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May 10, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-10

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See editorial page

(ZI rP

Lit 43i~aU

4'm3m a t

Light breeze;'
slight chance of rain

Vol. LXXVII1, No. 8-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, May 10, 1968

Ten Cents

Eight Pages




Russian troops
P i
Soviets move through Poland;
Western diplomats detained
WARSAW ON' - Western military attaches "positively
identified" Soviet troops heading through Poland yesterday
n the direction of Czechoslovakia, informed sources reported
ast night. This followed a Polish Communist party statement
demanding that anti-Communist trends in Czechoslovakia be
"forcibly silenced."
The attaches indicated the troops were heading west-
ward, south of the city of Krakow, about 45 miles from the
Czechoslovak border.
The Poles, angered by Czechoslovakia's free-swinging
press which had accused the Gomulka regime of anti-Semit-
ism, produced a unified barrage in Warsaw's newspapers

may os
JJ.S. loans
iX ANThT OfVC17TM t 1PSmtfl T.,,..
votedyesterda torfs

against "hostile forces" push-
ing Prague along the road to
But in Moscow, diplomatic sour-
ces said Soviet-Czechoslovak re-
lations, while troubled by Prague's!
sweeping liberalization, showed no
signs of being so disturbed as to"
provoke a show of force. Other,
sources said the troop movement
could be part of planned Warsaw
Pact maneuvers.
Rumors of possible Soviet mil-

$63 million
The House Appropriations
Committee yesterday reported to
the floor a bill recommending re-
storation of $2.3 million to the
University's 1968-69 general funds
Tn March, the Senate passed a
bill which would provide 861.3
million. The House committee's
bill asks for a $63.6 million ap-
The bill now must be acted'
upon by the House and returned
to the Senate for concurrence.
The House bill still includes a
large cut from the University's
original request of $75.6 million
and is substantially lower than
Gov. George Romney's $64.7 pil-
lion 'recommendation.
University Executive Vice Pres-
ident Marvin Niehuss indicated he
is fairly pleased with the increase.
"Starting wheire we were," he
said. "the House committee did
as well as could be expected."
The increase recommend-ed by
the committee, Niehuss said, in-
cludes $1.8 million which was cut
from the bill by the Senate dgue
to an error in calculation.
Chairman of the Senate Appro-
priations C o m m i t t e e Frank
Beadle (R-St. Clair) declined
comment on the bill, but said
that if there is a mistake in the
figures used by the Senate, these
will be recognized and rectified.
In addition, the House com-
mittee cut a section from the bill
requiring schools with less than
20 per cent out-of-state enroll-
ment to limit increases in the
number of non-Michigan students.
Remaining in the bill, however,
is a provision barring state schools1
with over 20 per cent out-of-state



-Associated Press
Ready for Paristalki
Ambassador W. Averell Harriman and special envoy Cyrus Vance leave Andrew Air Force Base for
the preliminary Vietnam negotiations, scheduled to begin today. See related story, page 3.

w~~~~ roritv1 Nv)--The House .
voted yesterday to refuse federal itary intervention to halt Czech- SCHOOL ELECTION:
financial support to any student oslovakia's liberalization policy
who takes part in a campus up- f were discussed in the Prague labor
rising t that disrupts a college's newspaper Prace Tuesday; an A
operations. editorial said it was "unbelievable"
The decision as to whether a that the Soviet Union could un-
tudet hs ben ivoled n adertake any such "adventurist"
campus demonstration would be policy. By MARCIA ABRAMSON 'represents an increase of 7.16 distussion at Wednesday's meet-
left to the college authorities un- , In Poland, the movements of Bill Ayers, director of the Chil mills and a renewal of 4.5 mills. ing in which trustee Paul x-. John-
der the provision- some Western diplomats were re- Ayers has been active for the son charged the school board and
With frequent references to the - dren's Community, yesterday be- past year in Ann Arbor Citizens administration with "fiscal irre-
Wrinth suet eferens to - thcame the sixth candidate for elec- for New Politics and worked as sponsibility."
uprisings that shut 'down -Colum-
bia University and have swept ported an American political of- tion to the Board of Education a community organizer in Cleve- The Board calls the mil"e a
jampuses across the nation, the ficer on his way toward the Czech June 10 when three seats will be land. He has lived in Ann Arbor: "life or death" proposal. if passed,
'Mouse. members overwhelmingly border from Warsaw was turned filled. for five years and holds a degree the proposal would increase taxes
approved the provision by a 306- back. The British Foreign Office The election will also ask voters from the University in American 31 per cent and provide an oner-
54 roll call vote. Final passage said two of its military attaches to approve an 11.66 mill five year culture. ating budget of nearly $17.5 mil-
then came on a 348 to 5 vote. operational levy which was offi- The Childrens Community is an lion. The Ann Arbor Teachers As-
Offered by Rep. Louis C. Wy- had been prevented from leaving cially placed on the ballot at the experimental school for four to sociation believes an even larger
man (R-N.HJ, it would provide the Polish capital. Board's meeting Wednesday. This eight year olds in Ann Arbor. bduget is necessary, AATA presi-
that no funds under the student.----. - - "The crying need is to liberate dent Donald Newsted said at the
d programs could go to any the kids from the suffocating regi- meeting.
student who willfully refuses to mentation that passes for educa- The 11.66 mill levy was origin-
obey a lawful ordr of the college ! . tion," Ayers said. "We need to be- ally scheduled for a May 13 vote
authorities and is determined by gin to build a school structure which was cancelled because of a
those authorities to have taken that offers choices to kids, offers legal technicality. \
part activities that lead to a them freedom, allows for unfet-
disruption of operations at the { arLIS l S 'IIn tered creativity and growth.
college. Although this kind of education UAW to hold
The House also adopted amend- By NADINE COHODAS efforts in his behalf, but explain- cannot be attained without radi-
nenyts that uldeny no f the CHICAGO - Staughton Lynd ed he could not take part in these c stainal changes ca ber add e, FL C dues
crimes /arising out of college dept a fuiltime teaching position Campus demonstration began Cincluding an attempt to abolish
demonstrations or of inciting or at Roosevelt University unless Monday after President Weil re- the state attendance law, inclusion ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. WP) -
taking part in a riot. I jected. on ad1 homii ~grounds the of adequate study of black history The United Auto Workers Union

-Associated Press

Calptu red sulper in Saigon


V.C attack near
center of Saigon

SAIGON (,I)-The Viet Cong hit
hard at Saigon from three sides
vesterdav on the eve of the Paris


enrollment from increasing the peace talks, pushing closer to the
number or percentage of non- center of the South Vietnamese
resident students. capital than at any time since the
Enrollment at the University}start of the five-day-old Commu-
is 25 per cent out-of-state. nist offensive.

SALARY INCREASES But a U.S. spokesman said
The House bill also includes American forces had smashed a
$120.000 increase in funds used Viet Cong drive to push into the
to pay salaries of interns and capital from the south and east.
residents at the University Medi- It was Saigon's worst day since

Wyman Included in his amend-
pient a provision that it was notI
* limit in any way a student's
right to verballytprotest or express

amnesty is granted to the L3 stut- "
dents arrested during Wednes- history department's unaminous
day's sit-in at university Presi- recommendation for Lynd's ap-

dent Weil's office.
In a mid-afternoon statement
Lynd expressed gratitude for the

Strike stymies
Ad building
So close and yet so far away.
The new Administration Building is only two weeks short
of completion, but strikes by the Communications Workers
of America, Ann Arbor local, and Carpenters local 512 are hold-
ing up the occupancy dalle indefinitely.
The situation is complicated by the impending moves of the
sociology, geography, and journalism departments and the
literary college deans' offices into the present administration
building. These changes are contingent on the vacating of office
space in the present administration building scheduled to' move
into the new building.
Paul Spradlin, literary college administrative assistant says
"We need to get things going as soon as possible. It is imperative
that we move into the old building before the beginning of the
fall semester." Spradlin is in charge of directing the move into
the present building, which will be called the Literature, Science
and the Arts Building.
"If we can't make the fall date, we will have to go with
a temporary plan that could cause major problems," Spradlin
adds. He is going on the assumption that the fall date will be
reached with several weeks. Moving during the semester would
be "chaotic," he says.
The original completion date for the $2.5 million building
was mid-May, and would have been reached -had it not been
for the strikes says John Weidenbach, Director of Plant Exten-
sion. A revised date has not been set due to the uncertainty of1
the labor situation. The building cannot be occupied without
telephone service, and some floor covering remains to be installed
by the carpenters, says Weidenbach.
"We will be able to move into most of the building two
weeks after the telephone installers go back to work," he ex-
plained, but the 'few areas in the building that require floor
covering installation will not be ready for occupancy until the
carpenters go back to work.
lhe overall scheme of the literary college move to their
new building has been one of consolidation of departmental

Following two days of picket-
ing, 30 Roosevelt students re-
mained outside of Weil's office
Tuesday night. Twenty-three of
the students were later arrested.
Weil, who stayed away from
the campus during the Wednes-
day incident, termed the students
"willful lawbreakers" and said
the administrative council had no
choice but to call the police.
The students, arrested on tres-
passing charges and each held
on $250 bond, were released yes-
Opposing threatened student
suspensions, the faculty has or-
ganized a committee to register
its disapproval with administra-
tion tactics.
The student said, "Lynd is the
kind of professor we've always
had here." During the McCarthy
era, he continued, several pro-I
fessors spoke out openly and were
consequently investigated along
with the school. These professors,
he claimed, were "even worse
than Lynd."
In recent years, however, aca-
demic freedom has been stifled. As
a result, the Roosevelt student
said, many teachers have left like
"rats deserting a sinking ship."
Prof. Shaw Livermore, Jr., of
University's history department,
said it is hard "to separate Lynd
the historian and Lynd the ac-
tivist." Livermore contended he
is "a very presentable character
and a very gentlemanly guy."
However, Livermore added, Lynd
presents potential difficulty since
he is "a very insistent activist. It
is absolutely inevitable he's go-
ing to cause trouble. There are
always people who will say 'What
the hell you got a guy like that
working for you.'"
Asked about Weil's ad hominem
stand Livermore replied, "You
don't hire views You hir nenle

and creation of student-faculty last night overwhelmingly ap- cal School, and an increase of Sunday, and new fears swept
committees to evaluate programs proved a resolution directing $125,000 for plant equipment end across the city. Jets roared across
and institute changes. union leaders to withhold dues maintenance at the Flint campus. the heart of the city, and moments
Ayers also emphasized establish- approximately $1 million a year Niehuss said the increase In- later the thud of 500-pound
ment of joint student, teacher and from the AFL-CIO. cues 000 t be use o bombs was heard. They shook the
local community control of school The action virtually challenges eaching purposes at the comput- downtown section.
environment. "High school and the AFL-CIO to expel the UAW, j ing center, but that thiss.not Blocks of Saigon's southern and
community groups have alreadylagsuno intefdrin specifically listed in the bill.
begunt orgnize a thisy i largest union in the federation The House bill also includes a eastern sections were destroyed
begun to organize around this is- with a membership it claims at new section requesting the Re- under the pounding of U.S. and
sue of control," Ayers said. "We 1.6 million. n sSouth Vietnamese dive-bombers
hope to involve large numbers f Delegates to the UAW conven- priation requests for the Flint and and helicppter gunships.
students, teachers and commun- tion have threatened to withdraw Dearborn centers. Some houses were set afire by
ity people " " from the federation unless the The bill also lists an appropria- the Viet Cong to cover their
Among the opponents Ayers AFL-CIO executive council calls tion of $150,000 for expansion of movements.
will face are two incumbents: Mrs. a special convention by next Dec. the dental school - a provision The heavy fighting drove count-
Frances Felback, wife of a Uni- 15 to consider demands for "re- thleadentasschool -eSatoein Tehayfihigdoecut
versitys prfesr kwfe mechanial form an revitalizatio'n."- already passed by the Senate less thousands of anguished ci-
.r oe l mv abut Niehuss said this figure should vilians streaming across two
engineering, who is finishing her Under AFL-CIO rules, a mem- read $650.000. bridges into the center of the
first thee-year erm onbredbes unonomayhb expelle iffithi
ofirst three-year term on the her uniontmay be expelled if it is However, correction of the fig- city, and swelled the ranks of the
Board; and Dr. Harold J. Lockett, three months behind in dues pay-ure would not alter the total ap- homeless to more than 50,000.
a child psychiatrist, who is also ments. The UAW will be three propriation, because both the Sen- .
ompleting his first term. months behind next Wednesday. ate figure of $61 3 million and the esidennatin etvision i
Other candidates are Duane There have been reports from House figure of $63.6 million as-we to amdte le.Hni
Renken, an employe of Bendix Washington that the federation sume the expense of the dental effrts to calm the populace. He
Aerospace Divisions; Richard M. might act on the , delinquency school expansion is $650,000, Nie- urged South Vietnam's people not
Wood, an attorney; and Cecil W. within the week. huss said. to be misled by what he termed
Warner, a senior engineering ad- UAW President Walter P. Reu- The bill includes an increase of. Communist propaganda and not
ministrator at Bendix Aerospace. ther estimated no, more than 200 $4.8 million over the Senate's bill to participate in nationwide dem-
Robert E. Doerr, vice president of 3,000 convention delegates op- for all state schools. Both bills onstrations h said the Commun
of the Board, has announced that posed the resolution. are lower than Gov. Romney's ists were planning.
he will not seek re-election. Meanwhile, the union began recommendation of $229.1 million. He, warned that the national
Decision to ask for the 11 66 making plans to go it alone if it The House bill would provide $227 police were under orders to fire
mill levy followed 90 mninutes of withdraws from the federation. million, into crowds if Communist direct-

ed demonstrations threatened gov-
ernment installations.
President Ho Chi Minih called
on the Viet Cong to step up the
fight against U.S. "aggression,"
said Radio Hanoi.
The U.S. Command called in
hundreds more infantrymen, tanks
and helicopter gunships to meet
the Viet Cong drive, which late
Wednesday had appeared to be
tapering off.
There were reports, however,
that the Viet Cong had brought
up reinforcements through the
night, covering their infiltration
with diversionary shelling at oth-
er points.
newri ghts
More than 200 white residents
of the AnnbArbor area met at the
First Presbyterian Church last
nighW to agree on plan, for a
new local civil rights group,rthe
Coalition for Racial Justice.
The group was originally con-
ceived at a meeting of 250 mem-
bers in the Ann Arbor Community
Center during the week after the
assassination of Martin Luther
King. An acting executive com-
mittee of 15 was designated at
the meeting.
Members of the group have
since cooperated with the Black
Forum inmweekly picketing of City
Council meetings to protest Mayor
Wendell Hulcher's appointments
to the county Board of Super-
visors and the Housing Commis-
The Coalition dedicated itself to
an attempt to "advance social
justice for Negroes and the poor
in Ann Arbor," and to provide
machinery through which other
groups working for this goal may
combine their efforts.
To this purpose the Coalition
has sent letters to more than 100
community groups inviting them
to attend a meeting on May 28 in
the Community Center to discuss
the aims of the organization and
solicit their active support.
The Coalition will meet once a
month to discuss and approve
committee activities and coopera-
tive services: Between these meet-

Panel advises .end to auto rules,

A joint committee on student
vehicle regulations is expected
next week to call for the for-
mal abolition of the Univer-
sity's long-standing bar against
student driving on campus.
The Joint University-City
Committee on Student Vehicle
Regulations, an ad hoc commit-
tee created by the Regents at
their March meeting, has dis-
cussed the issue for the past
two weeks in an attempt to de-
termine the effects of an im-

driving regulations last Novem-
ber claiming "the Regents con-
stitutional authority to govern
the internal affairs of the Uni-
versity cannot be extended to
infringe upon the legislative
right to tax 'and license."
University student vehicle
regulations currently permit
students over 21 or with sec-
ond semester junior standing to
have cars in Ann Arbor. Provi-
sions are also made for stu-
dents living over a mile and a
half away from the campus

removal of the regulations. A
study made by the Institute for
Social Research estimates this
new ruling would result in 2500
new vehicles.
However, according to Koen-
eke, the increase in student
owned vehicles would be much
less. He cites a 1965 survey col-
lected by SGC which indicates
that only 25 per cent of those
students who own cars do bring
cars to campus due tq the ve-
hicle regulations.
City Traffic and Parking Di-

These facts won't be available
until September. At this time
the first part of a study of Ann
Arbor vehicle problems will be
completed. The three month
preliminary study estimating
the number of parking spaces
and a study of vehicle flows
will be followed by a sec-
ond study aimed at discovering
possible solutions to , the ve-
hicle problems.
The vehicle committee is also
considering the possible estab-
lishment of a permanent stu-
dent-community committee to


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