See editorial page
Warmer and
Vol. LXXIX, No. 19-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 4, 1969 Ten Cents
Six Pages
Burger wins
ast approval
WASHINGTON 0 - Warren E. Burger won swift Senate
Judiciary Committee approval yesterday to be chief justice
of the United States.
Thirteen senators agreed unanimously after the white-
haired judge assured them he does not think the Supreme
Court has the power to legislate or to amend the Constitution.
The Senate, now in recess, can complete the confirmation
process tomorrow, although Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana said action next week is more likely.
The committee dealt gently with'
Win slots in
NJ contest
NEWARK, N. J. () -- For-
mer Gov. Robert B. Meyner, a
Democrat, and Rep. William
T. Cahill, a Republican, won
their parties' gubernatorial
nominations yesterday in New
Jersey's primary, and will face
each other in the November,
general election.
Meyner coasted to an easy vic-
tory'over five rivals, leading his
nearest opponent by a margin of
more than 3-2. He withstood dual
. challenges from the Hudson Coun-
ty Democratic machine, the area1
between Neward and New York
City, and a new coalition of lib-
Cahill defeated Rep. Charles W.
Sandman Jr. in a tight race in a
field of five GOP candidates.
Sandman, the only unmistakable
conservative in the Republican
race, suffered an earlier disap-
pointment, losing a neck-and-neck
contest in the 1965 GOP primary.
Republican leaders were jubilant
at the outconte. "We're in better
shape now than anytime in the
past 16 years," one high ranking
official said. "This is the strong-
est candidate we could get." ..
Supporters of Meyner also ex-
pressed confidence the Democratsj
would win in November.
With about 80 per cent of the
vote counted, Cahill polled 112,-,
259 votes to 103,712 fo Sandman.
The next closest rival trailed the
two South Jersey congressmen
by well over 50,000 votes.
Eleven candidates sought the
nominations, six Democrats and!
five Republicans.
Meyner, considered by many a
conservative, particularly in fiscal
matters, was the clear Democratic
favorite. His edge was based large-
ly on widespread voter recognition
developed in his two terms as gov-
ernor from 1953 through 1961.
Rivals charged that Meyner, 60,
would not bring a fresh approach
to current problems. The former
governor said he isĀ° prepared to
tackle the problems of the 1970's,
with a new outlook.
The other Democratic candi-
dates are former State Sen. Ned
J. Parsekian; D. Louis Tonti, exe-
cutive director of the Garden State
Parkway, and John L. Hennessey,;
a tavern owner and political
The other Republican candi-
dates were State Sens. Harry L.
Sears and Fank X. McDermott
and Public Utility Commissioner
William E. Ozzard.
Burger for over one hour and 45
minutes. The 80 or so spectator
seats were given to lawyers and
friends. The general public stood
outside, unable to get in. .
Among them was Reies Lopez
TiJerina, a Mexican-American
militant who had come to place!f
Burger under citizen's arrest.
Tijerina, eyed closelyby police-
men, held a red-bound copy of,
"The Law of Arrest." He contends : : :
Burger has violated the civil rights
of minorities and the poor, but!.
he never got near the judge, wh
used a back-door entrance and '
exit. .:: t: :: **:r
Burger apparently pleased the
conservative-dominated commit- '";....
tee with what he said... .......... .
The chairman, Sen. James O..
Eastland (D-Miss), asked him at
the opening:
''Do you think the Supreme
Court has power to amend the
Constitution of the U n i t e d
States? x
"No, clearly, no, Burger re-
plied. >
"Does the Supr~eme Court have
power to legislate?", Eastland con-
tinued. Rent strikers picket Kozmin
"No court has that power," Bur- p
ger said firmly.
And, he to'd one of the commit-
tee's liberals, Sen. Joseph Ty-P1cke1 g tenant
dings (D?-Md), it would be a goodP i kt n
idea to have federal judges file1
with the U.S. Judicial Conference
full financial balance sheets.
He also said he would sever hisa
connections with nonjudicial or-
ganizations if he is confirmed.
"It would seem very clear to
me that I must re-examine my full By LORNA CHEROT minski to improve apartment
mode of life and see where the Jim Brugh, a tenant of Ann conditions.
priorities lie," Burger told Tyd- Arbor landlord Ike Kozminski, has Mrs. Kozminski allegedly struck
ings. pressed charges against M r s . Brugh in the face knocking his
The judge said he would prob- Kozminski for allegedly, striking ' glasses to the ground. She then
ably have to "curtail" some of his him during a protest yesterday in reportedly attacked other picket-
activities and that "all matters front of Kozminski's barbershop ers, tore up their signs and broke
*not pertaining to judicial 'admin- at 117 W. Washington. some sign sticks.
istration would have to be elimi- Brugh and 20 members of the Lt. Detective George Simmons
nated." Tenants' Union were picketing and assistant city attorney Jacob
He listed six organizations to Kozminski's barbershop to create Farner finally persuaded M r s .
which he belongs. Among the a public confrontation with him. Kozminski to go into her hus-
was the Mayo Foundation, which The picketers carried signs de- band's barbershop.
has paid him $7,500 to serve as a tailing the difficulties they s a y Aftter Brugh filed charges against
trustee. they have had while asking Koz- Mrs. Kozminski for assault, he re-
100 faci
More than 100 faculty mem-
bers and eight community
leaders have signed a state-
ment of support for the right
of the Tenants Union to or-
ganize, rent strike spokesmen
announced yesterday. More
signatures are expected to be
obtained in the near future.
The statement is being circu-
lated in an, attempt to show com-
munity support for the Tenants
Union which faces a hearing Fri-
day on conspiracy charges by
seven landlords who are seeking
an injunction to stop the rent>
Four of the ten city councilmen
have signed the statement. They
are H. C. Curry (D-1st ward),
N i c h o 1 a s Kazarinoff (D-3rd
ward), LeRoy Cappaert (D-5th
ward) and Henry Stadler (D-5th
In addition, the, statement has
been signed by the chairman and
the director of the Human Rela-
tions Commission, Lloyd Williams
and David Cowley, and by the
chairman of the Housing Com-
mission, Prof- Robert Weeks of
the Engineering English depart-
ment, who is a former city coun-
Another signer is Walter Schei-
der, chairman of the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party. The Democrat -
Party also has approved a strong
endorsement of the 'rent strike
and condemned the conspiracy
The names of 88 faculty sign-
ers will appear in a full page ad-
vvevrtisement in the Ann Arbor
News. At least 25 other endorse-
ments were received too late to Polic
be included. which oc
Of the 88 signers, 59 are pro- ants Uni
fessors, including Wilbert Mc- L .
Keachie, chairman of the psy- Loui
chology department; Theodore Gene Tr
Newcombe, who is associate di- counter
rector of the Residential College, and batt
and a professor in psychology and Feig
sociology; Maxwell Reade, asso-
ciate chairman of the math de- Union m
partment; and Stanley Seashore, "body blo
psychology professor and associ- Treupin
ate director of the Institute for "slammed
Social Research, saulted Ja
The other professors include 27 ner, and h
from the psychology department: Police s
Sachio Asida, Eugene Bernstein, that the c
Robert Bork, C. M. Butter,.Dor- tion by S
win Cartwright, Elizabeth Dou- The Inc
van, R. Ezekiel, John French Jr., p.m. whe
Patrick Gurin, James Greeno, the first f
Harry Gollob, Erasmus Hock, Mar- a "petition
tin Hoffman, Herbert Kelman, ment ser
David . Krantz, Melvin Manis, Union.
,Richard Mann, James McConnell, Treupin
Charles Morris, Warren Norman, "barged i
Donald Pelz, Walter Reitman, "started c
William Uttal,,'Joseph Veroff, Ed- paper in 1
ward Walker, and Robert Zajonc. Feigelson
Other signers were history pro- ton befor
fessors Arthur Mendel, T. N. paper into
Tentler, Sam Warner, E. P. Feigelso
Young, and Gerhard Weinberg; walked in
law professors Theodore St. An- "Handy b
toine, Paul Carrington, Robert "When
Lempert, Beverley Pooley, Joseph paper, I
Sax, and visiting professor Her- Denton w
man Schwartz; Medical School chairs at
See TENANTS, Page 2 he added.
Ilt YCit
-Daily-Jay Cassidy
Protesting alleged abuses
-Daily-Jay Cassidy
rd's wi e
turned to the picket line where he
allegedly was shoved off the pave-
ment by a friend of Kozminski.
Plainclothes police stationed
across the street from the barber-
shop intervened and told t h e
man to leave.
Kozminski refused to comment
yesterday on the pickets or t h e
charges against his wife.
Kozminski is not listed with the
University Bureau of Off-Campus
Housing, and his tenants say he
has never been listed with them.
Judy Pashby, one of Kozmin-
ski's tenants and a picketer, ex-
uffle in SAB-
e are investigating counter complaints in an incident
curred last night between a landlord and four Ten-
on members at the Student Activities Bldg.
s Feigelson, manager of The Ambassador Co. and
eupin, a member of the Tenants Union, have filed
complaints with Ann Arbor police charging assault
elson charged that Peter Denton, another Tenants
.ember, pushed some chairs at him and threw a
ick", scraping Feigelson's knee.
Accused o
O killingI
Special To The Daily8
MASON, Mich. - Testimony inN
the Algiers Motel murder triala
reached a climax yesterday as de-2
fendant Ronald August took the.
stand for the first time.N
August, a suspended white po-v
liceman, is charged with first de- t
gree murder in the shooting death
of 19-year-old Auburey Pollard, f
one of three blacks killed at the Y
Algiers Motel during the 1967 De-v
trait riot. C
Noticeably tense on the witnesse
r , u rplains that her building, 425 S.1
1 e man terDivision,does not even have a
City Building and Safety Depart-
s /Ement has verified Miss Pashby's
Aliers tes timonstatement.
This means that the building
should not be open for rental be-
stand, August recounted for the August testified during question- case it has too many housing vio-
all-white jury of one man and 13 ing by defense attorney Norman lations. If Miss Pashby filed a
women how he shot Pollard with Lippitt that Pollard then said "'Do formal complaint, the building
a twelve-gauge shotgun in room not point that gun at me' and could be closed, after an investi-
3-A of the motel e a r 1 y on the pushed the'barrel away. I told him gation
charged that Feigelson<
into" Denton and as-
anet Handy, Greg Curt-
sources said last night
case is under investiga-
gt. Thomas Minick.
ident occurred at 10:20
n Feigelson walked into
loor of the SAB to serve
for hearing on garnish-
vice" to the Tenants
claimed Feigelson
n" past Curtner and
chasing Janet with the
his hand." Treupin said
then "smashed into Den-
e finally stuffing the
my shirt."
n claimed that after he
to serve the notice,
acked away from me."
she wouldn't take the
started walking toward
ho shoved a row of three.
me, scraping my knee,"
Postpone ,
play decision
The decision on whether to
bring the ten-member cast of
."Dionysus in '69" to trial was post-
poned yesterday by District Judge
Pieter Thomassen. Thomassen was
expected to decide today, but will
set a new date for announcing the
decision sometime tliis morning.
Thomassen was to decide if
there is "probable cause to believe
a crime was committed," and if
the defendants had actually com-
mitted it.
The preliminary hearing was
held on May 7. Defense attorney
Peter Darrow motioned that Tho-
massen decide the hearing by ex-
amining briefs from both the
prosecution and the defense.
morning of July 26, 1967. August
was part of Task Force No. 2 in-
vestigating alleged sniping from
the motel'
The ex-patrolman said he took
Pollard into t h e room, assuring
him he would not shoot him but
would hold him until the arrival
of transportation to police head-
to let go of the gun. He pushed sitnan, wholies at 517 S.
-the barrel again. I again told him ski's tenants, who lives at 517 S.
not to touch the gun. Division, says that he is using the
I H t chte gu.I basement in her house which she
"He reached for it again and I claims is a violation of the public
fell back on d btheeed. We b0otg health code. Kozminski reportedly
stood up and I squeezed the trig- has allowed a man who identified
ger but the safety was on and it himself at "Charley, king of the
1didn't fire. He reached for t h e Jungle,", to live there. 'The man
gun again and I pushed him away ee PICKETER, Page 2
and fired one shot t h a t struck Seeh, b IeKETEerigtsi
him, I believe. in the right side.
"I leaned over him and he was
dead," August said.
August then said he felt "sick"
so he walked out of the motel and
"leaned against a tree." "The next i
thing I remember, we were head-
ing for the 13th precinct station,"
he added.
During cross-examination, As-
sistant Wayne County Prosecutor
Avery Weiswasser asked August
why he didn't report the killing
until July 31, 1967, nearly a week
August replied that he had
"been afraid for myself and my
family." He said that three days
after the shootings, on July 29,:
he had signed a statement withl
fellow Detroit police officers Da-
d Seak and Robert Paille, stat-
ing that they had found the bod-
ies of Pollard, Carl Cooper and
Fred Temple already dead upon
entering the motel annex early on
the 26th._
August later rescinded t h i s
statement, admitting it was un-
true. He testified that by July 1,
"I decided I just had to tell the;
rcommi~ttee rolls its own.
"The psychological effects of grass and
acid are a really personal thing," says one
student drug user. "It's something no
booklet can describe. People should en-
close samples if they want to teach what
a high feels like."
But the University has attempted to ex-
plain the turned-on experience with words
alone in a new pamphlet entitled "In-
formation about Drugs."
Put out by an ad hoc committee from the
Office of Student Affairs, the Drug Edu-
cation Committee, the booklet will be
given to all incoming freshmen\ in their
orientation kits.
Dr. Edward Bordin, chairman of the
committee, says the pamphlet is designed to
help provide an honest picture of what is
knnwn A tm, ,1,,,. "RiiintG im, m ak m,
dents are interested in much more than
LSD. What about DMT and DET? The
difference between organic and inorganic
drugs should be noted," he adds.
The section describing the psychological
and physiological effects of marijuana is
totally unclear and value-ridden, says
Schwartz. "There is not much clinically
that has been said about marijuana."
Recent studies contradict many of the
pamphlet's conclusions, Schwartz main-
tains, but the new studies are as inconclus-
ive and inadequate as the previous ones,
he admits.
Several student drug consumers' also
have found' the pamphlet inadequate and
objectionable. "The cover of the booklet
is horrible," claims one student. "Why de-
pict crawling, skeleton-like figures that
imply paranoia and death?" "Why should-
n't + ha P rnratdrw uh flnwers nnd heau