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May 09, 1968 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-09

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Thursday, May 9, 1968


Page Three

Pag Tre

* Poor people's
momentum in

drive gains



MONTGOMERY, Ala. (A"-The Authorities told the group
Poor People's Campaign, utilizing march was illegal because
marching feet and air-conditioned route differed from the one
buses, gained momentum from proved when a parade permit
Maine to Mississippi yesterday. issued.
The campaign was conceived by The route the marchers war
the late Martin Luther King in to take was near the State Cap
an effort to secure poverty legis- where the body of Alamaba C
lation from Congress. Lurleen Wallace lay in state. H
The Southern leg of the cam- dreds of mourners wound up
paign ran into a temporary road- capitol steps between lines of s
block in Alabama's capital city troopers. Other troopers, wea
when police halted a march. helmets and holding guns eq


ped with bayonets, were nearby.,
After some discussion, about 150
marchers later decided to walk
the desired route as individuals,
and there were no incidents.
Other campaign activity picked
up steam in Mississippi, Illinois,
Indiana and Maine.
The Northeast section of the
march began at Brunswick, Maine,
with marchers outnumbered by
newsmen. About 20 persons, in-
cluding one Negro and a Passa-
maquaddy Indiana, marched while
about two dozen newsmen watch-
ed. Additional marchers are ex-
pected to join along the route
to Washington.
About 300 travelers, most of
them Negroes, rode air-conditioned
buses from Marks, Miss., to Mem-
phis, Tenn. in a trek through Ten-
nessee and Virginia en route to
Washington. The Rev. James
Bevel, an official of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference
which is spearheadingfthe cam-
paign, said he expected about 400
persons to be aboard for the trip
ta Nashville, Tenn., the scheduled
night stop.
Workers at Marks, Miss. as-
sembled wagons for a mule train
leaving tomorrow.
Bus loads of poor people from
Milwaukee and St. Paul were to
join a similar group late today in
Chicago for a rally, then traveling
by bus to South Bend, Ind., for a
brief stop before spending the
night in Indianapolis. SCLS spo-
kesmen expected about 1,500 per-
sons in the group leaving Chicago.

. i
V {

full peace talks
French foreign minster says
broad negotiations probable
PARIS 0 - French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de
Murville strengthened the impression yesterday that full
scale Vietnam peace talks will develop in Paris from the com-
ing preliminary negotiations between North Vietnam and the
United States.
Couve de Murville said he believed the U.S. and North
Vietnamese representatives intended to hold broad peace
negotiations as well .as discussing what Hanoi calls the pre-

-Associated Press
ENROUTE TO PARIS, Xuan Thui, left, chief of North Vietnam's peace negotiators, greets Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister N. P. Firuybin and the Russian delegation in Moscow.
Losersqualify RFK -win

-Associated Press
Marchers confront Montgomery police

{ I


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*In event of rain, cancelled
---- - - - - ------- ----

ert F. Kennedy used bold black
letters yesterday to enter the In-
diana and District of Columbia
primary results in his political
ledger as resounding victories-
one over each of his opponents-
to send his Democratic presiden-
tial nomination effort off winging.
But the opposition insisted firm-
ly that under the circumstances
the outcome of the New Yorker's
first outing at the polls since his
late entry in the race didn't mean
all that much, either now or as a
Their question: Who really lost,
and how much if any?
Kennedy did win in the Tues-
day voting, and by solid margins.
In Indiana's preferencial primary
it was 42 per cent of the party
ballots and most if not all of the
63 national convention votes.
Favorite son Gov. Roger D. Bra-
nigin trailed at 31 and Minnesota's
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy at 27.
In the capital, where there were
no national candidates' names on.
the ballot, it was 60 per cent for
a Kennedy slate of 23 convention
votes, against candidates running,
with party organization backing
and pledged to Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey.
The two contests were standouts
in a day of five primaries that
produced these other results.]
-Ohio Democrats turned the
state's erstwhile champion vote-3
getter, Frank J. Lausche, out of
his Senate seat after two terms.
The victor by over 100,000 votes1
in a bitter campaign was Cin-
cinnati Councilman John J. Gil-
ligan, who ran with party organ-
ization and AFL-CIO support.
Gilligan faces Atty. Gen. William1
B. Saxbe, runaway winner for thel
GOP nomination, in November.

-In Florida a, run off election
may be held to settle the battle
between former Gov. Leroy Col-
lins and Atty. Gen. Earl Fair-
cloth, indications if absentee bal-
lots do not decide the Democratic
nomination for the Senate seat
that ailing George A. Smathers is
The winner's November oppo-
nent will be Rep. Edward Gurney,
arch-conservative and landslide
GOP victor over former Mayor
Herman Goldner of St. Petersburg.
Alabama Democrats gave for-
mer Gov. George Wallace the right
to run for president at home under
the regular Democratic banner
while he campaigns outside the
state as a third party contender.
Electors pledged to him will be on
the November ballot against splin-
ter groups pledged to the national.
nominee, and a. Republican slate.
Former Vice President Richard:
M. Nixon ran alone on the Repub-
lican ticket in Indiana and drew
encouragement from the fact he
piled up a vote nearing half a mil-
lion, well above the 408,000 he got
in the 1960 primary there against
token opposition. He won all the,
26 GOP nominating votes.
Nixon interpreted that as mean-
ing he will win again in Novem-1
ber, giving no mention to his
rival, New York Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller who has entered no
Rockefeller, calling himself an
underdog, said in Minneapolis that
Indiana means "I've got a stiff
uphill fight." He did point out
that Nixon was unopposed.

Kennedy said he was "very, very
pleased" and called the two pri-
mary outcomes "very encour-
aging," but steered away from
any outright predictions, saying
"it is a long time until August"
when the nominating conventions
meet. "I'm just struggling along,"
he said.
His main strength was in cities
with concentrations of Negroes and
blue collar workers but he drew
support across the state too, ap-
parently carrying at least two-
thirds of the counties.
But McCarthy questioned what
it all means and argued he is still
the front runner on his Wisconsin
victory and showing in New

feller. The group
slate weighed for
Ronald Reagan.

soundly beat a
California Gov.

liminary question of an un-
conditional halt of U.S. bomb-
ing of the North.
The first encounter between the
delegates from Hanoi and Wash-r
ington has been tentatively set
for Friday.
Couve de Murville's remarks,
made at a French Cabinet meet-
ing and reported by Information
Minister George Gorse, tended to
confirm what diplomatic sources
here have been saying since last
Friday, when the United States
and North Vietnam agreed to es-
tablish "initialxcontact" in Paris.
French diplomats said privately
they expected the opening talks
between, chief U.S. negotiator W.
Averell Harriman and Xuan Thui,
Hanoi's delegate, to continue be-
yond the bombing issue and,
broach the political questions at
the heart of the war.
State Department officials in
Washington cautiously agreed
with Couve de Murville's view
while tending to be wary of pre-
dicting what course the North
Vietnamese will take.
'We will have to wait and see
how the talks develop," one offi-
cial said. "It will depend upon
how North Vietnam decides to
play the negotiations."
One diplomat in Paris said the
first contacts could be easily de-
veloped into a peace conference
In Washington, President John-
son, speaking as his envoys pre-
pared to leave for preliminary
peace talks with North Vietnam,
declared last night that the United
States is pledged to honor its com-
mitments in Asia "scrupulously."

! TO
SAIGON (M)-The Communist
comand's new drive against Saigon
slackened yesterday on the eve of
preliminary Vietnam peace talks
in Paris.
Early today, the rumble of ex-
plosions echoed in downtoWn Sai-
gon, apparently fr-om the fighting.
The U.S. Command said that
since the enemy attack opened
Sunday, 2,002 Viet Cong and
North Vietnamese troops have
been killed in what one officer
called the enemy's "peace talk
offensive." y x
In and around Saigon, the Viet
Cong and the North Vietnamese
kept up a ground attack since
Most of the fighting during the
day was between U.S. and South
Vietnamese forces and the Viet
Cong in the southern edge of Cho-
lon, the Chinese part of the capi-
tal. The Viet Cong were seen dig-
ging bunkers in the rubble of
burned out homes.
To keep the Viet Cong from in-
filtrating into the capital, author-
ities imposed a 24 hour curfew
on the western half of Saigon.
In Washington, the Pentagon
is remaining close mouthed on
how North Vietnam was able to
infiltrate 80,000 to 100,000 troops
into South Vietnam this year des-
pite a $1 billion obstacle system
below the DMZ.
Defense officials have apparent-
ly chosen to ignore all questions
about the effectiveness of the an-
ti-infiltration setup, announced
last Sept. 7 by Robert S. McNa-
mara, then secretary of defense.
, McNamara ordered officials at
the time not to discuss operational
details which might help the ene-
my learn how to overthrow the
The Defense Deparment has
extended this cloak of secrecy to
cover such questions as how much
tax money has been and will be
spent on the barrier, and whether
the system is having any discern-
able effect on infiltration.
Past, present and future spend-
ing figures on the project-code
named Dye Marker"Muscle Shoals
-have been stamped classified.
Cost estimates were deleted by
Pentagon censors from recently
released testimony by defense of-
ficials who appeared earlier this
year before the Senate Armed
Services Committee.

World news roundup

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - Leaders of four
Communist East European coun-
tries following the Kremlin's or-
thodox policies flew into Moscow
today for an unannounced meet-
ing with Soviet leaders. Czecho-
slovakia was conspicuously ab-
The purpose of visits, announced
by Radio .Moscow, was not re-
The group included Todor Zhiv-
kov of Bulgaria, Janos Kadar of
Hungary, Walter Ulbricht of East
Germany and Wladsylaw Gomulka

government, had been in Moscow
over the weekend for talks. They
were said not to have gone well.
Yesterday the Kremlin openly at-
tacked Czechoslovakia's reforms
for the first time.
-* * *
NEW YORK-The Congress of
Racial Eqality - CORE - praised
Republican presidential hopeful
Richard M. Nixon yesterday for
having seen "the relevance of
black power." At the same time
it criticized Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy, charging he wanted "white
people" to control Negro programs.
So far as is known,, this is the
first time a major Negro organ-
ization has publicly praised and
criticized major contenders for the
presidential nomination. In neither
case, however, did it amount to'
an endorsement or a repudiation.
Because he offers a new $1 bil-
lon program for Negro self help,
CORE said Nixon is "the only
presidential candidate who is
moving in the direction of CORE's

BEAT REAGAN . of Poland. Beisdes Czechoslovakia,
The former vice president also Yugoslavia and Romania-both
gathered in six national conven- renegades within the Soviet bloc
tion votes in the District of Co- -did not attend the meeting.
lumbia, with the other thi'ee on Alexander Dubcek, the leader
an agreed slate going to Rocke- of Czechoslovakia's new liberal

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