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May 15, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-15

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flitl gan


Chance of rain,
cooler tomorrow

Vol. LXXVIll, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, May 15, 1968 Ten Cents
he ommission controversyand how it
By JOHN GRAY In November, 1966, the cam- fuses members and administra- Presidential Commissions to deal The Commission on the Draft dents and administrators and meet
The Hatcher Commission, a pus was readying for a Student tors. with the student demands and and Class Ranking issued its re- which would make rules for all prin
child of compromise and student Government Council - sponsored By this time, events had start- temporarily rescinded the sit-in port in April, 1967. Although it "members of the University com- inclu
power, was born in December, referendum to determine whether ed moving fast and it looked like ban. supported the administration's munity." versi
1966, in the wake of almost a the University should compile the administration had a ' full- The proposals were met with stance on ranking, student lead- The Commission also stated that
month of student teach-ins, sit- class rankings for the Selective fledged student movement on its mixed reactions from the mem- ers never saw fit to make an that the formation of a student off-c
ins and ultimatums. On Friday Service System. Before the vot- hands. First, the students rejected bers of the loose student coali- issue of it again. judiciary system was "the pri- tirely
the Regents will meet to consider ing, SGC, Voice and The Daily ranking by a two to one margin. tion. Although some claimed the The President's Commission on mary responsibility of the stu- Th
the first of a series of proposed demanded that the University Then, a teach-in sponsored by a fight had been won, others de- the Role of the Student in'Deci- dents." bers
bylaw revisions that would trans- abide by the 'students' decision, loose coalition of Voice and SGC manded action rather than study. sion-Making deliberated for over The Commission members neg- cided
late some of the Commission's whatever it might be. Voice filled Hill Aud. to capacity and And although 1500 students sat a year. When its,report was fi- lected to clarify the question of up i
proposals into the law of the threatenel disruptive sit-ins and came up with a collective ultima- in, the unity was lost, the mo- nally issued last March, it had who had judicial jurisdiction over - Com
University. demonstrAtions if the demand tum: either the University im- mentum was gone and finals were been all but forgotten by the faculty and staff infractions of that
The 17 months between the was refused. mediately rescind the sit-in ban coming up. The student move- students whose protests forced its University Council regulations. byg
formation of the Commission and Vice President for Student Af- and comply with the results of ment was effectively dead, leaving formation. According to most members of comp
the beginning of Regental im- fairs Richard L, Cutler responded the draft referendum, or it would behind a Student Government The Commission's report was the Commission, the intent was facul
plementation have been relatively to the threats by quickly and be faced with a sit-in in the Ad- Council of doubtful status, three sweeping. Made up of four stu- that there should be separate sys- trato
quiet for the Commission and its quietly instituting a ban on dis- ministration- Building. Presidential Commissions and a dents, four faculty members and tems set up for hearing com- Ho
members: a quiet that is in sharp ruptive sit-ins. SGC promptly The night before the sit-in was lot of bad feelings and distrust. four administrators, the group plaints against faculty and staff. signe
contrast to both the 'circumstances withdrew from the Office of Stu- to take place, then-President Hatcher's Commission on the called for the formation of a The current controversy over byla
of the formation and the threlt dent Affairs to protest this move, Harlan Hatcher issued a com- Sit-in Ban never got off the campus - wide University Council implementation of the Commis- him
of student action made Monday leaving itself in a state of in- promise proposal to the Univer- ground: the issue was dead as the which would be composed of sion report began at the Regents' provi
night. stitutional limbo that still con- sity community. He set up three ban was never reinstated. equal numbers of faculty, stu- regular meeting in April. At the S

Six Pages
~re w
ing the Regents "approved in
ciple" portions of the report,
ding the formation of Uni-
ty Council and the principle
regulation of students while
ampus should be left- en-
y to civil authorities. -
e Regents met with the mem-
of the Commission and de-
l to have the report drawn
n bylaw form. According to
mission members, they agreed
the drafting would be done
another commission, to be
osed of one student, one
Ity member and one adminis-
)wever, the Regents later as-
d the task .of drafting the
ws to Cutler. Their charge to
did not 4nclude any of the
isions that Commission-iem-

1Cutler agrees to ask
delay of bylaw ruling




Vice President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler agreed yes-
terday to ask the Regents to post-
pone consideration of a controver-
sial new bylaw.
The decision ,came after Cutler
met yesterday morning with sev-
eral members of Student Govern-
ment Council who, demanded the
propgsed bylaw be given additional
review by students.>
The proposal seeks to implement
in bylaw form several recom-'
mendations of the Hatcher Com-
mission on the Student Role in

Decision-Making, which recently
submitted its report after 17
months of hearings.
Both the Commission report and
the bylaw proposal recommend
the establishment of a University
Council (UC) to legislate conduct
rules for the University commu-
The bylaw provides that if a
UC-approved regulations is vetoed
by Faculty Assembly or SGC, it
could still take effect if the Re-
gents approved it after a 45-day
waiting period.
The Commission's report ex-

Cavanagh, t examine
f poor march incident',
DETROIT (P)-Mayor Jerome (Conference, the organization spon-

P. Cavanagh yesterday promised
leaders of the Poor People's Cam-
paign a full investigation' of the
skirmish here Monday night be-
tween marchers and city police
during the Midwest leg of the
march to Washington.
Departure of the marchers for'
Cleveland was delayed for more
than six hours as Cavanagh met
for an hour with leaders of the
Southern Christian Leadership
Li nemer
for Regent
If Gov. George Romney ap-
points Regent Robert P. Briggs to
b state banking commissioner, Law-
rencoe B. Lindemer of Stockbridge,
former state Republican chair-
man, is expected to replace him
as Regent.
Reached at his Lansing office
Monday, Lindemer, who was an
aide to Romney during his short-
* lived bid for the Republican pres-
idential nomination this year,
told The Daily he was under con-
sideration for the post and said
the governor's final decision
would be announced "within the
next few days."
However, Briggs, whose term
as Regent expires this November,
may not be named to the bank-
ing post. A top Romney aide yes-
terday told The Daily, "There've
been a number of people consid-
ered for the post."
Briggs has apparently not been
consulted with respect to the
choice of his successor. At his
Elk Rapids residence Monday,
Briggs said his appointment and
any consideration of a replace-
ment were "up to the governor."
Ink White. of St. Johns, pre-
viously thought to be under con-
sideration as Briggs' replacement.
Monday said he had not been in
contact with Romney and did not
expect to receive the appoint-
"I've assumed it would be Mr.
Lindemer," said White' a former
newspaper editor and member of
the 1961-62 constitutional con-

soring the campaign. Some 300
people attended the meeting.
Cavanagh assured march leaders
that action will be taken in regard
to police handling of an argument
See related story, Page 3
over an illegally parked sound
truck "if improper conduct is
Police said the trouble developed
after some marchers defied a po-
lice order to move the truck. Po-
lice called in a tow truck to haul
the vehicle away, but about 50
marchers surrounded the sound
truck so it could not be moved.
Five marchers reported they
suffered injuries in the brief me-
lee that followed.
Mounted officers attempted to
push people into a meeting hall
and officers inside, apparently un-
aware of what was happening,
moved in with clubs to push the
marchers back outside, explained
the Rev. James Groppi of Mil-
The meeting with Cavanagh
was marked by denunciations 9f
Detroit and its police force by
march leaders. Hosea Williams,
executive vice president of SCLC,
told the meeting, "Detroit has just
put iself No. 1 on the civil rights
list as far as SCLC is concerned."

plicitly recommended that TUC
regulations be approved only after
ratification by Faculty Assembly
and SG'C.
According to SGC member Tho-
mas Westerdale, Grad, who at-
tended the ; meeting with Cutler,
the vice president said ,"he would
not recommend immediate action"
by the Regents on the bylaw.
Cutler also agreed to "commu-
nicate our displeasure with the by-
law" to the Regents at their reg-
ular monthly meeting tomorrow,
Westerdale said.
SGC representatives decided
yesterday to hold an open meet-
ing tomorrow a~t 7 p.m. in the:
student government offices to dis-
cuss the issue with interested stu-;
Cutler said he would submit the4
proposal as a"progress report to:
the Regents but indicated he
wishes to decide on a finalized
recommendation as soon as pos-
The SGC representatives tent-'
atively agreed to. comply with a
request by Cutler that they submit
alternatives to the bylaw proposal
within ten days. The students,
however, stressed that they did not
consider the deadline to be bind-
Cutler was unavailable for com-
ment yesterday.
Students and faculty have ques-
tioned whether the proposed by-
law is consistent with the spirit
of the Commission report, whether
the proper student and faculty
groups had been consulted, and'
whether the timing of the move is
fair to students who are on vaca-
tion and unable to react to the
proposal. ,
The controversy has centered on
differences between the Commis-
sion's report and the proposed by-
law which was drafted by Director
of Student-Community Relations.
William Stuede.
The proposed bylaw, for in-
stance, deals with regulations for
"student and student groups" ex-
clusively. Many members of the
Commission feels the regulations,
should apply to the entire "Uni-
versity community"

show strength in Nebraka

Pln new
re ort
Copi named head
of 9 man group;'
study due 1969
Plans for a one-year study of
the trimester academic calendar
were announced Monday following
a meeting between University
President Robben Fleming and
representatives from the -Senate.
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
The study will be conducted by
a nine-member committee of stu-
dents and faculty to be headed
by Prof. Irving M. Copi of the
philosophy department. No date1
has been set for selection of com-
mittee members.
The action was taken after a
literary college faculty committeeI
issued a report summarizing some
of the faculty members' criticism.,
The nine-member committee!
will be composed of three repre-
sentatives each from students,
faculty and administration. "This
way we'll get experience from both
sides of the divide,' Copi said.
The committee will issue their
report early next spring, he added.
The trimester system was in-
stituted in 1961 following a rec-
ommendation by a faculty com-
However, a study conducted in
1966 indicates that many faculty
members feel the shorter semester
has made "both faculty and stu-
dents feel more rushed" and "in-
terferes with scholarly work out-
side the classroom."

-Associated Press

Demonstrators throng in Paris

holds 3.1
'per cent
ReagaIi polling
surprises GOP
with 23,per cent
OMAHA, Neb. (M)-Sen. Robert
F. Kennedy rolled to a smashing
victory in Nebraska's Democratic
presidential primary yesterday.
But defeated Sen. Eugene J. Mc-
Carthy spurned the New Yorker's
immediate proposal for an alli-
ance against Vice President Hu-
bert H. Humphrey.
Former Vice President Richard
M. Nixon walked off with the Re-
publican contest and Gov. Ronald
Reagan, an absentee from the
campaign, surprisingly p o 11 e d
nearly a quarter of the Republican
vote. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller,
Nixon's chief rival for the nomina-
tion, got meager write-in support.
Kennedy, seeking a clear cut
majority of his party's ballots, had
it almost in his grasp as the tabu-
lations mounted from a near rec-
ord turnout of voters in a state
which gave his late brother, John
F. Kennedy, his lowest percentage
of support in 1960.
McCarthy, suffering a second
straight defeat at the hands of
Kennedy, could poll only around
30 per cent of the vote. Humphrey
ran around 10 per cent on a writ-
in and President Johnson, whose
exit from competition came too
late to remove his name from the
ballot, received about half of that.
The count from 1,146 of the state's
2,133 precincts was:
Democratic-Kennedy 46,336, or
53 per cent of the vote counted;
McCarthy 27,074 or 31 per cent;
Humphrey 3,130 or 9 per cent;
Johnson 4,983, or 6 per cent.
Republican--Nixon 71,660 or 70
per cent; Reagan 23,414 or 23 per
cent; Rockefeller 5,164 or 5 per
While Nixon seemed assured of
almost all of the state's 16 Repub-
See KENNEDY, Page 2

French students seize
control of universities

PARIS (P)-Flying the red and
black flags of rebellion and an-
archy, students occupied most of
France's 18 universities yesterday
in a seizure that Premier Georges
Pompidou called an international
plot and.a "trial of our civiliza-
Shaken by the rebellion and a
censure motion, Pompidou went
before the National Assembly with
offers of new concessions to the

Reunion with Hubert Humphrey,

students. Virtually all their ori-
ginal demands were met..
Closed during last week's rioting,
the Sorbonne reopened yesterday,
but students had no classes. They
placed red and black flags in the
hands of statues of Louis Pasteur
and Victor Hugo, dangled their
legs out of windows, called for re-
volution and listened to a youth
playing jazz on a grand piano set
up in the Sorbonne's court yard.
A "committee of occupation" ran
the school with the help of sym-
pathetic faculty members.
The committee demanded that
the Sorbonne be made a free uni-
versity for all, that final exams
be canceled, that police be charged
with brutality in putting down
student protests, that the work-
ers and students' struggle be step-
ped up, and that the university
have an hour of time on the state-
run television network.
In Strasbourg, students seized
the university buildings and pro-
claimed "The Autonomous Uni-
versity of Strasbourg." Every
where, police remained in the
background, apparently on orders
from the highest authorities.
Pompidou acknowledged there
were some good reasons behind the
Idisorder. :
He said: "Already I have de-
cided to call on a 'committee, for
reflection.' which will include rep-
resentatives of professors, stu-
dents, parents of teachers and
personalities representing all the

Quarter, the premier said: "I see
no precedent in our history other
than in the hopeless period of the
15th century when the structures
of the middle ages were collap-
The Federation of the Demo-
cratic and Socialist Left put in
a motion of censure against the
government's educational and
e c o n o m i c policies. Observers
thought such a vote could possibly
defeat Pompidou.
President Charles de Gaulle's
prestige would be damaged by cen-
sure, but his tenure in office
would not be affected. Touring
Romania on a state visit, he an-
nounced a nationwide speech May
24, presumably dealing with the
student crisis.

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Zion
Church is situated a bit north of the heart of Detroit's 1967 riot
zone. A few blocks away is the "Black Christ" of the Sacred Heart
Seminary, painted that color during the riot, returned to its stand-
ard plastery white by parishioners, then painted black again by
order of the parish priests. A few store fronts are still boarded-up
shells, and every few blocks a pile of rubble rises from the space
once occupied by a resale shop or a gas station.
But inside St. Paul's, there are few indications that 43 persons
lost their lives in these streets less than a year ago. The audience
gathered there consists of delegates to the 38th Quadrennial Ses-
sion of the A.M.E. Zion Church. They are largely middle-class, or
close to it. The throaty hymns being sung inside the building that
once belonged to Congregation B'nai Moshe (innumerable Stars of
David are still visible, on windows, 'on chandeliers, painted on the
walls) serve as a prelude to the big event of the day's meeting.
Hubert Horatio Humphrey, the druggist's son from Minnesota, is

Viv ian seeks return
to Congressional- seat
Democrat Weston E. Vivian,
.. who represented the Second Con-
,...gressional District in the U.S.
+ House of Representatives from
1965 to 1967, announced yester-
day he will seek to return to the
same office in the coming elec-
Vivian was defeated in the 1966
election by Ann Arbor Republi-
can'Marvin L. Esch, who pres-
Sently fills the Second District


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