See editorial page
Siri gan
Clear and
Vot. LXXIX, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 3, 1969 Ten Cents
Four Pages
Apartment ceiling at 517 S. Division
T enants protest
alleged, abuse
Tenants in the rent strike, particularly the residents of
517' S. Division, 808 W. Washington and 425 S. Division, will
be picketing this morning at Ike's Barbershop, 117 E. Wash-
ington, a. business owned by their landlord, Ike Kozminski.
Protesters will leave from the Student Activities Bldg. at
9:30 a.m. to demonstrate against alleged physical and verbal
harrassment and negligence on the part \of Kozminski.
The tenants hope to create a public confrontation with
Kozminski. The picketers will -carry signs which they say
repeat bits of dialogue be-
SGC *.;:'.
The ad hoc commnittee to
draft new Regental bylaws
.yesterday dissolved after com-
pleting minor revisions in its
report. The proposed bylaw
draft - product of more than
a year's work - will now go to
Senate Assembly and Student
Government Council for con-'
Despite the wide controversy
that surrounds certain provisions
of the draft, the committee will 4
ask Assembly and SGC to endorse
the draft in its entirety. However,
the present draft is not expected *.
to win approval from SGC. .
If, this happens, a new joint
committee will be formed by SGC x
and Assembly to further revise .
the bylaws. This negotiating comn,
mittee would be required to submit
a report to President Robben 4
Fleming by Sept. 2.
The committee itself was unable
to reach, a consensus on the pro-
posed draft, and members decided x
to submit the report in its present
form without reaching consensus.
The Assembly will consider the
bylaw draft at its June 16 meet- Police investigate bombing at
ing, and SGC will begin considera- -________________
tion next week.
However, SGC officers have said ACCEPTS WEAKER VERSION:
that SGC will not endorse the by-
laws in their present form.
Marc Van Der Hout, executive fu
vice president of SGC; has raised
stn cntro innth proose
Office of Student Services (cur-
rently the Office of Student Af-
fairs), professional school control
oer non-acadei behavior an a iy a ms
ovr n naa e i e air n the order of judicial precedence
between the proposed University
Council, Central Student Judi- NEW YORK (P)-The faculty ity students who staged a pa
ciary, and SGC. Senate of the City College of New campus take-over in April
Assembly chairman Prof. Joseph York yesterday rejected an/ ad- May, would have moret
Payne of the education school has missions plan demanded by black doubled the proportion of min
objected to the section which pro- and Puerto Rican students which students at CONY by Septe
vides for seating two students as would have more than doubled the 1970
Regents on grounds that the by- proportion of minority students at The plan was condemne
law draft is an inappropriate place CONY. most "andidates for city office
to ask for such student representa- It did so by adopting an al- reverse "quota system."
tion. He did, however, support the ternative under which an extra . The city-supported tuition
idea and said he would support 400 students from ghetto schools college now has about 500 b
such a move at a latter time. would enter the college next year and Puerto Rican students a
In a letter to Fleming, the com- without having to meet current the 20,000-member student b
mittee recommended that SGC admission standards. Some of them were adm
and Assembly separately consider The faculty group's action was under special programs ou
endorsing the report in its present only advisory. Final decision rests normal entrance requirement
form, but also admitted that com- with the city's Board of Higher The dual admission plan lo
mittee members had not agreed Education, governing body of City eventually to a student bod
on certain sections. University, of which City College which half would enter unde
The letter also specifies that is a division. present academic requirem
Fleming assume the responsibility The plan negotiated with minor- and half would come from seli
of judging whether there is enough
agreement on a new bylaw pro-
posal to warrant bringing it before uardsm en remove
the Regents for adoptioi.
The committee also recommend-;
ed that Fleming return the prob-e area
lem to SGC and Assembly if the
negotiating committee is unable
to draft an acceptable proposal.
The committee yesterday madej By The Associated Press
a minor wording change in the Governor Ronald Reagan announced yesterday that
controversial section 7.07, part 2, National Guard will be withdrawn from Berkeley and
which gives the faculty of some g
professional schools the power to state of emergency lifted from the city at 6 a.m. today.
control students' non-academic The city ,hit by rioting over a "people's park," dis
behavior on grounds that it affects two and one-half weeks ago, xias been quiet for several d
their professional status. Reagan, in a statement, said he was taking the actio
The clause formerly required eagan, in a sta s ai he wasvtasing th aio
professional school faculties to the request of officials of the University of Californi
publish "clear" behavioral stan- Berkeley and Berkeley ,city officials.
dards. The California Highway Patrol has been around
The word "clear" was eliminated campus since Feb. 5 to control a series of disturbances inv
Abrams of the Medical School who ing students and nonstudents at the campus. The G
said that it required the school's has been on duty since May 15.
standards to be too detailed. "It's Reagan's statement read:
impossible to anticipate all situ- ".i.o
ations," he said. "At the request of officials of the University of Califo
Van Der Hout said any discus- and the City of Berkeley and with the concurrence of local
See BYLAW, Page 3 enforcement agencies, the state of extreme emergency wh
ROTC blast
Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation searched
for clues yesterday afternoon in the bombing of North Hall,
the 'administrative center and classroom building for tfie
University's ROTC program.
An explosive placed under a staff car parked next to the
building Sunday night detonated, igniting the building and
shattering one wall and several dozen windows.
Deputy Police Chief Harold Olson said yesterday he did
not know what type of explosive had been used, and that
there were no suspects at this time.
-He added that at this point all the police are able to do
is study the area of the bombing to discover what was used
and where it could have been
obtained. a
FBI investigators arrived in fl--I
Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon.-H-..1-
Olson said the FBI was notified
of the bombing because federal
property - the Army staff car -- t0X11w
was involved.
'T'h FBIT agn were iinavail-
North Hall
-Jay Cassidy
able for comment ysterday.
" rejeci
tween them and Kozminski,
such as "I ask him to fix the"
screen, the Big K says, 'You
dirty S.OB." The signs will
also carry a caricature of the
Jim Brough, 808 W. Washing-
ton; Ruth Ryan, 517 S. Division;
and Judy -Pashby, 425 S. Division
j claim they have been either phys-
ically or verbally abused by Koz-
minsky when they asked him for
All three tenants also have
complaints about Kozminski's up-
keep of the buildings. Miss Pashby
says there is no certificate of
compliance for her building, which
means there are so many housing
code violations that city code
stipulates the building should not
be open except under special cir-
cumstandes, such as when emer-
gency housing is being provided
for poverty-stricken families.
The three tenants also say they
are without electricity. B o t h
Brough and Miss Ryan say that
thy were recently notified that
Kozminski would no longer pay
electricity and gas bills. Miss
Pashby says her heat was cut off
in February.
Wlien she had the wires re-at-
tached, Miss Pashby claims, Koz-
minski clipped them again.
City Council
police stud
City Council at the request of
Mayor Robert Harris, has taken
the first step toward easing ten-
sions between Ann A r b o r resi-
dents and the police.
At a special meeting Thursday
night council authorized the cre-
ation of an ad hoc committee pro-
posed by Harris to study police-
community relations.
The mayor emphasized that the
committee's existence does not im-
ply lack of confidence in local po-
lice agencies, and City Adminis-
trator Guy Larcom.said the com-
mittee should not be viewed as a
'citizens' review board."
Harris' resolution said, "Recent
local incidents between police and
black citizens indicate that prompt
action to alleviate community
tensions is necessary."
T h e seven-member committee
will study "both t h e immediate
a n d underlying causes of these
tensions" and will make recom-
mendations to council for appro-
priate action.
See COUNCIL, Page 3
d by
as a
y of
r the
high schools and w:
to meet those stan
However, the pl
gradual implementat
300 to be admitted tI
basis of "potential"
The vote favoring
tive plan was 40 to 3
Senate is an 87-m
'There are about]
members at CCNY.
The Faculty Senat
add 300 special stu
tember and 100 mor
These would push th
freshman class to a
including 675 who v
mitted under already
cial programs ford
Figures released 1
Senate spokesman
new specially admi
next year will make
tion of the freshman
60 per cent white
cent black and Puert
is approximately t
white to nonwhite
high schools.
About 24 per cento
freshman class are n
mitted under norr
procedures and unde
grams for students
meet academic requ
These students nov
two special admissi
One is a rule whi
top 100 in class'star
city high school to e
versity even if the
below the minimum
The other is a pr
SEEK - Search f
Elevation and Knowl
enrolls minority stu
academic qualificati
vides remedial classes
ling for them.
Next term's CityC
man class is expect
275 students from th
program and 400 frci
Olson also admitted that there
__seemed to be some similarity be-
tween this bombing and the
bombings last fall of the Ann Ar-
bor Central Intelligence Agency
office and the University's Insti-
tute for Science and Technology
building on North Campus.
"All of these bombings occurred
at roughly the same time of night
and the extent of damage was
similar," Olson said.
eUniversity officials briefly tour-
ed the wreckage early yesterday.
However, they said there did not
ithout having appear to be any structural dam-
idards. age resulting from the explosion.
an proposed Chris Carey, managing editor of
ion, with only the University news service, says
his fall on the the University has made no esti-
rather than mate of the damage done.
"I'm sure repairs will be done as
the alterna- soon as possible without inter-.
2. The Faculty fering with the investigation," he
nember body. said.
1.800 faculty The car under which the ex-
plosion detonated was a military
e's plan would staff car assigned to Col. H. K.
dents in Sep- Reynolds, the commander of the
e in February. Army ROTC unit at the Univer-
he size of the sity. The. 1967 Ford was destroyed
record 3,000, by the explosion.
would be ad- "I really don't know anything
existing spe- about the explosion," said Rey-
disadvantaged nolds yesterday.
by a Faculty "Certainly the explosion h a s
showed that nothing 'to do with whether there
tted students will be ROTC on campus n e x t
the composi- year," he added. A student-faculty
class close to committee is currently studying
and 40 per the issue and is scheduled to re-
o Rican. This port early in the fall.
the ratio of University officials said the car
in the city's was normally parked at the site
where it was found last night.
of the current Police said there was no evi-
nonwhites ad- dence that the building had been
nal entrance entered.
r special pro- The two rooms which appeared
who do not most heavily damaged by the blast
irements. were the Navy ROTC offices and
w enter under the central administrative office.
ons policies. Windows were shattered on all
ich allows the sides of the building, but pred6m-
nrding in each inantly in the front portion of the
nter City Uni- south wing where the explosive
ir average is was located. The impact of the
standcalled explosion was felt at least one
orEducation and one-half miles from North
or Hdctin all.
edge - which
dents lacking Olson said he also was unclear
on and pro- as to the extent of the damage,
s and counsel- but guessed that it would amount
to $15,000 to $20,000. He describ-
College fresh- ed the damage as "extensive."
ed to include Firemen were forced to break
e 100-scholar through an inside wall to reach a
)m SEEK. , blaze set off by the explosion.
rights law
Supreme Court ruled yester-
day that privately operated
public accomodations cannot
practice racial segregation by
calling themselves clubs and
admitting only whites on pay-
ment of a nominal fee.
The 7-1 decision put hundreds
of recreation areas and other f a-
cilities under the ban. But it did
not extend to the last of the all-
white bastions: exclusive social
and country clubs which are de-
finitely private.
The court dealt with Lake Nixon
Club, a privately' operated, 232-
acre am sement area 12 miles west
of Little Rock,Ark. It offers swim-
ming, boating, sunbathing, pic-
nicking; miniature golf, dancing
facilities and a snack bar.
Despite its name and a 25 cent
membership fee, Justice William
J. Brennan Jr. said for the major-
ity, Lake Nixon is not a private
club. "It is simply a business op-
erated for a profit with none of
the attributes of self-government
and member-ownership tradition-
ally associated with private clubs,"
he said.
White people were routinely ad-
mitted and Negroes uniformly kept
out, he said, and the "membership
device seems no more than a sub-
terfuge" designed to avoid cover-
age of the 1964 federal Civil Rights
The ruling was one of three
major pronouncements by the
high court on civil rights.
Acting unanimously, and with
the Alabama-born Justice Hugo
L.. Black giving the decision, the
court upheld the assignment of
teachers in Montgomery on a ra-
cial basis to help speed integration
of the public schools.
The other civil rights ruling,
by a 7-1 marging With Black dis-
senting, madeitdifficult for seven
states and counties to reimpose
voting literacy tests by saying a
ban in Gaston County, N.C. must
In a landmark 5-3 decision, the
court gave servicemen the right
to be tried by civil courts--instead
of by military tribunals-for
crimes committed off duty that
have no connection with military
m at
now exists at Berkeley will be
Rya n pledges more
State Rep. William A. Ryan
(D-Detroit), speaker of the
House, vowed yesterday to re-
store Senate slashes in the state
appropriation bill for the Uni-
"I expect the House will re-
place some of the cuts," Ryan
told a news conference yester-
day. "The costs and needs of
higher education are rising and
must be recognized."
The Senate last Thursday
passed a bill which would give
1"h ._ mr'<> r -- > r nln as'Fnr o
"My guess is the House will
increase it," he added.
iUniversity officials have said
they cannot avoid a tuition hike
if the governor's recommenda-
tion is not met. As the bill
stands now, the University falls
$2.4 million short of needed
revenues-a gap which admin-
istrators say can only be re-
placed by an increase in tuition.
The Senate bill allows for an
additional $400,000 expenditure
for an increase in medical school
enrollment and increased bene-
fits for interns and residents h xa - nn - - --r fni. i
the governor's recommendation,
there is no way to avoid a sub-
stantial increase in tuition lev-
els. They would have to go up
again for both resident and out-
of-state students."
R y a n 's Democratic party
holds a 57-53 majority edge in
the House, and fiscal liberals
control the powerful budget
Ryan said he would also try
to restore cuts in the budget of
Michigan State University.
Michigan State was allotted
$6n million by the Senate. more
terminated at 6 a.m. tomor-
row morning, Tuesday, June
3, 1969.
"It has been, is now, and will
continue to be the policy of this
administration to provide to local
authorities whatever state assist-
ance may be necessary to enforce
the law and protect thelives and
property of our citizens."
"Consistept with this policy,
and with the concurrence of law
enforcement officials in Alameda
County, I also am directing that
units of the National Guard be re-
moved from active duty in the
Berkeley area."
Also, at Massachusetts Institute
of Technology a panel recom-
mended yesterday that the school
retain its two off-campus and
military-connected research facil-
ities, but that an attempt be made
to balance the military research
Two White Panthers to face
trials for obscenity charges
The cases of two members of
the White Panther Party charged
with distributing obscene litera-
ture to students in Milan High
School last March were bound
over to Circuit Court last week.
District Judge S. J. Elden order-
ed Skip Taube to appear in Circuit
Court on June 13. Pun Plamon-
don is scheduled to appear on
cials and Dansfield held a -joint
Taube said the students had
been told that charges would be
brought against them if they did
not cooperate in the investigation.
Dansfield took the results of his
probe to Prosecuting Attorney
William F. Delhey who authorized
a warrant for the arrest of Taube
and Plamondon.
The White Panther literature,
prosecution had entered as evi-
dence "goes far beyond the limits
set for our basic freedoms."
"This is a case of suppression,"
Taube said. "The police, and
school authorities are suppressing
information and intimidating the
Their biggest objection to the
statement is the fact that it "tells
people how to go about changing
their lives and how things should