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June 03, 1969 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1969-06-03

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"We have several honorary doctor of law

Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

and order degrees to confer.

. .

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420 Maynard St., Anh Arbor, Mich.!,
Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily exp
or the editors. This must

News Phone: 764-0552
ress the individual opinions of staff writers,
be noted in ol reprints.

e _ i

Intramural. facilities:
Funin g and students

THE LATENESS OF the .Intramural Ad-
visory Committee's recommendation
to the Regents concerning the IM build-
ings it proposed in March revolves around
one issue: A student referendum.
The financing heart. of the buildings is
in student fees, better known as the old
-tuition hike. The original proposal for the
new facilities included a $10-15 student
fee allocation per student per term.
But Student Governments Council and
other groups objected. They feel tuition
should not be increased f o r something
like an IM building unless the students,,
who are exclusively affected by the de-
cision, approve the project by a referen-
B u t there is another group using IM
facilities =- the faculty. A payroll deduc-
tion comparable to a student fee for the
faculty was discussed for about five min-
utes by the committee and then was
dropped. The reasoning was that this had'
hever been done before and so shouldn't
be attempted now. Besides, the faculty
would have to be asked and that would
consume valuable time, time that could
be spent putting up the buildings.
IRONICALLY, almost everyone on t h e
committee agrees in principle t h a t
students should h a v e a larger voice in
University decision-making, particularly
in cases like the new IM buildings pre-
But - there is always that but - the
committee refuses to act. Athletic Direct-
or Don Canham, chairman of the com-
mittee, tells the 'members of the commit-
tee that, "It is not the business of a rec-
reation advisory committee to try to
tell th9 Regents what University policy
should be. Our job is recreation." .
The committee's solution has been to
duck the' entire question of funding. They
want the Regents to take the hot "potato;
and do the dangerous broken-field run-
The decision, hopefully, may be self-
defeating. V i c e 'President for Academic

Affairs Allan Smith, while n o t exactly
telling the committee w h a t its recom-
mendation should be, said, "If the com-
mittee simply hands the Regents a rec-
ommendation that the buildings are
needed, they will likely get a thank you
and everyone will go about his business
and nothing will be built. I would give
their project the best chance of success if
they m a k e a funding recommendation.
And, it appears, the most likely method
of funding is student fees."
This suggestion p u t s the problem
squarely before the committee. By dodg-
ing the funding issue they will probably
destroy their own project. If the commit-
tee expects to see a n y buildings at all
they will have to act on s o m e kind of
funding proposal.
BY DEALING, WITH funding the com-
mittee will have to lock horns with the
idea of a referendum. Education Prof. Lo-
ren Barrit has placed a motion before the
full committee asking that a "program
for involving the student body in the de-
cision be developedin, conjunction with
Student Government Council."
But the committee is hesitant. For over
an hour at their last meeting they argued
Prof! Barrit's proposal without coming to
a decision. They are ,unable to reconcile
what is right with what they see as the
politics of the situation.
In their initial draft of recommenda-
tions they veil their support of a tuition
tncrease by declaring that the method be
used only as a "last resort." Whether the
Regents will take this to mean a recom-
mendation for a fee hike is not certain,
but it is clear that the committee is fail-
ing in their responsibilities.
The issue is now cle a r. It is the IM
committee's business not only to speak to
funding but to the question of student de-
cision-making. Anything less t h a n full
support of Prof. Barrit's resolution is a'
moral cop-out.
Summer Sports Editor


Letters to the Editor

and Al. Capp
T HE FOLLOWING WORDS are quoted from the text of an address
delivered by cartoonist Al Capp to the graduating class of Franklin
Pierce College in Rindge, N. H., much of it devoted to the thesis that
it was a thrill to be speaking on a campus where tranquility (defined
by some as torpor) prevailed:
I believe there are no underprivileged Americans; that even
the humblest of us are born with a privilege that places us ahead
of anyone else, anywhere - the privilege of living and working in
America, of repairing and renewing America; and one more priv-
ilege that no one seems to get much fun out of lately -'theprivi-
lege of loving America.
Although Mr. Capp did not explicitly endorse motherhood, he had
spoken not many days earlier before the convention of the Daughters
of the American Revolution and presumably his appearance before
those matrons excused this later lapse. There, among other things, he
disclosed that his current counsel to college students is to "get into the
poverty business, son, and grow rich with it."
NO ONE CAN ACCUSE Al Capp of being in the poverty business; it
might be said that he has made the long journey from the realm of
Dogpatch to the salons of the fat cats. A glimpse of this pilgrim's pro-.
gress appeared in a New York Times story published last July:
"Li'l Abner, Daisy Mae and several other Al Capp comic characters
will soon become part of the burgeoning franchise fastfood roadside
restaurant business.
"Laurence Ellman, president of Longchamps Inc., announced yes-
terday that his complny had signed an agreement with Mr. Capp for
the use of the characters, graphics and special features of the inter-
nationally syndicated L'l Abner strip.
"Under the agreement Mr. Capp will be paid $1 million in advance
against royalties over 10 years. Logchamps will operate and merchan-
dise the restaurants, which will be called Li'l Abner. The agreenent
also covers motels, and with renewal options covering 30 years."
In the light of this transaction - only one of many fiscal coups
in the life of Al Capp - his temptation to believe that "there are no
underprivileged Americans" may seem crudely explicable. Yet so deter-
minist a verdict is an industice to the intelligence of a man who would
have laughed out loud if he had been invited to enthrall a DAR con-
vention in an earlier time.
IT IS NOT ENTIRELY clear from the faded clippings when Capp
decided that William McKinley and J. Edgar Hoover had really been
right all along. Certainly no one can accuse him of vulgarly "selling
out;" Li1 Abner was a spectacular success during the years when Capp
proudly identified himself as a liberal and often used the strip to cari-
cature right-wing bigots and to taunt Joe McCarthy when many were
silent and scared
But now the same man is found telling the Franklin Pierce stu-
"When the president of Harvard proved that, in a crisis, he was the
intellectual equal of the Mayor' of Chicago and called the cops, it was
his finest hour."
Someone else might say that this verdict was Al Capp's worst
Capp's "comic strip" has become an exercise in mirthless frenzy,
primarily - and indiscriminately - aimed at student demonstrators.
As one who has led no cheers for the rule-or-ruin enterprises of SDS
and some other groups,' my quarrel is hardly with Capp's dismay over
random, mindless violence. It is with his incapacity to differentiate be-
tween the conscientiously concerned and the nihilists - and his total
deafness to voices of authentic protest.
WHAT MATTERS, OF COURSE - apart from his loss of wit - is
the symbolism he presents to the youngwho seriously care.
In private he may still be the warm, charming figure he once was;
he may even be an unheralded supporter of worthy civic charities. But
in public he has become a caricature of the disaffected liberal who pro'-
claims, amid his ,own affluence, that the country is fundamentally
sound and that we never really had it so good. Such complacent pieties
are incitements to riot among kids who dwell in the slums or are en
route to Vietnam, as well as those still on the campus.
Perhaps a kindly friend will persuade Capp to get off the DAR
lecture circuit and visit Charleston, S. C., where hundreds of oppressed
Negro hospital workers are fighting for the elementary right of union
recognition and a wage a little higher than $1.30 an hour while both
federal and state officials remain coldly aloof. I,
The Al Capp many once knew might even poncede upon close in-
spection that they are "underprivileged Americans" - and even leave a
contribution at strike headquarters.
(C) New York Post


A warning
(The following letterwas sent
to Norman Scott, director of stu-
dents at the Dearborn Campus.)
IT HAS COME to my attention
through an article in The Daily
that you were the frontman for"
the administration there in con-
calling the scheduled appearance
of the MC5 and other community
bands at a WABX sponsored free
conceit June 8. It is in this
capacity that I would like to
address you here, as I have no
other reason for ever bothering to
speak to a man of your (tiny)
It is time that people like your-
self, college administrators a n d
other goons of the miltary-indus-
trial-banking oligarchy that h a s
unsurped the power from the
people here in Babylon USA,
started to realize that you can't
get away with denying the people
their rightful culture any longer.
If you think you have got some-
thing to worry about with the
"community's" reaction to the
MC5 and some other true com-
munity bands playing a free con-
cert for the people, you'd better
get ready for a reaction of the
people themselves when they start
waking up and realizing that you
have no rightful power to deny
them their culture. As you can see,
you just lost 6 of your' top stu-
dents from your student Govern-
ment Council and the Student
Activities office because they real-
ize what you people are doing and
that it isn't- right.
YOU ARE OUT of order, mister
and the people won't stand for
their public servants being out

or order much longer. I just want
to tell you this so you'll know
why they're doing it when it hap-
pens, - and so you won't be able to
blame your campus troubles on
SDS or a militant minority or
whatever your current media ruse
will be. We're hip to you, even
if you aren't.
What's worse is you won't even
admit that you're a fascist: you
try to cover up your dirty work
by blaming a "lack of facilities"
for the cancellation. It won't work,
Mister Scott. The people know
what all of you are doing, and
they are watching you very close-
ly now.
And you can't tell me I don't
know what you're doing. I went
to your schools and observed your
type very carefully for over six
years (A.B. University of Michi-
gan, Flint College, 'January 1964).
You obviously don't know what
you're doing, but let ms repeat:
You'd better find out FAST, or
it will be too late. The people want
free music outdoors, they n e e d
free music outdoors, and the
bands and the organizers know
this and work free to provide for
this major need of the people, but
you punks who control the land
want to keep the people, from get-
ting their culture.
The people have to have it, and
if they don't get it now you can
bet that they won't be stopped by
these tactics much longer. Dig
All Power to the People!
-John Sinclair, Manager, MC5
Minister of Information
White Panther Party
May 26

The budget

To the Editor:

W e i n e r a n d Mr. Hirschman
have published on the budget
situation and their speculations
concerning possible'fee increases
may have created some erroneous
impressions. Let me make clear:
--The Senate Committee actual7
ly cut the Governor's recommend-
ed state appropriations by $2.4
million, not $2.0 million. Although
the actual dollar differences is
about $2.0. million, the Senate
Committee added an expenditure
requirement of $400,000 for a pur-
pose not included in the Gov-
ernor's Bill.
-Any speculation on the amount
of a possible fee increase is specu-
lation of the Daily authors, and,
,not of mine. Fees are not deter-
mined without - prior discussion
with the Regents, and no such
discussion has taken place.
-Mr. Hirschman is correct that
the Committee on Budget Admin-
istration is still working to find
ways of reducing the budget level,
-Any speculation on whether
the state appropriation will be in-
creased by the House (and the
Conference Committee) is that of
The Daily. While we expect to
bend every effort to persuade the
House of the need, we have no
indication of possible success.
-Allan F. Smith
Vice-President for
Academic Affairs
May 28


Why not the Pentagon?


"WE NOW HAVE A military-industrial
team," Saturday Review quotes form-
er Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford as
saying, "with unique resources of exper-
ience, engineering talent, management,
and problem-solving capacities, a team
that must be tsed to help find the an-
swers to complex domestic problems as it
has found the answers to complex weap-
ons systems." Continuing, Mr. Clifford
tells us that, "these answers can be put
to good use by our cities and our states,
by our schools, by large and sxpall busi-
ness alike."
Unfortunately, Mr. Clifford, the most
complex set of domestiq problems in the
nation today are not the questions (as
Eldridge Cleaver would tell us) of "what
to do about the niggxrs," for that is one
they will answer; nor campus unrest, in-
flation, 'generation gaps, credibility, and
the like, but rather the continued mass
murder in Vietnam, the militarization off
the nation, the rising specter of intoler-'
ance affecting both left and right. The
Department of Defense bears the major'
responsibility for the existence of t h i s.
Today, we are confronted by a massive.
Leviathan, feeding yearly on a diet of $80
billion to produce its agents of mass de-
struction and societal turmoil, while mil-
lions struggle to exist at a subsistence
level of income. There is no possibility for
peaceful existence with the beast, for its
influences are felt throughout the na-
tion; the monster challenges our newly-
emergent ethics with its right a r m of
public morality. Prosperity and Defense
are inextricably meshed;' "why take one
without the other?" we are constantly
asked by our staunch and righteous up-
holders of the existing order.
A RECURRENT theme throughout Clif-
ford's short tenure as Secretary of De-
fense was his eager encouragement for
defense subsidized armament-aerospace
industries to move substantial portions of
their rapidly expanding physical plant to
economically deprived areas of the na-

proceed as t h e hard-core unemployed,
with an elaborate training program to
develop skills, made the transition from
antagonism to contented bread-winning.
The old proletariat, or so they say, will
become the new bourgeoisie.
This new "social gospel" preached by
the fejrvent and zesty liberal predecessors
of Mr. Nixon and incorporated into his,
reorganization, this attempt to foster a
deep and abiding social conscience within
the nation's industrial elite, represents,
of course, more of an effort to appease
urban threats to Mr. Nixons reputation
by outraged and indignant blacks, stu-
dents and poor than any repentant hu-
manistic guilt. Conservatives as well as
radicals generate ideology through strug-
gle, and as the long unarticulate and le-
thargic conservative minority has cap-
tured the levers of power, the new rhe-
toric to sustain popular toleration of "do-
nothings" in government emerges.
Face-saving gestures and token re-
forms enacted without scope serve merely
to keep popular liberals within the Re-
publican\ whole. The alleged earnestness
and integrity of Republican social zeal
represents no more than stark Orwellian
NP, MR. CLIFFORD. The expansion of
this institution will not result in any
social good. Its talent and skills have been
tested over and again by ever-tolerant
liberals, and its performance h a s been
found lacking to say the least. We must
trample this aberration of a democratic
institution into the ground with men who
will not be anxious to launch great right-
eous crusades to free the world from illu-
sionary threats. All ties between the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, t h e military-aerospace
interests, and political decision-making
must be broken.
We are past the stage where a critical
examination of its resources and the pos-
sible benefits that qan be made available
to the ghetto is of any utility. We are past
the stage where e v e n an admission of


Local Democrats and



now undergoing a severe crisis
of conscience following the sham-
bles of the Chicago convention.
Prominent Democrats, sensitive to
the torrent of unfavorable criti-
cism following the Chicago de-
bacle, are re-examining the power
structure of the' party and the
issue of party openness. A reform
committee is barnstorming the
country in an attempt to extend
grass-root participation in the
party and thereby loosen the grip
of political hacks like Mayor
This crisis of conscience is now
visible in the local Democratic
Party. The Democrats of Ann Ar-
bor have long been proud of their
"open" party meetings, quickly
pointing out that policy-making
in the Republican party is con-
fined to closed sessions of their
executive and platform commit-
At the party meeting last Wed-/
nesday night, six hundred people
jammed the auditorium of Tappan
,Junior High to elect officers and
discuss issues in the best tradition
of an open, town meeting. But ap-
pearances are deceiving.
What seemed to be a hotly-dis-
puted factional battle for party
chairman brought the largest turn-
out in recent party history. How-
vere, in spite of the high attend-
ance and the traditional fanfare,
the party meeting was really only
show-case democracy. Election
procedure provided insufficient
time for a meaningful discussion

Most of the ignorant left after
Scheider's victory was announced.
Only 100 people remained to con-
sider the resolutions for support
of the Tenants Union and the
grape boycott.
'Many people at the meeting, in-
cluding a group from the Tenants
Union, wished to find out the dif-
ferences between the two candi-
dates. Peter Denton presented a
motion that the partyamendits
standard procedure to allow a ten-
minute question period following
the speech of both candidates,
which would be still insufficient
but an improvement. Apparently
this common democratic practice
had never become routine proce-
dure at party meetings.
Denton's motion was greeted by
a chorus of sighs and "Oh no's."
Yet the audience, conscience-
stricken at their own apathy, pass-
ed it by a narrow margin. .
Tom Murray, the defeated can-
didate, entered the election with
an unholy alliance of the Wash-
tenaw County Building and Trades
Association and the, New Demo-
cratic Coalition. The association
is a local construction workers
union noted for . conservative
stances on the Vietnamese War
and civil rights legislation. The
New Democratic Coalition is a
newly-founded nation-wide group,
of left-liberal Democrats.
elected chairman, had the support
of most of the old party regulars,
the UAW, and the Young Demo-
crats. Scheider has been outspoken
for almost every liberal issue to

der replied it would needlessly
embarrass Graham and the party.
There the issue died without fur-
ther discussion, leaving everyone
with questions about the Graham
THEN, DURING Murray's ques-
tion period, David Goldstein, a
member of the rent strike steering
committee, accused' Murray of
representing the Building and
Trades Association in their at-
tempt to prevent the County
Board of Supervisors 'fromlicen-
sing non-union blacks as appren-
tice operators.
Murray denied the charges and
Goldstein later retracted his state-
ment, asserting he had been de-
liberately misinformed by a mem-
ber of Scheider's team. Why?
Who? When? But again the issue
died and the truth never emerged.
Apparently, the Graham in-
cident explains Murray's support
from the construction union. But
why the New Democratic Coali-
tion aligned itself with the con-
servative union and supported
Murray was another in a long
series of unanswered questions.
Actually, Murray's comments
on party openness had some valid-
ity, at least with respect to that
election. The election framework
precluded full discussion of all the
points of contention between the
Scheider stressed the party is
completely open. The party holds
weekly "issues luncheons," several
executive committee meetings,
and three ,or four open party
meetings annually. Anyone can


Getting rid of Daleyism?


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