes: Nonesuch 's
Contributing Editor
When other companies shied away
from the unproven, Nonesuch Records
served the cause of contemporary music
with vigor, imagination, and ,devotion.
A new Nonesuch release, however, may
set the cause back a few years, or at
least providd fodder for the scoffing
philistines; they have just issued for all
of you frustrated musical Mr. Wizards
out there a disc entitled HPSCHD.
HPSCHD is not, for once, a Daily
typographical error, but the largest code
name that the computer can give the
word harpsichord. HPSCHD, "for harp-
sichords and computer-generated sound
tapes" incorporates an overlay and
scrambling of 51 sound tapes with three
"live harpsichord solos, the chefs of this
concoction being none other than Zen-
mycologist-dialdiddler John Cage and
his sidekick Lejaren Hillier.
One must admire the compositional
complexity that Cage and Hillier con-
jured up. They used "a "computer-
derived numerical system borrowed from
the digital principal of I-ching" to order
their system; the 51 tapes contain music
"'in equal-tempered scales of, success-
ively, face to 56 tones in the octave, each
tone deviating over a field of 129." Yet,
no matter how sophisticated were the
mathematical determinations of the
herbs plopped into the recipe, the result
still sounds like hash, or, if I mix my
metaphors, like a 1942 crystal radio
picking up a dust storm.
To avoid embarrassment (i.e. to sell
their offal), Cage and Hillier devised a
devious way to pas the blame onto you,
the listener. In each Nonesuch album
Chamber CI
for entireS
Th e University's Chamber foI-mance
Choir has been invited to j be- Symphony
come the first American chorus Square.
in residence for the entire Spo- In addi
leto Festival in Spoleto, Italy- certs are
Under the direction of its Perugia.
founder, - president, composer The Cha
Gian Carlo Menotti, this sum- the direct
mer's Spoleto Festival will be Hilbish of
the twelfth annual Italian- founded th
American festival to be held in The Ch
the small town located some 60 perfornied
miles. northeast of Rome. The material.
festival will e held from June ~cluded wo
27 to July 13. ers sucha
In Italy, the choir will ap- Bach and
pear with t l e internationally music on
known conductor Thomas Sch- including
ippers in a performance of Ros- oenberg,
sini's opera 'L'Italiana in Ale- and Lutos
gri.- The grow
They will also work with Mr. several pi
Schippers on July 13 when the porary pie
festival concludes with a per- and Ross
you/' will discover your own private,
unique, computer issued "program for
listenere output" (mine was No. 203, a
rare low number worth at least ten 1953
Captain Marvel comic books) endearing-
ly' called "Knobs."-This computer sheet
is the same size-even has all the funny
holes running down both sides-as those
endlessly folding papers that you see
real engineering s t u d e n ts flipping
This program sheet, "Knobs," pro-
vide volume setting and treble and bass
settings that you are supposed to dial
throughout HPSCIID. How often are,
you asked to change settings? Would
you believe every five seconds? Taking
my reviewer's duties as a scared trust,
I sat, one eye on the second hand and
one eye on "Knobs," and manipulated
240 dial settings, resulting in a splitting
headache, six terrified cats, and one
harassed wife. How the dial changes af-
fected the shape of the sound I really
couldn't say, because I was too worried
about missing the next dial change to
listen to the effects. You can, of course,
forget about "Knobs" and take your
HPSCHD, and your static, pure.
The idea of allowing the listener a
certain share in the making of the music
indeed intrigues. In a sense, Marshall
McLuhan predicted this Nonesuch
album when he wrote (in The Emperor's
New Clothes):
"When music becomes enyiron-
mental by electric means, it becomes
more and more the concern of the
private individual . . . the pre-elec-
tric music of the concert hall was
a corporate ritual for the group
rather than for the individual ...
The same means which per
universal and centralized th
stat in effect encourage a p
thermostat for individual man
tion. The age of the mass auc
is thus far more individualistic
the preceding age of the pt
Yet Cage and Hillier's effor
point ,toward this paradox; th
not resolved it by creating any m
valid experience that the individ
help to make. Their music has ni
ning of its own and is not gener
the conscience or sensibility of t
posers; the sounds have sign
neither in formal internal integ
in associative external relations
anything, HPSCHD gains mea
prophecy by setting up the listex
blind (and deaf!) slave to coi
generated commands. Actually, h
HPSCHD does not probe into'th
but rather represents a com
package, and the only way a liste
become more individualized in a
an' terms is when, freed from t
cert hall stares, he flicks the
switch of his $200 pre-ampli
** *
Sour grapes may also be hurle
gently perhaps, at a new pair of
ber music performances issued v
"Music from Marlboro" tradema
lumbia MS 7266 offers Rudolf
with the Budapest Quartet as
the-Schumann Piano Quintet a
kin with Michael Tree and Myror
planning similar maneuvers on
orn Trio.
"Music from Marlboro" meant,
years ago, chamber performan
mit a dolent of the idyllic setting in which
ermo- they occurred; today the tag may be
rivate associated with hypertonic perform-
ipula- ances more interested in selling than
dience exploring music. When controlled, ani-
c than mation can effect convincing enthusiasm
ublic." and appropriate ardor, as in their recent
rts only Trout Quintet recording (MS 6467), but
ey have when it verges on the aggressive, the
ausically results are displeasing.
dual can Serkin is no man to dally, and the
o mean- Schumann Quintet gets off to a hurried
rated by start that immediately sets the aggres-
he com- sive tone; the second movement march
iificance lacks solemnity, and in the fourth move-
rity nor ment the power of Schumann's romantic
ships. If vigor is again overstated. Serkin pre-
ning as dominates to the detriment of voice
ner as a balance (much string detail is blurred
cmputer- over) and the Budapest, beyond their
however, prime (and indeed now disbanded), can
e future no loner control tonal quality sufficient-
imercial 1 h t od
nerican ly. The entire performance sounds harsh
McLuh- and anxious, and can in on way measure
he con- up to the old, pensive Casals Festival
power recording (ML 4701) that can still be
fier to found.
The Brahms Horn Trio fares some-
what better, but again the general sen-
f ,more sibility is one of aggression and not of
with the rusticity. Brahms originally wrote for
ark. Co- the valveless Waldhorn, and Myron
Serkin Bloom loses all sense of that mellow
saulting sound (a true desiderata for this work)
nd Ser in his hard attacks and overly-virile
n Bloom a fryye
Brahms phrasing. Michael Tree, of the Guarneri
Quartet, sounds the most sensible, but
several Angel S-36472 or the deleted Mercury
ces re- SR-90210 remain preferrable.
(Continued from Page 1)
says Kominski told him he could
stay there without paying rent.
The tenants say now that Koz-
minski is .selling 425 and 517 S.
Division and another building at
410 Benjamin.
Brugh, Miss Pashby and Miss
Ryan all claim they have either
been physically or verbally abused
by Kozminski.
Miss Ryan claims Kozminski
broke into her apartment Monday
and broke two padlocked doors,
ripping the side paneling. She said
a poster of Che Guevara was cutR
in several places.
Miss Ryan said a police investi-
gator estimated the damage to her
apartment to be $50. She said the
investigator advised ,her to move
because there was "an element of
danger" in .her living there.
Miss Pashby claims Kozminski
told her he would break up her
furniture and evict her if she
didn't leave within a week.
Brugh contends that he, too.
has been physically and verbally
harrassed by Kozminski. Brugh
said after he asked Kozminski to
repair a hole in the screen door of
his apartment, the landlord told
'him, "Don't give me any of that
housing code shit."
Brugh also claims Kozminski
came to his apartment Monday
And threw a rock at the d o o r
twice. He later allegedly threw a
snow shovel at the apartment and
unscrewed the light bulb in the
hallway and smashed it. B r u g h
says he hid behind the door to
avoid being hit.
The tenants also claim Kozmin-
ski has turned off their gas, elec-
tricity, heat, or water, and in some
instances all four.
Some of the tenants w er e
notified by Kozminski that he was
no longer paying their gas or elec-
tricity He told them he
would have to assume that re-
sponsibility. The leases say Koz-,
minski will pay utilities.
Kozminski refused to comment1
on the allegations, and told the
Daily eporter to leave his bar-
bershop when asked for a state-'
The Tenants Union has tenta-
tive plans to picket the offices of
Charter Realty and Apartments
Limited on Friday. Both are plain-
tiffs in the conspiracy suit against;
the Tenant's Union.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students of the University of
Michigan, News phone:?64-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan," 420 Maynard " St.. Ann Arbor.'
Michigan 48104, Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by
carrier. $10 by mail
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $2.50 by carrier, $3.00 by
Tenants Union gains
community support
(Continued from Page 1) + Eugene Dekker, and Donald Hult-
professors G. R. Greenberg, D. H. quist, were also signers.
Regan, Howard Elford, I. J. Gold- Two directors of the Center for
stein and Vincent Massey; and South and Southeast Asian Stud
political science professors J. D. ies. sociology professor Gayle
Singer, also of the Mental Health Ness, and history professor John
Research Institute; Robert Scho- Bromfield, were other signers, as
enberger, and Richard Sobol. were sociology professors Tom
Signers from the mathematics Mayer and Vincent Massey.
department are J. D. Halpern,
David Winter, N. J. Hicks, and Another two signers were from
C. N. Lee, in addition to Reade, the pharmacy school: T. R. Tep-
and visiting professor Bomshik hyl and David Longone, who is
Chang. Three professors in bio- also a dhemistry professor.
logical chemistry, Prasnata Dtta, In addition, several staff mem-
_ibers of the Institute fnr Sria l
uci Vi ut iiSiuut r ocia
Research signed the statement.
The statement reads:
"I support the right of, th°.
'Tenants Union to organizet ob-
tain collective bargaining rights
with the landlords.
"The Ann Arbor Tenants' Un-
ion has been working honestly and
(Continued from Page 1)
partment were consulted for t h e
Pollard sees the booklet as a
good attempt to reach the differ-
ent levels of drug sophistication
found among any group of stu-
dents. "The pamphlet has enough
information so people can discuss
the subjects without wandering
around in complete ignorance,"
he claims.
"The problem is that most of
what has been said about drugs
is a lie," Pollard explains, "so we
tried to be scrupulous in this
booklet to avoid saying anything
we did not believe was true. The
result is thalt it suffers from over-
The Office of Orientation fin-
anced the publication of the
pamphlet as a replacement for an
American Medical Association
booklet used last year called "The
Crutch That Cripples."
The University pamphlet is a
reprint of a fact sheet on drugs
abstracted from medical.Journals
by tha Counseling 0 f f i c e two
years ago for distribution among
counselors and residence hall ad-
A 'brief section on "the legal
aspects of drug use" summarizes.
the three Michigan statutes that
concern drugs. A capsule list of
legal and medical servicea avail-
able to the student is 'included..
"The University is not d o I n g
enough about drug education,"
Pollard says, "but it's doing, a lot3
more than most others. Classes
like Schwartz'4 seminar, "Drugs
and Social Behavior," are a. good
democratically to achieve decent
living conditions.
"I therefore _deplore the recent
actions takefnbycertain landlords
to obtain an injunction against
the Tenants' Union by labelling
their' activities a conspiracy. This
action is an unjustifiable attempt
to undermine the tenants legiti-
mate right to organize."
"As chairman of the Ann Arbor
Housing Commission," Weeks
said, "I am concerned that ten-
ants receive their due and t hat
their rights be recognized whether
they live in public or private hous-
ing. I am, interested in any legal
mechanism that can help to bring
this about."
On Friday, Circuit Court Judge
William Ager will hear argument
on motions to grant dismissal and
summary judgment on a suit
brought by seven landlords against
the rent strike.
The landlords are asking for an
in junction to halt, the rent strike
and are seeking $10,000 in individ-
ual damages, $300,000 in exem-
plary damages and recovery of
more than $100,000 of unpaid rent
being held in escrow.
The landlords have also brought
a conspiracy suit against 12 of
the 91 defendants in the case.
They have charged the 12 with
conspiring to violate existing and
future leases and to obtain libelous
articles in The Daily.
The Tenants' Union has filed a
,countersuit against the landlords
charging them with violating
leases and anti-trust statutes and
asking for one million dollars in
hoir to perform
Spoleto Festival'
of Beethoven's Ninth
in the Cathedral
tion, several solo con-
planned in Rome and
amber Choir is under
ion of Prof. Thomas
the music school, who
[he group in 1964.,
oir has studied a n d
a g r e a t variety of
Its repertoire has in-
iks by early compos-
as Gesualdo, Obrecht,
i rahms, as well as
contemporary lines,
compositions by Sch-
Webern, Stravinsky
iup has also performed
remieres of contem-
ces by Leslie Bassett
Lee Finney,
Along with t h e 'Chamber
Choir, the Spoleto Festival will
present the American Ballet
Players from t h e Brooklyn
Academy of Music; a double bill
of Menotti's "The Medium"
with Muriel Grenspon, and Fal-
la's puppet opera "El Retablo de
Masse Petro;" and world pre-
mieres of Edoardo Sanguineti's
"L 'Orlando Furioso" and Naz-
m Hikmet's "La Spada di Dam-
In addition the first Italian
staging of Bertolt Brecht's "A'
Modest Man's Wedding" will be
Poetry readings, a film series,
and an art show are also on the
festival program.
The choir will perform all the
works it will be presenting in
Spoleto at a special concert at
8:30 p.m. onMonday; June 9,
in Hill Aud. The concert will be
open to the public free of
UMS sets summer
piano concert series
The sixth annual summer concert series of distinguished
pianists: in recital at Rackham Lecture Hall has been scheduled
for four July evenings by the University Musical Society.
Opening the series on Tuesday, July 8, will be Alicia de
Larrocha, a Spanish pianist who will perform works of Bach,
Beethoven, Surinach and de Falla.
American pianist Leonard Peinario will perform works of
Haydn, Debussy, Prokofieff, Sshumann and Chopin on Thursday,
July 17. On Wednesday, July 23, Alexis Weissenberg will perform
Haydn, Debussy, Prokofieff, Schumann and Chopin on Thursday,
was born in Bulgaria and has studied in Israel.
Closing the series on Monday, July 28, will be the return of
Gyorgy Sandor, pianist-in-residence and chairman of therdoctoral
piano program at the music school. He has chosen A varied pro-
gram of music from Scarlatti to Bartok.
Tickets are on sale now at the UMS office in Burton Tower.
Series tickets are $12, $8 and $6; single tickets $5, $4 and $2.
Office hours for UMS are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Except for Sandor, none of the artists have performed in Ann
375 No. MAPLE RD.,769-130O
M. tru F. &9
*Sat. & Sun.
{;}:?.....ns 'A......? d.L:S "
Arbor before. All concerts
will begin at 8:30 p.m.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r ' to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. !Friday, for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxI-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Department of Architecture Seminar
- Computers in Architectural Educa.-
tion - '130 Business Administration,
Department of Speech: An Evening of
Modern Theater - Act Without Words,
Dr. Kheal, Portrait and Itch: Arena
Theater, Frieze Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Summer Piano Concert Series Ush-'
ers: Persons who are interested in
signing to become ushers for this series
of piano concerts, which are to be
presented in Rackham Auditorium dur-
ing the month of July, may do so at
the Box Office at Hill Auditorium on
Thursday, June 5th from 7 p.m. to
8 p.m. A list of the artists and dates
of the concerts will be available when
you sign up. See.-Mr. Warner, and if
you have any questions call 668-8597.
3200 S.A.B.
Current Position, Openings{ received
by General Division by mail and phone,
please call 764-7460 for further in-
formation :
Physical Medicine Services, Chicago,
Ill.: Physical Therapists.
-nm Ni n.~~~)~ ----,
fZ #
* 761-0001 .
Management Consultants, D e t r o i t,
Mich.: Large variety of sales positions
in all areas.
American National Red Cross, Mid-
west Area, St. Louis, Mo., positions na-
tionwide and abroad - Social work
and recreational services at military
installations, practice,, supv., and
admin. jobs.
Campus Marketing Corporation, Mil-
waukee, Wisc., for Detroit, area: Area
Co-Ordinator, s pv. college sales per-
Veterans Admin., Dept. of Med. and
Surgery: nationwide positions for all
areas of meci. sci., therapy, audiology,
rehabilitation, programming, personnel
admin, chem,. engrg., soc. wk., psych:
Civilian Job Opportunities at N a v y
Installations in ANA around Wash.,
D.C.: engineering, computer, physics,
syst. anal., O.R., personnel, acctg, serv-
Bradico Experminators Inc., Detroit,
Mich.: Biol., Zool., and Entomology
grads to train servicemen.
The following schools have listed
vacancies for teachers and request im-
Imediate application.
Algonac, iMch.: Elem., Physical Educ.,
Ind. Arts, Driver Ed. (summer only).
Cleveland, Ohio: (Mayfield C i t y
Schools): Head Basketball Coach/aca-
demic assignment open. (coaching ex-!
perience required).
Hesperia, Mich.: H S Social Studies/
Reserve Football/8th Grade Basketball.
St. Clair Shores, Mich. (South Lake
Schools): World History/Government/
Asst. Football Coach.
For additional 'information contact
Placement Services, 764-7462, 3200 SAB,
United "
l I u I Alw
DIAL 8-6416
Today at 1-3-5-7-9
8 P.M.-MIDNIGHT $1.50
Pease Aud. on the EMUI Campus
He's all wrong in Hong Kong ...
all wetin Tibet...
in a trauma with a Lama ,..
in the grip of Miss Strip .. .
Jean Paul Belmondo
Ursula Andress
Phillipe de Broca's
"I sat in a dark screening room
last week with a lump in my
throat and a ,general feeling of
disbelief, while a projectionist
ran one of the best picturesI've
ever seen, "Will Penny." Like
nearly everybody else who missed
"Will Penny" the first (and last)
time around, I was turned off by
one of the worst ad campaigns
ever "dumped on a movie. What
they missed was one of the most
luminous and penetrating films
ever turned out by Hollywood,
with a thoughtful and tightly-
written script by Tom Gries which
shows with subtlety and detail
that cowboys are anything but
the embodiment of the songs
Burl dves sings."
-Rfex Reed, N.Y. Times
"Refreshing in its subtlety and
intelligent in its delivery. It had
energetic and lyrical perform-
ances by Tony Perkins (his best
work in years) and Tuesday
Weld (re-establishing her, by the
way, qs a major talent -- al-
though, as with Charlton Heston,
if you mention her name, peo-
ple look at you as though you're
crazy). One of the best films of
1968 remains a pleasant mem-
ory to the few of us who were
. lucky enough to see it.
-Rex Reed, N.Y. Times
-N.Y. Film Critics
Concert in West Park Bandshell
Modern and Primitive Dance--Live Music
7:00 P.M. SATURDAY, June7th ADMSSION $1.
4:00 P.M. SUNDAY, June 8thADISO$.0
Uftaritoe tn