See editorial page
gir tIigaut
:4E ait ,4
Variable cloudiness,
chance of rain
Vol. LXXVII, No 13-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Satur4ay, May 18, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
-Senate to act
next on
Bill would establish limitsa
for out-of-state enrollment
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The House of Representatives yesterday
passed the state higher education bill including a $63.6 mil-
lion asppropriation for the University.
I The bill now returns to the Senate which passed it in
March with $4.8 million less for all state schools including
4only $61.3 million for the University.
The action essentially locks the University's appropria-
tion somewhere between the House and Senate figure and
virtually assures passage of a
# r section appearing in both bills
Hiousii which would limit the number
of out-of-state students at the
Th6 section would prohibit state
a s universities with over 20 per cent
S out-of-state students from in-
creasing their enrollment of such
students in either percentage or
Senate actual numbers.
The student body of the Uni-
LANSING (P)-The Senate yes- versity includes 25 per cent out-
terday accepted 21 House amend- of-staters.
ments and passed the open hous- In acting again on the bill, the
ing bill with little debate. Senate may either concur with
The measure now requires only the House, sending the bill to the
the governor's signature to be- Governor, or return the bill to
come law. the lower chamber which would
The bill prohibits discrimination have another opportunity to agree
because of race, religion or na- on the Senate's version.
tionality in the sale or rental of If neither chamber concurs with
housing. the other, a six-member confer-
Af fmhLenca committee composed equally
~-Associated Press
Sorhonine students march oil Renault p lant in Paris subur b
Registrationi t
pealty set
for Januar
The Regents deferred action on I
the controversial University Coun-
cil (UC) bylaw proposal at their
regular May meeting yesterday
They also established a late reg-
istration fee of $15 to take effect
in January, 1969 and promoted
242 faculty members to higher
professorial rank.
Regents Otis Smith questioned
the failure of Dean Wiliam Hub-
bard of the medical school and the,
Office of Academic Affairs to rec-
ommend the appointment of As-
sociate Professor Albert Wheeler
to a full professorship after 20 PreS
years on the faculty of the med-
ical school.
Smith said that he wonders "if A
it's because he's not competent
in his position or because he holds
some provocative political views."
Wheeler is president of thec
Michigan conference of the
Although the Regents did not
act on the UC bylaw proposal, the,
individual board members outlned By MA
their general positions on the con-
troversy. . Unliket
President Fleming charged that board cand
reports of the controversy ap- focusing h
pearing in The Daily gave an im- rather ths
pression of the kind of consulta- tion issues
tions that went on in the drafting .Kids ar
wslie schools;
of ,he bylaw proposal that wasple s
"completely inaccurate." ysterdeay
The bylaws were drawn up by ed by the N
Director of Student Community with a bi
Relations William Steude for Vice funds for
President for Student Affairs j 'The pre
Richard L. Cutler. Cutler con- and popu]
ferred informally with the press- University;
dent and vice-president of Stu- of the Chi
dent Government Council and experiment
two faculty members on the vari- children w
ous drafts of the proposals. dom and c
Cutler also reported to the Re- I Ayers sa
gents that immediate implemen- ing witha
tation of a nonmandatory resi- Ann Arbor
dence policy in University housing to orgapiz
was "unwise and impractical." teachers"t
FREE SOPHS ucationals
A dditional Istrikes
By The AssocifaedPress'
a real estate firm, nank or oth-
er professional violator, could be
fined up to $1,000 for committing
4an "unfair housing practice,"and
up to $2,000 for a repeat viola-
tion. Under certain circumstances.
courts would be able to force
completion of real estate trans-
An individual accused of hous-
ing bias could be held liable for
#up to $500 in actual damages suf-
fered by the victim of discrimina-
tion. A person filing a false bias
complaint could be made to pay
the court costs and attorney fees
of the person accused.
Action on the bill came quickly
yesterday after a short Republi-
SAIGON (AP)-President Ngu-
yen Van Thieu today accepted
the resignation of Premier
Nguyen Van Loc and his cabi-
net, the premier's office an-
A spokesman said Loc would
continue in office provisionally
until a new premier is named.
Thieu had asked a 64-year-
old former schoolmaster, Tran
Van Huong, .to form a new
See related story, page .
PARIS -Fresh strikes spreadf
across France yesterday, engulf-
ing the national radio television
network, Orly Airport and some
railroads, but union leaders re-
buffed a studen' bid for joint ac-
tion against thei government of
President Charles deGaulle.
The Communist-led General
Confederation of Labor in effect
warned the students, whose dem-
onstrations triggered the current
wave of academic and industrial
unrest to mind their own busi-
ness.The ,confederation said it.
wanted to avoid any pretext for
government intervention.
Thousands of workers put down
tools and in many cases occupied
their factories. The stoppages
spread to parts of the govern-
ment-owned railway system.
Reasons for the strikes varied'
almost from plant to plant, but
few of the country's 95 geograph-
ical departments' districts were
not involved. The various demands
included higher wages, a reduced
work week and earlier retirement
Nearly 2,000 university students
marched across Paris to express
their solidari'ty with 23,000 strik-
ers at the big Renault auto fac-
tory despite the snub from union'
The workers applauded the stu- Premier Georges Pompidou con-
dents as they paraded around the ferred with his top security offi-
factory. Speaking just outside the cials, including the interior and
plant. Jacques Sauvegeot, acting defense ministers.
president of the National Student Pompidou warned the students
Union, said: "The dialogue must in a television broadcast Thursday
intensify between the workers' night that the government will
world and the world of the stu- fight any attempt to subvert'the
dents." nation.
Construction worker local
accepts tentative settlement3
i(ent Fleming
rers sets.
n ai
the traditional school
didate, Bill Ayers, '68, is
his campaign on kids
an millage or construe-
re being ruined in pub-
," Ayers told about 40
anoon rally on the Diag
The rally was sponsor-
New Politics Party along
iucket drive to collect
Ayers' campaign.
emium is only on grades
larity," Ayers said. A
graduate, he is director
ildren's Community, an
tal school for ,young
which emphasizes free-
aid he has been work-
a group of students at
High School and hopes
e a group of "innovative
there to "make the ed-
system more liveable."
nt to help the kids or-
get the schooling they
plained Ayers.
one of nine candidates
seats on the school
;he June 10 election. NP
king .Mrs. Joan Adams.
not concerned about
tions," Ayers said. "We
ntensive work with as
)pie as we can reach
n at attracting a huge
at the polls."
ng will be held at 10:30
ling to discuss further
on of the school board
at the NP office.
uncertain ;off
exact hike.
University Presiient Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday a tuition
increase next fall is almost a
certainty. The "only question now
is the amount," he added.
Fleming declined to speculate
on the size of the tuition hike.
Informed sources, however, in-
dicate the Regents may raise the
out-of-state level to as much as
$1500 for undergraduates based
on state appropriations of about
$63.6 million.
That increase would mean non-
resident student fees would be
$100 per semester higher than this
year. The Senate Appropriations
Committee had recommended a,
$174 per semester increase based
on the principle that an out-of-
state student should pay 75 per
cent of the University's cost in
educating him.
Fleming indicated that in-state
tuition would also have to be in-
creased. However he said :"it is'
almost certain that the increase
for out-of-state students will be
substantially higher."
Sources indicated the in-state
hike might be $35 per semester.
Fleming said the Regents
"agreed to hold a special meeting"
as soon .as the legislature agrees
on a final level for University ap-
propriations. The bills passed by
the House and Senate differ by
$2.3 million.
The size of the tuition increase
for both in-state and out-of-state
students depends on negotiations
b e t w e e n the two legislative
Fleming said if the legislature
insists the University charge out-
of-state students 75 per cent of
the cost, "it is inevitable that out-
of-state tuition will just keep
going up."
He said it would not be prac-
tical to charge out-of-state grad-
uate students 75 per cent of the
educational cost because grad-
uate programs are more expensive
than in the undergraduate divi-
Fleming said it would not be
difficult to raise undergraduate
tuition to the point where out-of-
state students are paying 75 per
cent of the educational cost. For
graduate students, however, he
cited the case of the Medical
School where, he said, the per-
student cost i "astronomical."
Fleming defended the necessity
of any tuition increases. "The ap-
propriation simply sn't there,"he
can caucus. The measure passed of senators and representatives
by a vote of 26-5. would meet and attempt to write
The House, which passed the a compromise bill.
measure Wednesday following a When four members of the
session of bitter debate and arm committee come to an agreement,
twisting, greeted the news of Sen- they would have to return to their
ate concurrence with applause. respective bodies and attempt to
The House tacked 21 amend- gain approval of the compromise.
ments on the original Senate ver- Senate Majority Floor Leader
sion passed April 4. Robert VanderLaan (R-Grard
Governor Romney, who backed Rapids) indicated he expects thej
the bill, 'declined comment yes- bill to reach the conference
terday after passage of the bill, stage, and predicted it would be
a stronger measure than federal' passed "within two weeks."
law. But ar aide said "There is In two weeks, the Legislature
,little question what the governor begins a month long recess dur-
will do." See SENATE, Page 2,
Tentative agreement was reach-
ed yesterday between Laborers
Local 959 and representatives of
the General Contractors Associa-
tion and the Home Builders Asso-
cition of Ann Arbor (GCA-HBA).
Terms of the agreement were
not released pending union rati-
fication of the new contract Wed-
nesday. Previously the GCA-HBA
was offering a six per cent in-
crease over, a two year period.
The tentative agreement was
termed "a step in the right direc-
tion by Enos Greer, business man-
ager for the laborers. Representa-
tives of the GCA-HBA added the
new contract was "a positive
The laborers have been work-
ing without contract since their
contract expired May 1.
Members of TroWel Trades Local
14 (bricklayers), are expected to
vote on a proposed contract next
Thursday. Terms of the contract
have not been disclosed. The
unions previously rejected a re-a
quest for binding arbitration of-1
fered by the GCA-HBA.
Joseph Wojowicz, business agent
for the bricklayers' union said
"We want t think the contractors
are ready to settle down to serious
discussions. I think the contrac-
tors aren't going to get serious
until June 14," he added.
poor mi
Reminiscent of, yet sadly un-
like a high school trip to Wash-
ington, 17 Ann Arbor and Yp-
silanti Poor People's marchers
left from the Plymouth rail-
road station last night for the
There is a seriousness of pur-
pose that sets all of the march-
ers--marchers on welfare and
student supporters-apart from
the Washington tourist.
Motives for going vary from
desire to express distaste for
the current welfare system to
student studies of how the poor
community i n Washington
works. One University neur-
ologist is reportedly going be-
cause he's concerned about the
Dependent Children to go to
work for adequate income.
-lobby for legislation that
will provide jobs for all employ-
able Americans, guaranteed di-
rect participation by recipients
in the decisions under the con-
ditions in which they must live.
Finding food and lodging in
Washington, however, is the
imediate concern of the march-
ers. The four Ann Arbor wo-
men who are already settled
in Washington reported great
difficulty in finding eating
places they could afford after
the Southern Christian Lead-
ership Conference food caravan
failed to materialize on sched-
ule. The marchers left yester-
day were given enough cash to
coer 'Washingtn rices in case
the sights while she was in
Washington, a marcher gravely
replied, "Oh no, our time will
all be taken up with programs
on how to get to your congress-
man to be non-violent and
Students will be leading
many of these training ses-
sions, which will use hypothet-
ical role playing in situations
such as, "You're sitting out-
side your congressman's office.
The police start to harass you,
what do you do?" or discussion
of questions such as how can
your time in jail be put to
profitable use while keeping
morale high rather than just
serving your' time.
Several University students
no ntI',flfl t Infind Pnmninah in -
Cutler suggested to the board
that the option of living off-cam-
pus might be extended to sopho-
more women in 1969 after more
thorough studies of the effects of
such action are made.
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan F. Smith recommended
the $15 late registration fee. He
claimed that the late registration
of 2,273 students last fall created
"considerable confusion and an
unneessary administrative bur-
The proposed bylaws would im-
plement parts of the report of the
Hatcher Commission on the Role
of the Students in Decision-Mak-
ing. The Commission has recom-
mended that UC be set up to
make regulations for "members
of the University community."
NEW YORK (JP-With 1,000
supporters milling about out-
side, 60 militants last night
seized an apartment building
they claimed was owned by
Columbia University.
They barricaded themselves
inside and demanded that the
university abandon its multi-
million dollar expansion pro-
gram on Manhattan's upper
IWest Side.
We wa
ganize to
want," exp
Ayers is
for three
board in th
is also bac
public rela
aim at ir1
many peol
rather tha
A meetin
this morn
- ~~~UIEE~