See editorial page
flr Ae
43 41P
a t t
Chance of showers
cooler tomorrow
Vol. LXXV11, No. 7-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, May 9, 1968 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Sta ughton
Lyn d
Staughton Lynd - history
professor, anti-war protester,
and champion of dissent - is
between jobs once again.
The former Yale faculty
member, involved in a similar
situation last August when the
Board of Governors of Illinois
State Colleges refused to ratify
his contract with Chicago State
College, is once again embroiled
in a hiring dispute with his em-
ployer, the administration of
Roosevelt University.
At Roosevelt, where Lynd
has been teaching on a 'part
time basis for one year, his bid
for full,-time appointment has'
been rejected by university
president Rolf Weil.
Lynd had received unanimous
support from the history fac-
ulty who recommended his ap-
pointment March 1. Weil, how-
ever, rejected the department's
recommendation on3 ad homin-
em grounds.
Weil says he is not opposed
to Lynd's views nor is his re-
jection of the Lynd appoint-
ment for budgetary reasons.
He is, however, opposed to
Lynd's methods.
"He doesn't like my style,"
Lynd told a news conference
last weekend. "He's seen pic-
tures of me picketing, he knows
I'm against the use of the Na-
tional Guard to control civil
disobedience. He doesn't like
my style."
Neither the faculty nor the
student body has remained si-
lent on the Lynd issue, how-
ever.,On April 29 several fac-
ulty members organized the
Committee for Academic Free-
dom in Illinois. The committee
is designed to aid professors in
situations similar to Lynd's.
The Roosevelt history de-
partment also sent out fact
sheets explaining the details of
the case. In April they sent a
petition to Weil asking for his
reconsideration on the Lynd
History department chair-
man Jack J. Roth summarized
the situation. "The Lynd af-
fair has become a kind-of aca-
demic Kitty Genovese case," he
told the Roosevelt newspaper,
The Torch. "The shades. are
drain. And -no one has come
out to help."
The students,. too. have
launched an active protest.
Student senate president Mark
Dean led -continued picketing
by both students and faculty
Monday, continued picketing
Tuesday, and a sit down strike
While the campus is not
wholly united in the Lynd af-
fair - some don't care and
others are opposed to the whole
matter - the university com-
munity is in agreement on two
basic ideas: The issue at stake
is how appointments are made
and, the principle hanging in,
the balance is academic free-
Lynd says that Weil's ad ho-
minem stand is a true violation
of academic freedom. He insists
that it is virtually impossible
to divorce an idea from its ex-
pression, as Weil is doing in his
Lynd adds, though, that ,he
would abide by any decision the
president finally makes. He will
take no personal actions to
override this ruling.
He also says he is definite-
ly looking for work. In the
event the Weil ruling is over-
turend, however, Lynd says he
would feel a "strong commit-
ment" to accept the Roosevelt
position because of the student
and faculty support.
Lynd himself has not encour-
aged any picketing or demon-
strating, though he has ex-
pressed gratitude for the ef-
-forts in his behalf. He explained
he did not want to exert any
pressure on either the students
or the faculty to protest. He
told reporters that these efforts
must be based on the partici-
pants' feelings about the issues,
rather than on his (Lynd's)
Throughout the whole af-
fair. President \Weil has re-
mained adamant on his ruling.
At one time, he contended he
"had something" on Lynd but
later denied the charge.
Lynd said in his news con-
ference that he has "nothing,
to hide, and nothing the pres-
ident could make public would'
cause me embarassment." t
In his August, 1967, dispute
at CSC, Lynd aroused consider-
able controversy when he filed
suit against Chicago State Col-
lege (CSC) for breach of con-
At that time Lynd said he
had received a written agree-
ment from CSC for a full time
teaching position there. How-
ever, after moving his family to
Chicago, Lynd was told the
Board of Governors of Illinois
State Colleges had refused his
appointment by a 5-1 vote. It
opposed Lymd's 1965 visit to
North Vietnam.
The board contended that
Lynd's actions were in defiance
of the State Department, and
his "espousal of nonviolent dis-
obedience goes beyond mere
Lynd sued the Illinois board
for $264,000 damages, includ-
ing his promised $14,000 a year
salary and $250,000 worth of
damage to his reputation.
After a short period of litiga-
tion, an Illinois circuit court
dismissed the suit.
taughion F Lyn
fails to
Special To The Daily,
MIDLAND - Over 400 people;
converged on the Dow Chemical
Co.'s annual stockholders' meet-
ing yesterday to. protest the com-
pany's production of , napalm B
+ for use in the Vietnam war.
However, the group, led by the
Rev, Richard Fernandez, execu-
tive secretary of Clergy and Lay-
men Concerned About Vietnam
(CALCAV), failed to convince the
protest by
Ta bike passes
stockholders to cease production stockholders because they were
of the incendiary chemical, not appr'ised of it in advance.
CALCAV was represented in the Gerstacker did, however, allow}
meeting by 27 people with proxies, an "advisory" showing of hands .. .:.......
but Dow's board of directors was on the question. When members
ready for them, holding proxies of the audience were asked if
for 85.5 per cent of the company's they supported Dow's continued
common stock, production of napalm, every hand
A vote on the napalm question but those of the CALCAV repre-
was blocked by chairman of the sentatives appeared to be raised. : «
board Carl Gerstacker, who ruled A CALCAV representative, Dan- .
the motion was illegal, and in ad- i e J. Bernstein, a member of the
dition, that it was unfar to the New York Stock Exchange, also ,.-...".
attempted and failed to elect .
Marriner Eccles, chairman of the<
Federal Reserve Board under
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
. ! ~to the board of directors. R-LC OR
Instead,' the 17 current mem- '
bens aof the board were re-elected
r with over 25 million votes each
to Eccles' 1,212. Protester wit hi 1poster COil f
The audience of 1200 stockhold- +
~.Irepresentatives and often ap- $A R~iv iN
plauded Gerstacker when he sup-
ported the company's production
of napalm.
there to die," Gerstacker said. "we
Approves 86 billion speIdin Cut;
com1nprooiise facing, Senate, House
WASHINGTON ( - Senate-House conferees agreed last
night on a $10 billion income tax increase aid a $6 billion
cut in spending during the next /year.
The tax would be in the form of a 10 per cent surcharge.
on existing taxes, as President Johnson proposed.
The $6-billion spending cut is the figure passed by the
Senate, which Johnson said was excessive and against the
national interest.
There was no immediate .indication when the comprom-
ise might be ,submitted to the -House and Senate, but it
could not be earlier than nex't week. The conference did not
finish work on the comllex -
bill. f
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, (D-I I i
Ark.), told newsmen after a'nine-lls X-
hour interrupted session that he
could announce two decisions -
o the tax and spending leve
He called the conference to re-j
convene today to consider other.
aspects of the bill.
Mills said the agreement in-
cluded a spending ceiling of $180.1 neasy ,
billion for the fiscal year begin-
ning July 1, compared with a NEW YORK (P-Concessions
budget figure of $186.1 billion. byt. school administrators lulled
There was no immediate indi- student unrest on some U.S. cam-
cation where the cuts might be puses yesterday, but continiing
applied. demonstrations elsewhere were
The combination of tax increase marked by a hardening attitude on
-Daly-Jay L. Cassidy
ronts the 'establishinent"
ibers game
are going to support them."
Gerstacker also said many of
the facts used in the CALCAV
materials were in error, including
the amount of profits the com-
pany makes annually, and what
percentage of its business is in-.
volved in napalm production.
Commenting on Gerstacker's
justification, for the use of
napalm, John Robert Ross, a'
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology student, who proposed the
resolution 1on napalm said. "The
same argument can be used for
poison gas or the atom bomb."
Regardless of personal opinion
of the war, Ross said, "Should'
any war be fought the way we
are fighting in Vietnam?" There
is a "free strike zone" composed
By HENRY GRIX But there is no way to know
The world seems to be conspir- for sure. Paris peace talks might
ing to give University enrollment ease draft pressure or the cum-
experts a hard time. Circum- bersome selective service machin-
stances, varying from the un- ery might be crow in operating.
certain draft status of graduate Meanwhile, undergraduate en-
students to the absence of a reg- rollment, while fairly stable, is
istrar, have reduced the vaguely posing a serious problem for ad-
scientific job of predicting enroll- . missions officers. A jump in the
mbnt figures to pure guesswork. number of college-bound high
"The only certain thing I can school seniors, which began in
tell you about enrollment in the 1964, has hit undergraduate units,
fall is that I'm uncertain as heck," particularly the literary college.
says Ernest R. Zimmermann, an Lacking sufficient budget to
assistant to the University vice pace price escalation and accom-
president for academic affairs. modate more students, the Uni-.
Zimmermann has unofficially versity has been forced to cut
performed much of the registrar's costs. This includes putting a
work since the University has been freeze on enrollment.
unable to find a successor to Ed- Accounting for the increase in
ward G. Groesbeck who left that qualified applicants, admission
position last year to become aca- has become more competitive, de-
to cut any. A compromise was
reached and LSA agreed to keept
freshmen enrollment at the 1967
level of 2970 as long as 180 fewer
transfer applicants were admit-s
The immediate consequences of
the literary college's decision to
cut enrollment are beginning to
reverberate through the admis-,
sions office. The March 1 dead-
line for transfer applications has
been strictly enforced this year
for the first time.
And in the coming 'weeks, the-
office will have to' assess the4
number of acceptances and rejec-
tions and admit students within
the limit imposed by LSA.
But this year, with budget woesj
in sight, the University cannot af-
ford to miscount.
- applying both to corporations both sides.
and individuals. - and spending , An attorney representing 11 stu-
cuts would be calculat'ed to reduce dents, alumni and faculty mem-
by $16 billion a budget deficit bers of New York's Columbia Uni-
that 2 lsbeen estimated as high \versity asked for a federal 'court
as d $25 billion,sn injunction to halt disciplinary ac-
The administration and the tion arising from recent campus
Federal Reserve Board for months I disorders.
have been urging deficit-shrink- I
ing action to ward off inflation The petition.also sought to pre-
at home and bolster faith in the vent further action by city police
dollar abroad, ending -,any sus- who last week forcibly removed
picion that it would be devalued sit-in demonstrators from a num-
Mills said the effective date of ber of school buildings.
-Daily-Jay L. Cassidy
Stockholders pass aisle of pickets
Sday In Dow-own
By URBAN LEHNER of directors (he lost: all but 17
Co-Editbr incumbent directors were re-
Special To The Daily elected with totals of at least 25
M I DL A ND - "Most of the million votes).
stockholders in attendance at this The regular stockholders lis-
meeting are from Midland or the tened'. politely but they were
immediate surrounding area," clearly uneasy. Occasionally Ger-j
warned Dow Chemical Company stacker would speak in rebuttal,
Board Chairman Carl A. Ger- and after each rejoinder the
stacker. "They probably don't stockholders cheered enthusias-
, form a representative cross- ~ tically. Most of the stockholders
sample of our stockholders." present were indeed Midland res-
the tax inrease would be as spe-
cified in the Senate-passed bill.
This would be retroactive to Jan
See CONGRESS, Page 3
of two-thirds of Vietnam in demic vice president of Hardin-!
which "random shelling with Simmons College in Texas.
'napalm" takes place, he noted. Together with the deans of the
After the vote on napalm, various schools and colleges, Zim-
Michael Brann, a' graduate stu- mermann is responsible for pre-
dent at Purdue, told the stock- paring enrollment predictions.
holders that since the vote had 'The administrator is most con-
failed, it might be necessary to, cerned about graduate school en-
"refuse to allow Dow to make rollment, because the uncertainty{
napalm."' He suggested civil dis- of draft laws makes guesswork of
obedience as one tactic that predictions.
might be used. Although his enrollment predic-I
At the close of the debate on tions for last fall came within'
napalm, Fernandez told the stock- one per cent of the actual figure,
holders, "We have laid before you Zimmermann is worried that the
today, In a very American way, draft may take 10 or even 20
what was on our minds. per cent of this fall's graduate en-
"We will be leaving here in an rollment, mainly from the Law
hour," he continued. "We had a School and the Rackham School
See NAPALM, Page 2 of Graduhte Studies.
spite the fact that selective ad-
mission is frowned upon by state
legislators, who feel this institu-
tion should accept all qualified,
in-state applicants.
Nevertheless, the median college
''Surgeons here ready
The university threatened, legal
action against any persons who
make- public documents alleged to
have been taken from the office
of Columbja President Grayson
Kirk by demonstrators protesting
the use of city park land as the
site of a proposed new gymnasium.
Probably not: according to the
latest Gallup Poll, nearly 50% of
the American people oppose the.
war in Vietnam. Many Dow
stockholders undoubtedly oppose
the war as well (including, per-
*gha ps, some of those who attended
the meeting).
Yet when the bald-pated Ger-
stacker asked for a sense-of-the-
Pssembly show of hands on con-
tinuing the production of Na-
palm B - the incendiary jelly-
like fluid which accounts for only
kone-half of one per cent of Dow's
annual $1.3 billion in sales but
comprises one third of the bombs
sprayed on Vietnam by American
raids and probably at least that
proportion of the suffering in this
war - all of the over 1100 stock-
holders crowded into the auditor-
idents; Dow Chemical Companyj
See SPENDING, Page 6
North Campus drives out felin
board scores for'freshmen goes up Administrative employes of
each year and more students o Stanford University in California
come from the top ten per cent returned to their desks despite a
of their high school classes. continuing sit-in by 400: students
The literary college further ag- 'A heart transplant operation willing to risk a transplant unless who 'remained for the 'third day
gravated the situation last winter may be performed within the they can get a good match. in a building which houses the of-
by announcing it intended to cut month at University Medical The tests necessary to deter- fices of the registrar, admissions
freshman enrollment, because of Center, ' spokesman said yester- mine feasability ofthe match take personnel and the dean of men.
cramped facilities and insuffi- day. about a day to perform. This The Stanford students are pro-
cient monies. They asked an en- At least two potential heart re- eliminates the possibility of a testing the suspension of seven
rollment cut of 180 freshmen. cipients at the' Medical Center transplant operation in the im- who demonstrated last November
However, the admissions office have died while awaiting suitable mediate future, the spokesman against campus recruiting by the
was "too well along the road" in new hearts which could not be said. Central IntelligenceAgency.
admitting new students to be able found in time, it was disclosed Facilities for newsmen are
yesterday. ready and waiting for the an-y CHEYNEY STATE
"Both patients considered for nouncgment of an operation. .Cheyney State College students
picianatsfirst hart nsptredor-. barricaded in the 'school's adnin-
m n cMhanirrevrs eah~rt tfaislrant ' r istration building they seized Mon-
said William Bender Jr., public M cDerm ott m day safd yesterday they will leave
information officer at the Medical the building as soon as they clean
Center. it up.
The University, which has been; buef The building appeared clean,
'preparing actively for such an John H. McDermott, treasurer but furniture was scattered about.
The students agreed to the eva-
operation since the beginning o of the Livingston County Demo- cuation after meeting with Penn-
the year, continues to wait to find cratic Party, announced Tuesday sylvania Department of Public In-
suitable donors, Bender continued. he will seek his party's nomination struction representatives, who con-
He added the problem is finding in the Second Congressional Dis- s'nted to start today an investiga-
a donor with a good heart, dying trict race. tionthe students had sought into
for other reasons, who is a close; The Democratic party's nominee the colleges facilities, curriculum,
Igenetic and blood match for a will be determined in the August faculty and finances.
..... I patient who would not survive 6 primary election. McDermott is ,
without a new heart. expected to face A. Jerome Du- CHICAGO SIT-IN
...Th. m rioal center nuhlie infor-1 Pont nf Ann Arbnr for the nomtna- At Rosevelt University. a Chi-
The Northwood Terrace As-
sociation (N/TA) was up in
arms last night - about cats.
A three month controversy
came to a head at last night's
N/TA meeting with a confron-
tation between well-represent-
ed cat lovers and a sparse but
vocal anti-cat faction of North-
wood dwellers.
The population of cats at
Northwood has grown substan-
tally since a new lnes for the
line fanciers applied pressure
for a trial period to gauge re-
action to "contained" cats -
cats kept within the apartment
24 hours a day.
Reaction from the no-cat
faction to the trial has not been
favorable. Apparently, cat own-
ers either couldn't stand to be
cooped up with cats all day, or
pitied their confined cats, let-
ting them free to roam on
North Campus.
University Housing Director
_ThnPprtrm n n -l-r r a ..i ..
Although a biologist present
at last night's meeting assured
the worried cat supporters that
the possibility of the diseases
being transmitted from cat to
man was virtually nil, Feld-
kamp will have to stand by the
University's health mentors' re-
Besides, a majority of North-
wood's occupants oppose the
presence of cats.
The rules of the new lease,
said Feldkamp, will prohibit